Kiana slammed heavily on the bench.


This has happened several times in just a few minutes.


In Skydome City, Kiana was also tortured by jackals and fainted, but each time she woke up again in less than a second.

Even though there is now one less lawyer core in the body.

This tenacity still exists.

Less than half a second has passed.

Her weak hand suddenly grabbed the chair.

Without opening his eyes, the stubborn words came out: “I am… No…… Abandoned!! ”

With the final note falling.

The bench in her hand slammed into Bud Yi under her pull.


The bench has not yet touched the bud coat.

Just become two halves in the thunder.

Even Kiana, who raided through the bench, was cut off by a hand knife.

The bud hand knife did not stop, and it slashed several times in a row.

Combined with a final blow through.

Knock Kiana off again.

Even transient syncope.

It’s just that……

The next moment.

Countless subspace spears appeared in the sky.

This kind of picture.

This scene.

Bud Yi couldn’t be more familiar.

Once, she succumbed to this attack, lost her most important teacher, and parted ways with her most important friend.

This spear instantly fixed the bud clothes in place.

The last spear was pointed straight at her neck.

And Kiana, who was just shot off.

He has completely used the power of the Void Law, and the whole person has removed his pupils, which is no different from the former Void Lawyer.

She stepped into the void and walked step by step.

“You’ve always been like this…”

With the thunder in the sky, the murmur of the bud clothes gradually turned into a roar.

“You’ve always been like this… Obviously you are covered in wounds, but you still have to force yourself to laugh, you saved me, saved everyone, but you have to bear all the pain alone, even pay with your life. ”

She closed her eyes.

That scene appeared in front of my eyes, Kiana, who was covered in blood and eroded by her core, hid in the room alone, all kinds of drugs were piled up on the ground, lost her sense of taste, and even her favorite curry did not touch the picture…

“Bud Yi!”

Kiana stopped her and just said, “This is… My mission. ”

This sentence.

Let the original bud coat.

Utterly furious.

She crushed the subspace spears around her with force.

“I also understand the great truth of saving the world!”

Struggled, let the spear on his neck, scratched his neck, held the spear in one hand and asked: “How do you make me endure all this?” ”

See her struggle.

Look at her desperate look.

Kiana could only plead: “Bud Yi… No!! ”

It’s just that……

The current bud Yi is no longer the bud Yi that she agreed to not long ago, as long as she was coquettish, as long as she pleaded.

“I know… In my heart, you are more important than the world! ”

The power of Bud Yi exploded instantly.

In a burst of thunder.

The Bonder, all her subspatial spears were shattered.

The spear around her neck was also crushed in her roar!

Kiana launched the attack again.

In this way, the attempt is to save the bud clothes.

It’s just that the current bud clothes have already made a decision in their hearts.

The whole person turned into a thunderbolt and instantly flew into the air, dodging all attacks.

With Kiana’s current incomplete Void Lawyer strength.

Opponents who will not bud clothes at all.

Even if she tried her best to hit the bud clothes, even in this way, she had to leave the bud clothes.

It’s just that……

In the face of absolute strength.

Everything is in vain.

Bud Yi soared into the sky and once again became a complete Thunder Lawyer.

The ghost armor arm behind the back is a long knife charged.

The Law of Thunder fell in one complete blow.

The entire Thousand Feather Academy poured countless thunders in an instant, and the entire world turned into a sea of tears.

Attack Kiana in the very center.

It is also completely unable to withstand this blow.

Completely shot down from the air, the form of the Void Law also disappeared, and the whole person completely fainted, and fell from the air weakly.

Bud clothes fell rapidly from the sky.

Hold Kiana’s hand tightly.

It’s like… It was like she had been caught by Kiana.

That moment.

Bud Yi’s fate was changed by her.

She also became the most important person in Nha Yi’s life.

Place Kiana gently on the top floor of Chiba Academy.

Look at her fainting and sleeping.

“If it is a sin to save you, then let me be this sinner.”

“Goodbye, Kiana.”

The voice fell.

Juligaro flew over.

With a bud coat, disappear at the end of sight.

The whole short film…

It also ends here.

Watch this short video.

Sister Zhou also failed to calm down her emotions for a long time.

The development of the plot eventually became like this, and the two who were finally together again were separated more thoroughly.

Kiana’s desperate retention, even at the cost of using the power of the Void Lawyer.

Instead, it was the idea of Bud Yi leaving more firmly.

I don’t know how long has passed.

Sister Zhou said: “If Kiana is coquettish three times, will she be able to let Bud Yi stay?” ”

Of course.

She was just guessing.

The next moment.

An ID named [Fallen Angel Chen] sent a barrage and said, “No, don’t underestimate the determination to save someone.” ”

See this ID.

Many players are all fried.

Isn’t this the top inner ghost of “Honkai III”?

He was actually in the live broadcast room?

Leha Tour Company.

After Hanser saw this ID, he decisively looked at Lin Yuhao on the side.

She had long suspected that this inner ghost was Lin Yuhao.

Although everyone is now watching the live broadcast on the company’s big TV.

But…… Then Lin Yuhao’s appearance of playing with his mobile phone next to him is very suspicious.

She moved behind Lin Yuhao without moving.

Just wanted to look over.

I found that Lin Yuhao put the phone back.

“What’s wrong?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Yuhao turned his head and looked at her with a smile.

Hanser was anxious and said: “This main line Juhuahua and Peach Dian are too well matched, and they are too hard. You see that the evaluation you got is so good, you are all moved, do you want to reward them?”

Lin Yuhao nodded: “That’s natural, if you two have any rewards you want, just tell me directly.” However, let’s watch the final plot now. ”

“And the plot?”

Hanser was a little confused.

She thought it was over.

Lin Yuhao said: “That’s natural, after all, now players still need an emotional vent, suppressing emotions is not good for everyone.” ”

The voice just fell.

Sister Zhou also began to advance the last plot.

The picture emerges.

In a dimly lit room, Otto was contemplating at the screen.

On the screen, it is the picture of the entire Changkong City.

On the left is the image of a woman, but you can’t see her appearance.

In the lower right corner is a dragon, this dragon Hanser they are all familiar with, it is the dragon named Twalin in the original painting of the team that made Genshin downstairs.

The first experiment brought Otto more than expected results.


With a soft sound, a window popped up, it was a report from Amber.

In just a few tens of minutes, reports came overwhelmingly.

Raiden Bud Yi joins the World Serpent, K423 is taken away by Hyperion, the Fifth Law is about to come, and the balance of the world may be hit again.

But right now, he doesn’t want to care about that.

Let Teresa take care of her for a while.

The night is still long…

There’s a lot more he has to do.

The short plot ends.

Just explained where Nha Yi and Kiana went, and predicted the upcoming Fifth Lawyer.

Though…… Only that’s the content.


When Otto appears, when the player realizes that he is planning it all.

It was he who, for his own experiments, separated Bud Yi and Kiana.

The first to bear the brunt is naturally Sister Zhou, who is called a mute bride, but not a mute.

“My day! XX To, you ***, it’s all your ****, if it weren’t for you ** it wouldn’t be like this, X…”

See these wild sprays.

Many players who were still typing and ready to scold seemed to see Dr. Tesla’s angry look.

Make people stunned by wooden stools.

Sister Zhou was tired of scolding in the end.

Don’t forget to say: “Brothers, what are you all stunned for? What Otto did, you can stand it? This still does not scold him? ”


The barrage of the entire live broadcast room has become a catharsis of emotions.

Leha tour.

Hanser and others saw this scene.

They all don’t know what to say.

Ju Hua Hua asked: “Mr. Lin, this last bit of plot, you won’t be specially made to let everyone scold Otto, right?” ”

After all……

There is simply nothing important.

It doesn’t matter if there is this chapter or not, but it is done.

It’s very suspicious.

Lin Yuhao showed a smile: “Maybe, but I don’t think Otto cares about other people’s opinions, even if countless people scold him, he will still move forward according to the goal in his heart, he is definitely not a man influenced by others.” ”

Hear this.

Hanser muttered, “You’re talking about yourself, right? Mr. Lin, I can tell you, if another anchor comes to cut you, I won’t help you. ”


Lin Yuhao’s smile froze.

Immediately asked Xiang Zhou Chongfeng: “Old Zhou, our security facilities here should be fine, right?” ”

Zhou Chongfeng gave him a reassuring look: “Don’t worry, the property has been improved for a long time, and now strangers can’t enter our floor.” ”

Hanser continued to arch the fire, “What about the property’s? What if some of them play the game and want to slash the forest? ”

Zhou Chongfeng stood up with a snort: “Wait a minute, I’ll go to the property now and ask.” ”

Lin Yuhao immediately stopped him.

“Don’t worry, let’s have a simple meeting, Hanser, you can move freely.”

Ju Hua said with a smile: “Then I’ll be here, I like the man who has meetings the most, super handsome!” ”

Xiao Yan: “…”

Hanser: “Then I won’t leave first, I want to see if anyone will come up to Dao Lin Zong.” ”

Xiao Yan: “…”

Several others also expressed their desire to participate in the meeting.

Xiao Yan shook her head and sighed: “I really don’t understand, where is this kind of man good?” ”


Lin Yuhao gently knocked her with the document: “Let’s have a meeting, first of all, about the next plot issues, in the past few months, our main story update is relatively fast, and players have accumulated a lot, so I decided to slow down the update a little.” ”

“Huh? Mr. Lin, this is not appropriate, right? Now the major domestic game manufacturers are waiting for us to update and slow down, and they can come out to seize the market. ”

Lao Chen immediately made a point.

Lin Yuhao nodded and said: “I have also considered this aspect, so I decided to increase the event content, and the event content and the main line content are cross-launched, so as to continue to keep players sticky, but also increase the lifespan of the game and add more characters.” ”

“Now the main line has opened the tree of imaginary numbers, Alto has observed other worlds, and it is also appropriate to launch the event plot, old Zhou, I will plan the event to you in a while, you send a questionnaire to see the attitude of the players. Xiao Yan, I just sent you an original manuscript, model it as soon as possible…”

With a series of arrangements went down.

Things are basically settled.

Three days later.

The inner ghost of Honkai III [Fallen Angel Chen] posted a revelation on the Internet: “Lehayou is doing the plot of the first New Year’s event, and the main plot is also being produced at the same time, and there will be new characters in the event, you can look forward to it.” ”

As soon as the news came out.

The whole network boiled in an instant.

Today, the popularity of the Law of Thunder continues to rise, and all kinds of platforms are CG short film images.

Handsome bud clothes, spicy curry, tears goodbye.

Countless scenes were edited and forwarded by players who loved Honkai III…

Plus the latest inner ghost reveal.

Directly put “Honkai III” in the top three of the game’s hot list.

For the new main story, players are naturally looking forward to it, but they are also super looking forward to the event.

Another half day passed.

[Fallen Angel Chen] revealed again: “The latest news event is called “Honkai Country”! The event plot is super sweet! ”

See the word super sweet.

Players expressed their disbelief.

“Brother Nei, no kidding, right? Will the plot of Honkai III be super sweet? ”

“Really fake? Do you think that the knife is too cruel to us? So compensation in the activity? ”

“What is the specific content of the event? What is the sweet way? ”

“Can it be sweet? The only ones that can be sweet now are Duck and Hill, right? ”

“If you call Hill upstairs again, I’ll let Ciel kill you all.”

“It should be Ciel, or Rita and Dumb Goose, right? I feel that there are only these two sweet. ”

“Grandma’s, it must have lied to me, I won’t believe that there will be sweetness.”

Although the players all say so.

But…… I am super looking forward to the sweet plot in my heart.

After all, they have been stupid with knives recently, and they all want to cure Zhan.


[Fallen Angel Chen] broke the news again: “The main plot is also super sweet, and it will tell about the love between people and lawyers.” ”


The players weren’t quite convinced.

The main plot turned out to be sweet?

And is it still the love of the human and the lawyer?


Bud clothes in the world snake soaked ?., 13/03/2023 21:02

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