Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 165 Mei Vs Allie, The Meaning Of Paradise

Mei is accompanied by Alicia.

Under the control of Sister Zhou, she constantly broke through the levels and obtained the engraving.

till the end.

Alicia said: "This is all the engraving, are you ready? Next, is the final [test]."

She stepped through the door first.

Mei is also close behind.

The space inside the door is different from what I encountered before, and pink crystals can be seen everywhere on the ground.

in the distance.

Alicia stood on the high platform.

Holding the longbow in his hand, he said to her, "Hey, I look~, how is it?"

Mei just looked at her silently.

She knew that Alicia would definitely explain the reason for this move.


Alicia smiled and said, "This should be the first time I have taken out a weapon in front of you. How, is a bow suitable for-me?"

"Occasionally, I also set foot on the battlefield myself. This one is my favorite. The color matches this uniform very well, and there are many echoes in the small details, which are very elegant."

Mei Yi said: "It seems that this is what you call the [test], right?"

Alicia chuckled: "Haha, don't be nervous. I didn't mean to stop you from moving forward, I just wanted to add some blessings for your next journey."

"Courage, wisdom, beauty, you already have everything you need to face Mebius, but out of a serious and responsible attitude, I would like to give you a small gift."

"For example, to help you gain some experience against Ying Jie."

Mei caught the point in her words: "You mean, Mebius...she's my enemy?"

Alicia pondered and said: "Well, how to answer? Enemy? It's not like that, Incha and his successor should never have such a relationship.

"But Mebius can't help but do something out of bounds, and our Miss Mei is so eye-catching."

"So, let's just share some tips for getting along with her---let's have a relaxed and pleasant conversation between girls, shall we?"

Yayi said calmly: "I don't seem to have any other choice. Well, this is also an opportunity for me to see what kind of person the [Second Person] who once stood side by side with Kevin is."

Alicia pretended to be shy and said, "Oh, it's really embarrassing to be praised like this all of a sudden."

"However, compared to Kevin, I may be... a little weaker. But I will try my best. Alicia, I will never disappoint your expectations."

The voice fell.

The battle begins!

In this battle, the circle is controlled by the player.

Players are also very curious about how strong Alicia is.

Sister Zhou is also gearing up for a good fight.

Especially with so many engravings obtained along the way, the skills have undergone earth-shaking changes, making Sister Zhou feel that she is not strong now.



Alicia shot an arrow.

Because Sister Zhou was not ready, she took the arrow hard.

She was so frightened that she screamed: "Damn!! Just a single arrow kills half of my blood?? This Nima is too outrageous!!"

She quickly controlled the character and began to dodge.

Alicia's attack frequency is quite high, and the attack damage is even scarier.

Sister Zhou can only fight with 12 points of energy.

no doubt.

This was the hardest time she had ever made it through.

Just one click made her almost die.

Now I can only keep dodging, and then look for opportunities to counterattack...

Not only that, but she must hurry up.

Too much pressure.

So that she can't even care about looking at the screen, she can only keep calling Kurigaro.

A little bit lowers Alicia's health bar.


When defeating Alicia.

She has run out of blood.

The plot is out again.

Alicia said: "Hey, if you lose or lose, you are too good? If others find out, the second place will have to be replaced.

"However, after all, with the Herrscher as the opponent, my performance is not bad, right?"

Mei has a black line on her face: "You didn't fight me seriously at all, Alicia. You're just playing."

Alicia didn't deny it: "Oh, didn't you use all your strength? Maybe it's because we have a good heart, we've all finished."

"Anyway, you shouldn't have any problem facing Mebius now."

The streamer lights up from a distance, interweaving in the air into the shape of a door.

"Well, it's agreed. She's on the other side of the door, feel free to move forward. But don't be too proud. Although she's only the [tenth], she's still one of the Ying Jie."


Mei didn't go in directly as Alicia thought.

Instead, she stayed where she was, staring at Alicia.

Alicia asked suspiciously: "Huh? What's the matter, could it be that... I can't bear to do it?"

Mei just asked: "What will I meet next?"

Alicia replied, "It's up to you to find out."

Mei was silent for a moment.

Then he said: "Then let me ask another way. What is the meaning of the existence of this huge memory retrospective device? As a database, its operation method is too low; Trial land, its cost is too extravagant."

"I don't think a proposal motivated by interest will get everyone's approval."

"For you, its completion must have some important meaning, and that is the real reason why the world snake has preserved it to this day.

"This is something every visitor should have known at the beginning of the trip, but I still don't know anything about it. Or....even the answer to this question itself is cryptic What about the secret?"

Alicia put away her weapon.

Strolling to Ya Yi: "Ah, what secrets can we have between us? The meaning of the past in the paradise... Well, I have to think about it before I can answer you.

"Perhaps, I can't give you a [correct answer]. Because in the hearts of different people, the joy of past events has a completely different meaning."

"For Eden. It is the precipitation of the beautiful old days; for Qian Jie, it is the continuation of a war. For Mebius, it is the derivation of the Stigma Project, the sustenance of her lifelong dreams and pursuits."

"And for Kevin ... it's probably more of a symbol, a symbol that Ying Jie once existed in the world."

"But if you want to ask my opinion, it's actually simpler - it's a storybook, which records a wonderful fairy tale about an era, a journey, and the whole life of thirteen people."

After hearing this.

‥ Ask for flowers…

Mei Yi still doesn't understand, there is no answer she thinks in it.

She said directly: "...I don't quite understand what you mean."

Alicia looked at her and continued: "Mei, what do you subconsciously think of when you mention our era and the moth that chases fire?"

"Smoke and war? Wasteland and scorched earth? Or death and sacrifice? Everyone seems to say that, but it's not true."

"In that dying apocalypse, people are still discussing what to eat for breakfast tomorrow and how to spend the end-of-month subsidy."

"People still talk about dreams, plans that take years, even decades, to come true."

"Even on the day when the doomsday comes, there are still people who don't have expectations for tomorrow.

"While civilization is crumbling in the dark, there is still light emerging from it.

It was also in such a world that there were once thirteen amazing people—even though they knew that civilization had been destroyed, they still chose to fight to the end with all their might, just to engrave their proud lives forever in history. "

"[The Land of the Past] recorded such a simple story.

"That's how it is for me, doesn't it feel like my style?"

"There is pain and failure, betrayal and parting in this story, but also happiness and joy, tenderness and moving."

"Sadness will not disappear out of thin air, but warm feelings will always be treasured in my heart."

"So that's what I said—[Leave all our memories]."

"What should be passed on to future generations should never be only hatred and mission. Only after experiencing the splendor of this era can future generations understand the meaning of our fight for it."

"The cold knowledge and technology should be taught by textbooks. What Ying Jie inherits should be the glory of being Ying Jie and the reason to fight. In this journey of chasing fire, our ultimate soul is care.

"And in the future, you will witness the footprints of our lives and the engraving of our souls, and find the answers you seek in them."

Alicia looked at the door in the distance, or at something behind that door.

"Behind that door, Mebius is waiting for your visit. But she is not the end of your trip. You will cross her and move on to a longer and deeper past.

"Maybe you have the opportunity to go far enough to see the truth buried in history, the turning point of human destiny..."

"What the Moth Chasing Fire has done for human civilization, and...the irreversible mistakes it has made.

"But in any case, our era is over, and we have also worked hard to complete our respective missions. [012011211091390120]

"Even if the world is not saved by heroes—but at least, you were born, and this is the result we hoped for. Humanity gets [another chance]."

"Of course, the new era will certainly encounter all kinds of troubles, and will face ups and downs, tribulations, and stagnation."

"But that's the problem you have to solve, and you can definitely give your own answer."

"Not being pushed and coerced forward, nor moving along a path chosen by others.

"It's with this idea—what I want to do, what I should do—to decide my own destiny, my own engraving.

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