Bud Yi followed the raven to the signal site.

“I can feel that the lawyer is nearby.”

The voice just fell.

She was attracted by the icicles not far in front of her, and the location of Coral Island is in the tropics.

In a place like this, there are icicles, which is very abnormal in itself.

Plus the constant overflow of collapse energy in the icicles.

It all says a point.

The Lawyer is inside!

It seemed that sensing the attack of the surrounding enemies, the Honkai Beasts all gathered and formed a Honkai Beast barrier outside the screen.

The Nighthawk immediately said, “You attract the attention of the Broken Beast, I’ll go to the icicle to prepare.” ”

Raven also took out the third divine key, the Seven Thunders of Sins.

Aimed at icicles.

While Bud Yi cleans up the Honkai Beast.

Accumulating power…



A terrifying pillar of energy light shot out from the muzzle, instantly shattering the icicle in the middle of the Broken Beast.

“Ahhhh… Ahhh…”

The terrifying and terrifying screams exploded instantly.

Even if it was a few of them, their ears hurt by this cry.

Wait until you come to your senses.

Only to find out.

In this icicle is a woman.

Her face was shrouded in a mask, and she couldn’t see her clearly, she could only feel that she was struggling with something unknown.

At this time, the night thug also immediately prepared: “Target locked, the battle of Huangquan… Ready to fill! ”


A mournful cry suddenly sounded.

In the distance, the lawyer shouted loudly.

With a scream, a piercing cold current rushed out.

The moisture in the air quickly condensed into a cold shackle of ice, binding the three of them tightly.

Bud Yi clearly felt the tingling of “four, five, seven” coming from the skin.

She was only a stone’s throw away from the lawyer, and even her breath was on the verge of solidification.

The lawyer in front of him does not look like a lawyer at all, as if he is a dead man, constantly roaring, rolling, and shouting in a completely incomprehensible voice.

This is different from all the lawyers.

No one knows if it’s not fully hatched, or something else.

But now.

There was no time left for them to think too much.

“The battle begins!”

Bud yelled.

The power of thunder flowed along the ice crystal shackles on his body, shattering them all.

The other two also untied themselves under the power of thunder and lightning.

The three of them took action together.

Attempt to capture the lawmaker according to the previous plan.

Bud Yi was the first to rush up to fight.


The fierce wind suddenly came, carrying countless snowflakes, covering the place in an instant.

The already cold temperature dropped several degrees again.

Bud Yi is also because of this sudden storm.

Had to pause the attack.

Wait for the storm to clear.

Everything you see has been frozen by the ice and snow, and only a huge wall of ice stands in front of everyone.

The raven leaned down, closed his eyes and felt the residual collapse in the ice crystals, and the aura of the lawyer had disappeared.

“She ran away?”

Bud Yi: “The lawyer is leaving, you have to catch up.” ”

“Wait a minute!”

The Nighthawk stopped her: “It’s too reckless to chase rashly. The abilities of the lawyer we have seen are more difficult to deal with than we think. Although your power can compete with it, it will not be easy to capture her. We need a more complete response. ”

As he spoke, he kept patting his clothes and knocked the thick frost down,


At the same time.

The eastern side of Coral Island.

Lauderdale and Rita have arrived at the Valkyrie’s missing place.

The frost on the ground gradually faded, and under the refraction of the sunlight, the Valkyries had long lost their breath.

The two were silent for seconds, mourning their lost souls.

“They are brave warriors, take them home.” Rita, I’ll leave it to you here, I’ll look around for any clues. ”

Lauderdale turned away, her expression still calm

Lauderdale searched around and found the communicator left on the ground, which still contained fragments of the collapse.

“Captain, the Oceania branch has been successfully contacted, as long as we hold out until reinforcements arrive, we will…”

“Hmm… Not……!!! ”

Before the previous team members finished speaking, they heard someone cry out in pain.

“Captain! Captain, what’s wrong with you? ”

“Don’t… Close to me… Come on! ”

“Captain, the Honkai energy on your body is very strong… What the hell is this…”

“…… Come on!!! ”

The captain almost gritted his teeth and roared out these two words.

The next moment.

One after another screams appeared.

“No… No…… It’s not like that…”


Zila –

Communication was completely disconnected.

Lauderdale patrolled the battlefield, and the traces that remained conveyed the same fact to her.

She carefully put away the Valkyrie’s relics.

At this time, a faint light flickering in the sunlight caught her attention.

“This is…”

Rita also came to report the situation at this time: “Lord Langdale, the Immortal Blade team has broken through the outer ring tunnel and is advancing here, and other Valkyrie forces have also blocked the major passes of Coral Island, and the impact area of the collapse has been basically controlled. ”


She suddenly noticed that Lauderdale was staring at her hand: “Lord Lauderdale, what is the necklace in your hand?” ”

“Anna Shanyat, this necklace was left by her. From the current clues, it is inferred that she is the lawyer born in this collapse. ”

Rita: “…”

This result was indeed unexpected.

Lauderdale continued, “Although she resisted the erosion of Honkai, she destroyed her squad in the chaos. ”

Rita asked, “Lord Lauderdale, do you want to tell the World Snake the news?” ”


Lauderdale nodded and said to the communication: “Alvet, pass on Anna’s information to them.” ”


Bud clothes this side.

They had just destroyed the huge ice power created by the Lawyers.

I received a call from Destiny.

After learning these things, Nha Yi and others were also surprised.

It seems that these Honkai love the Valkyries alone, so is Bud Yi, so is Kiana. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In the data, there is a detailed report about Anna.

It also has her appearance.

See this.

Players who were still watching the main story intently.

Suddenly it was not calm.

“That’s too pretty, isn’t it?”

“It’s supposed to be on board, right? After all, the few lawyers, except for Wendy, all went on board. ”

“It’s not okay to be so good-looking and not on the ship, especially if it’s so big!!”

“In the end, Krypton is a single order, no way, who makes her so big!”

“I noticed it before that it was very big, but I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful.”

“Nima! The Honkai God is a daughter-in-law, and every lawyer is so good-looking. ”

“Needless to say, I just got the red envelope today, and I must use krypton gold.”


Sister Zhou saw that the players were so excited.

I looked down at myself.

Pouting and saying: “What’s the use, it’s not yet a lawyer, my favorite is still Fu Hua!” ”

Listen to that.

Some players ridiculed: “Sister Zhou, you can only have confidence if you compare with Fu Hua, right?” Even the board duck can’t compare! ”

“You boy! Craniotomy warning! ”

“You boy! Craniotomy warning! ”

“You boy! Craniotomy warning! ”


The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly formed a unified rhythm.

In this time.

The plot is also developing.

They already know all the information and things.

She looked at the information and said: “Let’s go, no matter who the lawyer is, we must solve this crisis as soon as possible.” ”

“You’re right.”

The Nighthawk’s gaze looked at the city’s skyline, where the precursors of disaster had gradually spread.

The temperature throughout the coral island is dropping rapidly.

The ice pick in the middle is expanding in all directions.

“It seems that… Time is running out. ”

The lazy nightlord spoke seriously for the first time.

Raven also sorted out the current situation: “At present, the lawyer is moving towards the center of the city, and the reconnaissance equipment set up by the world snake inside the coral island has been completely paralyzed. ”

“The data from the last data shows that the Lawyer created a large number of Broken Beasts in the process of traveling. These Honkai Beasts will form ultra-low temperature areas around them, which is a dead place that ordinary people cannot set foot on. If you want to get close to the target, you must destroy all these Honkai beasts. ”

The Nighthawk also said: “But even if we can get close to the lawyer, we need a more complete plan, otherwise, we will only let her escape again.” ”

“Yes! The key to the plan is the Yellow Spring Staff. ”

Raven also nodded.

The Yellow Fountain’s Staff!

I’ve heard this stuff several times.

But there is absolutely no understanding of what this really is.

While there was still time, she asked directly: “What is that?” ”

The Nighthawk explains: “In short, a restriction device aimed at the core of the lawyer. According to the jackal, it can greatly interfere with the connection between the core of the lawyer and the imaginary space, distort the channel between the two in a short time, so that the collapse energy in the lawyer’s body can fall into disorder, which will not kill the lawyer and greatly restrict her actions…”

“Under normal circumstances, this bondage does not last long. But if you can inflict heavy damage on the Ice Lawyer first, weakening her power, then the duration of the Yellow Spring Staff will be greatly extended, and we will have enough time to hand over the Lawyer to the Venerable Lord and let him seal the Lawyer’s power. ”

Hear this.

Bud Yi couldn’t help frowning slightly.

The night lord hurriedly said: “Sorry, as a lawyer, you must feel very cruel.” ”

He looked at Bud Yi.

But it was Raven who responded: “Cruel? When did you become so kind? ”


The Night Scourge sighed: “I just think that there is also a lawyer around us.” ”

“It’s okay!”

Bud Yi’s response made the Night Lords a little disappointed.

She simply said, “If that’s the only way, then I’ll do what I have to do.” ”

The night raid was silent for a moment.

Cai said: “In that case, let’s make a plan as soon as possible, the longer the time drags on, the worse it will be for us.” ”

Raven said: “Leave the frontal attack to Bud Yi, and we will fight in the way we are good at.” ”

“Hmm… That’s what I thought. ”

Perhaps feeling a little cold, the Nighthawk added some fuel to the fire that had just risen in front of him.

Raven continued: “First of all, we need to determine the location of the lawyer, the dual interference of collapse energy and cold current has made most of the reconnaissance methods ineffective, and now we can only ask the enemy through the naked eye. I’ll look for a vantage point to lock in the position of the Lawyer and then provide you with remote support. ”

The Nighthawk added, “After discovering the Lawyer, I will place the Yellow Spring Staff in a trap, and then you will lure the Lawyer into the trap.” ”

Bud Yi nodded, no objection.

“…… However, the lawyer used to be a trained Valkyrie, wouldn’t this plan be too simple? ”

The Night Lords are still worried that the plan is not rigorous enough.

Raven said unceremoniously: “Provided that she can still retain human consciousness.” But judging from the previous battle, she has even lost her language ability, and I am afraid that only the urge to destroy remains. ”

“She’s in a special state.”

Looking at the flickering fire, Bud Yi recalled the theory he had heard from Dr. Einstein before.

“That Valkyrie… Although the body has been completely eroded, her heart is still resisting the collapse, and neither self-consciousness nor lawyer consciousness can occupy the dominance of the body, and she will become that irrational appearance. If the personality completely succumbed to Honkai, it would not be like that. ”

After listening to the words of Bud Yi.

The nightlord’s voice was a little dry: “She… Still fighting Honkai…? ”

Raven interrupted directly: “But we can’t afford the risk of losing the battle, no matter what, now is the best time to act.” If there were no objections to Program 4.5, let’s go. ”

The Nighthawk did not continue to ask.

Cooperative said: “Raiden Bud Yi, you first protect the raven to find the high ground, I need some time to assemble the trap.” ”

“Let’s go!”

Today’s bud clothes are also completely different from the past.

Even when he speaks, he is as precious as gold and very decisive.

Saw her turn away.

Raven immediately followed.

The two rushed through the frozen city.

After killing a few more Broken Beasts.

The raven exhaled a hot breath.

He said, “It’s so cold… Bud Yi, talk to me, otherwise everyone will freeze. ”

Bud Yi said coldly: “Who let you dress like this.” ”

Raven said helplessly: “This is a special combat uniform, which can protect against the cold… But who would have thought that this kind of weather would happen on the equator. ”

“Alas, that kid from the Nighthawk, he definitely didn’t want to be frozen, so he found an excuse to stay by the fire, he has always been like this.”

Bud Yi also asked with some interest: “You seem to be familiar with him?” ”

“At that time, he was the same as now, even if the knife was on his neck, he still looked like he didn’t care about himself, and his face didn’t change color, which I thought was very interesting. So when I destroyed the Thousand Fist Club, I let him live and introduced him to the organization. ”

“When I saw him again, he was already a cadre, and I got a bonus for it (that’s how Kojima came about??). )。 “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:03

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