“But… Is it really good to let go of the lawyer so easily? ”

For this instruction, many Valkyries of Destiny were skeptical.

Lauderdale looked at Kiana in the distance with a smile and replied: “It’s okay, she’s not an enemy, but she didn’t have time to tell her one thing – the basa fish has no intermuscular thorns, so there is no need to remove bones.” ”

Finish that.

Lauderdale is once again engaged in the battle against the snakes of the world.

As she destroys the mech forces of the World Serpent.

In the fantasy of Yudo Dust.

The battle also came to an end.

“Hua, your last move is indeed very strong, but there is no longer enough strength to support it. Together, we could have witnessed the day when civilization triumphed over collapse. ”

“You’ve given too much and you need to rest. You don’t have to worry about the future, I will complete our mission. ”

Kevin reached out and touched Fu Hua’s illusory body.

When he spread his hand again, his palm already had an extra piece of feather in vain.

At the same moment, the dream collapsed and the bubble disappeared.

The scenery before him changed, and he was back in the sandy ruins.

“When it’s all over, I’ll wake you up. Until then, sleep in peace. ”

The battle is completely settled.

Fu Hua…

The players only felt like they had been knifed again.

Spanning 50,000 years, protect mankind and fight against the 50,000-year-old Fuhua.

In the end, can it only end like this?


No one knows if she will still sit up in the back.

But this ending inevitably seems a little sad.

Compact plot.

It didn’t give people much time to grieve.

Kevin just showed up.

Lauderdale had already appeared in front of him.

“You guy is the leader of the World Serpent, right?”

Kevin didn’t say much: “Come on. ”

Just two words.

This is the beginning of the battle!

“As you wish!” 13

The battle between the two broke out instantly, but in order to avoid affecting the rest of the ruins of the city.

They flew straight into the sky, fighting away from the city as they went.

Before you know it, you’re on the sea!

Lauderdale’s strength is indeed very strong.

Rao is Kevin, and is willing to admit it.

For this.

He is willing to show more strength to respond to this venerable opponent.

A terrifying cold aura instantly burst out from his body.

In an instant, the sea in a radius of thousands of miles was all frozen by his ability, and even the whale that churned out of the sea was completely frozen the moment he went out to sea.

The entire vast land turned into a white ice field.

The strength he showed.

Let all the players watching this plot be amazed.

Everyone knows he is very strong!

But I never thought that it was so outrageously strong, if I came to Skydome City like this, then the entire city could instantly become a dead city.

And a man of such strength!

He was able to watch Kiana escape.

This…… One has to wonder if he deliberately released water … Let the sea go.

The battle continues.

Kevin standing on top of the sharp ice.

He was staring at Lauderdale, who was stepping through the ice step by step and walking towards him.

As he expected.

The strength of this Valkyrie is also very terrifying.

The moment the two met their eyes.

Fighting broke out again.

As soon as Lauderdale kicked on one leg, the whole person flew up, clenched his fists, and attacked Kevin again.

In this battle.

She did not use the Black Abyss White Flower, and Kevin did not use a weapon either.

It was as if each other were just trying to test each other’s abilities.

Use your fists for constant hand-to-hand combat.

As it should be.

Players think it should be.

But the next moment.

Jumping high, Lauderdale’s hand pressed down, and a huge black shadow appeared behind her.

The terrifying might, the pressed air cut and whistled.

In the face of such a terrifying knife.

Kevin simply crossed his arms and blocked in front of him.


The two collide.

The whole air seemed to condense, and then there was an explosion.

The terrifying impact, which penetrated Kevin’s body, slammed into the ground, and the entire ice field cracked.

Kevin is also under this knife.

Falling to the ground at rapid speed.

But apparently, in the face of this attack, he is still at ease.

After the space flips and unloads, it falls firmly on the ground.

Lauderdale once again gathered the power of collapse, and a spear that was enough to penetrate the earth fell from the sky like a meteorite with terrifying power!

No one doubted that with this blow, the entire continent might be shattered.

The entire ice field will surely disappear in an instant.

No one even thinks that such a trick can be resisted.


Kevin, just gathered his abilities in his left hand and pushed into the sky.

The black crystal condensed, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a black ice crystal giant sword, and with the power that penetrated the firmament, it rushed towards the spear.




The spear collided with the giant sword, sending out an earth-shattering explosion.

Even the Valkyries in the ruins of distant North African cities can feel this terrifying oppression.

If so, a fight broke out here.

There is no doubt that no one here can survive.

The most terrifying thing is.

This blow.

It wasn’t an all-out blow from the two.

Nor was it their final blow.

After this attack failed to defeat the other party, the two also prepared an attack that was several times more terrifying than the previous one.


Pinch off here.


The audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

Players who play the game and watch the main story are also stupid. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

PD was even more shocked, and he couldn’t say a word.

This terrifying combat power!

This is the most powerful individual combat power I have seen since the launch of “Honkai III”!

In the original “Queen Come”, the fighting power, dominance, and oppression of the Void Law are also fresh in people’s memories.

But this time, it wasn’t that big scene.

Those who fight are not lawyers.

The battle they erupted was enough to destroy the firmament and destroy the earth.

I don’t know how long has passed.

PD only recovered from his shock.

Muttered: “Grandma’s, is the stupid goose so strong?” What did you do with Kiana before? Put the sea? This Atlantic and Pacific daring is what these two put for Kiana. ”

No wonder he thinks so.

As long as you have seen the plot just now and seen Kiana say that she wants to defeat Lauderdale, you will feel this way.


At that time, Lauderdale came up with such combat power.


I dare not imagine.



PD took a deep breath.

Only then did he sigh again: “This is the combat power of the first S-grade Valkyrie of Heavenly Destiny? Don’t say it, I’m going to pump full! ”

Such a powerful and shocking picture.

Who wouldn’t be impressed?

Even the player who was just stabbed is going crazy and saying that Krypton Gold is a dog.

It was also in the live broadcast room with a barrage: “Woof, I’m a dog, I’m going to eat stupid goose.” ”


So people have already been impressed by this battle.

also recognized the strength of the two again.

I also understood why Fu Hua kept telling Kiana to see that Kevin must run.


Don’t wait for the mood to calm down.

PD is impatient to watch the follow-up plot.

He was curious to know who had won the battle.

A new plot begins.

On this snowy field, the footsteps of a third person suddenly sounded.

His footsteps were light.

But enough to get the attention of the two.

“Lauderdale, stop.”

“Lord Bishop?”

Lauderdale looked at Otto, who suddenly visited, and was also a little surprised.

After all.

When the World Serpent attacked the experimental base.

Otto is still at the Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Now I have come to this snowfield.

Otto ignored her, but looked at Otto: “Leader of the World Serpent, you have fully demonstrated your strength. That being the case, I must also reciprocate. ”

“Under it, Otto Apocalis, the current bishop of the Mandate of Heaven.”

The voice fell.

The screen suddenly jumps into a desert.

This is a desert far from the base of the Mandate of Heaven, and Kiana steps on the hot ground and struggles to move forward.

Her body gradually became heavy, and tiredness continued to destroy her brain.

There seemed to be a turbid current in her heart, which gradually spread as she walked, cold and hollow, almost engulfing her completely.

“You’re not ready at all, you can’t control your power, Void Lawyer.”

“It’s your responsibility to do what you’re supposed to do.”

The words of Youlaudel and Fu Hua came to mind.

Kiana watched as the road under her feet grew longer and longer… She knew that moving forward was her only option.

However, a name buried deep in her heart has always dragged her footsteps.

Now, the person who has always been by his side must still be anxious to find her whereabouts.

Where is she now and where is she going?

“Bud Yi…”

I don’t know if it was sweat or tears dripping down her cheeks, Kiana closed her eyes.

For some reason, she suddenly wanted to go back there.

Return to the place where destiny began, to the place where she and she first met – back, Nagasaki City.


What Kiana didn’t know was.

In the distance, somewhere high point at the Mandate of Heaven experimental base.

The raven was lying on it, watching her departure with an optical telescope.

“The Void Law is leaving this desert, and we’re watching her escape?”

The gray serpent replied, “Give her time, this is the order of the Lord.” If a grain of wheat dies, it is still a grain of wheat, but if it falls to the ground, it can produce countless grains.

Her shackles have been removed. 810 hours will prove … Whether the power in that body takes root and blossoms? Now, let’s focus on more important goals. ”

See this line.

Everyone shouted in their hearts: Sure enough!

This Kevin deliberately let Kiana go.

The doubts in the hearts of the players have all been answered, obviously so powerful.

Killing Kiana must be easy.

But if it’s to let her go.

It’s normal.

The raven frowned, but still focused and looked at the ruins in the distance.

In the empty dead city, a golden hemisphere obscured most of the square, which was particularly abrupt.

It was the space created by the Bishop of Heavenly Mandate with a strange golden fluid, and at the moment, there were only two leaders in the hemisphere, he and the world serpent.

“It’s still hard for me to believe… His Holiness will decide… Cooperate with Destiny. ”

Ravens have never had a good impression of destiny, and jackal’s experiments were also destroyed by destiny.

The gray snake said in words that saw through everything: “Raven, I understand your confusion. The bishop of Manifest Destiny is a refined egoist, who is worldly, understands the human heart, and is good, and will disappear from the path of the serpent. ”

The raven was still a little uncomfortable: “Since it is the order of the Venerable Lord, I will naturally obey.” But you know, there are a lot of people in the organization who have enemies of destiny. ”

The gray snake still said lightly: “No matter what you think, you see, they are still here.” The cadres of the world’s snakes gathered in one place, this kind of scene is rare, right? ”

The empty voice of the gray snake disappeared with the wind, like a ghost disappearing into the dust of the sky.

The raven suddenly felt that every corner of this desert echoed with the sound of ghosts.

She also understood instantly: “If the negotiations fail, just start a full-scale war with the Mandate of Heaven here, right?” ”


“Grey snake?”


The other party was still silent.

The raven called out again, “Gray snake? ”

At this moment, the gray snake suddenly let out a terrifying laugh like a demon.

With the disappearance of laughter.

The raven saw that the golden hemisphere was slowly disintegrating.

The gray snake’s voice sounded again: “Raven, put away your weapons.” Just now, the Lord’s deal… Done. “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 20:59

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