"Crowd tactics?"

Kiana wasn't panicked.


She is not alone.

Behind her, there is a mecha army rushing towards her.

There are Bronya, Seeer, Teresa, Fu Hua, Lilia, Rosalia, who saw her surrounded and rushed down to Hyperion...

She was never alone!

It used to be so!

The same is true now!

A mere 500 puppets, in front of this, what is it?

The melee broke out!

Everyone fought as hard as they could.

Everyone wanted to protect Kiana.

Under this fighting spirit, the number of dolls decreased rapidly.


Only the doll in front of him remained.

Kiana panted, "Huh... that's it."


The last puppet is still smiling.

Kiana frowned: "What are you still laughing at? Didn't you see that you were the only one left?"

The last puppet said with a bleak smile: "Hahaha....yes....yes...it's like this again...and I'm the only one—and the one in Tianqiong City. Same time!"

Sky City??

Kiana was shocked.

There, she was all too familiar.

The puppet asked: "Kiana......why is all this? When you eliminated us, you didn't hesitate....as if we were emotionless monsters. Think about it, Kiana …………Is it really?"

"We obviously have faith, will, and companions..."

"And you killed us so easily for those ignorant and hopeless humans, is it worth it?"

Kiana just stared at it and said coldly, "Are you finished?"


The doll smiled again and said, "Think about it, Kiana... Think about it..."


A gunshot rang out, and the doll fell to the ground.

The broken body faintly reflects the theater it can no longer see.

"It's over." 11

Dr. Tesla also shouted excitedly: "Successful, successful........! The reactions of the remaining 500 puppets have all disappeared! Well done!"

Theresa hurried to Kiana's side: "Kiana, are you okay?"

Kiana showed a smile: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired all of a sudden."

Dr. Einstein also said: "Space has begun to collapse. The theater of domination may disappear soon, everyone, go back to Hyperion.

Shortly after.

with a violent shock.

Hyperion returned to reality.

This time The Lawyer seems to be over.


Players were not very happy.

how to say?

There are many people who are very concerned about what the last doll said.

The barrage of the hanser live room.

Someone also asked: "Is the last puppet saying wrong? They do have faith, unity and hard work, but why are they killed without emotion?"

Someone immediately replied: "Because the dolls are composed of the bottom of the society, do you think anyone would care about the lives of the bottom people? Would it really hurt to kill them?"

this word.

Immediately silence everyone.

Sister Zhou opened her mouth.

I didn't even know how to respond.

However, out of her trust in Lin Yuhao, she absolutely does not believe that Lin Yuhao's intention in this chapter is this.

Absolutely impossible!

But how should you respond?

At this time.

Hanser said: "This fan, I want to tell you, it's not that you work hard, that you are united, that you have faith and will, that is right. Because before all this, you have to find the right direction!"

"When the direction of your life is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it is just wrong and more outrageous."


Sister Zhou suddenly reacted.

He was almost dominated by the words of the Herrscher of Domination.

Immediately said: "Yes, Hanser is right, everyone should not be dominated by the Herrscher of Domination, its words are full of misleading!"

Hanser also said again: "The plot is not over yet, there are many more to come, you can read it with peace of mind first, and you have to believe in President Lin, this is a healthy and progressive game.

healthy up...  

See these four words.

Crazy diss Lin Yuhao in the entire live room.

In a mouthful of fragrance.

The rhythm of the live room was brought back.

Hanser can also continue to watch the plot behind.

Dr. Tesla breathed a sigh of relief: "Whoo—finally back. Wait a minute, what's all this place on deck?"

Dr Einstein explained: "It's the remains of the dolls after they've been wiped out, and their cores."

Dr. Tesla wondered: "A total of 500??"

Dr. Einstein nodded: "No surprise, it is.

"My God, it's a manual job to clean up."

Dr. Tesla waved his hand: "Let the recycling work be handed over to anti-entropy, everyone worked hard today!

After she finished speaking, she asked Dr. Einstein: "By the way, Ji Wo Tou, who is on duty today?"

Dr. Einstein looked at her like this: "You are, Dr. Tesla."

...ah! What??!"

This means that she has once again pitted herself.

I'm going to recover this horrific 500 cores and wrecks!!!

Time flickers.

Two weeks have passed.

Kiana was called into the conference room again.

With her, there is Xier.

Dr. Einstein first asked Kiana about the recent situation. Since returning from the battle that dominated the theater, the attitude of the anti-entropy base towards her has changed significantly.

People who had avoided her originally would not sit far away subconsciously when eating.

Even if you go to dinner late, you will be blamed by the cafeteria aunt, and will give her more meals when they are cooking.

all of these.

All rely on her to win it back.

Because she had the courage to sacrifice herself, made a plan to use herself as a bait, and successfully defeated the Herrscher of Domination.

She changed all of that on her own.

Dr. Einstein was relieved to learn this.

I talked about the situation of the Herrscher of Domination again, since two weeks ago, I have not received any news from the Herrscher of Domination.

While their impact is still there, the crisis is over.

after explaining these circumstances.

Dr. Einstein also stated the reason for calling them here, that is, he wanted to re-host the 60th anniversary dinner of Anti-Entropy.

At the beginning, Kiana and Xier went to buy items for the dinner party together, and this time they just came in handy.


The dinner was held as scheduled.

As a post-war dinner, everyone was happy and enjoying the moment of tranquility.

Kiana is no longer a scary existence.

After talking to the crowd.

She went back to her room alone to rest.

dong dong dong~

There was a sudden knock on the door.

It's Bronya!

The two sat on the bed together.

Kiana teased: "What's the matter? Sure enough, you still don't like crowded places?"

Bronya replied, "Are you okay, what about Kiana?"

Kiana said with a smile, "I think it's pretty good, but I'm happier when I'm still in Saint Freya. Ah, I'm not saying that things are not good here, it's just...

She lowered her eyes, as if mulling over the words in her heart.

....all my fondest memories there.

Bronya was silent.

Some words, even if they are not spoken, are very clear to each other.

Kiana continued: "Bronya has also been in touch with those dolls, right?"

Bronya nodded: "Yes, the one that Bronya met, the host is a host, and he talks like a talk show."

She looked at Kiana and asked, "Kiana...do you care about what the last puppet said?"

"Has it been found? Well...more or less.

Kiana didn't hide it: "I was just thinking, if it were me, would I become a puppet? If I hadn't been rescued by my father, hadn't met Mei and Bronya, hadn't been taken in by Theresa, I haven't met everyone... so what am I like now?"

"Thinking about it this way, I have always accepted the kindness of others. Those dolls have experienced failures, even failures again and again."

"During this process, they were isolated, gradually lost hope, and succumbed to their inner darkness... how can I put it, maybe I can understand how they feel.

"I understand, but I don't think that's right. Failure doesn't mean giving up, pain doesn't mean giving in."

"Of course, I can't say if I would have been able to stick to my own direction without the help of others. I just feel that there will be beauty in even the most sinister desperation, or

Next time it's my turn to help another person. "

Bronya showed soft eyes: "From Tianqiong City to Taixu Mountain, and then to this battle, you have helped many people. So don't worry, Kiana, one day Russia" will give everyone a chance feel the beauty of the world.”

The two chatted for a while.

The smile on Kiana's face also increased a bit: "Thank you, Bronya. Telling you about this makes me feel better."

Bronya saw that it was not too early.

He said: "Go to bed early, Qiana, although there is a dinner party tonight, you will still have to train as usual tomorrow.

"Well, good night, Bronya.

"Good night, Kiana."

Bronya left the room.

Kiana walked to the edge of the bed, and there were several laughter from the party tail outside the door.

Outside the base, a silver moon hangs in the air, gently shining the moonlight on the salt lake.

She knew that under the same moonlight, she had fallen asleep alone with the icy neon of the sky, and woke up with sleepy eyes on the soft bed of St. Freya.

In a trance.

She didn't even know which ones were dreams and which ones were real.

Only this bright moon has never changed.

...Mei...400 Himeko-sensei...I will definitely bring you back.

She clenched her fist silently—

see here.

Many people understand.

Why Kiana is the protagonist.

Compare what happened to the dolls and what happened to Kiana.

In the fall of the dolls into darkness, and Kiana always believes in the beauty of the world, there is always a bright contrast in her heart.

Let the players know that the real thing to do is to strengthen the beauty in their hearts.

I also understand why Hanser said the direction just now.

I also understand why I believe in Lin Yuhao, because this man has never disappointed anyone in the plot.

And this moment.

No one would have thought that Kiana in this chapter would change countless people in reality.

in the plot.

The picture gets better.


Came to the domination theater.

Among the countless stacked doll remains.

A puppet slowly stood up again.


It looked around at the countless wreckage of its companions.

"It's not over yet..."

As it crawled through the wreckage, it was almost impossible to tell where its companion's body was from its body—but it succeeded.

"Ha ha ha ha... This is... our theater..."

It worked!

It worked!

The collection of all people is stronger than any force.

The sacrifice of all, in exchange for the rebirth of one person.

Now... just need to go back to that stage and continue our show...  

The puppet crawls step by step.

"This is...a stage shared by thousands of people..."

Its beliefs are as powerful as they were before.

Suddenly, it turned its head and stared at the screen: "The thread......it's already wrapped around you!"

The screen changes again.

Grumpy Grumpy Grumpy.

The black tide enveloped Kiana.

The feeling that everything has disappeared, but it makes people feel a strange kind of peace of mind.

The extension of space has come to a standstill, the flow of time is almost static, and even the boundaries of [self] have become blurred.

In the boundless darkness, the girl dreamed a distant dream.

This feeling was familiar, and for countless nights, she was dragged into this dream again and again.

In the dream, fate is cut into pieces, poured down like fine sand, and quickly slipped away from the fingertips.

Short, cold, fleeting like a firefly.

It was her life, not hers.

It belonged to a certain Herrscher named [Sirin], the memory of the past——.

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