“Open world??”

Manager Qin looked at the latest announcement of this love sauce, as well as the promotional PV of this “Sakura Reincarnation”, and the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

In the PV, it is the picture of Bronia the Law of Reason driving a motorcycle with Hanser’s shrimp catcher racing in the “Sakura Reincarnation” scene.

After a period of pictures, the gameplay of “Sakura Reincarnation” is also shown one by one.

This kind of gameplay is completely different from all existing games.

“Open World!”

Manager Qin An Nai couldn’t help but be excited.

When I took out my mobile phone, I wanted to call Lin Yuhao.

Seriously, he was drawn to the gameplay and wanted to get involved and help develop it.


He is still from the pig farm.

Thinking that the pig farm is still doing games similar to Onmyoji.

I feel that the future market is destined to be Lehayou.

Thought about it for a long time.

He still called Lin Yuhao.

A few seconds later.

Lin Yuhao connected the phone, and a familiar ridicule sounded: “Manager Qin? This is what the pig farm sent you to buy our Lehayou? ”

Manager Qin hurriedly said: “What kind of joke is President Lin, even the penguins were blasted out by you, how dare I buy it, call you this time.” The main thing is to see your open world gameplay, which intrigues me. ”


Lin Yuhao was also a little surprised.

Is it true to make games?

The sense of smell is still very sharp.

“How? Do you want to make a similar game on your farm? ”

Manager Qin smiled bitterly: “That’s impossible, they won’t listen to my advice at all, and this kind of open-world game has never appeared in China, and the shareholders of the pig farm will not agree to the game with unclear prospects, I’m just personally interested.” ”

Lin Yuhao understood.

This Manager Qin must be the type of pig farm who is not aspirant.

He also said seriously: “As a friend, I don’t hide from you, I said at the award ceremony before, I want to make a new game, that is an open world game, are you interested?” ”


Manager Qin was silent.

He was very interested, just….

Now that he is on the farm, he cannot give a definitive answer.

I could only ask, “Can you tell me which game is named?” ”


“If you are interested, you can always come to me.”


The phone hangs up.

Manager Qin sat in front of the computer.

Listen to the shrimp catcher of hanser that is still looping inside.

The struggle in my heart is incomparable.

Is to go… Is it to stay?

What he saw was an unknown field, a whole new world.


The line from “Honkai III” during the day came to his mind: The future belongs to children. If even they don’t believe that tomorrow will be better, there will definitely be no future that everyone expects.

And most of the people who play games are still ‘children’.

Presumably the money-making game of the pig farm.

He wants to make a beautiful game that can move players, bring players growth, and let players understand the world while playing games.

And this!

Only Leha You can give him.


Manager Qin opened WPS and began to write the letter of resignation.


Manager Qin’s departure has also caused a lot of shock in the game circle, and being able to represent the pig farm to participate in the award ceremony shows that his status in the pig farm is not low.

But it was such a high-level backbone who left as soon as Lehayou released the promotional PV of “Sakura Reincarnation” and joined Lehayou.

According to insiders.

Lehayou rented another floor of the building, which is now the downstairs of the office, as the development location for the new game.

As for the news of the new game, everyone only knows the name “Genshin”.

In addition, Lehayou recruited a large number of artists and modelers to participate in the production of new games.

Other than that, nothing has been revealed.

In order to find out the cause.

The pig farm is also a PV that has made people study the promotion of “Sakura Reincarnation” for a long time.

But in the end, they couldn’t get an accurate answer, and it was gone.


Leha tour.

Manager Qin came over.

Lin Yuhao directly told him about the pre-production plan of Genshin.

The game is actually very difficult to make and very time-consuming.

Manager Qin saw the mountain of documents and plans in front of him.

Suddenly I felt numb in my scalp.

“President Lin… Is your workload so terrifying? ”

Lin Yuhao said with a smile: “No, you are only half of Old Zhou’s usual workload, you just came over to make you familiar and familiar, don’t dislike the less, I will make up for it for you later.” ”

“It’s not… I…… You treat people like cattle, right? Do I still have time to return to the farm? ”

Manager Qin regretted it a little.

Lin Yuhao directly took out the confidentiality contract.

It has Manager Qin’s signature Qin Xiaofeng!

This contract was signed.

This guy can’t run away.

Manager Qin sighed deeply: “I’m on a thief’s ship!” ”

Lin Yuhao patted him on the shoulder and said, “Keep up the good work!” Strive to finish the plot of four countries for me by the end of next year. ”

“I… You…”

Manager Qin choked for a long time, and finally agreed: “I will do my best.” ”


The new game was officially approved.

“Honkai III” naturally can’t be left behind.

With these months of operation, the company also has money.

The recruitment of people is also not a problem, and the concert promised to Hanser will also be put on the agenda.

As soon as Xiao Yan and the others returned from a three-day break, Lin Yuhao had a meeting with them to explain the content of main line 13, main line 14, and the final short film painting.

As for Zhou Chongfeng, they…

Men, programmers, as long as they don’t die suddenly, they use them in death.

Under this intense pressure.

Time also passes quietly.

Finally a month later.

Main Story 13 and Main Story 14 have all been made and officially launched.

Hanser also stopped broadcasting live during this time due to the fact that he had to prepare for the concert.

Originally, she asked Taodian to come to live broadcast, but because there were too many dubbings in these two chapters of Taodian, plus she was in a hurry in time, and now she is tired and resting.


These players who want to watch the main live stream.

After going around in circles, I returned to PD’s live broadcast room.

Today’s PD is no longer the same irritable man, after being knifed countless times.

It means that nothing can stab itself anymore.

Inside the live broadcast room.

PD boarded the game, and the ship was still Limitless Tarako.

Skillfully open the main line.

Click In.

The picture is presented.

It was a deep road, gray moving forward unhindered.

At the end of the road, he chanted, “Destruction and rebirth.” ”

The huge door leaf unfolded to both sides with difficulty, as if against the weight of a thousand years of time.

Behind the door.

Inside the hall, a man leaned on the throne, silently contemplating.

Fifteen hundred years have passed. Power is exchanged in the hands of mankind, fire and swords wash the earth over and over again, and on this planet, history happens and disappears, fast as a snap of a finger.


Compared to the last time Gray saw him, the man in front of him did not change in the slightest, and so did his will.

This man transcends time and does not enter reincarnation. Only those who transcend time can hide the destruction of time beyond history.

The man wakes up from his musings and sets his sights on his own believers. The gray snake couldn’t help but tremble. What a pair of eyes is that… These eyes have witnessed the miracles of countless dreams of mortals, and have also endured the grief of the fall of all things.

But all this, all that these eyes have witnessed, has been forged by the hammer of extraordinary will, into two ruthless, indifferent pieces of ice.


It is none other than the Lord of the World Serpent – Kevin!

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