in shock.

Rita continued to ask: "In other words, according to this inference... The current bishop is very sure that he can realize his [dream]."1

Out of prudence, Rita changed her wording and confirmed her previous question again.

Li Sushang nodded: "That's right. Also, most of the people will suffer from unwarranted disasters. I heard that the previous [Herscher of the Sky] incident was like this~.

Hollander hurriedly asked: "...Are you going to stop him?"

Li Sushang shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, I can't break the promise I made to the savior. What's more, that person has already kept his promise to me once. You think, he can completely not treat me, not wake me up— - isn't it?"

"But then again - if you really want to stop him, then I won't stop you for it. It's not a favor between me and him."

Hollander understood.

She probably understood the other party's position: "You the next period of time, no matter what form of conflict occurs, you intend to abide by neutrality and not help each other? 17

The main reason is that Hollander is very aware of the opponent's strength.

In Destiny, she was called the S-rank Valkyrie, and her strength was very strong. If Li Sushang also stood on Otto's side, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble to the people of Hyperion.

Li Sushang replied: "That's not necessarily true. I will choose to help him fight, just fight - after this fight, we will be even with each other, and no one owes anyone else."

Rita said, "But at that time you were still the Valkyrie of destiny, and Li Yuan concealed the world."

When Li Sushang thought about it, it was indeed the case.

"Well. You're right. If I still have the strength then, I'll turn around and help you clean up the mess left by that man."

"He's definitely going to leave a mess, right?"

Hear this.

Hollander couldn't help but think back to last year.

"After the Herrscher of the Sky's experiment last year, small-scale collapses continued one after another, and the Indestructible Blade worked around the world for three consecutive months before gradually clearing and suppressing them."

"Although we can also say that the recovery of the Herrscher of the Sky is an inevitable event, this disaster is inevitable... But we also know without a doubt that it all started from our own bishop's plan. ; It is because we are destined to ourselves and need the power of the Herrscher of the Empty."

Li Sushang asked: " don't want this to happen a second time, right?"

Hollander nodded: "Of course. The ultimate mission of the Destiny Organization is to eliminate Honkai -- I believe no one has forgotten this.

"Perhaps, in order to eliminate Honkai, we must fully study Honkai... But after all, we are destiny - not anti-entropy, and not a world snake.

"We can't be indifferent to the price of [progress]."

Li Sushang said in agreement: "Well. I believe you are thinking about this seriously, rather than using it as a high-sounding excuse like some people do."

"I believe that, from your point of view, they are some kind of proof that you are [you]. It's just that...human beings are free, so to other people, they are [you]. Their proofs will be varied.”

"I may have only known the world of this age for a few months - but it was enough to make me realize that the same and different are very common in the world."

"And maybe... it's these similar and completely different conceptual differences that create this complex, cruel and beautiful world."

In short, I have no right to interfere in your world, but neither should you expect any kind of wavering in my resolve. "

Rita said to him: "As long as this determination leads to competition and trials rather than hatred and destruction, then in the end all is well--is it?"

Li Sushang said hesitantly: "Well... so it is? It's normal for people to be different, and it's impossible to say that good people are carved out of one mold, and bad guys are carved out of another mold.

"And, for different people, who is a good person and who is a bad person, will that itself be completely different?"

Hollander asked: "...So, you think it's good for everyone to stick to their own values."

Li Sushang replied: "Well, my master said before - if everyone thinks the same, why do you need martial arts? The world is constantly in such friction and collision, which in turn shapes each of us."

"The guy who doesn't insist and has no principles, Master never pays attention--but it seems that she is a special case? [No persistence] It seems that it is her [steadfastness]

Originally, the previous words, Hollander felt very reasonable.


When she heard Li Sushang say that her master was [persistent] and had been [not persistent], she was suddenly speechless.

He could only change the subject and say, "In short, if I'm determined to break the casserole with the bishop's plan - you're not going to stop me, are you?"

Li Sushang nodded and said affirmatively: "That's right, although I did hope to witness the day when he realized his wish five hundred years ago... But after all, I have no reason to intervene in any relationship between the two of you. strife."

"Of course, if you really decide to stop him, then you should be prepared enough to wake up."

"After all, whatever details his plan includes - it represents all his obsessions for five hundred years."

Five hundred years of obsession...

It's pretty heavy.

Hollander couldn't help feeling the pressure: "I know."

Li Sushang waved his hand and said: "Okay, I seem to have finished what I have to say. Let's go to him together! After all, we don't actually know what that person wants to do for us, right?"

Gurandelle and Rita followed her and went to Otto's place together.

Keep looking at Otto somewhere in the square.

Hear footsteps.

Turn around.

With a smile, he said, "Hello everyone, my dear S-rank Valkyries."


Otto smiled and said: "Well, are all silent? Well... Maybe it's because you really have nothing to say in the face of this unreal projection.

Only after approaching, did the three of them realize that this Otto was not here.

Otto continued: "However, if it's what I've been doing lately that annoys you—then, allow me to apologize to you."

"After all, as a person who is about to leave this world, I really have a lot of acting desire right now."

‥ Ask for flowers…0

"I'm sorry, my Valkyries—please forgive your bishop's last headstrong.

Hollander frowned and stared at him: "So, you are indeed going to another world. Then I will ask directly - what is the price of it?"

Otto showed a smile: "Ah, the price. Indeed, everything has a price. But I want to correct a subtle statement - I do want to leave [this world]; strictly speaking, I do not want to Go to [Another World]."

"My destination is [the other side of the world]: it belongs to the boundaries between worlds, a place where we can redefine time."

Li Sushang couldn't help but ask: "...Is there a simpler way to say it? When you said this last time, I didn't understand what you were going to do at all."

Otto nodded slightly: "Okay. Then let's make an analogy. For example. . . . We are walking on the beach."

"When we walk on the beach, we leave a string of footprints. When we look back at these footprints, we can clearly find the way we came.


"However, while footprints in the sand are easily recognizable, in other cases things are much more complicated."

"Imagine a garden with forked paths—"

"Each path in that garden was merged by a different branch, each branching out into a new branch...and looking back, our footprints are gone.

"Now that we have such a garden in our minds - let's make it represent a more abstract concept: time."

"The garden of time is forever bifurcated, leading to innumerable futures. And when we merge these bifurcated roads and think together..."

"We'll realize that it's a tree that extends indefinitely, no matter how many roots or canopy. This tree doesn't exist in any dimension that we can directly touch; therefore, we call it-- [The tree of imaginary numbers]."

Hollander also remembered.

Once, the forerunner said to it... There are countless parallel worlds on the tree of imaginary numbers, and countless different mes can be observed.

After saying it.

Otto nodded: "Indeed. But the mechanics of the imaginary tree are far more subtle and complex than the mere series of parallel worlds. Remember what I said just now? Time bifurcates on the imaginary tree. If we think about this carefully The rules underlying the facts—"

"We will find that if we can find a way to travel freely on the tree of imaginary numbers...then time can also be reversed before us.

Hollander was puzzled, and she asked, "...but in reality, we've never heard that time can be reversed."

Otto replied: "Of course. Because it is really difficult, you should have heard the competition between the tree of imaginary numbers and the sea of ​​​​quantum? It is this competition that defines the direction of time for us. Time and other dimensions The essential difference is that the direction of time cannot be violated.”

Hollander is even more incomprehensible: "Since the direction of time cannot be violated, how do you plan to reverse your own time?"

Otto shook his head slightly: "I can't turn back time. No one can turn back time.",

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