This picture.

Hanser’s breathing almost stopped.

The head is buzzing.

He muttered, “How could it be… Sakura she…”

It’s hard to believe that such a gentle Sakura, such a favorite character, turned out to be… Just died?

She felt her chest clogged.


This Lin Yuhao, has he suffered any psychological trauma, why did he give Sakura such an ending?

Why can’t such a good person end well?

It’s not just her.

Countless viewers were also unbelievable.

Although, in the previous plot conversation, there is a faint foreshadowing that Sakura will have an accident.

But this… Too fast, right?

Pig farm.

At this moment, everyone was questioning Manager Qin: “This is how the game is made?” Is there any disease in this Lin Yuhao who travels with pleasure? ”

Manager Qin was also very embarrassed to reply, “Probably… Maybe…… Maybe…… No, right? ”

The group was furious.

“If you are not sick, how did you make this kind of plot?”

From the perspective of the game maker.

They also can’t understand that such a popular character can definitely make money, why kill like this?

After incomprehension and anger.

I can only continue to look at the plot.

After all…… It’s not over yet.

At this moment, the cherry blossoms still have a breath left.

“Kevin… And Ciel? ”

Xi’er had difficulty accepting all this: “Sister Sakura… No! No! ”

Sakura looked at the pendant that had withered with her.

“Kevin… I know you’re right…”

Kevin knew what she cared about now.

Truthfully said: “Mei has sealed the lawyer. At the last minute, she said, there was an unexplained disorder in the lawyer’s activities. She didn’t miss that opportunity. ”

“That’s fine.”

Although it is impossible to determine whether this disorder is because Suzu recognized her sister.

But that’s fine, that’s enough.

“I accompany the bell… Came to the last minute… Until the end… She’s still my sister…”

“I held on… The pride of being a sister…”

Her eyes darkened, but a smile flashed in the corners of her eyes.

Perhaps, Sakura saw something, something that only she could see.

“… Kevin… I ended up… There is one more request…”

“I’m listening.”

Kevin kept his eyes on Sakura.

“Ciel… Take her back to our hometown, I promised her to take her to the square where the cherry blossoms bloom…”

“I’ll do my best.”

Kevin’s answer was brief, but Sakura was trusting.

Xi’er on the side had already cried into tears.

At the end of his life.

Sakura was still relieved of Xi’er: “Xi’er… Don’t be sad… Something… Some regrets… There’s nothing we can do…”

“But you… And those who want to protect … When you and her… When standing together under the cherry blossom trees… You will find that the world is still beautiful…”

“… You will find… Your world… There is still hope…”

The words fell, and the last light in her eyes disappeared. The world bubble gradually disappeared, and along with the life of the warrior, it fell into nothingness.

“Sister Sakura… Sister Sakura…”

Xi’er sobbed alone in the darkness, and the voice disappeared into the darkness, leaving only silence.


In this silence.

A voice broke the silence.

Hector knew that the kingdom would eventually fall, and Achilles knew that he was dying. But the two of them stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation. ”

“In this story, which was destined to be tragic from the beginning, no one hesitated or wavered in this way.”

Shill knew that the story was the Trojan War.

The voice continued.

“So they are. So do we. ”

Xi’er looked around, trying to find out who was talking.

But the sound did not stop.

He continued: “I brought her body back to my hometown. But when I got there… All you see is a wasteland with nothing. ”

“The Lawyer manipulated the silo and completely destroyed the only three remaining cities of mankind with nuclear bombs.”

“I stood in the square that had been reduced to ruins, and I couldn’t see a single cherry blossom in my eyes.”

The voice fell.

All went into cardiac arrest.

Sakura said before she died, “When you and her… When standing together under the cherry blossom trees… You will find that the world is still beautiful. ”


There is no cherry blossom in sight now.

Is the world still beautiful?

This voice is undoubtedly Kevin.

In Kevin’s world, is there really beauty in his eyes?

Can he and his she, really stand under the cherry blossom tree together?


This turned out to be another knife!

The main line of this update is not much.

But the knives in the plot are endless, even the heart of the rock, and now it is devastated by the knife.

Hanser has been fooled by the knife at the moment.

Crying and said: “Don’t broadcast it, I won’t broadcast the main line of “Honkai III” in the future, knives, it’s all knives, I’m going to be crazy by knives.” ”

Several consecutive knives made her almost unbearable.

But for work.

You have to continue the live stream first.

So I lit the plot and continued to promote the follow-up story.


Countless cherry blossoms flew and converged into a brilliant cherry blossom tree in this quantum sea, and the beauty of the cherry blossom tree was incomprehensible.

Kevin stands under a cherry blossom tree.

He continued: “On the burning earth, I promise her, to everyone, that no matter what the cost, mankind will defeat Honkai! ”

Xi’er saw this scene.

I also understand it.

“You are the ‘snake’, this world bubble, you created it?”

Kevin replied, “That’s my memory, a promise I couldn’t keep.” Memories with companions, the will entrusted to us, the future promised to all. ”

“They are like dreamy bubbles, day after day, they appear before my eyes and turn into nothingness. It seems to remind me over and over again of the fact that human beings were once destroyed and extinct! ”

Mankind…… Extinct by Honkai?

This news.

Like a thunderbolt, it exploded in Xi’er’s heart.

Like many players, she also believed that the things in the world bubble were not real.


Kevin clearly told her that everything he had just experienced was his memory, something that had happened.

The gentle sister Sakura, who also once existed.

Terrifying lawyers, too, existed.

This moment.

Hanser understood.

Why Sakura had to die, it was because it was all a given.

Why is the plot so knifed and sadistic.

Because this is Honkai!

Honkai has never been merciful, and the cruelty and cruelty of Honkai are only now being revealed.

In Xi’er’s shock.

The long-awaited sound of the board duck sounded.

“Ciel! Leave that person quickly. ”

With the roar of the engine tearing through the space, Bronia galloped down from the air and crossed in front of the two.

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