Immediately behind him was the Book of Cangxuan.

Pulling his throat and shouting, “Wait-wait-I-ah!!” ”

Hearing the shout, the red kite stopped.

Turning around and saying, “You’re slowing down. ”

The Book of Cang Xuan said: “I am old, old. ”


Red Kite snorted softly.

As if to say, at your age, you are embarrassed to tell me that you are old?

I heard the Book of Cang Xuan say again: “You are also thousands of years old, don’t be so busy, combine work and rest, pay attention to rest.” ”

“Honkai doesn’t rest!”

Just from this conversation.

Players can hear that in this new era, Fu Hua is constantly cleaning up the collapse, and his dedication to eliminating the collapse is getting deeper and deeper.

This…… It’s a little different from her in the last era.

The Book of Cangxuan retorted, “Who said it wouldn’t? Doesn’t Honkai also come back every three to five? All the demons we have seen over the years are not in the climate, and the real collapse is still far away. ”

The red kite simply replied, “Those who are contaminated and broken must be destroyed.” This matter has nothing to do with the size of the matter, and the evil is eliminated. ”

Cang Xuanzhishu said helplessly: “You are too accustomed to humans, this should be the problem that they solve by themselves.” ”

“Ah, here it is.”

Red Kite looked at the village in front of him.

Digress directly.

Cang Xuanzhishu said aggrievedly, “… You ignore me again. ”

Walk into the village.

The red kite only discovered the abnormality.

There is obviously a demon atmosphere near this village, but the whole village is still as prosperous as ever.

Hawking of shouting, busy busyness.

It was not affected at all.

Pointing to the sugar gourd seller not far away, he said: “Red kite, there are sugar gourds sold over there, do you want to eat it?” ”


Red Kite ignored her at all.

And I care about demon things.

Find the local resident and ask: “Husband, dare to ask if there are monsters here?” ”

The old man put down the burden on his shoulders.

“The girl said and smiled, this village has always been peaceful, and there has been no evil thing for hundreds of years.”

Then she asked a few people.

But the answer is basically the same.

Cang Xuanzhishu asked her about the situation.

The red kite also fell into deep thought: “They all say that they have never seen a demon beast. But I could feel that there was a demon qi not far away. ”

“Is it strong?”

The Book of Cangxuan asked 407.

Red Kite shook his head: “No, ordinary Honkai can react.” But it was too close, and the villagers’ reaction was too calm, and there must be something strange in it. ”

Cang Xuanzhishu also put down his heart: “Then it’s not the big monster we are looking for.” ”

Chi Kite said: “Then you can’t be careless, I’ll take a look for myself.” ”

Now the red kite.

He is very persistent about Honkai, and he has a feeling that he wants to clear all Honkai.

This intense attachment.

It always makes the players faintly feel that something is wrong.

The plot continues.

The red kite followed the direction of the demon qi, passed through the village, and came to the path behind the village.

Go all the way.

Finally found the source of the demon qi.

Cang Xuanzhishu was surprised: “Wow, this dead man… Chained. That’s not right, Red Kite. ”

The red kite looked at the situation here.

From the conclusion, someone locked the dead man here, and besides, there were fresh fruits and meat in front of the dead man… None of them have ever been passive.

Nor were the objects placed for priesthood or worship.

After reading these.

The red kite directly moved and prepared to kill this dead man.

Cangxuanzhishu hurriedly stopped: “Wait a minute! Don’t kill it yet. ”


The red kite could not understand that the dead should be killed directly.

The Book of Cangxuan explained, “Don’t you think it’s strange? It is obviously locked up here, the man does not kill it, but gives it food, there must be something behind this. Check it out first

“No need!”

Red Kite decisively refused: “She has completely gone crazy (dead), this is irreversible.” The living of the dead is a scourge, and it must be removed sooner rather than later. ”

“That… Let’s take a minute! ”

The Book of Cangxuan pleaded.

Cangxuanzhishu stammered a little, “I… Don’t like the way you fight. It’s cold, it’s scary…”

Chi Kite said patiently: “I rely on you for everything else.” But this is not the time to play tricks. ”

Cang Xuanzhishu still refused to give up his pleading: “Then at least ask the people in the village, okay?” At least ask what happened, and it’s never too late to do it. ”

I can’t help it.

The red kite had to decide to go back to the village first.

Just out of the path and into the village.

I saw dozens of people gathered at the entrance of the village, as if they knew she would return.

Among them, the old man said: “The little stone of the Wang family saw the two go to the back mountain… Alas, girl… See that thing in the back mountain? ”


Red Kite nodded slightly.

The Book of Cangxuan also said: “We didn’t kill it, and we have to ask you what happened!” ”


The old man sighed: “It’s a long story.” That monster is the daughter-in-law of the Lin family in the village, and I don’t know what evil trick she fell for last month, and suddenly turned into a monster. ”

“First hurt your own man, and cut if you break out to see someone.” Fortunately, the young Zhuangding was there, and they caught her together, took her to the back mountain and locked her up, and did not hurt anyone else. ”

“She didn’t do anything bad, and neither did her husband and children…”

The old man pointed back, and the crowd got out of the way.

The red kite saw a man on crutches and a lady holding a child standing in the distance.

“Also ask the immortal to open grace and save her life.”

Chi Kite said bluntly: “She has gone crazy, I have nothing else to do.” The most benevolent thing to do now is to let the Lin family enter the soil for peace. ”

She didn’t speak loudly, but it was clear enough for the villagers to hear.

They looked at each other stunned.

“That… I only ask the immortals to spare her life. ”

The voice fell.

The surrounding villagers were silent.

There was timidity and fear in his eyes.

Only the leading old man just now quietly nodded to Chi Kite, as if he wanted to say something.

Seeing the red kite coming, he took a few steps back and moved away from the surrounding villagers.

“Girl… Could it be an immortal? ”

Cang Xuanzhishu was surprised: “Huh? You recognize her? ”

The old man hurriedly said: “Immortals don’t want to be strange, this is a remote downward, I haven’t seen immortals.” The old grandfather had seen the immortal side, and only then did he see that you had an outstanding demeanor and an extraordinary person. Ancient and daring to guess. ”

“The husband doesn’t have to be like this, just say it bluntly.”

No matter how long it has been, Fu Hua is a person who does not want to talk more nonsense.

The old man showed a hint of embarrassment.

But he still plucked up the courage and whispered: “Old Immortal wants to invite the immortal Chao Du Lin family’s daughter-in-law.” ”


Cang Xuanzhishu was surprised again: “You just let us spare her life!” ”

The old man was also a little embarrassed.

But he still said: “The Fangcai villagers are here, many pairs of ears are listening, how can this be said?” The Lin family man and her young son will definitely hate us when they know it. ”

“The Lin clan has turned into a monster, and it is better to live than to die. How many days can we hold out if we are so locked and hanged? The people in the village did not say anything, but they were secretly afraid, worried that the Lin family would get out of trouble one day and come to the village to kill people. ”

“We are all ordinary people, and we don’t care about getting rid of demons. Fortunately, the immortals came to visit today, thinking that there was a providence in the underworld, and the immortals came to get rid of this demon. ”

After the red kite listened.

Just replied faintly: “Allow me to think about it.” ”

She asked a few more people.

Most of the people in the village said the same as the old man, although they felt that this matter was unfortunate, they still hoped that the Lin family could enter the soil for safety.

Only her poor husband. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After learning that it could not be saved, he did not put on a good face to the red kite, and left on crutches.

On the way back to the back mountain.

Red Kite was sullen when he saw the book of the cangbc (BDBC).

Comforted: “Xiao Xuan, there are always such things, and you can’t leave a calamity because you are soft for a while.” ”

The Book of Cang Xuan asked, “Going to… Overtook the girl? ”

Red Kite shook his head: “I have no other choice. ”

The two came to the dead man.

The dead man raised his head to look at the red kite, its gaze was empty, just pure and evil Collapse Energy overflowed into it.

The Book of Cangxuan sighed with emotion: “If only it hadn’t collapsed.” Why does it keep appearing, and it keeps harming people? ”

“…… Oh, yes! ”

The red kite also wants to know the answer to this question.

After the super-death.

The two left the village.


The Book of Cangxuan did not speak again.

Chi Kite looked at her and asked, “Xiao Xuan, are you angry?” ”

The Book of Cangxuan shook his head: “… No, it’s sad. ”

“Is it for the dead man?”


The Book of Cangxuan stared at the red kite and said, “Chi kite, it’s for you. ”

“When they made me, they said to me…”

Cang Xuan: Red Kite has a mission.

Danju: It’s a ruthless and cruel mission. Let’s be blunt, we don’t like it. She has her own life, and she should have her own choices.

Cang Xuan: However, everything is set.

Danju: If there is no one to supervise her, she will surely slowly move towards that mission. She’s that kind of person.

Cang Xuan: So, we created you. However, we will not give you any instructions.

Danju: After all, both of us betrayed our superiors, and we have no face to ask others to listen to us. Just look at Red Kite with your own eyes, she looks a little cold, but she is actually a very good person to get along with. I’m sure you’ll like her too.

Cang Xuan: In that case, I hope you will make the same decision as us.

Danju: … If not, it’s okay, after all, I won’t know.

Cang Xuan: In the future, the red kite will be handed over to you.

Danju: Hard work on you, Xiaoxuan.

Remembering this, Cang Xuanzhishu continued: “They disobeyed the order and tried everything they could to keep you away from the battlefield. I also…… It’s been a lot of hard work. ”

“I always bother you to practice… Stop you from using Yudu Dust… I’ve tried everything I can to get you closer to people, and that’s all I can do. ”

Red Kite asked, “Did I disappoint you?” ”

The Book of Cangxuan replied, “No, Red Kite… You never let people down. You do a lot for others, and everyone sees it in their eyes. ”

“I’m disappointed with myself… Want to use our expectations to override your mission, sabotage the Doctor’s plans, try to keep the unimportant things in your heart…”

Her emotions were even more lost: “Still… Failed to do it. ”

“I’m sorry.”

Red Kite can only think of these three words now.

Cang Xuanzhishu was puzzled: “Why apologize?” I’m happy to live with you.” It’s just a pity that I can’t stay with you forever, a thousand years is a long time, but it’s not enough for me… My battery will one day be damaged and my memory will cool down. I’ll fall into a deep sleep…”

“But I’m not leaving you, Red Kite. I’ll keep waiting, waiting for the people who can save you to show up. ”

“Even if you are willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the world, there will be people who value you more than the world, and such people will definitely appear.”

“Red Kite… You won’t be alone. ”


It was late day and night.

The red kite saw the sea.

The turquoise waters were noisy, and the waves occasionally brushed her ankles, bringing a rare summer coolness.

“It’s a dream.”

The beauty of the sea did not stop Chi Kite’s thoughts, and she knew immediately that it was just a dream.

The real self is in the Taifu Mountain, far from the ocean.

“What a rarity… I dreamed. ”

After becoming a fusion warrior, her brain is always working, even during sleep.

When was the last time the red kite had a dream.

“This dream… Why did it happen? ”

She was thinking.


Suddenly, a familiar friend appeared without warning.

Look at familiar faces.

Chi Kite couldn’t help but tremble in his heart: “Ah… You guys…”

“Long time no see, Red Kite!”

“How long has it been?”

Chi Yuan looked at Cang Xuan and Danzhu in front of him.

His eyes couldn’t help moistening, but he still couldn’t help muttering: “… Two thousand… Six hundred years. ”

Even if it spans thousands of years.

She never forgot everything, she remembered everything.

“Wow~ it’s so long!”

Danju still had the same tone as before.

Cang Xuan looked at her and said, “You haven’t changed at all.” ”

The red kite opened her mouth to speak, but did not know what to say.

“It’s a dream, isn’t it?”


Cang Xuan also said: “Since we can still talk, it should be right.” ”

After a moment, short pause.

Cang Xuancai continued: “We are dead. ”

Danzhu also apologized: “I’m really sorry to leave you alone.” ”

“No… It won’t…”

As if a heavy sponge squeezed against her chest, the red kite felt a long-lost sadness in her dream.

“It’s that I couldn’t catch up, it’s that I’m sorry, I’m really new, I can see you again…”

Cang Xuan and Danzhu looked at each other and showed a smile that had been lost for 2,600 years at Chi Kite.

Cang Xuan: “It’s not difficult to see us. ”

Danju: “We’ve always been by your side.” ”

“… Well! ”

Red Kite nodded with a crying voice.

Then there was silence.

Silent, silent, the red kite did not say a word.

Danzhu and Cang Xuan also closed their mouths tightly, not wanting to make a little sound.

Only they know what a precious silence this is, and how many words cannot buy a peaceful time., 13/03/2023 21:13

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