Facing Otto's remarks, Youlander asked back: "...But what about the world itself? Every word you said just now seems to correspond to the power of destroying the world."

Otto said: "You're right. But... as the so-called "no breaking, no standing", if we don't destroy an old world, how can we usher in a new world?"

Hollander frowned slightly: "I don't want to hear such abstract promises and reasoning. From the beginning to now, you have always avoided talking about the real cost of your plan."

"In order to achieve these purposes just enumerated--what are you going to pay for?"

Otto replied simply: "[Now].


Hollander's eyes widened.

Otto told her like this, so he had to continue: "I told Teresa before too - I will erase these five hundred years of history from the [Branch of Time], and let the world return to Kaslana. The state of being alive."

"The price I pay is the time flowing on the tree of imaginary numbers, living to speak [now] itself.

Otto thought again that Hollander was a Valkyrie after all, not the anti-entropy doctors or Changguang.

Then he said: "——This may be too abstract, so I intend to answer your question from another angle."

"Human civilization activity itself will lead to collapse, and every member of the Destiny Organization should know something about this matter--but what if we look at this issue from the perspective of "Houkai Will"? "

"For him, I am afraid that the Herrscher symbolizes the ultimate freedom, but our 11 civilization is the shackles that imprison and collapse and make it distorted.

"Yes, from this point of view, it is not [Hangkai is born from civilization], but it should be said that [civilization is a special solidified form of Kokai].

"So, what I want to pay is the natural collapse of contemporary civilization as a whole. I will mobilize all the potential energy hidden between reality and imaginary numbers.

"In the past, it was an important source of power for the Herrschers; now, we can also use this power to re-navigate the world.

Even if Otto explained it so.

Hollander still asked inexplicably: "...If you do this, then what will happen to the [now] in front of us, the real world at this moment?"

Otto smiled: "Beyond this Kolosten Town, they will disappear without a trace. Kolosten Town will become the only epitaph in our era of annihilation, to replace those who are more unbearable for people. sacrifice."

Hollander also understood a little, but still couldn't believe it: "You mean... outside of Kolosten Town..."

Otto directly gave the most straightforward answer: "Beyond Kolosten Town, all the things that have been born and destroyed in the past five hundred years will completely become [no longer] in the river of time."

"This is a new generation song."

"It's the price of the antipathy that I'm about to execute with the highest success rate.

Hollander was silent.

This straightforward answer struck her mind.

Let her sigh with emotion: "This is crazy, you don't like the [Stigma Project], but you intend to make the whole world pay a heavier price than the [Stigma Project] for this?"

"You're murdering almost everyone in the world, Bishop!"

Otto replied calmly: "Well, yes. But humans...will still be humans because of this.

Hollander couldn't believe it.

It is completely unbelievable that the bishop of his own would say such words without any hesitation.

"But what's the point of that? We guard humanity, and we guard the living free will, not some empty concept!"

Otto said patiently: "...You are wrong, Hollander. I just want to save a living free will from the vague concept of [human beings].

"You know her name, [Karen Kaslana]."


Hollander took a deep breath: "You finally mentioned her, Bishop.

Otto laughed.

Nodding slightly, he said, "Yeah. We went in such a big circle and finally came to the place where it all started."

"Karen Kaslana didn't deserve to die as we know it. It wasn't my fault alone, it was the fault of [humanity] as a whole.

Hollander retorted: "This is not a reason to try to murder everyone in the world. What's more, that era is long gone, and only you are still alive."

Otto said: "Well, every normal human will think so. So, as a representative of [normal human] - Hollander, I will give you a chance

"Kill me. Then all my plans will vanish."

Glendale: "..."

Otto continued: "Oh, the man standing in front of you, he is nothing but a collection of sins and desires. He knows virtue, but he does not trample on ethics.

"He longs for wisdom, but only for personal satisfaction; he worships the good, but only to deny the existence of ugliness."

"He felt that the world was full of superfluous people, so that the value of life was wasted by those people to be worthless."

"Only when one's own life is drawn to a stop... [Otto Apocalis] will look up at the pure sky and enjoy a moment of the holy trembling of the soul.

Hollander knew something about Otto.

Especially after this sentence, it also confirmed what she was thinking: - This seems to confirm that you still have reservations. You say that I have the right to know the truth, but your statement is full of words and makes people confused. "

"5 years ago, I witnessed a real world destroyer in the sea of ​​​​quantum... and your mental state is completely different from her.


Otto chuckled: "Maybe at this moment, I do still hide something, but is it really important?"

Hollander immediately replied: "It's really important! Bishop... In the past few years, you have really treated me well; and because of this, I need to know your real purpose at this moment.

Otto said in frivolous words: "Oh? Is it? But I think now you just need to know that if you don't stop me....I will definitely [murder almost everyone in the world]."

"It's no use talking, come on, Durandal."

The voice fell.

A blood bar appeared on Otto's head.

Sister Zhou's excited hands were a little out of control: "Ah, the blood bar, Otto's old dog's blood bar finally came out! Lin Yuhao, let me hammer you to death!!"

She controlled Hollander and launched an attack on Otto.

Just think that Otto is the voice of Lin Yuhao, just think that Lin Yuhao refused his date several times.

As long as I think of these, this attack has begun to be mixed with personal grudges.


Beating, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

This Otto's blood bar is so difficult to suppress.


Not right!

I saw Otto take out Void Manzo with one hand.

Mimic Judas!

The golden cross unfolded in the conversation, and countless golden chains attacked Hollander, blocking all her movements.

In this case.

Rao is Hollander, and can only be bound by the big.

Sister Zhou frantically pressed the button to break free. At the same time, she shouted: "What's going on? Why is this Otto so strong? Wasn't he killed by Shibao's fist? Why is it so hard to kill?"

Not only her.


In the live broadcast room, countless players are also complaining: "Nima, this Otto is like a ghost, I shouldn't play normal mode.

"It's really outrageous. This intensity is still in the normal mode. If it is really the hell mode that Sister Zhou said, then it's still a ghost!"

"Do you know why there is no hell mode? Because this Otto is releasing water!"

"It's absolutely amazing. I never thought that Otto would be so strong."

"Come on, rely on!! Dog Day's plan just doesn't want me to kill Otto 860, right?"

Flying in the barrage.

In the picture, Otto jumped up directly, and the mimetic Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisitor in his hand slashed straight towards Youlander.

Even if the blow was dodged.

The Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition bombarded the ground, turning the area into a short-lived sea of ​​fire.

The most speechless is.

Facing the most powerful S-rank Valkyrie, Youlander, Otto actually kept one hand behind his back the whole time, and only used one hand to fight.

The battle is from both the operator's point of view and the viewer's point of view.

Can feel very difficult!

Otto's power, Otto's ease, completely presented in front of all players.

Once... five hundred years ago, that frail little boy.

To have such terrifying combat power.

This time...

Everyone recognized that Otto, in addition to wisdom, is powerful.

Don't know how long time has passed.

Sister Zhou was so absorbed that she didn't know how long she had been fighting.


Otto's blood bar bottomed out.

Just when she wanted to cheer.

on the screen.

Otto distanced himself: "Bianca, you have grown really well."

He waved with one hand: "Void is hidden!"

The void Wanzang in his hand floated in front of him, and the entire interior of the church also changed. Four towering pillars were assisting in summoning the mimetic Heiyuan.

And Otto's blood volume is instantly full.

See this difficulty rises again.

Sister Zhou almost cried: "Why is it so difficult!! I regret it, Lord Bishop, I should play simple, it's really difficult!!"

While crying, Sister Zhou once again controlled Youlandel to fight.

Compared to before, now you must always be on guard for the four pillars, and you must smash one of them before summoning the Mimic Black Abyss, so that you can gain protection and invincibility, otherwise...you will lose.

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