At this time, in Shin's live broadcast room, everyone was very moved when watching the game PV that merged into Mingxiao!

Genshin Impact really made it possible for players to celebrate the New Year in the game, allowing players to feel the New Year atmosphere from the game!

Allowing players to feel the joy from the heart!

Many foreign players have a new understanding of Genshin Impact after seeing this version of the game!

They originally thought that Genshin Impact was just a novel game with novel game players.

Then they released more otaku-friendly game characters to make money from them!

But now they have changed their views on Genshin Impact. Most other games are like the cool articles in online novels, allowing players to immerse themselves in the characters and then vent their dissatisfaction with reality in the game!

Get a sense of coolness in the game and pay for it!

The game Genshin Impact completely broke this cognition. It made all kinds of life in reality!

Let the players feel the human touch!

At this time in the live broadcast room, Shin had taken out a tissue and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes!

""Yuanbao, you really made me cry!" Shin sobbed and said to the camera:"Genshin's Lantern Festival event is really well done, the meaning it contains in the game is completely different!"

"In the game, I celebrated the Dragon Kingdom’s Spring Festival with the game character, and it seemed like I experienced the atmosphere of the Dragon Kingdom’s Spring Festival myself!"

【Shin! You really made me cry. To be honest, the Spring Festival in Dragon Country is completely different from that in the game. Because of environmental protection, even fireworks are not allowed!】

【Woo woo woo, I have never seen this sky full of lanterns since I was a child. It seems that they rarely appear in reality, so the New Year in the game is even better than in real life!】

【Woo woo woo, stop talking about my family members. In the game, Brother Dawei gave us raw stones, but the entanglement will not be taken away by parents. I recalled the days when my parents took away my New Year’s money and told me to keep it for me!】

【Speaking of New Year's money, I remember when I was a child I bought firecrackers and set them into cow dung. The cow dung was blown away, hahaha!】

【Yes, yes, I have done this before, hahaha! 】

At this time, all the Dragon people in Shin's live broadcast room came out, as if they were using the live broadcast room as a social platform, talking about the embarrassing things they did during the Spring Festival in the past!

Many foreigners were shocked when they saw what they said, such as using firecrackers to blow up cow dung, which is unthinkable in foreign countries!

【What they said was so interesting. This time I must celebrate the Dragon Country’s Spring Festival, especially using firecrackers to blow up cow dung. It seems like I’m going to play a prank on my old father!】

【I'm going to try it too. If you don't understand something, you can go to YouTube. The number one trending search on YouTube is how to have a good Spring Festival!】

【Now the topic of Spring Festival has topped the hot search list in many countries. Wow, many Chinese people are teaching us how to celebrate the Spring Festival.】

【This is all thanks to Genshin Impact. Thanks to Genshin Impact, we know that there is such a festival in Dragon Country. Thank you Genshin Impact】

"Well, well, well, well, since everyone is discussing the Spring Festival, I will not be broadcasting anymore!" Shin said to them:"I also have to go home to celebrate the Spring Festival with my parents, bye!"

After a brief greeting, Shin also went off the air and went home to celebrate the New Year.......

Not only the Spring Festival, the Genshin Impact Lantern Festival has also been on the hot searches of various countries.

Players who have really played the game plot and version activities will be moved and will like Genshin Impact more!

In China.

Many people just got up in the morning and saw topics such as the Genshin Impact Lantern Festival and the Lantern Festival game PV on the hot searches of platforms such as Weibo!

Many players left messages on these places to express their opinions.

【This version of Genshin Impact is really great, I really like the game and I like it more and more!】

【Xiao is really handsome, I like him so much, I got Xiao with the minimum 30 rounds, thanks to Yuanbao!】

【Let alone my family, I myself am becoming the same as little N, wuwuwuwu!】

【If you say so, wouldn't I be the same as those two little n?】

【Little n is so pitiful, it has even become a unit of measurement. Waaaaaah, so pitiful!】

【Mihoyo, you guys are going to die a horrible death, ahhhhh, I just received my New Year's money and I spent it all on drawing Xiao, ahhhhhhh!】

【My child, I understand you very well, but you still need to play games in moderation. By the way, how much have you recharged?】

【All of my New Year's money was taken away by my parents for safekeeping, and I only had six dollars left, which I put in. A full six dollars, I doubled the first recharge and got 120 original stones, and I just happened to draw Xiao!】

【You really want to beat you to death? Isn't this Versailles?】

【Genshin Impact is really awesome. You haven’t seen it. Those foreigners are like crazy. There are posts on various social platforms asking for how to celebrate the Spring Festival. I feel proud when I see it. All this is because the Lantern Festival has gone beyond the borders!】

【But there is one thing I want to tell foreigners. I have seen many foreigners call the Spring Festival the Sea Lantern Festival. We should still distinguish between games and reality!】

【Yes, yes, yes, we need to educate these old students about what the Lantern Festival is and what the Spring Festival is. 】

However, no matter what the players on the Internet say, it still can't stop Su Wei from living a life of a social animal!

Although the work is very tight, Mihuyou Company still lets most employees take a day off on this special day.

Just when Su Wei was enjoying his life, the phone rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

The person on the other end of the line was Cai Yu. Cai Yu told Su Wei that they had recently received an invitation to the Dragon Country Annual Game Awards Ceremony!

Cai Yu hoped that Su Wei could represent Mihoyo Company to attend!

"Ah, okay, um, fine, let's do this!"

Listening to Su Wei's lazy voice, Cai Yu also became a little worried. Can he really attend such an event in this state?

"Su Wei, are you sure you can go? This is a national award ceremony, it's very grand...."

"Yes, I can go!"

Isn't this the Dragon Country Game Industry Annual Conference? The list of winners of this year's top ten games will also be announced at this conference.

Su Wei doesn't need to worry at all. In this world, Genshin Impact is a dimensionality reduction attack.

He doesn't even need to think about it. It is estimated that Genshin Impact will definitely have awards such as the top ten client games, creative games, and excellent game art awards. It has existed in the previous life, not to mention in this world where game resources are scarce.

Scratching his head, Su Wei agreed. Let him do this kind of publicity.

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