Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty Sixth Apoonia [Precepts]

Mei Yi just stared at her like that, and nodded slowly: "Well, what a coincidence."

Padofelis was also staring at Ya Yi and felt a little uncomfortable, and quickly changed the subject: "......Okay, okay, Sister Yayi, don't think about those things that you have or don't have!"

"We only have the last pendant left... Well, let's do it! Sister Yayi, I'll give you a discount! I'll sell it to you at a cheaper price!"

She shoved the pendant into Mei Yi's hand.

Yayi looked at the pendant in her hand and said, "This is already a strong buy and sell, right?"

Padofelis hurriedly said: "Oh, sister Yayi, don't say that! Look, don't you need this pendant right now? One wants to buy, the other wants to sell, how can it be counted?

Not finished yet.

Another sudden voice sounded.

"...It's you, you're finally here."


Ya Yi suddenly felt that her head was heavy, her consciousness gradually slackened, her body began to become heavier and heavier, and she even fell down uncontrollably.

Only Padofelis's nervous shouting could be heard: "What's wrong with you......Sister Yayi? Sister Yayi!!!??"

When she woke up again.

It was already in a dark place like a cage.

Ya Yi looked at the environment and wondered: "Here..." Sixty-nine Seven" is where the raven said..."

The voice sounded again: "Come to me, stranger traveler. The answer you seek is here."


Mei immediately put on an attack state.

The voice continued: "Don't be in a, no one will let you go. You can walk slowly...this part of the road you should travel.

Mei continued to move forward along the road.

The voice is also getting closer: "I have been waiting for your arrival."

As the distance gets closer.

Mei can also vaguely see the figure sitting at the end.

"Stranger traveler, can you tell me your name?"

"Thunder and Lightning Buds."

Mei said her name almost uncontrollably, which was completely contrary to her own will.

Heart can not help but startled up.

The woman in the seat continued: "Yi, such a warm name... Nice to meet you."

Mei Yi looked at her and asked, "Who are you...?"

The mysterious woman said: "..[Please] forgive me, Mei. Right now, I can't answer your question."

"That will make you have deeper doubts and even misunderstandings... These are not what I want, so [please] believe me, neither me nor this prison... have no malicious intentions towards you.

"Well, consider this place as a temporary resting place, or... an empty space that exists only for you and me to meet.


Mei was even more puzzled by her words.

The mysterious woman sighed slightly: "Hey... Look, there is a little more doubt between your brows, but more, it is the exhaustion that this journey has brought you."

"You need such a corner where you can rest for a while, and a friend who can share your misery..."

Mei frowned deeply.

She indescribable feeling.

Moreover, her intuition told her that the woman in front of her was very dangerous. But....Yi couldn't help it...wanted to confirm what she said....what is this...

The mysterious woman continued to use extremely gentle words, and said softly: "It's okay, Mei. I can understand... There is still a wall between you and me.

Mei Yi was even more shocked: she......knows what I'm thinking?

The mysterious woman is still talking: "But... as I said, don't rush. Here, no one will rush you forward.

"The sandstorm of time will make the walls crumble; after that, there will be warm sunlight, which will disperse the shadows between you and me.


Mei Yi clearly felt that her consciousness was becoming more and more slack and heavier, and she was almost unable to stay awake.

She kept saying in her mind: No.... I have to find a way... Stay awake...

The mysterious woman sighed again: "Ah, sure enough...for you, its burden is still too heavy..."

"It's okay, Mei, take it easy....Listen to my words, close your eyes..."

Her voice has a peculiar charm and is extremely gentle, making it difficult for people to have a heart of resistance, and from the depths of their hearts, they are willing to believe in her, listen to her words, and accept her arrangements.

The same is true for the current buds...

You know you need to stay awake.


It was still in this voice that she was gradually guided.

"Imagine... an endless grassland, with a breeze blowing... mixed with the fragrance of soil and grass..."

"You can feel the blade of grass under you...the dew, wet your cheeks and your fingertips...

"That's it... take a nap on this grassland, Yayi... Release your body and mind completely..."

"When you wake up, you won't feel any more fatigue and pain..."

"Yes... those exhaustions and pains.....they never existed...."

Like hypnotic words.

Let Mei's consciousness fall asleep completely.

until she wakes up again.

Already in the lounge.

"......I am back?"

Mei looked at the familiar environment and had a tea house in her heart.

"What happened just now...was it a dream?"

After thinking about it carefully, she shook her head slightly and said in denial: "No, no... I did enter the paradise of the past, and I also met Pado, from her..."

A cold touch came from her fingertips, and it was only then that Mei realized that her right hand had been holding the pendant tightly.

"This it...?"

At this time.

Padofelis's voice came from the side: "Ya, Sister Yayi? Is that you? Sister Yayi, is it really you?"

Mei looked over: "Paduo?"

Potfolith said with a cry: "Woohoo ... ... Sister Budi, you can wake up!

Mei immediately asked: "Paduo... tell me, what happened?"

Padofelis said quickly: "I don't know either! You just took my pendant and fell down, and you can't wake up. I had to bring you back!"

"Wuwuwu, Sister Yayi, I thought you would never wake up again... When you fainted suddenly, I was so scared that the hairs on your tail stood up!"

Watching her start to cry.

Mei said softly: "...Sorry, I didn't mean to be in a coma. But...Thank you for worrying about me, Pado."

Padofelis said: "Well, of course! You haven't given me the money from the pendant!"



Mei was stunned for a second.

Then he couldn't help but smile: "So......that's what you're worried about..."

Finished dealing with Padofferys..

Mei found Eden.

I told her what happened to me, and I wanted to ask her if she knew anything.

Eden said, "Is it pitch black, a space like a prison?"

"Miss Yayi, if I'm not mistaken, there should be a gentle and mysterious lady in that [prison].

Mei nodded in agreement: "Well, indeed...a gentle and mysterious woman."

Eden continued: "It seems, Miss Yayi, the area you strayed into should be her residence——[the deepest place]."

Mei also proved her conjecture: "Sure enough...she is [Apoonia]."

......Many people have mentioned this name to me, but there is a big difference between what I saw and the Apollonian they called her.

Eden said: "Miss Yayi, the difference is bound to exist."

"Most impressions of others come from our own [memory]. And memory is often too subjective."

"Just like the Miss Yayi in my eyes, and the Miss Yayi in Qian Jie's eyes, they must not be exactly the same two people.


Buddy agrees with this statement.

Eden then continued: "So, what kind of person is Ms. Apponia, I may not be able to give a valuable answer to this question.

"As I said, she is a gentle and mysterious, and at the same time... a little [dangerous] lady. These completely different silhouettes do exist in her.

Mei said: "I can understand what you mean, and I do feel her [tenderness] and [danger]..."

"And, unlike Mebius, I didn't feel any [malicious] from her.... only [danger]."

"Eden, do you know the way to the [Deepest]? I want to see her again."

Eden shook his head slightly: "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help you. At the deepest point, there has always been the residence of Ms. Apponia, and only she can freely enter and exit that area with 5.0."

"But if you insist on going there, Chisuke and Ellie...may be able to help you."

"After all, they are far more familiar with both the Deepest and Miss Apponia than I am.

Miyuki remembered it.

Qian Jie had said before that Aponia was his friend.

It's just his description of his friend that made Mei feel a little...infiltrating, so he ignored it.

"Thank you, Eden."

After thanking Eden, he dressed and returned to Daningyin.

She wanted to find Qian Jie and Aili, but she happened to see Sakura.

He went up and asked, "Sakura, can you tell me something about [The Deepest Place]?"

Sakura looked at Mei Yi, was silent for a moment, and said, "Miss Mei, haven't you visited there already?"

Ya Yi wondered: "......I shouldn't have told you about this, right? How did you know?"

Sakura said truthfully: "It's some... [Aura] changes. Anyone who has been in contact with Apollo will have a unique [Aura] on their bodies. Now, the same aura is spreading around you."

"Since you have already met Apollo, I think you must have reached the depths, Miss Yayi."

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