Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 215 You! It's The Real Kiana Kaslana!

The Black Rabbit Puppet continued: "Before I tell you the final truth, I will not prevent you from recalling some memories that have passed by yourself, which is somewhat unfair to you...but Since you need to be free from me, it's something you have to face.

"---are you ready?"

The voice fell.

Memories flooded in instantly.

First came Otto's voice: "Oh, Ragnar. You came just in time.

Ragnar asked: "Sir Bishop, this is..."

Otto replied: "It was the child you rescued. She was badly injured, so I had to treat her in a special way.

This memory picture of Hollander is vague, and only the conversation between the two can be heard.

Ragnar asked: "...So, you judge that she is indeed~ able to survive."

Otto said: "Well...she was originally a tough monster, wasn't she? She was directly hit in the head by the debris of the aircraft at an altitude of several kilometers, and fell into the depths of the snow-capped mountain in a free fall— —"

"After going through all this, you can still have vital signs when you find her, what a tenacious vitality that is different from ordinary people-ah."

"The soul steel that wraps her now is just to stimulate her own cell repair ability... I don't even need them to replace any of her body tissues."

see here.

The players were all shocked.

There is no doubt that the one lying now must be True Kiana.

The previous content has been talking about her death, but what happened and why everyone else believed this has always been a question.

And now.

The question was finally resolved.

Encountered such a thing, or fell from a height of several thousand meters, anyone would think that she was dead.

Ragnar asked: "So, in the end, she will still be herself, not even a single hair?"

Otto replied: "It must be an exaggeration to say that, but it is generally true. I don't need to build another soulsteel replica, and she will definitely become the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny. If you don't die, there will be blessings in the future. ,Right?"

Ragnar asked hesitantly, "Then.... As for Lord Siegfried and Lord Theresa..."

Otto waved his hand: "I have my own arrangements for their affairs. You don't need to worry about my housework."

"I can tell you in advance, though—I don't want her to do any more Kiana Kaslana."

"She has the right to get rid of those adult disputes, to embark on her own true path, to become the strongest warrior in the history of destiny."

"When she wakes up again, she'll have a new name, a new beginning. She'll be completely free from the personal feud that has engulfed her in this moment—"

"—to be a better person, and better for the destiny, for the future of mankind. You can understand me, right? Miss Ragnar Lordbrooke.

Ragnar asked: ".. . . if she ever realizes all this, and realizes that she has been completely deceived, what are you going to do by then?"

Otto said lightly: "This is not something you should worry about, Ragnar. But I don't want to be perfunctory to you-"

"So let me put it this way. When that time comes, I'll give this kid a purpose far more important than personal grudges.

"And once she's done that...she's got her revenge on me by the way. It's going to be a happy ending - don't you think it's great?"

Seeing this, Sister Zhou screamed: "Damn it!! Otto is awesome! He has already calculated everything? Even his own death has already been calculated?"


Almost everyone was shocked.


Even at this time, Otto has already calculated everything later...

in the plot.

Hollander asked the black rabbit puppet: "What you showed me just now is... the memory of Senior Ragnar?"


The black rabbit puppet turned into the Herrscher of Fire: "No, that's not her memory.


Hollander immediately reacted: "No—does this also belong to the image you can change?"

Then it becomes Otto again: "It's just for a brief moment and there's nothing wrong with it."

And then there's Rita: "And by substituting acquaintances like this in your memory, the image can last longer."


Youlandel did not care about such matters, and asked: "Since this memory does not belong to Senior Ragnar, it can only belong to Otto's hands.

Rita replied figuratively: "Unfortunately, it's not. Remember what I said just now? These memories are proof that you are bound by me.

"To put it another way - this area I guard, it can only carry the memories of the same group of people.

"For this group of people, the original stigmata is inherited in their blood, which makes them deeply cursed by the source of history."

"Here, those countless generations of memories, conscious or unconscious, active or passive—"

"Because they share this extremely special bloodline, they were collected by me spontaneously and joined this stigmata space called [Kaslana].

Hollander guessed: "So you are saying... The memory just now can only come from the third party...

Rita said in the image: "That's right——it's the child in memory who was wrapped in Otto's soul steel and was receiving some kind of treatment."

"Remember, everything you've seen here so far—"

"Dr. May's child, the Karen father and daughter, Teresa, Siegfried, and the child just now...they have the same blood in their bodies, and the same stigmata slumbering.

Hollander said according to his own thoughts: "...And I, who are in the imaginary space, have some kind of entanglement with this stigmata space—with you—..."

"Because my memory is mixed with theirs, I can't return to the original world normally. Even, all of this is in Otto's plan."

Rita image said: "It is a reasonable inference. Although your memory did not belong here before you came, it is no coincidence that you are entangled with this space.

"I said just now that it would be somewhat unfair for you to experience memories like the one just now—because the basis for their existence is also a part of me, and the stigmata of Slana... …"

"It's just for some other reason that they dwell in your body instead of sinking into my space. From a better understanding angle, Miss Hollander—"

"Not only is the pure blood of Kaslana flowing in your body... but the memory we just saw is indeed recorded from your own senses.

ask for flowers

" the [third party] of that memory."

Hollander was silent.

She really never thought of such a thing.

Or maybe...she had actually noticed it before, but she subconsciously didn't want to believe it, so she deliberately removed herself when she was speculating.

The image of Rita ignored her thoughts.

He said bluntly: "In that memory, you were called by Otto Apokalis——[Kiana Kaslana]."

Hear this.

Sister Zhou was not too shocked.

In the previous plot, this thing has been implied almost all the time.


Thinking that Hollander turned out to be the undead Qiyana, makes people feel a little bit.

Recalling that Teresa and others were talking about the sadness of real Kiana.

in the live room.

Others were not so calm.

"Fuck!! Otto didn't even have Theresa, Kiana really didn't die."


"Otto is still doing human affairs?"

"No... I really can't understand, Otto's behavior is too complicated."

"The front, all sit down and operate normally."

"I've said it a long time ago, Hollander must be the real Qiyana, and I've hinted so much before."

Lehayou conference room.

The hostess pointed at the screen and looked at Lin Yuhao, her eyes were full of shock: "Zhen Qi? Duo Ge turned out to be Zhen Qi? Otto didn't lie to Theresa??"

Lin Yuhao said lightly: "Calm down, Otto Ben will not deceive Theresa."

Finished sending this noisy hostess.

He looked at the live broadcast room again.

Hollander was also silent at the moment.

Her heart is mixed. Not because of suddenly knowing his own life experience. Not because the name has any special meaning to her.

[What's a surname? It's not a hand, it's not a foot, it's not an arm, it's not even... it's not any part of a person. 】

[What is a name? That kind of flower we call a rose, even if we change its name, it will definitely not lose its fragrance. 】

[Even if Romeo's name is not Romeo, he is just as kind and perfect, and doesn't need so many killing titles at all. 】

Her heart was full of mixed feelings because she thought of Siegfried, who was full of regrets in her life. because she thought

The person who had just improved her relationship with herself and gave the name [Kiana] a real connotation with her will, courage, and even life.

She realizes that this is a complex and hurtful secret... If the timing is not right, the simple truth will not bring them any salvation.

That is to say, until a really suitable day comes, she can only let them continue to think that Cecilia's biological daughter... died ten years ago.

However, this most secure plan has another unpredictable premise—

It was impossible for her to know whether the other party would remain silent on this secret for that week in the decisive battle with Bishop Otto.

However, she also knew—on this issue, she could trust the mature warrior named [Kiana Kaslana], and she would not be shaken by this. .

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