She killed the last Honkai Impact.

He clapped his hands and said calmly: "Although it's a bit troublesome, but fortunately it's all settled, let's go. 11

Greeting the rabbit puppet hiding not far away, continue to search for the memory in this space.

Maybe it's the result of Honkaiju being cleaned up~.

This time.

Instead, it was found in the corner - a familiar device.

"According to my previous experience, this form of device should be able to take us to the next space.

The Rabbit Doll was standing beside her.

The mood is also a little low: "Sorry, you have always contributed, but I can't recall any valuable information."

Hollander comforted: "This is something that cannot be forced, and you don't have to bear extra pressure for it. The path we are taking now may also be left by you in the past.

"Then follow it forward, even if you can't get your memory back...I believe that it will make you fully yourself again."

The Rabbit Doll looked at her and couldn't help but praise: "You are amazing!"


Hollander was a little stunned.

Rabbit puppet nodded: "Well, I always feel that you are very good at motivating yourself and others while remaining rational."

Hollander chuckled: "I'm just quoting what others have said to me before."

For some reason, she herself was happy to talk to the puppet.

"That's what that person said - the self, the human being, the world, the universe, their meaning cannot be measured by results. All life in the world will only start from nothing and disappear into nothing..."

“But the road we walk on every moment will determine the meaning of life for each of us. So, although it may be regrettable to forget the way we came, as long as we still understand where we are going, the past will definitely be in us. It works silently behind the scenes.”

The Rabbit Puppet's mood was also adjusted: "Will you walk the road under your feet every moment? It is indeed a good goal, not too far away, but it will definitely not be easy."

"After all, there are many people who could have reached far away, but in the end they have lived like I am now..."

Hollander interrupted him: "What are you talking about, isn't life just moving forward. Forgetting who you are in the past doesn't mean you will lose your future life!"

"Come on, cheer up, it's time for us to move on."

She reached out and activated the device in front of her.

Consciousness also sank into the depths of memory again.

At this time.

A certain observer in the void is also thinking about countermeasures.

"Well, looks like I need to be more patient."

"Unlike them, the expression of the stigmata in your body has been subtly covered up...and it has been guided in different directions by different people and in different forms.

"Oh. You are really a favored child... [Hurlandel].

"Your bishop forced you into this place—does he want to lend your hand to let the space that has permeated this area for so long recede and collapse to open the final passage for his own cause

But...the [Sorrowful Wish] contained in the stigmata is absolute. Those who bear it will meet their own destiny, whether their own reasons or not. "


hum hum ......

The roar of the engine gradually stopped. In Hollander's recollection, the peculiar cold air at high altitude was stimulating the sensitive nerves on her nasal mucosa.

The picture of memory gradually unfolded.

In front of it is the floating island... the central area of ​​the Destiny headquarters.

She clenched her small fists: "Come on, Valkyrie admission test! I'm ready!"


Suddenly she was accidentally bumped.


He turned his head and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey! Be careful behind you."

"Ah, I'm so sorry, what guidance do you need?"

Rita asked when she was a child.

Hollander thought for a while: "Guide? Well, that's right---I'm going to report in the A51 area, do you know how to go?"

"Well, you just have to turn left ahead"

Rita explained the way for her, but.... Horandelle was a arrogant and confused guy when she was a child.

It soon went in the wrong direction, and finally, under the leadership of Rita, the regiment found a place.

This is the first time the two meet.

Although they didn't know each other at the time... But the wonderful fate, after all, connected the two of them to everything through the mission of the sea of ​​​​quantum.

After that, the two became the lower-level Valkyrie together and formed the Indestructible Blade together...

"Looking back on it, I have come this far without knowing it."

Hollander sighed.

A woman's voice suddenly remembered beside her: "Later, she and you became good friends.

Hollander nodded: "Well. That was the starting point of my Valkyrie career. Although it was a bit messy at the beginning, it is worth remembering in hindsight."

.......and many more. How did your voice change?"

Roaring Muppets: "Idiot, it's because we're not the "he" just now. "

Hump ​​puppet: "He is different from us, he is an afterimage left directly by someone's consciousness..."

Houmei Muppets: "In the days of being imprisoned, that person always missed his family... and we are the product of this kind of missing."

Hear this.

Especially this dub.

Sister Zhou blurted out: "Is the rabbit just now Siegfried? This Roumei is obviously Cecilia's voice!"

in the live room.

The audience also made various guesses: "Absolutely yes, it must be Siegfried who didn't run away. I'm all too familiar with the voice of my mother-in-law."

"Worge, how did Siegfried become like this? It's too miserable, isn't it?"

"Siegfried... just living in an illusion, living with the family he constructed?"

"Hey hey hey, something's wrong, if the rabbit is Siegfried, what about Hollander? She lost her memory before, and"

"I think it's very possible that there must be something to announce about Hollander here."

"It can't be Zhen Qi's. It was basically said before that Zhen Qi died, and Teresa still held a grudge against Otto for a long time.

"But...but Otto never seems to lie?"

"Fuck you! Otto has told countless lies, you are here to mislead people!"

Since entering this episode, various speculations have continued.

The identity of the Rabbit puppet, the mysterious voice, and whether Hollander is real...

Also under these speculations.

Let everyone focus more on watching this part of the plot.

Naho La said: "He has been worn out so badly that he doesn't even know that his existence in space is not the same as yours.

Houmei continued: "But he sent us here unconsciously. Maybe we hope that we can accompany you on the next journey in his place.

Hollander understood: " or him, in short, it all comes from someone's memory?"

· Ask for flowers...

Houmei nodded: "Yes. This is the gap where the imaginary space is entangled with each other, and it is the shadow left by his countless challenges and failures.

Hou La then added: "Of course, because of your appearance, your own ingredients were also mixed in. For example, the nursing home just now.

Hollander guessed: "You mean......there is an intersection between me and him?"

Houm nodded: "Yes. The environment you left just now was originally his last remaining memory, a reappearance of that home—

Hou Lai: "But because you suddenly broke in, it was modified by your consciousness to look like a nursing home."

Hollander guessed again: "You mean, the place where I am now is actually someone's stigmata space?"

Hou La replied: "Yes, and no. It should belong to a cursed family, and belong to the mark left by that bloodline at the beginning of its origin.

Houmei said: "We are just some [afterimages], and what we know is not comprehensive enough."

Hou La said: "So, we suggest that you continue to look for those lost memory fragments. The more you find, the more we can remember.

Hoomi added: "Your quest for memory may have just begun, but we will try to help you return to your own world, as he wishes.

Gladdale thanked: "...Thank you. I also hope he's free at last. It's just—"

Deep in her heart, she has always had sympathy for those embarrassing unsung heroes.


Take a deep breath.

Hollander adjusted her emotions.

All she has to do now is to get out of here as soon as possible.

In reality, humanity is still facing a crisis.

She took a step forward and continued to search for the fragments of memory, to help everyone find their memories, and to find out how to get out of here.


She found a memory fragment.

The hand just touched it.

Memories flooded into my mind.

ding dong~

It was the bell for class that rang in the night.

"Hmm......the sound of the bell is no problem. Tomorrow is the day when the classmates come to report...Although only 10 students were recruited, starting from scratch was not easy."


"Our Saint Freya......will definitely be a new starting point."

The owner in the memory looked at a photo in his hand, which was the happy picture of Kiana holding Cecilia.

"Hey, it's been nearly ten years before I know it, and as a result, I still haven't taken good care of Qiyana..."

"Now Siegfried is in exile, and there is no news...and Kiana is seriously injured and has been treated in a fully enclosed maintenance warehouse for more than a year.

"Grandpa didn't even allow me to visit her—not even once."

"Cecilia, the things we enjoyed together in the past, it seems that only this academy has really become a reality.

"Hopefully when Kiana heals...she can also come here to study.

"Before that... I have to make progress with the teachers and classmates here, and try my best to become a competent school principal."

Memory disappears.

Hollander was thinking.

Hearing Houmei said: "Theresa... She is still working hard on the knife in her own way."

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