The night passed.

Several people in the company all had dark circles under their eyes.

Xiao Yan was lying on the table weakly, looking at Lin Yuhao, who was still frantically tapping on the keyboard.

Asked Xiang Zhou Chongfeng: “Old Zhou, did he fight like this before?” Why don’t I remember? ”

Old Zhou was also holding black coffee.

With a wry smile, he said, “No!” I promise never again. ”

“What are you talking about? Xiao Yan, I have given you the sketches of Bud Yi, Teresa and Bronia, and the prototype of the Honkai Beast has also been designed, so you should quickly familiarize yourself. ”

“And Lao Chen, don’t sleep! I have also done a few engines that I need to use recently, so hurry up and I’ll teach you to use them! ”

Xiao Yan struggled to sit up with her arms on the table.

Looking at the composition on the computer screen in front of you, in addition to being stunning or stunning.

As an artist.

She really can’t imagine who can draw several people with very different personalities in a short period of time.

As for Lao Chen.

Now I sleep like a dead pig.

Can’t wake up at all.

Lin Yuhao shook his head helplessly: “You guys can’t do it, you’re already half dead after staying up all night.” ”

I got up and poured myself a cup of coffee.

He continued: “That’s it for today, everyone have a good rest and continue in the afternoon.” ”


There was a wail throughout the office.

Rao and Zhou Chongfeng were so frightened that they all trembled, and the coffee almost spilled out.

The old Chen who was crawling to sleep was also terrified.

He was the oldest here, and he was worried that he would die here suddenly.

Xiao Yan hurriedly begged for mercy: “President Lin!” We were wrong last night, let’s take a good rest today, tomorrow! Tomorrow we will definitely start working at full capacity! ”

The rest of the people also cast expectant eyes.

They really know it’s wrong.

If you stay up like this, your body can’t stand it.

Lin Yuhao waved his hand a little helplessly: “You guys!” Okay, today we will go to take a good rest and think about the next work. ”

“Thank you Mr. Lin! You’d better go! ”

Xiao Yan was immediately overjoyed.

Turn off your computer and get ready to go home.

Walking to Lao Chen’s side, he didn’t forget to kick his chair: “Don’t pretend to sleep, it’s time to get off work!” ”

Old Chen sat up awkwardly.

Scratching my head, I didn’t know what to say, I cleaned up my things and hurried off work.

In the huge office area, there were only Lin Yuhao and Zhou Chongfeng left at once.

“I’m ready to go home and rest, how about you?”

Lin Yuhao thought for a while and replied: “You go back first, my side will finalize the matter of hiring external voice actors, and I will go back in a while.” ”

Zhou Chongfeng patted him on the shoulder.

He said seriously: “I know that you are under a lot of pressure, but the body is the most important, if the body collapses, no matter how important the project can be completed.” ”

“Got it.”

Although in my last life I was used to the work of 007.

But he didn’t want to cross it again, and after writing down the voice actor’s application requirements in detail, he went to sleep on the sofa in the office.

I don’t know how long has passed.

A knock on the door woke him up.

Glancing at his watch.

It’s already two o’clock in the afternoon.

“I actually slept for six hours.”

Knock knock!

The knock sounded again.

Lin Yuhao immediately got up, walked through the office area, and came to the gate.

Through the glass door, I saw a twenty-something man in a denim shorts and a white blouse standing outside, carrying a crossbody backpack, holding the backpack strap tightly in his hand, and his eyes kept looking inside at the girl.

Open the door.

The other person immediately said: “You… Hello, I… I am…”

See her nervous look.

Lin Yuhao showed a smile: “Don’t be too nervous, say it slowly.” ”


The girl took a deep breath.

After easing the tension, he continued: “Hello, my name is Taodian and I see that your company is hiring voice actors, and I am here for an interview. ”

He remembered that he was going to hire outsiders.

However, generally this kind of voice interview can be directly finalized online.

Lin Yuhao still said politely: “You please come in first.” ”

He took it to the conference room.

Take out Kiana’s character manuscript and give it to her.

“Get acquainted with it first.”

After speaking, he left the space for Momodori and went to pour a cup of tea for both of them.

Wait a few minutes later.

Only then did he return to the conference room.

Placing the teacup in front of her, he sat down opposite him and asked, “How is the familiarity?” Is it okay to start an interview? ”

Momo Dian’s gaze kept sweeping the character.

Nodded: “That’s it.” ”

Lin Yuhao glanced at the time.

It’s early May.

“It’s just about to be June Day, so you say this “Captain ~ I want to eat children’s set meal!” “Remember to be a little coquettish in the tone, but it must be in line with the personality.”

Momo was stunned.

Children’s Package?

She’s all twenty.

It’s really a little shy to say this.

With professional ethics, Momodori took a deep breath and brought out the professionalism of her voice.

In that slightly coquettish and somewhat urging, he shouted: “Captain! I want to eat a children’s set. ”

The moment you hear this voice.

Lin Yuhao coincided with Kiana in his memory.

“Good! Very nice. ”

Praised, he pushed the teacup in front of the other party: “You think of this as curry, and you are using the voice just now to describe the taste of curry in detail.” ”

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