See Bud Yi like this.

Dr. Tesla could only comfort: “Don’t blame yourself too much, negative emotions are not good for the body, we tried our best.” Ay…… Help me tidy up the table, and I’ll go to the intelligence room. ”

She walked to the door, looked back a few times reluctantly, and finally left quietly.

Only Bud Yi was left in the room. She kept piling together the scattered documents, but what came to mind was still Kiana’s appearance.

Four months have passed since the battle of destiny.

In the past four months, how many cities have Kiana walked through and how many tragedies have she witnessed due to collapse?

Looking at those who have been taken away by the collapse, will she blame herself for all the fault, and will she choose to bear all the responsibility alone?

Bud Yi couldn’t stop trembling. The wounds left by the battle have obviously healed, but the pain in his chest has become more and more tormenting.

She vividly remembers Kiana’s answer at that time: “I… Can’t go back to bud clothes. I can’t let you take that risk. ”

Bud Yi didn’t dare to continue thinking about it.

But she had to think about it, her thoughts were like boulders sinking into an icy lake, cold and heavy, sinking and sinking in the dark…

For the first time since they met, she felt that Kiana was so… So…… Unfamiliar.


The door was suddenly kicked open.

It was Dr. Tesla who hurriedly ran in.

“Bud Yi! Pack your gear and get ready to go! ”

“Dr. Tesla? What’s wrong? ”

Seeing Dr. Tesla’s impatient look, Nha Yi couldn’t help but wonder what could make her so anxious.

The next moment.

Dr. Tesla said why: “We, found Kiana!” ”

Hear the news.

Bud Yi seemed more anxious than Dr. Tesla.

Hurriedly pack your things.

Urging Dr. Tesla, he went to the place where Kiana was found.

After a period of driving.

Bud Yi stood by the window.

Look at this familiar city.

Look at this city that has become a little strange because of the collapse.

“Kiana… Why…… Why did you come to Changkong City. ”


The Helios landed on an open rooftop.

Dr. Tesla came outside with the bud coat.

“Let’s sort out the available information, yesterday 883 afternoon, the experimental base in North Africa was attacked by the world snake, and the imprisoned Kiana took advantage of the chaos to escape.”

“A few hours later, the Extreme East Reconnaissance Station of Inverse Entropy captured a strong lawyer reaction in Changkong City for a moment, which was consistent with the previous sample from Skydome City.”

Bud Yi immediately understood: “She escaped here using the teleportation ability of the Void Law. ”

“That’s right!”

Dr. Tesla affirmed: “A teleportation over ultra-long distances. After that, she disappeared… No other reactions were traced by the station, and there was no intelligence on the satellite footage. But at least it’s certain that Kiana has been here, and there may be other clues in the city. ”

“Is there any movement from Destiny?”

Bud Yi hurriedly asked.

After all, in her memory, Destiny had been tracking Kiana.

This time she escaped, and she will definitely let Lauderdale hunt down again.

Just think of the strength of the strongest Valkyrie of Heaven’s Destiny…

“Not yet, this time we got the lead.”

Hearing Dr. Tesla’s answer, Bud Yi was finally relieved.

Dr. Tesla continued: “The place where Helios landed is the Dongcheng district of Changkong City, use this as a base of action, and start investigating from the vicinity. ”

“Changkong City is now a no-man’s land, and I can build a simple detector array to find her whereabouts by detecting the Avalanche Energy. First of all, you have to find an open area. ”

After deciding on a solution.

Dr. Tesla and Nha Yi began looking for a suitable place within the city.


The entire city has been submerged by the sea.

Many places have long since changed, and the roads that could have been taken have been blocked.

As a result, progress is not very fast.

The two came to the tall building.

Dr. Tesla looked into the distance and asked, “What is that wall in the distance?” ”

Nha Yi looked in the direction she pointed and explained, “That’s Changkong Wall, that is, it divides the eastern and western urban areas of Changkong City. It is a famous historical building in the Far East. ”

Dr. Tesla also sighed: “Although I have heard about it, it is still unbelievable to see the city as it is now.” ”

“So be it.”

She walked to a wide area next to her, dropped her luggage on the ground, and set up the device with her hands.

At the same time, he said: “There is a big change here, the streets are flooded, and the map is completely useless. ”

Nha Yi’s heart was also heavy: “Although I know that Changkong City has become like this, I still feel that when I see it with my own eyes…”

This city has long been unrecognizable.

It was almost completely different from when she had been here.

Dr. Tesla continued while building: “It’s all the aftermath of the third collapse, the city center of Changkong is low-lying, and it is a port city, the collapsed land sinks seriously, and soon the seawater floods, and the influx of water is polluted by the collapse energy, which evolves into a secondary disaster.” Dongcheng District, located downstream, was particularly badly affected. ”

“Looking at this scene, who would have thought that three years ago, this was a bustling city with a population of more than 3 million?”

Although the whole game has been telling about Honkai.

However, many players did not feel how terrifying the collapse was, after all, so many lawyers, are the same as Erwuzai.

With the release of the main line of recent chapters.

Players have also gradually understood the horror of Honkai.

For example, the North Africa Experimental Base in the previous chapter, which was originally the transportation hub of the entire North Africa and one of the most prosperous cities.

But today, it has long been a ruined place buried by yellow sand.

The same is true for this long sky market.

Once prosperous.

Under the collapse, all were destroyed, and all life was lost.

“All this … It’s all because of the third collapse. ”

Bud Yi felt incomparably remorseful in his heart.

The third collapse is the disaster caused when Bud Yi becomes a thunder lawyer under the secret manipulation of anti-entropy.

Because of this.

She was even more sad when she saw this sight.

Dr. Tesla didn’t care, saying, “That disaster wasn’t your fault…”

Bud Yi shook his head slightly: “No matter who is right or wrong, it can’t make up for everything this city has lost, and it was I who was chosen to be the Law of Thunder three years ago.” I go back and think from time to time,

“I know there are no ifs in this world. It’s just that…… I hope that when I face every choice I make in the future, I will be able to recall this disaster. This is a responsibility that I have to carry. …… For Kiana, it’s the same. ”


Dr. Tesla sighed deeply.

She was well aware of how all this happened, and she also understood that it was not the responsibility of Nha Yi and Kiana to cause such a disaster.

It’s just that……

Even she didn’t know how to persuade.

I could only divert the topic and say: “It’s done, let’s see if this thing works.” ”

At the time she had just spoken, she had put all the parts together into a strange device.

He also explained: “The water body and atmosphere of Changkong City are full of collapse energy, and if you want to find Kiana, you have to screen out the energy of the lawyer. This new technology, the detection range is limited, only about 3~5 kilometers. ”

Bud Yi’s attention was indeed drawn. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now the most important thing for her is to find Kiana first.

But…… This reconnaissance range…

“If you want to cover the entire Dongcheng district, you need at least three, and if you count the Xicheng district on the other side, it is even more.”

Dr. Tesla waved his hand and said (BDDG): “So you can’t expect to find it all at once… Hey? Got it? ”

Hear this voice.

Bud Yi immediately squeezed over excitedly.

Just see a striking red dot appear on the screen, constantly flashing.

“The Doctor… This is? ”

“I’ll look, I’ll look, that’s right! Although it is very weak, it is indeed the reaction of the lawyer! And close! ”

Dr. Tesla also began to get excited.

Take a closer look at the data again.

“Wait a minute!”

“Isn’t this right next to me?”

“This is … Your reaction? ”


Bud Yi looked confused.

Dr. Tesla patted himself on the head: “Ah… I forgot that although the Conquering Gem is gone, there is still a faint lawyer reaction left in you. ”

Bud Yi also nodded.

He said: “Yes, Dr. Einstein’s diagnosis also wrote so, she said that I am not a special case, and the anti-entropy alliance owner has had a similar situation, but it is not possible to determine the specific cause now.” And…… I can’t use this energy as I want. ”

Dr. Tesla immediately reminded: “I don’t recommend you to do that, forcibly stimulating unstable energy, it will only hurt yourself.” Back to the point, film your reaction, and there’s nothing special here. Ay…… Let’s go to the next location. ”

Dr. Tesla went with Nha Yi to the next point that had been decided.

It’s just that……

This whole city has long been unrecognizable.

The two walked for a while, and then came to the submerged dead end.

“Wow, this place is also flooded, what other ways can you go!”

No way.

The two could only pursue other paths.

In this city, there are still Honkai beasts wandering, and the two can’t help but prevent themselves from going to a dead end, and they also have to avoid some Honkai beasts, only to avoid places that can’t be avoided.

It will be dried out by the bud coat.

That’s it.

They came to a tall building again.

“Huh! Here…”

Bud Yi looked at a familiar place.

“What’s wrong?”

Dr. Tesla saw Bud Yi stop and hurriedly inquired.

Bud Yi looked at the place and fell into memories: “Here, I remember here,”

Dr. Tesla also followed her line of sight and saw a badly damaged building.

Then I heard Bud Yi say: “That big hole, I caused it.” Three years ago, Kiana, and Bronia fled Changkong City together, and we met here…”

She said that her tone paused here, and her voice seemed to be a little choked: “I met… Himeko-sensei’s squad. At the time we thought she was an enemy, so … There was a little skirmish. ”

Dr. Tesla looked at the ruins.


“Looking at this wreckage, it is estimated that you have caused her a lot of trouble.”

Nha Yi continued to recall: “yes… In that battle, the power of the Law Man in my body ran wild. Himeko-sensei tried everything to suppress us, and Hyperion went directly to the repair shop after he returned, and the shipborne weapons that were still in the experimental stage were completely scrapped. ”

Teacher Himeko was almost punished by the headquarters for this, and in the end, the school principal looked at it. On the way to escape, I was always afraid that I would lose control, and the moment I ran away, I really thought it was over. ”

“But when I woke up, I found myself lying in a warm bed. Himeko-sensei stood in front of me, not caring about my identity in the slightest. ”

“She said she would train me to be a warrior who could control my own power. That’s why I became a Valkyrie. ”

“Time flies so fast, it’s been three years…”

And in the past three years, everything has long been a matter of things and people.

Kiana, who once stuck to her and saved her, has fallen into darkness and endured pain all the time.

Himeko-sensei, who once protected her, taught her strength, and trained her to become a Valkyrie, is still missing.

Recall it all.

Look at the memories of the past.

Bud Yi’s chest was blocked in panic.

Dr. Tesla saw her sad look.

“We’re close to the next detection site.” ”

It’s just that……

The closer they got to the city center, the fewer roads they could walk, and the overpasses, the streets, were flooded.

Walking around, it’s all like going in circles.

But there is no way, now they have no map at all, they can only move forward while groping.


Dr. Tesla was suddenly attracted by the flash.

Walk over and see: “How can there be an anti-entropy guided robot here.” ”

Bud Yi also looked at it: “It seems to be broken, was it left here three years ago?” ”

Dr. Tesla shook his head: “It’s not like ah, it looks quite new.” ”

The two looked at it a little.

I didn’t pay too much attention to it.

It’s about quickly setting up the device.

When the two set up the equipment with great anticipation, this time there was still only one red dot representing the bud clothes flashing lonely on the screen.

“Hey… Nor here. ”

Bud Yi was a little disappointed and wanted to turn off the equipment.

Dr. Tesla immediately stopped her: “Wait a minute! ”

She turned off the filter function, and immediately a large area of red dots of various sizes appeared on the screen.

She pointed to one of them and said, “This reaction is a little strange, not like the dead man or like the Honkai beast… It’s a humanoid reaction. ”

“Human? How can there still be people in Changkong City? ”

Bud Yi immediately pulled out his long sword and stood on guard.

To understand the situation.

Dr. Tesla decided to go over and take a look., 13/03/2023 20:59

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