At the same time.

Teresa’s side.

She told all the information she had received and what had happened.

“- this is the intelligence I received.”

Bronia also sighed: “Unbelievable…”

This news, for them, is too shocking.

Mandate of Heaven!

What a existence that is, it is the organization with the strongest comprehensive strength and the greatest influence among the three existing organizations.

Now he was attacked and made a mess.

Teresa continued: “The headquarters of Destiny has become a mess… The airport was damaged in many places, and Ye… Otto is missing, his life and death are unknown. Destiny has faced so many crises, and this has never happened. ”

“Is that Bishop Otto alive or dead?”

Bronia was shocked again.

That’s Otto!

No matter what happens, he can solve it with ease, no matter what crisis he can always stay out of, always calculate everything.

In this way, he would not know whether he lived or died because of this attack?

It’s just…

It’s incredible!

Teresa affirmed: “Yes, Urandale has taken over the Mandate of Heaven, and it is said that the third S-class Valkyrie has also dispatched… Even when the Mandate of Heaven was fought, there was no such battle… Ten days ago, something very serious must have happened. ”

After listening to her.

Bronia looked serious (although she always had a straight face).

“Bronia always thought it was a conspiracy.”

Teresa also had this hunch: “… After all, he doesn’t fall down so easily, right? Compared to the Mandate Bishop, what an Otto hiding behind the scenes would do is more terrifying. ”

“Could it be the World Snake?”

In Bronia’s opinion, only the World Serpent has the ability to do this.

Teresa hesitated: “It’s hard to say, but there is information of doubtful credibility: almost at the same time, the introduction was also attacked, and it is said that the other party fought with their lord and retreated.” ”

“The situation is getting more and more complicated, you should be more careful when you are out alone… Is Kiana okay? She’s sleeping? ”

Bronia replied, “She must be practicing what the class leader gave her, she has been meditating these days.” That idiot kind of… Changed. Bronia can’t tell if it’s good or bad. But the headmaster is relieved that Bronia will see her. ”

Teresa nodded and said, “Well, the doctors and I will fully support you.” Just now, tell Kiana and say hello to her for me. ”

Communication is lost.

Not far away, Kiana was still meditating with her eyes closed.

Hearing Bronia approaching, he said, “I heard the voice of the principal. ”

Bronia nodded and said, “Well, she said some of the latest information about Destiny and the World Snake… It has nothing to do with sister Bud. ”

“So… Well, no need to tell me. What happens to Destiny and the serpent of the world has nothing to do with us. Now I don’t have the energy to think about anything else, I just want to think clearly about what I can do. ”

“Bronia, how far is it from Tai Void Mountain now?”

Kiana really didn’t pay attention to those things.

The purpose of their trip was to go to Taifu Mountain to find what the squad leader Fu Hua had left behind.

In memory.

Kiana had seen Fu Hua live here for a long time.

She believed that as long as she came here, she would be able to find what Fu Hua left behind—the Tai Void Sword Qi that could control the energy of the lawyer.

The next morning.

The two arrived at Taihu Mountain on time.

Bronia looked at the mountains around her.

The whole mountain has an ethereal feeling of being far from the mundane, but at the same time there is a feeling of emptiness.

“This is … The other party where the squad leader has lived? “In my dreams, I saw the scene here, it seems that it was a long time ago, and many places have changed.”

The two walked around.

I got a little familiar with the environment.

Green mountains and beautiful waters, fairy air ethereal.

“The place where the squad leader practiced back then should be higher on this mountain.”

According to Kiana.

The two walked down the bluestone steps all the way up the mountain.

Soon after.

You come to an open area with a waterfall on one side and a rocky arch bridge on the other.

Sunlight shines in, forming a rainbow arch bridge above the waterfall, which complements the disguised arch bridge.

It’s just that……

The view was nice but not at all crowded.

Bronia couldn’t help but wonder: “Is what you are looking for really here?” Find martial arts secrets in the mountains, like something that only happens in games. And the squad leader has not lived here for a long time, right? Even if there is treasure left, it is likely to be picked up. ”

Kiana said while searching: “Maybe it’s like you said, but some of the treasures left by the squad leader are not visible to ordinary people. ”

The voice just fell.

A flash of inspiration flashed in the minds of the two.

At the same time, he blurted out: “Yuduchen!” ”

With goals.

The motivation for the two to find is also more sufficient.

It’s just that……

It is curious that even where this Red Kite Immortal lives, there will be Avalanche Beasts, and the concentration of Honkai energy here is surprisingly high.

This doubt did not remain in the mind for long.

Kiana was attracted by the ethereal and familiar aura not far away.

Tracing the breath of the past.

On the edge of a cliff, she really found a feather stuck in the ground, and the fiery red light was like a burning flame.

“Found it!”

Bronia also felt magical: “Really… There was originally nothing, and as soon as we approached, the feathers appeared. Kiana, do you know how to use her? ”

“Well, I’ll try.”

Kiana forced her eyes and according to Professor Fuhua’s decision, let the feathered’s thoughts flow to her sea of consciousness…

A moment later.

Bronia suddenly frowned when she saw her.

So he asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Kiana shook her head with some disappointment: “No… Failed, probably by what seal was added, after the feather made contact with my consciousness, it bounced open, can only the squad leader open it? ”


A loud noise suddenly came from the ground.

Bronia immediately alerted, “Wait and think about it, Kiana.” The power just now attracted the Honkai Beast. ”

Kiana also took out a pistol.

Just as the battle was about to begin.

A Miaoling woman holding a long sword in one hand appeared.

In front of the two, she easily killed all these broken beasts.

Then asked, “Are you two okay?” ”

“Ahhh… Didn’t…”

Kiana was speechless for a moment.

The mysterious woman’s tricks shocked her.

Although it was just an ordinary sword, the demeanor of that sword overlapped with the squad leader in his memory, almost the same.

Come to your senses.

Kiana asked again, “Are you?” ”

The woman replied, “In the lower forest and the rain, he can be regarded as the caretaker of this Taifu Mountain.” This place is really full of qi, and there are often monsters and beasts, so the immortals set up an enchantment here to prevent outsiders from entering by mistake. ”

After speaking, she looked at the two: “Why are the two here?” ”

Kiana said bluntly: “We know immortals. ”


Lin Chaoyu was obviously a little surprised.

Kiana continued: “The immortals you said only mean the Red Kite Immortals, right? We know her. It’s her friend. ”

Lin Chaoyu was stunned, but he was surprised.

“…… Friend. ”

She chewed the two words softly, a smile on the corners of her mouth.

“Come with me.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Drop this phrase.

Lin Chaoyu took the lead in walking towards the mountain.

The two also immediately followed.

Asked each other along the way.

Kiana also learned that the squad leader Fu Hua was the founding ancestor here, and the tricks Lin Chaoyu used just now were also taught by Fu Hua.

Come to the mountains.

Kiana directly asked, “Can you teach me too Void Sword Qi? Chi Yuan once taught me “Tai Void Sword Qi”, but she left quickly, and the content of the teaching was also scattered, this time I came to Tai Void Mountain, just to learn the complete version, so as to control the power in the body. ”

Lin Chaoyu thought for a moment.

Decided to listen to them talk about the past with the Red Kite Immortals before making a decision.

After listening to all that.

“…… I see. I never thought that Master Chi Kite would have such an experience (after all, he used to be condemned by the devil), and you are actually a lawyer. ”

Another moment of silence.

Only then did she speak again, “I can teach you, but I’m afraid it won’t achieve your purpose.” Master Chi Kite should have told you that there are five essences of the Tai Void Sword Qi: heart, form, mind, soul, and god. ”

“She taught you to be healthy because your physique happens to perfectly meet the conditions of health spirit. Sword intent and sword soul are of no use to you at the moment. I can teach you the sword shape or the too false true technique of the too false shooting school, but this can only improve your actual combat level, not the cure you seek. ”

Kiana was curious, “Have you learned this sword heart?” ”


In a trance.

It was as if he heard Lin Chaoyu let out a sigh.

“Learned. But we all swore … We will never leave the heart of the sword to future generations. No, I can’t break the blood oath. ”

Bronia hurriedly asked, “Then, is there any other way?” ”

Lin Chaoyu nodded: “If it’s you, maybe there is.” ”

From the beginning of the meeting, she noticed the feathers that Kiana hidden.

As Kiana handed her the feathers.

She said, “This feather… The preserved one is still intact. The Red Kite Immortal placed a spell on it, and he had to use his sword heart to break it. ”

Lin Chaoyu muttered to himself and closed his eyes.

Kiana was looking away when she saw the feathers shine brightly.

“Come on!”

She couldn’t help but push the feather into Kiana’s arms.

The instant light flourished, which made Kiana dazzled.

Lin Chaoyu then said something.

But before it reached Kiana’s ears, she was completely consumed by the light.

Kiana felt an image flood into her mind.

This is……

A memory.

A memory that belongs to Fu Hua.

I don’t know which generation the memory is, or rather… Which era.

In memory.

Fu Hua got up early as usual.

Start your daily workout.


Someone is constantly greeting him.

“Early, Xiaohua, change clothes today? Don’t wear the martial arts gym? ”

“Huh? Ah Hua, you haven’t left yet, you’re not going to that thing… Canghai City? ”

“Xiaohua, do you want to keep today’s buns and soy milk for you?”


At the beginning of the memory, it is basically some trivial things, all the greetings and concerns of the neighbors.


Just these greetings, these concerns.

It all shows that the current Hua is still just a real teenage girl.

She has not yet experienced anything in the future.

This is her first and most precious memory.

End of morning exercise.

She came to the hospital as usual.

Visiting the hospitalized father, listening to his nagging, listening to his worries about his daughter who is about to leave for school.

She walked out of the hospital.

I can’t help but show a hint of hesitation and confusion.

The thought also came to mind: “I want to be alone… I’ve gone to a strange city…”

It was still dark, and the rising sun was obscured by the layers of buildings, and the light was like a net covering her.

At this time, she didn’t think she would make friends at all.

After reading this memory.

Sister Zhou was a little panicked in her heart.

She couldn’t help but say: “I used to think that Fu Hua was very powerful from the beginning, after all, she lived for 50,000 years, she has crossed 2 eras, and she has been called an immortal, and she has a strong will to resist the lawyer. ”

“But seeing this memory, I suddenly understood that in the beginning, Fu Hua was just a little girl, a teenage girl who would be afraid because she went to Mo (Qiannuo’s) birth city, uneasy because she was worried about her family, and confused about the unknown future.

Her words.

It is the doubt in the hearts of countless players.

It is also the answer that players are desperate to know.

Fu Hua!

It is undoubtedly a very important character in Honkai III, and it is also a character with super popularity.

Especially in this version, the Yunmo Danxin character was launched.

It also made her popularity continue to rise.


Seeing her memories and her past, it is naturally very emotional.

In the plot.

The same goes for it.

Kiana asked, “This is… The memory of the squad leader? ”

Bronia also said: “Bronia feels very strange… Virtuous”

The Fu Hua in this memory is completely different from what they know.

Kiana continued: “Confused… When I immersed myself in this memory, I felt suffocating confusion and fear. It’s like… Like a butterfly caught in a storm, not knowing what will happen to you in the next second… Is this really our squad leader? ”

“The squad leader – she is always firm and unwavering, she can always reassure those around her. But that girl just now…”

Bronia guessed, “Perhaps… This is what the class president looked like before coming to St. Freya Academy? ”


Kiana was also puzzled: “The class leader lived for a long time before entering St. Freya Academy, but… Why is the time wrong? I don’t know, I don’t know… Although they look the same, I have never seen such a squad leader. ”

Even after reading the memory.

The two still didn’t believe that it was their squad leader, that it was Fu Hua., 13/03/2023 21:04

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