“Then don’t worry. I don’t want to scare my dad in case something happens. ”

Heard Hua say so.

The girl smiled and said, “Haha, your father is a martial arts practitioner, can it scare him?” … Bye ~ See you again when school starts! ”

The girl said and waved her hand, ready to leave.

Hua looked at her and thanked her sincerely: “Hmm… Thank you. If you hadn’t helped me, I wouldn’t have made so many friends. I was happy at school, I never expected to be so happy… Thanks to you. ”


The girl walked back.

With his hands crossed at the waist, he said patiently: “Hua! Have confidence in yourself, everyone is friends with you because they like you, how can it be because of me. You are a good girl, even without me, everyone will realize it sooner or later. Don’t credit others for your excellence! What a loss! Let’s go, you still have to go to the airport. ”

At her urging.

Hua also rushed to the airport quickly.

Since meeting the girl, Hua’s campus life has become different.

There are more friends.

Nor is it alone.

“Canghai City! Good bye. ”

Hua looked at the city at night.

Although short-lived, she had a very happy time here.

In a few hours, she will return to her hometown –

“I’ve made friends, Dad.”

She was full of joy.


Just then, a hurried siren sounded at the airport.

The radio then sounded: “Dear passengers! Due to emergencies, the airport will be closed urgently, please stay where you are…”

Sudden situations.

Let Hua be a little overwhelmed.

Completely unaware of what was going on.

She could only look at Canghai City outside.

This moment…

Several meteorites in the sky fell rapidly, and the appearance of this meteorite was completely different from what I remembered.

It shimmered strangely and was full of ominousness.


Doomsday…… Advent.

——At this time, Hua did not know: what she experienced was the arrival of the third collapse.

The memory is over.

Bronia said: “The collapse here has also come…”

Kiana also said: “This may be the first collapse experienced by the 13th class leader. ”

“Obviously made good friends…”

Both fell silent for a while, some unhappy memories choking their tongues.

Only on the side of Lin faced the direction of the rain, and from time to time there was a crisp sound of kicking stones.

Obviously he just gained friends.

I just found a sense of home in the school and a sense of happiness.

Obviously he was preparing to go back to see his father…


All of this disappeared in this collapse.

Players remember it well.

Just in the previous memory, the surviving Hua, from her captain, got the news that Canghai City is gone, her hometown is gone, and the school is also … Gone.

She had just achieved happiness, but it was all gone.

See such memories.

How can people not be angry about Honkai?

Seeing such memories, even if it is Kiana and Bronia, how can they easily face it?

In this mood.

The two could only continue to look at the next feather.

White light flashes.

The two came back to a memory.

The memory of this time can be described as the opening lightning strike.

The familiar woman in front of her, who resembled Himeko, was wearing a cheongsam and looking at her.

He laughed, “Isn’t that pretty?” ”

Hua: “…”


This woman has become Hua’s captain.

She continued: “I think you’ll be the focus of the ball tonight. ”

Hua shook his head.

The captain saw her like this and asked, “What’s wrong?” Are you unhappy? ”

Hua said truthfully: “I don’t understand very well. In order to eliminate the sixth lawyer, we lost three branches, which happened not long ago. Although there was a victory… But how can everyone forget the past, the sacrifices and grief, so easily? ”

“Tonight, everyone is dressed in beautiful clothes, listening to music, eating snacks… When I think of such a scene, the dead comrades will sound … I can’t understand. ”

The captain listened to these words.

Also a sigh.

He said teachingly: “Hua, there is a saying that I often hang on my lips, maybe you are tired of hearing it.” But it’s really good: forgetting is bitter medicine. ”

“No one chooses to forget for no reason. Forgetting is the means by which we vent our pain and gain pleasure. You have to allow people to forget, to allow people to be happy. This is especially true in times of war. Demoralized soldiers cannot fight. ”

The captain said, straightening the long hair on his forehead.

“I’m really not used to tying my hair up occasionally. The sides are a little empty, and there is always a cold wind blowing on the neck. ”

Hua said very puzzled: “It’s the air conditioner in the base.” ”


The captain sneered impatiently: “Don’t say this, you really don’t want to go to the dance?” Are you sure? It took me a lot of time to pick out your outfit. ”

“If you don’t want to dance with people, you can eat a buffet.” Of course, I’m going to pull you on the dance floor. ”

“Hmm… I’ll go. ”

Hua reluctantly agreed.

The captain smiled: “Haha, that’s right.” Learn the way, Hua. ”

The memories came to an abrupt end.

Wearing a cheongsam, Hua stared at herself in the mirror and couldn’t help but think of a brief conversation with the captain before that ball… It’s been a year.

A year changed a lot, two lawyers, who appeared and died, and Australia was destroyed by flames.

And the people who chose clothes for her.


There will also be a dance party for the Fire Moth.

Unlike last year’s cheerful mood, there is an atmosphere of frustration in the Fire-chasing Moth base at this moment.

The long war of attrition has worn away the spirit of the soldiers, and the continuous birth of lawyers, the end of the war seems far away.

Under such circumstances, no one is in the mood to dance and have fun, but no one is willing to propose the abolition of this tradition.

Because…… People need to be happy so much.

Hua’s mind recalled the captain’s words.

“You have to allow people to forget, to allow people to be happy. This is especially true in times of war, when demoralized soldiers cannot fight. ”

“Learn to relax, Hua.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Today is not what it used to be, and Hua is no longer an ignorant recruit.

At this moment, she understood the captain better than ever, and understood her mission better.

“At least tonight, I hope everyone can forget and let go…”

Talking to herself, Hua walked towards the lounge.

Memories interrupted.

These memories.

It’s all so heavy.

The players don’t know what mood Kiana and Bronia are in right now.

But everyone has already been stupid with a knife.

Sister Zhou’s live broadcast room had three times more viewers than before.

Most of them were knifed because they pushed the main line, so they ran to the live broadcast room to see how others were knifed.

Being knifed by himself alone, he can only feel uncomfortable alone.

But everyone is knifed together, then it is different, a group of people are uncomfortable, how is it not a kind of happiness?


More and more players are watching the live broadcast. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And Sister Zhou.

At this time, he is a tool man numbed by the knife.

Continue to push the main line.

Bronia also said: “What will be the next feather?” I always feel that it will also be the memories of the squad leader, and I don’t know when I will find the sword heart trick or the doppelganger of the squad leader. ”

Kiana said, “It’s just that the memories are also very good… Finally, I have some understanding of the mysterious squad leader, and I have a hunch that as long as I continue, I will definitely get my wish. ”

Hear this.

The players almost crashed.

“Bugs, you really don’t have to be very good.”

“As long as you keep looking, you will definitely be full of knives.”

“Bugs and Ducks, you two are watching the memories of the squad leader as a drama.”

“It’s okay, I’m stupid by the knife, continue it, either you get your wish, or I was killed by the knife.”

“Nima! This main line is really served, the opening game beats Otto Jushuang, and then the back is full of knives, the planning is really crazy. ”

“Really, I begged, look for it again, if you don’t find the sword heart, I will be killed by the sword.”

“I kind of found out, Fu Hua is the biggest knife in this game.”

Of course.

No matter how the player shouts.

Sister Zhou had already turned a deaf ear.

She just continued to push the main line.

Want to know Fu Hua, want to know everything about her.

Kiana found the feather again.

Memory reproduction.

This time, it was in the base.

“Looks like… The Twelfth Law escaped. Remember that girl is Sakura’s sister, right? ”

Hua sighed, took a few steps and stopped.

See this memory at the beginning.

All players get it.

This is definitely a knife!!

Sakura’s sister… The Twelfth Lawyer…

This plot, they are familiar with ah, is simply a big knife, now it is repeating the knife!

Hua sorted out the situation.

Take the attention.

Hua took action.

Rush to a few fighters in the distance.

In the battle with it, she discovers anomalies.

After beating these fighters to incapacitation.

She examined it carefully.

She spread out her palm and summoned the Eighth Divine Key, the Key of Consciousness.

Think so.

Hua liberated the second power rating of the key of consciousness – the plural manifestation.

She floats in the pure white spiritual world.

Near or far spots of light are dense, those are the appearance of conscious living creatures under the action of Hado dust.

“The scope of the Divine Key has been extended to the entire base.”

Hua said to himself.

She was conveying simple messages to herself to provoke an instinctive reaction.

At this moment of high mental concentration, even the presence of emotions is superfluous.

Hua looked around, and the key of God acted as her invisible sense, incorporating all the existence of this world into observation.

She saw three special realizations in the distance intertwined.

One of them is Kevin, who is sharp and tenacious in spirit, like a giant sword that never bends.

Another consciousness was not far away from him, it was so fragile, like smoke, as if it would disappear at any moment. Grief and pain flew around it, like small leaves.

“Who? Is it Sakura? ”

And the third consciousness … Hua immediately understood: it was the initiator of everything. Malicious as a thick cocoon wrapped it, from which countless thin threads stretched out.

“Found it! It’s eroding this base, and hopefully 923 and it. ”

“I want to block everyone’s sanity at the same time, and the organizers will erode them. It must be delayed until Kevin solves the law. ”

“Let’s go!”

The action has just begun.

She was discovered by the Lawyers.

And attack her.

Face this situation.

Hua chooses to replicate his consciousness with the Key of God, removing his useless personality and retaining only his hostility to Honkai. Fight it as a guard.

The whole process went very smoothly.

After waiting for Hua to block everyone’s consciousness.

She uses God’s Key to destroy her improvised self.

This behavior made her feel a little sad.

She allows another self to come into the world in emotionless pure reason. When she completed her mission, she destroyed it with her own hands.

This is a tool made to combat Honkai.

She couldn’t help but think that becoming a fusion warrior was not the same?

She shook her head and shook off the pile of useless thoughts.

Get ready to go and join Kevin and Sakura.

There was silence in the base, and everyone fell into a coma.

To ensure safety in the future, Hua will not remove the power of the Key of God until he receives instructions from the Doctor.


That terrifying dark consciousness and its outstretched tentacles were gone.

The Twelfth Lawyer, whether she lives or dies, is at least under control.

Hua walked to the third floor and saw Kevin leaning against the wall.

He looks lost, as if he is also controlled by the key of God, and is in a dream.

Hear Hua’s footsteps.

Only then did he say, “I saw that the people in the base were like lost souls, and I knew it was you.” ”


Kevin knew what she wanted to ask and said directly: “The Twelfth Law has been sealed. ”

“Is it? …… Is Sakura okay? ”

Hua did not see her.

“She’s dead.”

Kevin turned his head and looked into the distance, which was where the lawyer had been held.

“This time, the lawyer’s ability is like some kind of virus, which can not only hack into computers, but even erode humans. Honkai huh… It’s always beyond our imagination. ”

Hua realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, “How heavy is the loss?” ”

Kevin lowered his head and reported mechanically: “The casualties in the base are about a hundred, and those who are close to the lawyer become dead soldiers. The virus was so fast that we didn’t have time to stop it. ”

“Thanks to you, if you hadn’t made a quick decision to block the erosion of humans by the virus, I’m afraid there would be no living people in this base.”

Hear this.

Hua was also a little more relaxed: “It seems to be good news. ”

Kevin continued: “I haven’t said the bad news yet: all three metropolises are destroyed. The virus took control of the defense system and fired all the nuclear bombs into the inhabited area of the earth. “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:13

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