Game Production: Opening Honkai Impact 3rd, The Knife Crying Players

Chapter 80 Disaster Erupts, Thunder Law Is Coming

"I don't need to convince you, because you know better than me that her ideals can save the world, but not herself.

Kevin dropped the words.

Just disappeared in front of Mei, just as he said.

He will give Mei time.

Will leave the choice to herself.

With Kevin gone.

This conversation is also completely over.

Mei quickly left.

As soon as he came out, he encountered countless quantum shadows.

"Why!! Why does the Quantum Shadow appear in Changkong City-?"

Such a monster.

Absolutely not - right now.


The whole building began to shake.


The voice just fell.

A gust of wind came and pushed Mei to the ground together with the shaking high-rise buildings.

She looked up, only to see that the seawater that submerged the city was falling.

"The sea is! It's the 'Nest' that is rising! Buildings......are gathering towards the sky!"

As if the end had come.

There was a dull roar in the distance, followed by the roar of an explosion, followed by a loud collapse.

Finally, light, a white light with no end in sight, completely drowned the world in her eyes...

a few minutes ago.

Over the Pacific Ocean, the Hyperion.

Dr. Einstein is telling the situation: "There are still 30 kilometers from the meeting coordinates provided by Tesla, the waterway is normal, and no enemy has been found."

Theresa asked, "What about the Destiny Force that the reconnaissance station saw earlier?"

Dr. Einstein replied: "It landed on the west coast of the Far Eastern Islands, and it seems that there is no plan to move forward. I am afraid that the destiny also noticed the abnormality of Changkong City, so it dispatched the Valkyrie in advance to station in the nearby cities."

"The anti-entropy rescue team is also in place. Once the Honkai Energy erupts, they will immediately start operations to minimize losses. We must not let Qiana use the power of the Herrscher of the Sky."


Theresa sighed: "I'm still a little worried. It's very quiet, too quiet. This feeling reminds me of the Battle of Destiny, very uneasy...  

The voice hasn't finished yet.

A violent shaking interrupted her unspoken words.

Mr. Kong also sent news: "Report! There is an abnormal collapse reaction in Changkong City! Several unknown units are approaching at a high speed of 320 kilometers per hour from the front! The target image is being captured."

"An enemy attack? Is it destiny?"

Dr. Tesla was puzzled.

The correspondent immediately denied: "'s the Quantum Shadow! The Quantum Shadow is attacking Hyperion, and the bow of the ship was severely impacted, and the close-up guns fell off!"

"What did you say! How can there be a quantum shadow here!"

Teresa was also very shocked, but she quickly gave an order: "Damn! Let Bronya and the others split up immediately to protect the ship platform and the main engine room.

The battle broke out instantly.

Fortunately, the combat power on Hyperion is much stronger than before.

The quantum shadows of these advance teams were swept away before they could last long.

Theresa looked at the direction of the long sky city in the distance.

My heart kept wondering: "Dr. Einstein, what's going on!? I see the sea water churning.... It's a tsunami! The tsunami and storm are rushing towards the city."

"Why does the quantum shadow appear in the extreme east, what happened to the sky city?"

Dr. Einstein looked at the analyzed data.

Said: "The Honkai Energy of Changkong City is seeping out of the water at an alarming speed, and it is gathering towards the light belt in the air... That is definitely not the quantum sea. Ms. Teresa... ...we're in big trouble, I'm afraid."

The screen changes again.

This time is not the picture of previous catastrophic crises.

But on a bench that can be seen everywhere.

A boy and a girl are sitting together.

The girl said slowly: "I remember very clearly, that night, I accidentally walked to the window and looked up at the starry sky, I suddenly had a wonderful feeling, as if I was not looking up at the starry sky, but the starry sky was looking down at me. Under the Milky Way, I am so small, and human beings are so small. Everything around me becomes insignificant at that moment."

"At that time, I had an idea, I believe that every star in the sky is our enemy."

The young man scratched his head.

Some are confused: "Every star is an enemy?"

As soon as his words came out.

That familiar voice.

Sister Zhou recognized it immediately: "This guy is actually Kevin? That 10,000-year-old iceberg, Kevin who never has any expression or emotion?"

Can't believe it.

Totally can't believe it.

This young boy, who was so young, turned out to be that Kevin.

The man who was respected by Grey Snake, feared by Otto, and feared by Mei?

The plot continues.

The girl who spoke was named Mei.

She continued: "Yes, in the physics textbook, there is a picture of the Earth taken by a space probe from 6.4 billion kilometers away.

"Huh? I remember!"

Kevin thought back and said, "There was nothing in the picture, and after searching for a long time, I saw a small blue dot.

Mei explained: "That's the Earth. The planet we were born and grew up on, this planet that has existed for 4.6 billion years, is just a tiny point of light in the vast universe.

"The thousands of years of human history, billions of years of life, and countless knowledge and cultures are not worth mentioning on the scale of the universe."

"I often wonder, for such a vast universe, 'How much can ten people really mean?'


Kevin let out a hearty laugh.

May obviously didn't understand why he suddenly laughed.

"why are you laughing!"

Kevin shook his head: "No, no, I just feel very new. In the past, I dated other girls, talking about the stars, and then I will talk about constellations, blood types and other topics." [012011211091100110]

"I met a girl who would talk about the universe and human beings from the starry sky once, as expected of you."

He suddenly saw that Mei's expression was wrong.

He said quickly: "I mean, you are very unique and different. Please continue to talk, the topic just now is very interesting, and I want to hear it.

May said, "I've finished speaking, and you haven't answered my question yet."

Kevin is still a teenager now: "Oh! Yes. Um...I think about it, like you said, the universe is very big, and the earth is too small.

"Maybe for this starry sky, we...and everything we care about is meaningless."

May affirmed: "It is true."

Kevin sighed: "What a heavy conclusion."

But obviously.

Mei was not lost because of this, but said: "But despite this, I, you, and everyone in this world are still living meaningfully."

"We live, we exist, we make every choice in life, and we grasp every moment of the present. Human beings have no meaning, but 'we' gives us meaning."

May finished speaking.

Looking at Kevin next to me: "I'm curious about one thing, you don't seem like someone who would be interested in this topic at all, but you keep hearing what I'm saying now. You really find this conversation valuable I want you to be honest with me."

Kevin patted his head and replied: "You ask me if I have any value, and I can't answer it, because I guess I can only understand half of what you said, maybe less than half. You say these things seriously. The way it looks, it really appeals to me. So... I want to keep listening."

"Just for that reason?"

May felt incredible.



May continued to ask questions.

Kevin replied: "I don't know either, or rather, I want to know. I will study hard from you and try to think about the answer to this question."


Hearing this answer, Mei couldn't help but laugh out loud.

See how she smiles.

Kevin said excitedly: "You finally laughed! You look good when you smile."

After laughing.

The relationship between the two is also closer.

Mei also said: "This summer, I will go to Mu mainland to attend an academic seminar, and there will be many famous physics professors and scholars present. I plan to exchange my views with them. It may sound arrogant, but I think Meet people who can change the world, I want to be a part of them. I want to see how far I can go under this starry sky

Hear this.

face the girl you like.

Kevin is like most normal high school boys.

The answer is: "Come on, I believe that one day, you will realize everything you said today."

But May is different.

While he has his own goals, he also asked Xiang Kevin: "Kaiwen, do you have any plans for the future?"

Kevin replied truthfully: "I don't have your lofty ideals. Changing the world or something is too far away for me. I just want to live the life in front of me, cherish every friend, and enjoy every 'now'. Live happily , get at ease.”

May couldn't help asking: "You don't think about the future at all?"

Kevin shook his head: "I don't want to think about it. The world is so big, there is always a place to welcome me, and there is always something waiting for me to do. But if I just look forward blindly, I will miss the people standing by my side. I am after all Still a high school student! Live more innocently and be happier to be like me."

‥ Ask for flowers‥

...what a frivolous person. However, I wish you the realization of your wish. "

Kevin nodded vigorously: "Well! I hope we can all realize our wishes. Ah yes, why don't I accompany you to the mainland of Mu this summer..."

Memories fade away.

Kevin opened his eyes and looked at the city that merged with the light.

Glimpses of light, like blood flowing to the heart. The end of the light wheel reflects the infinite sea of ​​stars and the infinite world.

At this moment, in every ray of light, someone dies and someone is born.

Every one of them, every one they meet, every one they love...  

The grief and laughter they experienced, the blood and tears that flowed, the vows they made, the promises they failed to fulfill, the triumphs and failures of creation, exist in the disappearance... the entire history of human beings... all the human beings have's just an insignificant lone leaf in this light.

Kevin didn't know that it was the scene in front of him that reminded him of this memory again.

It's the same girl I just saw... that girl who is very similar to Mei.

once promised.

past agreement.

Everything in the past, now I can only rely on him to watch alone, because it is completed.

The naive boy who once died out 50,000 years ago has grown into the current Kevin Kaslana.

see here.

Sister Zhou couldn't help but put Kevin and Qiyana together.

When the two of them were young, they were both so lively and so out of tune.


After experiencing countless things, becoming mature,

The smile gradually disappeared, and the responsibilities on the shoulders also increased.

"The world of this game is really too similar to reality. The price of growing up is too much for me to bear, but I have to grow up, and I have to take more responsibilities. I really miss my high school days.


Sister Zhou has not finished speaking.

I saw someone say: "You also had a flat chest in high school."

She was blown away.

Began to breathe out a fragrance: "Fart! When I was in high school... I was in high school, how could it be possible...

As a result, it took a long time.

I didn't expect to be able to refute it.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, I'll continue to watch the plot behind, anyway, now I think Kevin is not a bad person, at least not as bad as Otto!"

The plot continues.

The picture turned into darkness.


The sound of water dripping continuously resounded in my ears.

Bone-piercing coldness rushed straight to the brain, and a consciousness gradually formed in the darkness.

It's... the sound of rain.

From far to near, it is the sound of rain.

Gradually, the sound became louder and louder, turning into a loud storm.

In the haze, she tried to open her eyes.

Chaos was introduced to the eye.

"How is this going?"

Mei looked at everything in front of her, and the gray light flickered, like the silk thread of a puppet, covering the entire city.

"What happened... How did Sky City become like this? Where are the people of the world snake? Ahh!! Kiana......Helios is in danger.

Mixed memories appeared and disappeared in her mind, but she couldn't piece together a complete answer.

She started running, but didn't know where to run.

The surrounding quantum shadows became more ferocious than before, and kept attacking her.

at this critical time.

The dizziness kept hitting her head.


Now I can barely fight.


The more and more Quantum Shadows around her gradually made her unable to resist.

"Yi! Are you all right?"

Kiana's voice came from nearby.

next moment.


Bellaras rolled up the terrifying wind pressure, tearing the shadows of the princes close to Mei into pieces.

Then he landed on Kiana's side, waiting for the next instruction.


Kiana was gasping for breath.

Mei hurriedly ran over and said, "Kiana, why are you here, your can you just leave Helios?"

Ignore her question.

Kiana asked back: "When did you run out... Everyone suddenly can't find you, do you know how worried I am? Don't talk about this... When the enemy doesn't know what to do?

It will appear again later, you go back to meet the doctor.

"Go back? What do you do?"

Mei Yi noticed her words, but did not say that she would go back together.

Kiana looked into the distance, the beam of light was still washing the halo in the air: "I still have things to do."

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