Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 76 Reunion Again, The Plot Is So Sweet, I Cried


in the lounge.

Dr. Tesla poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Mei.

"Have a cup of coffee, you haven't rested for a long time."

Mei took the paper cup, but saw a tired face reflected in the cup.

She trembled for a while, and her reflection disappeared in the slightly swaying waves.

"I can't's so sudden.

"Three days ago, when she was in Tianqiong City, she was still so healthy, obviously nothing happened..."

Even if more than half an hour passed.

Mei still doesn't want to believe that Kiana only has two months left.

Dr. Tesla comforted: "I have informed Hyperion, they will come to join us immediately, and the Walter leader is also paying attention to this matter, you can rest assured that "no one knows the Herrscher better than him."

"Although... I really want to move her to a safe place as soon as possible, but the reconnaissance shows that there are always the Destiny Forces near the extreme east. With our current situation, once we encounter the enemy, it will be troublesome.

During the safe period, let's wait for the support to arrive. "

What she didn't know was the reason why the Destiny Force appeared around here.

It is related to the deal between Bishop Otto and Kevin.

Mei also understands that this is the only way now.

"Doctor, I want to ask you one thing... Please don't tell Kiana about her condition until the official diagnosis comes out, she's in danger, she needs our help, but I'm worried that once she finds out those, again

As she spoke, Mei's voice was a little choked up.

"I will leave without saying goodbye again. I know her, she likes to take care of everything by herself, I can't imagine it. What kind of mood she has been wandering alone all along.

""460" I understand, I promise you."

Dr. Tesla agreed immediately.

Mei said thank you.

You said: "She should be waking up soon, I'll go to the infirmary to have a look."

Dr. Tesla saw the way her suit was holding on.

He grabbed her and tucked her a clean towel: "wash your face before going to see her. This is your reunion after four months, so cheer up."

In front of the infirmary.

Mei stopped for a while.

She wanted to move forward, but stopped in front of the door, there was a feeling that dragged her and made her unable to move forward.



Neither is right!

She suddenly realized that it was fear.


Are you afraid to face Kiana?

How can there be such an idea.

Mei took a deep breath, put all the unspeakable confusion in her heart behind her, and took a step forward.

The door opened--


The familiar and nostalgic call embraced her together with the light.

Kiana was lying on the hospital bed, with bloodstains clearly visible on her neck, and the familiar smile appeared on her face again.

"Yi, long time no see... No, we just got hit a few days ago."

Looking at Kiana who is so strong.

Mei's voice trembled a little: "Kiana...Are you awake...?"

"Well, it didn't take long for me to wake up. When I opened my eyes, I found myself a little flustered in a place I didn't know, but when I saw Mei Yi, I understood everything. I didn't expect that you would find it in the end."

Kiana lay quietly on the bed, smiling at Mei.

But right away, her time is buried in a strange orange mass.


"What's the matter, Yayi, don't throw things at me!"

The words were just shouted.

She found that the thrown object was very familiar: "Huh? Isn't this the coat I lost?"

......You idiot! How dare you say such a thing, you know how worried you are... how much do you miss you? Why.... Why would you rather hide in the sky alone City, do not contact us! Do not come to us.

Kiana didn't answer.

Instead, he changed the subject and said, "The new hairstyle... It suits you very well. I like it very much. Ya Yi looks really good no matter what she looks like."

Another moment of silence.

Qiana said in the same tone as before: "I'm sorry, I'm back."

Mei's tears finally burst into her eyes: "'re back....welcome home."

She fell to the side of the bed and hugged the person in front of her tightly, and the warm touch made the time reverse.

She seemed to have returned to the warm and bright morning of St. Freya, the sun fell on her body, soft and warm.

Everything is the same as before, nothing has changed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Mei's mood eased a little.

She said with concern: "Kiana, how are you feeling now, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Qiana hurriedly shook her head: "No, no, I just slept well, I'm in good spirits now!"

"It's better than anything else that you can come back safely. You have some minor injuries and Dr. Tesla has taken care of them properly. She said you were overworked and Guo should rest well."

Yayi said something and suddenly remembered something: "Ah! You probably don't know yet, the extreme east branch has broken away from the destiny and is united with anti-entropy. The doctor is a high-level cadre of anti-entropy. A lot has happened in the past four months, I I'll tell you little by little..."

in this short time.

Mei told Kiana what happened little by little.

Kiana was lying on the bed, looking at Mei in front of her, listening to her describe everything.

It should be a very warm picture.


From the player's point of view, there is always a feeling of sadness.

Everyone knows that.

Such a picture is so hard to come by.

Time flows slowly.

Mei also told her what happened in four months.

Qiyana also sighed: "After so many things happened, everyone must have changed a lot. Hee hee, I don't know if Bronya has grown taller - I guess not.

Mei was by her side.

The voice is also extraordinarily gentle: "She is still the same. Now that Hyperion is on his way, you will see them soon."

"Hey, I'm a little nervous, I'm not ready yet. Mei, it's boring to wait. Before everyone arrives, I want to go out and adjust my mood. 17

I heard she actually said to go out.

Mei immediately became nervous: "Go out? Now? But you need to rest..."

Qiana immediately spoke out her crooked reasoning: "You know, I can't calm down, I can recover faster by walking more and moving more. Lying all the time, my body and heart will rust. It’s rare to return to Changkong City, and I want to take a second look before leaving.”

In the face of such Kiana.

Rao is Yayi.

I can't bear to refuse, after all, it has been like this for a long time.

She agreed: "Okay, but I'll accompany you too."

Kiana smiled: "Isn't that better? I forgot when was the last outing with you. With Mei by my side, I'll be fine from anything.

"Oh, you! This is not an outing."

Ya Yi shook her head and sighed, but her expression softened a lot.

The two fought and left the room, and the unease and fear in the air disappeared.

Come outside.

Kiana seemed to have a lot of energy.

Looking into the distance and stretching.

"Hoo~ The air outside is still good!"

The two of them were like this, looking at the sky city that had changed so much, and recalling the bits and pieces of three years ago.


Just a short distance away from the Helios.

Mei asked: "Do you want to continue moving forward? We are already a little far from Helios."

Qiyana nodded: "Well, I have a place I want to go no matter what. I want to go back to Qianyu Academy. That's what I said... But the whole sky city was flooded, and I couldn't recognize it at all. How do you get out?"

"Mei, do you still remember the way to Chiba Academy? In my seems to be further upstream.

Mei replied: "Actually, I saw the teaching building from a distance yesterday, and I can go there, but I'm not sure if I can walk to the school. There...should have everything.


"It's okay, even if it's the ruins, I want to go and see it."

Kiana started to act coquettishly as she spoke: "Yi is the best~ Yayi, take me there!"

Seeing Kiana looking like this.

How could Mei Yi bear to refuse?

"Oh, I really can't help you, come with me, I remember this direction."

Follow memory.

The two quickly reached the place where they could see the teaching building.

Continue to move forward, wishing to get close to Chiba Academy.

After walking for a while.

Only to find out that he has entered a dead end.

"The way forward is flooded, and it seems that there is nowhere to go, Kiana, what should I do?"

Kiana sighed: "Hey~ Forget it, this is also a no-brainer. It's getting late, let's go back.

Like a deflated ball, she lowered her head from a distance.

Mei Yi looked at Qiana next to her and asked a question she had always been curious about: "Kiana, I have always wanted to know, why did you think of returning to Changkong City..."

Kiana replied: "Actually, there is no special reason, I just want to see what this place has become. At that time, I had just escaped from the conflict between the World Snake and the Destiny. Very uncomfortable, preoccupied with finding a place to calm down away from the crowd."

"For some reason, I thought of Changkong City."

"Maybe when people are confused, they want to go back to the starting point. I met you here, met everyone... I want to get back the mood at that time.


Kiana hesitated for a moment: "Forget it. . . . . . . . . "

"What's wrong? Kiana."

Facing the issue of Bud.

Qiyana just avoided her sight, her eyes suddenly dimmed, and it went down with the condensed air.

Ye Yi immediately understood.

She knew what Kiana wanted to say, but she didn't know how to answer.

Because of that topic... because of that person, it is the common scar in their hearts.


After silence.

Qiana still said: "I... still remember that day. In the past four months, I have passed many cities and met many people who suffered because of the collapse. I have been running away, running away, But he couldn't escape the nightmare.

"Finally, I realized that I couldn't just run away, there were more important things waiting for me to do than running away."

"I have to face the crowd, face everyone...face, my own destiny.

She looked at the teaching building in the distance.

It's like a past that can never go back.

He continued: "I'm not Kiana Kaslana, I'm not my father's biological daughter... I'm the experimental body k423, the container of the Herrscher of the Empty.


Mei desperately denied it.

Kiana seemed very calm: "It's okay, Mei....It's okay. Acknowledging all this doesn't mean I have to give up on myself, on the contrary, it allows me to find

what you should do.

"It is my responsibility to seal the Herrscher of the Sky, not only that, but I can use her power to protect those who suffer and make up for the pain brought by the collapse to the world. 17

"I helped many people in Sky Dome City, but I couldn't help many people... But during that time, I gradually understood one thing."

She looked at Mei Yi: "Yi, maybe my birth is just a farce, but I can turn it into a meaningful thing. story is not beautiful, but I can

to make the world a better place. "

"This is... my promise to her."


Kiana let out a sigh of relief.

The whole heart has also become more peaceful.

There was a faint smile on his face again: "Now that I think about it, this may be the reason why I returned to Changkong City. This is the beginning of everything. Three years ago, on April 7, I used to run here.

Run, fight, move forward, meet you and everyone, and make a wish to fight for all the good in the world. "

"This is my original intention, and now, I can still move forward on this path of my own choice. Thinking of this, I am not so afraid."

She turned her head, Hui Yayi showed a cheerful smile.

At that moment, it seemed that the sun was falling from the clouds. Three years ago, the girl who shouted to save herself also laughed like this.

look at her.

Mei Yi couldn't help but say, "You really haven't changed at all."

"Kiana, no matter what your name is, no matter what status you are, you are you, and I am everyone's most important partner. We will always be by your side."

Qiana also said with a smile: "In the past four months, I have imagined countless reunion pictures, but it's really nice to meet you again here in the end. It's a pity that I didn't get to meet you again.

When I went to Chengqianyu Academy, I always felt that my heart was suffocating. "

Mei also said: "When the storm subsides, when all this is over, we will come back and return to Qianyu Academy together."

The dialogue between the two, the vision and plans for the future.

Once again let the players feel the good.

Sister Zhou said with a crying voice in the live broadcast room: "It's really not easy, it's really good for Bugs and Yayi to meet, Lin Yuhao did a good job, I like this plot, I must let it go later.

They go to Chiba Academy, if they go, I will date you!"

Although some of them are for the effect of live broadcasts, more of them hope that Qiana and Mei can accomplish what they think.


What Miss Zhou didn't know was.

There is a large sword here, which is quietly approaching. .

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