Raven looked at her with a faint smile and said, "As a cadre of the World Snake, come take care of the younger generation who is working hard, is there any problem? I am more familiar with this piece of 【Land of the Past】 than you are. "

Ya Yi got closer and said, "Alright, I have something to ask you."

"You told me that the cadres of every World Snake have been baptized in the [Land of the Past], which means... Have you ever reached the end here?"

The raven recalled: "Ah.......the original goal was indeed like this. But......the criteria for [passing the trial] is not unique. I don't know how other people do it, but myself Some special means were used."

"The World Snake isn't as rigid either - it's all about whether you can prove your worth."

"Having said that, I did stay here for a long time, it's an unforgettable memory..."

"Okay, don't talk about me. What's wrong with you? All right?"

Mei said truthfully: "It can't be said that it will be smooth or not... So far, I have only met some people."

Raven sat down on the sofa.

Clearly ready for a long talk: "You mean those fusion warriors. They do have their own personalities. How about it, is there anyone who can talk better?"

Mei did not answer.

Instead, he stared at her: "Did something happen outside? You didn't come here just to say this to me, did you?"

Raven said with a smile: "I said that I'm just here to visit the younger generation to see if our Miss Yayi has been entangled by bad people again.

"Hey, it turns out that you don't seem to welcome me very much. Well, then I'll come back to you when everything is over."

Seeing that she was about to get up and leave.

Mei immediately said: "Wait, there is one more thing, you were trapped here at that time... Is it related to the abnormal situation in the paradise?"

Raven wondered: "Abnormal situation...Which one? You were also blocked by the man wearing a mask in 930?"

The man wearing the mask was naturally Qian Jie.

Obviously, Raven was blocked by Qian Jie here.

Mei shook her head: "...No, not this. You should have met Klein, the administrator here, right? In her words, there was something abnormal in the land of the past.

The raven wondered: "Klein? I haven't heard of it, there are administrators here? The abnormal situation of the paradise itself... I have indeed seen some. However, is it the one you said, no I can't tell from what I've seen with my own eyes."

"Well, anyway, I don't have anything else to do right now. Why don't you...stay with you.

Ya Yi said in surprise: "Are you here on vacation?"

The raven couldn't help laughing and joked: "[Assist in repairing the important assets of the organization], isn't this a very important job?"

Ya Yi sighed: "Hey...whatever you want, just get in the way of me."

Raven smiled: "Yes, yes, I will listen to you, Miss Yayi."

Players watching the story.

All smiling.

I don't know why, since this Ya Yi came to Le.

I always feel that she and everyone are like a child's copper taste.

As the previous barrage said: "This is simply a female bronze paradise!"

Players continue to watch the plot.

It's like watching a large-scale female bronze drama, very happy.

in the plot.

Mei is also continuing to explore the paradise.

It almost became something she would do whenever she had time.

After tens of minutes in the paradise.

She is preparing to go to the next area.

The raven's voice sounded abruptly: "Hey, Mei, you are a little late."

Mei looked up at the raven sitting on the tree and asked, "Why are you here?"

Raven smiled and said: "Is it wrong? I have already answered this question once. There is no way, everyone will owe some favors and do some unwilling things. Sorry, Miss Yin, I can't let it go. You continue to go deep in Lezheng.

Yayi sneered: "...The way the World Snake takes care of the younger generation is really special.

Raven quickly said: "I didn't lie to you, even now, that's why I came here."

"I've been waiting for something else to get in the way of you. Then I don't need to... come and stop you myself like I do now."

Mei stared at her: "Why?"

Raven chuckled and said: "Yeah, I thought you would say [you can't do it] directly. Well, well, it seems that I am self-indulgent."

Mei did not answer.

It can be seen from her expression that what she needs is Raven's explanation.

Raven saw it too.

He said: "Let's put it this way, some people think you have [crossed the line]."

Mei couldn't help but wonder: "Crossing the border? It seems that we have different definitions of the border. I haven't gotten too many valuable things in this piece of paradise.

The raven also said casually: "Who knows, I just follow orders, maybe he did it, not because of what you saw, but because of what you were about to see—

There are some unexpected situations here. "

Mei asked, "It's you who caused the abnormality in Paradise?"

It's too coincidental after all.

She has just encountered an abnormal situation in her joy, preventing her from exploring further.

The raven appeared very coincidentally, and the purpose was the same.

for her question.

Raven replied: "Do you think it's possible? I'm going to take you out of here, but I don't have to use a method that I'm not good at."

"Hey, or else... You just go back with me, how about it? We can save some time."

Mei shook her head and said, "The reason why I came here is because Kevin has hidden too many things from me. If someone wants to stop me from going further, it just shows that I am approaching the answer I want.

Raven shrugged.

Some helplessly said: "That means... There is no negotiation."

"There's no way, even if it's pretentious, I still (bbcf) have to stop you from giving it a try, otherwise there's no way to make a deal.

Mei didn't believe this at all: "Pretend... Are you sure it's just that?"

At the place where the raven sat, it seemed at this moment the color of the faint winter sky was entrenched. That is the occasion where crows are often heard, and it is the sound of predation that cannot be concealed.

The raven did not hide: "Although I don't like this place very much, this time is a rare opportunity. If this kind of battle that can leave no room for us, if it happens in reality, I am afraid it can only end with the death of one party. ?"

"Without the God's Key and the Yellow Spring's Staff, how big the gap is between me and a Herrscher... Soon, we will know."

The words are so...  

When Sister Zhou clicked on the follow-up plot.

The battle was almost over in the blink of an eye.

on the screen.

The raven who was talking ruthlessly just now.

Right now, she was pinched by Mei Yi's arm and leaned against the root.

this pose.

this screen.

It instantly feels familiar.

For players who know the plot better, it is also instantly recalled.


When she was in Changkong City, the first time Mei saw the raven, she was pressed against the wall by the raven.


The two turned around.

The raven gasped and said, "...It's a nostalgic sight, isn't it?"

Mei asked: "Since you don't plan to leave room, why don't you use the God Key?"

The raven let Mei Yi press it like this, showing a helpless look: "I said, it's just pretending, there's no need to shoot you into atoms, right?"

"And... if I really wanted to use the Seven Thunders of Purification to win you, I wouldn't show up like that.

Mei knew that she wasn't lying.

But she's concerned about something else: "The guy who thinks I've crossed the line...who is he?"

Raven had no intention of hiding.

In other words, she came here to let Yayi know the news.

"It's a gray snake. As for why, it's no use asking me."

"You know what kind of character he is. No one ever knows what he doesn't want to say."

"However, you should have guessed some clues, right? Or, it has been up to now, and you still haven't been able to deduce what the essence of Paradise is?"

Mei said truthfully: "Based on the information I currently have, this should be part of the Holy Plan."

Raven affirmed: "Yes, this is why, although the starting point is different, I still agree with Grey Snake's decision.

"I don't know why the lord let you come here, but the gift that the Land of the Past can give should be meaningless to you."

"A facility created by fusion fighters.... The object it serves should naturally be fusion fighters, or, in other words, [people who are scheduled to become fusion fighters]."

Raven looked at Mei Yi with a confused look.

Just don't sell off: "Let's put it bluntly, the real meaning of the paradise of the past is to unlock some kind of [restriction] for the awakened stigmata.

Mei stared at her.

He also confirmed the guess in his heart: "You really have reached the end of this place."

Raven confessed: "I can't judge whether that is the end. After all.... When she decided to give me that kind of inheritance, I refused and left without looking back.

Mei suddenly recalled.

In the information she knew, Kevin's memory did mention such a person to her.

It was the raven.

She asked, "Why?"

The raven said with a serious face: "If you have seen what it looks like after the ban is lifted, you will not have such doubts. It is more like a monster than a warrior.

I don't want to be like that.

"That exaggerated gesture, if seen for the first time, might have made some people intrigued by the shock -- but that definitely didn't include me.

"Before I came to Paradise, when I saw that gesture for the first time, I had already decided so. For me, the definition of living well has never included [abandoning human identity].".

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