Arriving at the restaurant,

Qian Lei brought Su Wei and the other two to the private room. As the host, they arrived half an hour earlier than originally scheduled.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw two graceful girls.

When Su Wei opened the door, they also noticed him and asked:

"May I ask who you are?"

Su Wei smiled at them and said,"I have an appointment, my last name is Su."

The two girls looked a little surprised, and then looked at Qian Lei behind Su Wei with confusion. When

Qian Lei saw the two girls, he said happily,"It's you, the girls from the Su family. I didn't expect you to have grown up so much!"

Girls from the Su family?

Su Wei was confused. Why did he feel that these two waiters were very familiar with Teacher Qian?...

"Come on, let me introduce you, Su Wei, these two are Teacher Yang Yang's students, Su Yunqin and Su Yuner."

Su Wei almost spat out blood when he heard Qian Lei's words.

He originally thought that these two girls were waiters who cleaned the room and served the dishes, but Qian Lei said they were Teacher Yang Yang's students.

"It's Teacher Qian, Teacher Yang is already in the box, come with us!"

Su Wei and his companions followed the Su sisters into the box, and soon saw a beautiful woman.

With Qian Lei's matchmaking, Su Wei negotiated with Teacher Yang Yang.

Cai Yu and the others quickly became friends with the Su sisters.

Like Liu Hao and Cai Yu, the two Su sisters are also cheerful and lively, while the other is more introverted.

Qian Lei sipped his tea and just listened quietly. Occasionally, when Su Wei asked, he would say a few words.

Su Wei had been talking about various plans with Teacher Yang Yang, and Teacher Yang Yang's clear eyes had been fixed on Qian Lei, with some emotion in her eyes.


Su Wei also noticed the look in Teacher Yang Yang's eyes. It was obvious that the look was not on him, but on Qian Lei beside him.

With narrowed eyes, Su Wei realized that things were not simple.

Just as Su Wei's thoughts were surging, Teacher Yang Yang spoke up and said,"I don't know, Su Wei, what do you think games are used for?"

Su Wei, who was thinking, was startled, then turned around and smiled.

"I wonder what kind of answer Teacher Yang Yang wants to hear?"

"Just tell me your true feelings."

He now suspected that Teacher Qian Lei and Teacher Yang Yang were definitely having an affair, otherwise how could they talk like this? He was so confused and kept people in suspense, which was really confusing.

As for the true feelings ,...

Thinking about what games are for, Su Wei can give Teacher Yang Yang many different answers.

In the minds of most people, games are probably just a tool for entertainment, a way to kill time and have fun.

In the eyes of a small number of people, it may just be a tool for making money. They can use games to make money, so games can also be a way to make money.

But no matter which of these two, I'm afraid Teacher Yang Yang will be unhappy to hear it.

Letting them waste their art on such interests, I guess in their hearts, this is an insult to art.

"If you want to hear the truth, Mr. Yang Yang..."Su Wei sighed,"In my eyes, games are just a tool to kill time and make money."

Teacher Yang Yang was not surprised to hear Su Wei's answer. She had heard of Mihoyo Company. After all, Qinghua University had intervened in the Zhongli incident some time ago.

The collision of two unrelated fields had made her, an outsider, know something about it.


Su Wei said to Teacher Yang Yang:"We at Mihoyo want to make changes to Genshin Impact. I want to make Genshin Impact a bridge for cultural exchange!"

"Let more people know about our Dragon Country culture, and let Dragon Country culture spread through games in a novel way."

Make games a bridge for cultural dissemination?

Teacher Yang Yang was slightly absent-minded after hearing this.

In fact, after such a long time, she has accepted the use of novel ways to spread Dragon Country culture.

She thinks that Dragon Country culture also needs to be spread in a way that is acceptable to the public. Now more and more young people are unwilling to listen to Peking Opera. If more people can really listen to opera in the form of games, it seems to be a good idea for those who are interested in opera....

"I don't know how to spread it in the game? Should I just play the video of singing opera in the game?"

Teacher Yang Yang picked up the tea, took a sip, and smiled gently.

"Of course it's not that simple."Su Wei took out his phone, and the photo in the phone was Yun Jin.

As early as the beginning of the original god project, he drew Yun Jin's portrait. This is his favorite character in his past and present lives.

And just as Su Wei took out Yun Jin's portrait, a female voice sounded from behind her.

"Isn't this female character wearing Lolita clothing?"

Su Wei looked in the direction of the voice and saw...Uh, one of the Su sisters said.

There was a hint of teasing in her eyes. After all, she was against the teacher cooperating with the game company at the beginning, thinking that games had nothing to do with opera. After all, games are not worthy of being in a high-class place, so when she saw Yunjin in Su Wei's hand, she laughed with disdain.

Before Su Wei could explain, Teacher Yang Yang scolded,"Stop talking!"

Hearing Teacher Yang Yang's scolding, Cai Yu and others on the side all looked over.

Su Yunqin hurried over and said to Teacher Yang Yang,"Teacher, I'm sorry, Yuner is just short-sighted and quick-witted, please forgive her!"

Su Yuner saw the anger in Teacher Yang Yang's eyes, and she shut her mouth obediently. She had never seen her teacher like this before.

"I taught you not to make rash decisions before seeing the essence of things clearly!"Teacher Yang Yang said:"Don't say anything to me, but you should apologize to Mr. Su, and apologize for Mr. Su's hard work!" The hard work here means that Yun Jin is a character designed by Su Wei, so Teacher Yang Yang said it was Su Wei's hard work.

After teaching Su Yuner a lesson, Teacher Yang Yang looked at Su Wei and asked softly:"Can I take a good look at it?"

"Of course!"

Su Wei handed the phone to Teacher Yang Yang and said,"Teacher Yang Yang, take a look."

Teacher Yang Yang took the phone and looked at the portrait of Yun Jin on the phone. The corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

She smiled!

Seeing Teacher Yang Yang smile, Su Wei thought it was perfect. It turned out that the senior was a connoisseur. He could tell at a glance that Yun Jin's design was not simple.

After a while, Teacher Yang Yang returned the phone to Su Wei with a smile on his face, and said,"Good boy, you put in a lot of effort!"

Su Wei took the phone and smiled,"Then I don't know what Teacher Yang Yang saw in Yun Jin?"

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