
She heard Otto's voice and felt what Otto had been through.

Understand what Otto has done for her for five hundred years.

This mind.

This persistence.

This eternal love...

She knew how exhausted Otto was after going through all this, and she knew what his desired destination was.

The only thing she can say now.

Only one sentence: "Farewell, my great inventor.

In an instant.

All the players, all burst into tears.


Finally, I heard Otto's voice.


After all, he still knew what Otto did.

All his sacrifices, a hundred years of dedication, at this moment, under these words, are all worth it.

The plot continues.

Time is also a few days after returning to the eigenworld.

After several days of cloudy and rainy weather, the sun finally shined through the thick clouds, casting a few rays of light on the small town of Kolosten.

The traces left by the battle have been washed away by the rain, and this ancient town has regained its calm again. It seems that nothing has changed, but it is indeed no longer the same as before.

Theresa exhaled.

Feeling that the long meeting is finally over.

"Next, I have to go to see Miss Changguang.... Fortunately, it is still early before the agreed time, so you can go slowly."

"I've been really busy lately. Before I knew it... It's been so many days."

"The Destiny Headquarters is running smoothly on the 11th, and everyone is guarding their posts as before... It's just a little bit busier."

"The events of the past few days are like a series of hazy hallucinations that make people feel unreal."

"Signatures on old documents, the study in the old headquarters, the paintings on the walls.... Every time I see them, I always have an indescribable emotion, neither sad nor sad.

"It's as if there is always an inexplicable thread in my heart that occasionally touches it a few times inadvertently.

"I don't know why, but I always have a trance feeling: maybe after a while, that person will appear in another place, release a video, and make a big news in a lighthearted way... …”

"Just like that day, he announced to people all over the world that he was stepping down."

Teresa shook her head: "No... What am I thinking? Grandpa has indeed... ah, bad, he should have turned right at the last intersection. Now we have to take a long detour.


Theresa is often as distracted as she is now.

Otto's departure, for her, brought more discomfort.

From her appointment, and the vest that she wore when she was appointed, she could feel Otto's love for her.

Even she put the ingredients and recipes on the cooking table at night, and when she slept enough until the next morning, those ingredients were still the original ingredients...

The magic of cooking that her grandfather once taught her has completely failed.

She actually understood.

His grandfather, indeed, has... never come back.

"Lord Theresa..."

Teresa's thoughts were interrupted by a voice.

She followed the sound and looked, it was Amber.


Take a deep breath and adjust your emotions.

Theresa walked over.

Amber asked: "Lord Theresa, did today's meeting go smoothly?"

Teresa nodded: "Well, all the issues on the agenda have been resolved. Thanks a lot these days, without your help, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to get familiar with the documents my father left behind in such a short time."

Amber said respectfully: "Lord Theresa is very polite, this is what I should do."

Theresa said with concern: "Your workload is also very huge, you still have to pay attention to rest."

Amber said truthfully: "Lord Teresa, you forgot, I'm an android, I won't feel tired, and it's Sir Teresa who should pay more attention to rest, right?"

"There have been a lot more reports requiring re-evaluation lately...I've seen you thinking about things on your balcony several times in the second half of the night.


Theresa stunned: "I didn't expect you to notice this, Amber..."

However, what Amber didn't know was that Teresa couldn't go to sleep so early at night after learning that the magic of cooking had failed.

Amber replied: "It's just a habit. In the past, every time I passed by the study, I would pay special attention to it. Master Otto used to work until midnight, and would call me to prepare various things on a whim."

Teresa also said: "Aside from other things...how to say, he is indeed a very dedicated person.

Amber said: "Lord Theresa is the same in terms of the serious attitude towards work."

Heard her mention Otto.

Theresa was subconsciously silent.

But he quickly adjusted himself and said: "For grandpa, most of these tasks are easy to handle, right? Now I can only do my best to deal with the things in front of me---before I leave this little pair, I can do a little bit more. ."

"After all, it's time for Hyperion to return tomorrow. After that, I still have to ask you and Rita for a lot of administrative matters."

Amber only reacted: "Huh? The original planned time... ah, it is indeed tomorrow, time flies really fast."

Teresa nodded: "Yes. When people are busy, time flies by."

The two of them were suddenly silent and looked at a familiar intersection in unison.

The buildings on the roadside have faded a little more than I remembered, but the trees of that year have grown even more lush.

Amber changed the topic in time and invited Teresa to go around the town with her to feel the changes in the town.

Theresa also readily agreed.

The two walked around the town together.

Since Otto's high-profile resignation, the town has also undergone many changes.

Countless tourists came to the town for sightseeing, bringing vitality to the dead town. Countless low-level Valkyries thought that Teresa refused to serve as bishop and stepped forward to ask.

It's hard to get out of the crowd.

Theresa said helplessly: "Why are those rumors getting worse and worse? I have never said [refuse to serve as a bishop of destiny]."

Amber chuckled: "Haha, after all, in people's subconscious, a grand coronation ceremony should be held when the bishop succeeds."

"Although I understand your decision... But if Lord Theresa wants, we can also hold a formal coronation ceremony. I believe that by then, these rumors will be self-defeating."

Theresa immediately begged for mercy: "Oh, Amber, please forgive me. With my current status, it's really not suitable to hold any coronation ceremony. After all, I'm still leading the independently operated Far East branch for the time being."

"I haven't been able to take over the work of the Destiny System; I can't handle the media as skillfully as my grandfather."

"In a fair way, I'm not a bishop who meets everyone's expectations. Also, I don't want to follow empty footsteps and cut my feet to fit my feet]...

Amber said sincerely: "I understand that you will take a different path from Bishop Otto."

Teresa continued: "I want to downplay the concept of [Bishop of Destiny] and be a behind-the-scenes supporter who tries not to interfere with everyone's work."

"Moreover, I prefer that when people refer to the mandate in the future, they think of a well-trained and trustworthy group. Not [a bishop] as a personal symbol.

Amber said: "Lord Theresa, perhaps you didn't realize that... in such a short period of time, you have entered the role of bishop in your own way."

Theresa helplessly said: "Don't say it, Amber. Don't forget, I was a [Bishop] who had to work overtime yesterday to complete the scheduled work."

"But there is still more work in the extreme east branch that I need to personally participate in... Fortunately, the headquarters has gradually stabilized, and in the days to come, you and everyone will have to work hard.

Po nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, Lord Teresa. I will definitely not betray your trust. 290 Moreover, in the past few months, Destiny has actually gotten used to the operation mode away from the bishop."

a few months ago.

The sudden appearance of the law of knowledge makes the success of the seat connection hidden behind the scenes.

At the same time, come to the remote control to pay attention to the development of destiny.

Perhaps... this is also the way that bishops who calculated everything and fooled everything, began to pave the way for their dear granddaughter in advance.

The two chatted and suddenly saw Ji Suhuan who was about to travel far away.

For her, the agreement with Otto has ended, and she has also seen the follow-up of the thing she is most interested in. She has no longer any nostalgia in this Kolosten Town, so she is ready to travel.

As for the purpose, she never thought about it, she wanted to see the scenery along the way.

However, before leaving, the gift to Master Chiyuan, Fu Hua, will be handed over to her by Teresa on her behalf.

Watching Li Sushang leave.

Theresa was also quite emotional.

According to her last request, Fu Hua was found.

Fu Hua is staying alone by a river somewhere in the town.

"Headmaster, do you have anything to do with me?"

Even though Teresa became a bishop, her name in China has not changed.

Theresa hurriedly said: "Ah......No, no, it's not an official business. Come on, here's to you and this.

Fu Hua looked at the gift in his hand: "This is...... a candy box?"

Theresa said: "I just met Miss Li Sushang. She asked me to hand over this box of candy to you.

Fu Hua asked, "Su Chang...Where is she now?"

Teresa replied: "She said just now that she would leave the town and see the world of this era. I guess she is already on the subway now.

......I don't know if she has learned how to use mobile phones and credit cards.

"Before she said she wanted to take the train to experience the scenery along the way, but she didn't even think about the destination. Is this really okay..."

Fu Hua chuckled and said, "Haha. Don't worry too much, principal."

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