Kiana also said: “The squad leader also has a lot of his own knots, but it should be considered untied now.” ”

Immeasurable Tower Himeko nodded slightly: “Hmm… I was still a little worried about her, because she always understated difficult things in her heart and carried them on her shoulders. ”

“I remember she gave me the neutralizing serum to save me. Later, he failed her kindness… I have to say sorry to her. ”

Kiana nodded: “Well, I’ll tell her.” ”

Limitless Tajiko continued: “As for Nha Yi, I don’t think you need to worry about her. She’s a kind child, and that’s not going to change. ”

Hear bud clothes.

Kiana’s mood was a little lower: “Well, I understand.” Of course I believe in Nha Yi, her heart… I know. It’s just that…… Still can’t help but think about her. ”

“…… As soon as you come back here, you will remember a lot of things. ”

“Actually, what I’ve always known… I’m the one who gets the most help. ”

“Nha Yi, Bronia, class president, Teresa school principal, and Himeko-sensei.”

“I know… It is thanks to you that I have been able to get to this day, and I can continue to walk firmly in the future. ”

“But… I’m still a little worried. ”

As a teacher, Jiko asked with concern, “What are you worried about?” ”

Kiana lowered her head slightly, not daring to look into Himeko’s eyes: “I’m worried that I didn’t do well enough.” If I had figured something out earlier, everyone wouldn’t have had to worry about me, and Bud Yi wouldn’t have gone to the world snake. ”

“Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve failed everyone…”

Jiko gently put her hand on her head and said, “Kiana, let me tell you a story. ”


Kiana wondered, “Is this going to class?” ”

Infinite Tower Jizi smiled: “Why, you don’t want to hear it? ”

Kiana smiled 740: “No! I want to listen. ”

Only then did Limitless Tajiko recount: “More than ten years ago, I just went to college, and I was about the same age as Kiana. At that time, my father worked in the institute of Destiny, and what exactly was studied … I don’t know. ”

“Although he was busy at work, he was a good father. Will praise me for my good grades in school, will take time to come back to eat with me, will buy me birthday cake…”

“But suddenly one day, he left me and left this world.”

“I couldn’t accept the news of my father’s death, I couldn’t believe that that familiar face would disappear from my life so easily.”

“In conclusion… I joined Destiny and became a Valkyrie by receiving artificial stigmata. ”

“Everything I did at that time was to find out the little truth about the father’s death that was deliberately concealed; It was my obsession as a daughter that drove my Valkyrie career. ”

“But in the Valkyrie Unit, I met Captain Ragnar. She told me that Valkyries are people who bring light to the world and should not let obsession and hatred fill their hearts. ”

“She guided me to vent my dusty bitterness and found the coordinates for tomorrow for my Valkyrie career.”

“It was the first time she encouraged me [to make this not beautiful world what you want].”

“But… Compared to you, I didn’t spend much time alongside her. ”

Kiana had probably guessed the reason.

She asked cautiously, “It was the disaster in 2010…”

Limitless Himeko looked at her, “Kiana, it’s not right that the Void Law always blames you for those disasters and consequences. She can’t see people’s own choices, and she can’t tolerate those beautiful glimmers. ”

“—The next story is what I want to tell you.”

“After Captain Ragnar’s death, I sorted out her belongings. In addition to the clothes, books, and snacks that reflected the bits and pieces of life, there was also a letter pressed at the bottom of the drawer: To my dear comrades-in-arms——”

“If anyone finds this letter, it probably means I’m dead.] All the belongings left by me personally can be transferred and disposed of according to the regulations of the organization. There is nothing to worry about in this regard of pensions. 】”

“[Then next… Let me share a story in this letter. 】”

“[A few years ago, when I first became an A-class Valkyrie, I was often sent to do some aftermath work in disaster areas. But to be honest, at that time, I felt that participating in this kind of work was a waste of my talent. 】”

“[Compared to rescuing those weak and visionary civilians, destroying the enemy is the real duty of the Valkyrie, I once thought so. 】”

“[So one day, I plucked up the courage to ask the Lord Bishop who came to inspect – can I destroy the collapse by sending the Valkyrie to ask for warmth and make up for the dead?] 】”

“[Lord Bishop glanced at me, and then replied categorically, “No.] 】”

“[I was stunned. I originally thought that my impulse would inevitably lead to some preaching and even punishment. But what the adult said next made me completely change my view of my profession. 】”

“[He said—but destiny has always conveyed one’s beliefs in this way. Comrades, this is also a phrase I am going to tell you. The work we do with conviction, whether the outcome is desirable or not, is never meaningless. 】”

“We guard the good things, the things that will be good, the things that we think are important. 】”

“[They may seem small, they may seem futile.] But that’s just because it’s just a seed today. 】”

“[These seeds that nurture beauty, one day, will bloom into flowers all over the mountains.] 】”

“So don’t grieve for me, comrades. Although I have withered, I have also turned into soil and fertilizer that gives birth to hope. 】”

“And the flower of hope in the future will one day find what it wants to protect.] (bdff)】”

Speaking of which.

Limitless Taruko took a deep breath.

Another long sigh of relief: “This is Captain Ragnar’s last teaching. To be honest, I didn’t fully understand what she was trying to tell us at the time. It’s just that there is a voice in the underworld that tells me that I should go to St. Freya. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“And when that day — the moment I put on the real red armor. I suddenly recalled her words, as if by a turn of fate, and I understood everything her letter said. ”

Himeko gently stroked Kiana’s head.

He said seriously: “Kiana, I read the report of that mission—no one knows what happened in that disaster, but the out-of-control lawyer was suppressed, and Zigfei, who liberated the Heavenly Fire Saint Division, also survived. ”

“It must have been someone present who made what she thought was the right choice.”

“I think the captain must have seen something in you that she wanted to protect, something that I had seen too.”

“The captain is like this, I am the same, everyone is like this.”

“We believe you can do it, save more people, and make the world a better place.”

“And you did it, Kiana.”

“Everything you have done in Heavenly Dome City, everything you have done in Tai Void Mountain, and all that you are doing to solve the Law of Domination…”

“You’ve saved a lot of people, and those people will help many more.”

“This is the inheritance of mankind, the eternal torch.”

This story.

It’s a legacy story.

Ragnar passed on the faith he had received from Bishop Othona to Quantahime, who in turn passed it on to Kiana.

Kiana looked up at the soft gaze of Infinity Tower.

Thanks: “Thank you… Himeko-sensei. ”

“Actually, I understand… It’s just that sometimes, I can’t…”

Limitless Himeko said, “I understand your nervousness, Kiana. The more you are helped by everyone, the more you will feel like you are carrying a burden. ”

“So it’s even more important to remember – you’re never alone.”

“Become the anti-entropy of partners and companions, Teressa, the school leader who always thinks about you, and the reliable class leader Fu Hua.”

“Bronia, although she is not very expressive, she always thinks about her companions. Her actions, her progress, you can also see it. ”

“And Nha Yi, she is the gentlest child of you. So don’t worry about her, Kiana. Trust her, she will definitely make the right choice. ”

After everyone said it.

Limitless Tower Himeko brought the topic to her again: “… And you, Kiana. You are the most mischievous of my students, and the one who does not give up easily, you have the power to change everyone, and you have the power to let the people around you move forward with you. ”

“So, trust and rely on your companions, Kiana. Because they must also believe in and depend on you. ”


The other side.

When Kiana confronts the Void Lawyer.

Inside the dominance theater.

There has also been a lot of changes.

Fu Hua and Bronia are threatened with the lives of their hosts by the Law of Domination.

This also makes it difficult for them to move forward for a while.


They underestimated Bronia’s IQ.

After some analysis, Bronia guessed that this was not a circular space, but a practice of the puppet tearing down the east wall to make up for the western wall.

They are not cut off from Kiana’s space, they are just doing things visually.

So, in order to confirm the speculation.

Bronia began to calculate the weak points in the space.

Break through from it.

Things were exactly as she calculated.

After breaking through the weak point of space, the two came out of the circulating staircase.

Quickly approached Kiana’s direction.

It’s just that.

Soon he was chased by the dolls.

The puppet said angrily: “Amazing, Bronia, you will be exploited every time.” It’s like we’re all living in cheese – there are holes to drill everywhere. “。, 13/03/2023 22:35

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