
The vicissitudes of life, but still uphold the optimistic face, also disappeared from the girl's sight.

He is still alive.

He also has his own memory.

He is still working hard and optimistically looking forward to being reunited with his family.

Not because he was his biological father.

Not because he had benefited from his guidance not long ago.

On top of that—she was sincerely happy for this hero whose life was full of regrets.

Gao Xinyu is still alive.

Glad that he still has his fighting spirit.

Perhaps he is also happy that his own blood is flowing with the strength and unyielding that belongs to him.

" seems that I can only persist here."

Hollander looked at the illusory rabbit puppet in front of him: "Are you————are you going to disappear?"

The Rabbit Puppet replied: "It seems yes. The entanglement between us has become weaker and weaker--I am about to return to the real him, and you will soon have a way to return to the real world. "

"...I can't do anything for him after all - but if I can, I hope...I can still serve as your relative, to guard the way you are going. To witness your Life will bloom with splendor in the future."

The breath of [Muppet] has disappeared.

And the memory it left to the girl in the end is a photo that has gone through the vicissitudes of life, but is still as new as before.

It was the photo taken at the amusement park with Houm in his arms.

It was also the photo that was stitched together from the other side of the photo that Hollander had picked up when he first entered this space.

Time is frozen in the moment when they enjoy the happiness of their family.

"In any case, I will definitely find you with Kiana—[our father].

In the depths of the imaginary space, it is as quiet as midnight at this moment.

The girl looked up at the sky without the stars, silently digesting everything she had just experienced in her heart.

She knew that there was a real battle waiting for her to rejoin the battlefield—

With the arrival of Rita's contact, Hollander also understood what was happening outside.

And under their arrangement, waiting for the right opportunity to return to reality.

at the same time.

outside world.

Theresa is falling from the sky.

Feeling an incomparably warm and sacred white light shooting down from the sky, it makes people feel less threatening, and even... reassuring.

In Teresa's memory, she had only seen such a holy light in one person.


The sound was too subtle to even be transmitted.

She felt that the speed of her whereabouts slowed down, as if... someone caught her.

At the last moment of unconsciousness.

She only heard: "Sorry, I wasted a little time before, Teresa...Senior.

The knight returning from the imaginary space slowly descended from the sky.

Heiyuan Baihua also echoed her call, letting the warm white light stretch upwards from the ground, covering Lord Theresa's overdrawn body.

"I am black from the abyss, I am white from the sky"

"Born before creation, existed after annihilation;"

"I will give the water of the fountain of life to those who are thirsty to drink.

"God's Key Black Abyss White Flower, the first rated power of the capsule - liberation!"

Healing light illuminates the night sky and sings apocalyptic songs for the wounded.

The knight who fell from the sky gently put down the school principal of the girls and let her rest quietly beside the Herrscher of Reason.

All of this was so unreal that Sifle Ai, who was on the side, couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

Hollander set her eyes on her: "You are Miss Shire Fleurier, right?"

Xi'er came back to her senses: "Ah, yes, you are—Valkyrie Hollander?"

Hollander nodded lightly: "Well, it seems that Heiyuan Baihua also likes your new master quite a bit."

Xier said quickly: "No, I just want to save Sister Bronya

The voice did not fall.

Hollander has already divided the black abyss and the white flowers into two.

"It doesn't matter, [White Flower] is a special weapon used to save lives and heal the wounded. I also hope that on this occasion, it can take care of more people."

"For example... Take care of Senior Theresa's work, can I ask you? Her injuries are of a special nature, and it will take a long time to fully recover.

Xi'er nodded and replied, "Well, of course, leave it to me. She is the principal of all of us."

.....…Thanks for your hard work. "

Hollander stared at Xier's busy but determined figure. She remembered someone who said that the gentlest child will grow into the strongest person.

【White Flower】is still exuding a warm glow in place, while 【Heiyuan】is in her hands at this time.

In the next battle, she only needs this part of [Withering].

This is the crisis caused by the outgoing bishop of Destiny.... As it should be, it should be stopped by the Valkyrie of Destiny.

She thought so.

"Wait! Gladdale."

Kiana stopped her: "You came back without a word, and now you plan to fight Otto alone without a word?"

Looking at Kiana in front of him.

After going through the stigmata space, Hollander would always have inexplicable emotions towards her.

Qiana didn't notice it: "I said in advance, I still have a lot of accounts to settle with that guy.

"I know."

Hollander is very clear now.

Kiana continued: "Then you should also know what the answer I'm expecting is."

Hollander was silent.

She was still hesitating.

It's not that she has a grudge against [Kiana Kaslana].

It's not that she thinks she's strong enough to handle all crises alone.

It wasn't that he was worried that the Herrscher, who had experienced many hardships, was still unable to take care of himself when he faced Otto. (bbfd)

She gradually understood that she was just - she needed to use specific actions to believe in the growth of the other party.


"Let's fight together, Kiana Kaslana."

Kiana showed a smile: "That's right. If you are worried about staying behind, we still have Xier, and there are more people who can come from Hyperion."


Youlandel nodded and affirmed: "Although it was my first meeting with Xi'er just now... But she looks quite capable, and she should be able to take care of the other people who have tried their best.

Kiana also agreed: "Yes, Xier is very strong."

When I heard the two compliment Xier.

Hei Xi couldn't stop coming out and said proudly: "Hmph, of course."

"However, speaking of you, Hollander--you suddenly reappeared, didn't you manage your time a little too well? And... you even changed your clothes?"

Hollander smiled and said, "Haha, I really need to be explained."

She briefly introduced her experience of contacting Rita in the imaginary space to the two, hiding the part related to the Kaslana family.

Hei Xi said: "......Okay. It seems that there are many hidden secrets in your destiny. But these are really not that important--after all, at this moment, that Otto is what we have in common. enemy."

Hollander also said: "I think he is more complicated than a simple enemy... But for now, we must fight him."

After hearing this, Xi'er complained: "......Do you always go around like this when you talk about S-rank Valkyries? I said that those things are not important, so you are not too simple?

Qiana said, "Xie'er, Hollander also has his own position, so we shouldn't be too embarrassing for others."

Hei Xi waved his hand: "...Okay, okay."

Hollander didn't mind: "It doesn't matter. It's a good thing to have something to say."


Heixi retreated, and Xier took the lead: "You, you don't need to care about me. I'm sorry for saying some rude words just now.


Hollander felt a little confused.

What's up with Shir... . . .


Kiana interrupted her thoughts: "Let's prioritize Otto now."

"According to previous statements, he intends to turn the world outside Kolosten Town back in time by 500 years before sunrise tomorrow..."

"The church in front of us has been breached, but he has no intention of showing up.

Hollander said, "——I think, he should be somewhere in the imaginary number space now. He seems to have [contact] with the imaginary number tree in some way."

"If he wants to perform some kind of operation on the world itself, he must stay outside the world and go to those spaces that are closer to the tree of imaginary numbers than the world."

Kiana also remembered: "Otto said when he left that he wanted to take over [God's power] one by one.

Hollander was not too surprised: "He always speaks like this, it should refer to different Herrscher powers. According to this logic... Since the power of the Herrscher of the Sky still belongs to you, then he can use the powers of the Herrscher. The way to move in space should only be the God's Key, which has the same source of power as yours, and a thousand worlds.

Qiana asked: "Does that mean.... As long as we can find the traces he left behind when he left reality, we can follow the path and pressure from the Herrscher of the Sky?"

Hollander nodded: "It should be right, and with you by my side, I shouldn't have to worry about getting lost in the imaginary space again."

Hear this.

Qi "Looking at her=: to this... I'm a little curious, Hollander, the force you're using now--is there any other form of it?"


Hollander looked at her suspiciously.

Kiana frowned and said, "I don't know how to describe this feeling... It's just intuitively familiar, I think I should know it... Sorry, I seem to have asked a strange question."

Gladdale understood what she was worth and said, "...No, you should trust your instincts, Kiana.".

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