After-sale service......

Mei Yi looked at the book and hadn't asked what the after-sales service was.

There was a beautiful singing voice from the joy.

Ya Yi said in surprise: "This is......singing?"

Alicia said, "It's Eden's singing. I should have mentioned her to you?"


Mei remembered that the name did appear in a certain conversation.

Alicia continued: "Well...Eden....Let me think about it, how should I introduce her to you?"

"Everything here is a gift from Eden. Without her help, the Land of the Past may even have been cut off at the project establishment stage.

Mei said, "It sounds like she's a philanthropist?"

Alicia smiled and said, "That's right. She has wealth and fame that is unmatched even in the world. Model, artist, musician, manager, designer... . . . she had many identities in the watch world before civilization entered its apocalypse."

"If I am the embodiment of [cute], then Eden is synonymous with [beauty]. She is a person who follows people's desire for beauty and makes it perfect."

"She is one of the symbols of that era, a superstar who shines on the world.

Mei Yi was a little surprised: "World superstar...... There are still people like this in fusion warriors..."

Alicia sighed: "Hey, even if I can tell you how good she is, I can't tell you how good she is. Why don't you go and see for yourself?"

"I will."

Mei replied.

Alicia finally reminded: "Be careful, she has a beauty that is not lost to you and me... But don't be fascinated?"

Mei nodded slightly.

into the paradise again.

Since she came here, she has seen several British weapons.

In my heart, I was also quite curious about the source of this song.

Following the song, the clear and crisp notes danced between the keys, melodious and melodious, like the greeting of the rising sun, like the elegy of the setting sun.

The keys stop.

Eden held the golden wine glass, leaned against the piano and recited alone: ​​"When the starry sky is dark and the wine cup is dry, my king, why do you stay in this barren country? In order to wait for the triumphant song to play, because of the Find it carefully."

She was as beautiful as Alysia had described.

Let Sister Zhou and countless audiences instantly indulge.

That graceful, noble behavior, that . . . body, are all very beautiful among the characters that appear.

Eden noticed Mei walking in.

A smile appeared on his face: "Hello, visitor. Sorry, I was a little lost just now.

Yayi replied: "It's okay, I hope I didn't disturb you. My name is Leidian Yayi."

Eden also introduced himself: "Hello, Miss Yayi. I'm the fourth rank of Ying Jie of Chasing Fire——Eden named [Gold]."



Eden nodded slightly: "Yes, this is what Ellie took for me. I guess she probably refers to the wealth I have."

"Although I have lived in a palace with a thousand windows, which is as magnificent as a palace, and tasted the unparalleled delicacies in the world

...but I wouldn't judge myself that way.

"I'm just a singer on the stage, a star shining for the audience."

"Whether it is the endless wealth or the inscription of [Gold], it is just a foreign thing generously given to me by others.

Eden's character is obviously much better than Qian Jie, whom Mei met before.

The other party didn't seem to care about her status as a lawyer like Sakura did.

This can't help but make Yayi want to ask a little more: "What did you say in your mouth just now..."

Eden replied: "The Kingdom After the Sunset, the final act, an opera of our time."

"Is that also a track you've played?"

Mei stood in front of her and asked.

Eden nodded: "Yes, the stage at that time was so bright, and the cheers of the audience were so loud, it was an era worth remembering..."

"But after a collapse... that era died. As in the words——[The starry sky is dim, the wine cup is dry]. 1

Hear this.

Mei quickly apologized: "I'm sorry."

She felt that she should not remind Eden of the destruction of the last civilization.

Eden said softly: "You don't need to apologize for the past era, Miss Yai. Just go and find the answer you hope for, everything here is like the past.

Mei Yi's tone was also gentler: "But if I have the chance, I still hope to listen to the songs of your era."

Eden chuckled and said: "Haha, thank you for saying that. If you have a chance, you may hear it... But now, please continue your journey. May the melody you play

As slow as this fine wine.

She presents Mei with the inscription of the golden goblet.

[To illuminate everything you can illuminate, to obtain everything you can obtain, and to combine the wealth and brilliance that the world desires, this is the inscription of 'gold'. 】

After receiving her gift.

Mei is also after some exploration in the paradise.

back in the hall.

After several consecutive explorations, she was also a little tired.

Just entered the lounge.

I saw Eden holding a wine glass and leaning slightly on the chair.


Ya Yi just opened her mouth.

He was pulled by Alicia and said, "Shh! Come here, come here~!"


Ya Yi followed her curiously.

Alicia said quietly: "Eden is drunk now and will become very cute. Hehe, you are optimistic."

Alicia moved close to Eden.

Softly called: "Eden~"

Eden replied with a bit of drunkenness: "Ah. Ellie, how are you?"

Seeing that she recognized herself, Alicia said, "Eden, my good Eden~ I heard Phyllis say that you gave her another beautiful gem.

Eden recalled drunkenly: "Well, that was the one that the Speaker gave me when I performed for the district councillors at the National Theatre in Thakor? I remember.

"That ruby ​​has the least amount of crystal impurities and is only mined in that area. I saw Phyllis seemed to like it, so I gave it to her.

Alicia pretended to be amazed: "Wow!! That must be beautiful, right? I want to see it too."

Eden said: "Ai Li, you can go to Phyllis to see it later, why don't I show you this one now——"

She took out another gem.

"Although this aquamarine has a lot of impurities, the maker just like to be in harmony with nature, in order to make the treasure cloth more shiny, he invented this rose cutting method.

"These are the first rose-cut gemstones in the world. If you like it, I'll send it to you.

Alicia took the gem.

Delighted: "Really? Thank you! Eden, you are the best!"

Eden showed a smile: "It's nothing Ellie. You know these are foreign things to me."

Alicia returned to Mei.

Show the gems in front of her: "Hey, it's cute, right? She likes to chat with you when she's drunk, and give you a little gift by the way.

Mei did not answer.

Instead, she just looked at Alicia.

The meaning of that, without words.

Alicia hurriedly said: "Don't look at me like that! I will obediently return it to her in the future. Although she usually doesn't want it."

Mei shook her head slightly.

She didn't even know what to say.

You can only choose to close your eyes and rest in the lounge.

until she wakes up.

Eden is also long gone.

Alicia closed her eyes and didn't know what she was doing.

I only heard her murmuring: ".. um... that doesn't feel right... so?"

Mei asked curiously, "What are you doing with your eyes closed?"

Alicia was surprised: "Hey, Mei? Oh, what happened to me, I didn't even notice that you woke up."

"I'm sorry, Mingming Yayi's light is as dazzling as mine, I shouldn't have made such a mistake."

Mei was a little speechless: " close your eyes, of course you can't see.

"Yeah, I still can't see anything. That's why I'm more curious, how on earth did he do it?"

Alicia tilted her head with a puzzled expression.


Mei didn't know who she was referring to.

Alicia nodded: "You are also very interested, right? Would you like to come and try it with me?"

Hear this.

Mei immediately got up and walked outside.

"Excuse me!"

She wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Alicia hurriedly shouted: "Oh, don't go, I'm joking."


Alicia added: "Okay, as an apology, let me introduce you to an expert in this area.

"[Tianhui]'s Su is the most intelligent among the thirteen Ying Jie. Hmm... At least everyone except him (DeDe Zhao) himself thinks so."

"He's always been kind to his visitors, and I think you should be able to get along very well with him."

"Ah, by the way, if you can figure out why he can see with his eyes closed, be sure to come back and tell me.

Listen to Alicia finish.

Mei also came to Paradise again.

During this time, the strategy here has become her must-do.

And I am also somewhat interested in the "Su" that Alicia said.

Enter paradise.

She came to an ancient Bodhi tree.

The unspeakable and unspeakable time passed quietly, and another leaf fell on the ancient Bodhi tree.

under that old tree.

A man is leaning against a tree with his eyes closed.

"Welcome, Raiden Mei."

"I have foreseen your arrival."

The moment I saw Su.

Sister Zhou said out loud: "Husband!! This is my husband! It's too much to poke my XP, and the voice is too soothing? No, I'm in love with him."

Since the opening of [Land of the Past].

The players are almost the same as Sister Zhou. Every appearance of Ying Jie will amaze the players.

Of course, Kevin, Sakura, and Fu Hua have appeared long ago, and the sense of surprise is not as strong as that of other heroes.

But the appearance of this Su made Sister Zhou's girlish heart completely flooded. .

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