Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 71 The Island Sinks... Mei: What A Sad Story

Even the curry shop was surprised.

I thought that today was World Curry Day, and they all came to eat curry, which caused them to leave work early and have nothing to do.

And Miss Zhou.

After ordering takeout.

Just keep pushing the plot.

Dr. Tesla looked at Sora who was still reminiscing after eating the curry and asked, "I've always been curious, why didn't your teacher take you out during the New Year when your teacher obviously goes out every month?"

After eating.

Sora is also more and more fond of the two of them.

Maybe Mei Cuisine had completely conquered her, or Sora knew that these two were good people, and she said without concealment: "Ah...there is of course a reason. Life in the nest is very lonely, we always It was because she pestered the teacher to tell her her own story, so she knew a lot about her.

"Teacher is not the kind of person who is born with money and status. Her childhood was unfortunate and her life started from nothing, but she worked hard to climb and climb, dealt with various people in various countries, experienced a lot of things and spent a lot of money. After more than ten years, he finally accumulated a sum of his own assets.

"She spent most of her savings in a far country..."

Thinking about it for a moment.

Can't remember the name of the country.

He continued: "I forgot the name.... The teacher bought a private island in that country. I plan to build a big house on it and live a free and peaceful life from now on.

Of course, she will take us along with those she has rescued elsewhere. "

"The house is about to be completed, and we are all very happy. She has worked her whole life to finally have a place where she can enjoy life. But no one thought that the tragedy happened like this.

Ya Yi hurriedly asked: "What happened to "Nine Six Three"?"

The kind-hearted Mei, after learning about these things, has a very good impression of this teacher who has never met.

In this collapsed world, there are still people like this to protect Kong and them, wanting to bring them to a peaceful and peaceful home.

How can such a person not be admired?

Sora continued to reply: "Four months ago, there was a big collapse in the world..."

At that time, it was the time when Kiana awakened to become the Herrscher of the Sky.

Ya Yi couldn't help but feel tight.

He listened anxiously to Sora's follow-up.

"At that time, the teacher was in Changkong City, and the Honkai Beasts appeared one after another. She fought with them alone, protecting the nest from attack."

"The turmoil lasted for several hours before subsiding, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. But at this moment, bad news came from afar--Teacher's island has been permanently sunk in the great collapse... ."

Mei was also silent.

Her heart gradually sank, and she knew very well the reason for all this.

I'm also sorry for not being able to prevent this from happening in the first place.


Now she can't tell the empty truth, she... can't say it.

Sora continued to talk: "Teacher, she heard the news, her face was expressionless and silent, but she kept pacing, running, and rolling in the room... She kept talking about nothing, nothing, but tears. Big drops fell down. Finally, the teacher couldn't help rushing out, crying to the end of the sea [as sad and sad as a child..."

"She kept crying, and kept crying, until the tears dried and her throat became hoarse, and then she stood up."

"I will never forget that moment, the oath she made to the setting sun - 'No matter how much it costs, human beings will definitely overcome Honkai!!'"

After listening to this description.

Players who were still empathizing with sadness.

Mei, who was still feeling guilty.

I don't know how to express my inner feelings.

Especially this last oath.

Ya Yi had been brewing for a long time before slowly opening her mouth and said, "...How do I say it....It's really a very sad story..."

Dr. Tesla:

And this moment.

Countless players all burst out laughing.

It's obviously a very sad story, but under Sora's description, I don't know why, it just makes people want to laugh, and they are even more curious about this so-called teacher.

Everyone started to guess who the teacher was.

After all, it takes so much pen and ink to describe, it must be a very important person for the plot.

compared to most players.

Sister Zhou has a different understanding.

She paused the plot and said, "I think this teacher's cry and collapse may not just be because the island that he has worked hard for for more than ten years is collapsed and destroyed."

"More... It's her despair for this world, her cry to this world, it's clear that what she has always said to the children is 'live well', and what she thinks is only in this world Seek a safe place to live a life of peace and tranquility."

"But...even an unknown country in the distance, a small island in the distance, cannot survive the collapse and is involved in destruction."

"This teacher should have understood this through heartache, anger, and crying, and then made an oath that no matter what the cost, human beings will overcome Honkai!"


Sister Zhou's voice changed: "I don't know why, I just want to laugh."

That's it.

She just let the players in the live broadcast room discuss.

after all.

Le Hayou made this plot without explaining too much, maybe just to plump up the characters.

But combined with this broken world, this understanding is also a very normal thing.

This is also the place where the plot of "Hang Kai 3" is fascinating.

She continued to tap the screen to watch the follow-up plot.

Mei Yi obviously didn't want to talk about this teacher again: "Okay, I'll take you back before it gets dark.

Sora twitched a little, but he stopped talking and shouted: "Yi..."

Under Mei's gentle gaze, she asked.

Kong Cai said: "The curry is delicious, I want everyone to try it..."

Ya Yi showed a smile: "Don't worry, I've already prepared it. I made a serving for 20 people, so let's go back and share it with everyone."


Sora said excitedly: "Thank you! Yayi is the best."

Dr. Tesla shook his head and said with emotion: "Really, when it comes to taking care of people, no one can compare to her.

Watching the two leave.

Something suddenly occurred to Dr. Tesla: "Wait. . . . Who's doing the dishes today?"



Mei looked at the curry served by so many people.

The two of them will definitely not be able to take it.

"Should Dr. Tesla not be angry with the tactical mecha delivering curry?"

You shouldn't be angry if you say it.

But in fact, I cared about getting on the mecha and began to transport it.


They returned to the 'nest' and quickly finished dividing the curry.

Sora smiled and said to Mei: "Everyone is very happy, saying that the curry made by Mei is very delicious, and I really want the teacher to try it.

When Sora recalled the teacher's cooking, he was really a little unhappy.

"Mei, will you leave here after you find Kiana?"

Mei nodded: "Well... There are still a lot of things to do in the future, but we will meet again, Dr. Tesla said, Anti-Entropy will find a way to help you, and you need to get to know your teacher."


Kong nodded heavily: "Yi and teacher are very gentle people, you must have a good chat.

Bud can see it.

Sora likes this teacher very much.

Can't help but be a little curious.

It's not completely dark yet.

Sora also told her about his own affairs. This so-called teacher is a real teacher to Sora.

The collapse of Changkong City three years ago caused her to lose all her memories, family, friends, life, ideals... She can't remember everything before, and only a very shallow impression is left.

In her first memory, it was in the arms of the teacher.

The teacher carried her through the ruins without saying a word. It was very dark that day, and the dark clouds were very low, but she......but she felt like there was light shining on her.

Although she moved into the nest with everyone, she has no memory, and she doesn't know what everyone is talking about or what to do. I can only follow the teacher all the time, wherever she goes, I go where I go.

The teacher had no choice but to start teaching her things, teaching her how to travel around the city, how to avoid the wandering Honkai Beast and how to save herself when in danger. Teach her... how to 'live well.

There is happiness in the empty expression.

She continued: "I still remember that it was an ordinary afternoon, and the teacher suddenly said to me happy birthday and she wanted to give me a present."

"I'm very surprised. I don't even know my own name. How can the teacher know my birthday? Then...the teacher... gave it to me."

Sora held Mark Rabbit on his chest and whispered, "Mark Rabbit, Mark Rabbit, who am I?"

Hear the command.

Light shoots out of the robot's eyes, forming a projection in the air. The geometric body is constantly folded and extended, and the dense text is handed to the girl.

"This is....……"

Mei Yi looked at the words above and was shocked.

Sora said with a smile: "It's my life.. Name, birthday, family relationship, life experience, half-written diary, homepage of social networking sites, registration information of entertainment venues... The teacher used her relationship to put Everything I can find about me is recorded here."

Mei was even more shocked.

Even though she is now cooperating with Anti-Entropy, it is impossible to collect this information easily.

And this mysterious teacher.

How can you find all the information you can find?

What kind of huge information network is this, and her ability is so great?

Who is she?

Mei can't guess.

In the barrage, the players have already guessed all the characters of Honkai III.

no doubt.

After Kong's narration, everyone became more and more curious and interested in this mysterious teacher.

Some people even forgot, shouldn't the purpose of this chapter be to find Kiana?

The plot continues.

Sora continued: "To be honest, my life is so ordinary, more ordinary than I imagined. But...this is really my life. For the first time, I know what my name is.

What day is your birthday, where did you grow up, and what do you want to do in the future? "

"It turns out that I have been loved, and I have loved others, and there are things I like to do, and there are things that I absolutely cannot stand.

"The lost memory has not been recovered, but looking at these words, I feel as if I have really experienced this. The teacher said that only in this way can I understand how to 'live well'."

"Live well, she always keeps these words on her lips. Disasters will destroy Changkong City, but we still have to live and try to live, because to live well is to fight against destiny. One day, we will leave here, Go to the other side of the sea, back to the sun, back to the sunny sky."

"And the way we fought will definitely become the hope for another person to live in the future. I believe... This is the meaning of the teacher's establishment of the nest, and it is also her day on that day.

Will Mark Rabbit - Will Me

The reason for the past as a gift to me.

Sister Zhou read Kong Kong's words.

They all feel like they have the power to live.


She suddenly woke up and shouted: "What the hell? This is Honkai III? This turned out to be Honkai III? There is such a positive energy in this Honkai III? What the hell is this teacher?

Who is it? Is there such a role in Houkai San? Whoever survived the pre-civilization?"

She couldn't believe it.

That once made the death and life of the player's knife come to an end, and suddenly there were some words of encouragement, telling everyone to work hard to live and fight against fate?

Not right!

She felt very wrong.

Looking at the barrage, someone guessed the raven.

She vetoed: "Impossible! It's absolutely impossible. Raven is a world snake. She kills people without blinking an eye. If she is, I'll show you a tick!"


Players who watched her live broadcast, 4.9 knew very well that Sister Zhou didn't have that kind of thing at all.


Now players are really curious, who is this teacher?

He can cry and roll on the ground, has a huge information network, and has such positive energy, teaching children to live, to fight against fate, and to fight against the collapse.

this moment.

Sister Zhou also sighed again: "I can see it clearly. Although "Honkai III" has always been very sharp, as long as people who are called 'teacher' are really very qualified.

What an excellent person!"

The voice fell.

The players remembered the last one known as the teacher----the Infinite Takiko.

"Sister Zhou, don't scare me, before the teacher comes out here, you're going to kill her with a knife?"

"Isn't it? It's not, right? You spend so much pen and ink just to kill for the first time?"

"Uh....Upstairs, you forgot Sakura?"

"I......No! Lehayou, can you have a snack?"

this moment.

Everyone panicked.

Everyone remembered.

There is absolutely no trace of this character of the Three Swords of Honour, and it seems that he will never be stabbed, and it is gone.

Everyone started to pray.

I hope this 'new teacher' will not be killed as soon as he comes out.

Sister Zhou saw that the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was almost mobilized.

Continue to start advancing the main line.

After leaving the nest.

one night.

Mei had a dream, the dream was so real, it was as real as she traveled through time and returned to that afternoon three years ago.

Kiana's voice also sounded: "Ah~~~ I'm exhausted, I finally got rid of it."

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