Manager Qin hesitated.

Still failed to send a text message to Lin Yuhao to explain.

However, because of today’s events, the decision-making level is already a little dissatisfied with him, and he himself is also a little disappointed in the pig farm.

That evening.

The news of the public file of “Onmyoji” swept the entire network.

Some of the anchors who are still playing “Honkai III” on the front foot are now also starting to play the closed beta “Onmyoji”, and do their best to promote it.

PD is an exception.

He is controlling the true red armor of the immeasurable tower Himeko, concave the abyss of this period.

In his words: I’m already rich, and I don’t need to play games I don’t want to play for the little publicity money of the farm.

In fact, the most important reason is because of the push of the main line.

It makes him like Limitless Himeko even more, so he wants to use her to concave the first place as a memorial.


And one more person.

That is, Hanser, since he asked Lin Yuhao to start the live broadcast.

She’s just out of control.

Now after work, I have also started the live broadcast at home.

The duck who is using the law of reason is still living: “Since the captain wants to hear Bronia talk so much, then Bronia will sing you a song.” ”

Fans are eagerly awaiting her exclusive songs.


Hanser said, “Catch the shrimp households…”

Lei Ren’s singing, accompanied by the Li Li Li Pan Duck drag racing car controlled by her, gives people a very peculiar feeling, which is really impressive.

Didi Di Di ~

Her phone rang.

Hanser saw that it was Lin Yuhao’s phone, and he didn’t care about the live broadcast, and directly connected it.

“Hanser, hurry back and work overtime!”

“Huh? It’s off time! ”

Hanser wanted to refuse the request for temporary time off.

I heard Lin Yuhao say: “Give you half an hour, if you don’t come to the company, I will revoke your driver’s license!” You can no longer drag racing. ”

Hanser is now live!

People want face, okay?

How could she be so easily pinched by her boss?


Especially the tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, all arching the fire, all asking her not to go, the small gift brushed, the captain rubbed up.

Hanser was also a little angry because she was forced to live broadcast and cry in front of the audience when she was knifed.

It’s just a little trick.

“Don’t go! Don’t go! If you have to work overtime, you have to talk about it tomorrow! ”


Hung up the phone directly.

Lin Yuhao was stunned.

He didn’t expect that this girl would really dare to hang up her phone.

But what can be done?

His own baby voice actor can only be spoiled first.

He looked at the others and said with a slight embarrassment: “It’s okay, you guys match first, just leave Bronia’s part, it’s hard work today.” ”

Hua Ling shook her head and said, “It’s not hard, as long as Lin always needs it, I will be free at any time.” ”

“You niko…”

The rest shook their heads.

As people who came over, how did they not know this nizi’s emotion for President Lin?

Lin Yuhao was also grinning.

Rubbing her head and saying, “It’s better for you, unlike that hanser, who dared to hang up my phone.” ”

Hua Ling hurriedly defended her: “Maybe, maybe Sister Hanser is really busy.” ”

“Well, don’t mention her.”

Lin Yuhao also personally supervised this time.

Originally, he wanted to slow down the update of the main plot a little.

But anyway, the pig farm frantically bought hot searches to promote his “Onmyoji”, in order to seize the game market, he also had to accelerate the launch of the main line and maintain player stickiness.

In this way, it is also hard to voice actors and… Zhou Chongfeng and others who worked overtime to produce content.

In order to increase the progress, the number of painters has been expanded from the original 3 to 40.

The company is ten times larger than before.

After Hua Ling read the draft of the line, she also concentrated on it.

Lines for this part.

It took everyone a whole night to finally record a large part.


Hanser hummed yesterday’s ‘Shrimp Catcher’.

Leisurely came to the company and walked to the recording studio.

I saw that everyone was recording the voice of the character with black circles, obviously they looked very tired, but the character’s voice was still sonorous.

It can be seen that everyone really likes this game and truly loves the characters they match, so they are willing to give it a soul.

Remembering yesterday’s willfulness, Hanser couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed.

Make your own cup of coffee.

Came to Lin Yuhao’s side, handed it to him and said, “President Lin, you have worked hard.” ”

Lin Yuhao took the cup.

Casually give her Bronia’s lines.

“You get acquainted, as soon as they finish recording, you start dubbing.”

Bronia looked at him with a hard look.

Don’t bother much, sit on the side and start to read the manuscript, guessing the subsequent main plot by the way.

Look at it….

She is gradually attracted to the lines and gradually enters the mood of Bronia to save Xi’er.

Until she saw that line.

The whole stunned.

“What is it?”

“Mr. Lin!! You…… You…”

Lin Yuhao looked over suspiciously: “What’s wrong?” Is there a problem with the lines? ”

“Yes! Very much, I have obviously just obtained the power of the Law of Reason, what is going on? Why, why is my motorcycle gone? ”

See her anxious and dissatisfied look.

Lin Yuhao waved his hand and said casually: “Didn’t I say it yesterday?” If you don’t come for half an hour, I’ll revoke your driver’s license. ”

“I… You…… You stingy man! Hum! ”

Hanser stomped his foot sharply.

Hua Ling also happened to be dubbed.

Seeing this scene, he asked curiously: “Sister Hanser, what’s wrong with you?” ”

Hanser was aggrieved and Hua Ling talked about his driver’s license being revoked.

Hua Ling looked at her a little distressed.

Just said to Lin Yuhao: “President Lin, don’t tease her, obviously this line has not been changed since yesterday, this plot has nothing to do with Sister Hanser’s lateness, right?” ”

“Although Sister Hanser deliberately didn’t come, didn’t we all blame her? Although Sister Hanser didn’t come, we also worked hard to voice it, although Sister Hanser…”


Hanser slapped Hua Ling on the shoulder.

“Xiaoling! I appreciate you helping me talk, but… You better stop talking. ”

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