The driver picked up the red envelope, his hands were shaking, and tears could not stop flowing from his eyes.

After a rough count, the money in the red envelope was more than what he earned from driving for seven days!

And it was still a matter of luck and more people.

The young man looked plain, but he left such a large sum of money for himself.

To be honest, he was a little entangled in his heart now, whether to drive to Mihuyou Company?

But the young man just left it to him, so he could put it away and spend the New Year in a good country.

After a brief thought, the driver finally drove home.

Although his heart was complicated, since the young man said that he wanted to go home and have a good New Year, he couldn't let the young man down!

When he returned home, his wife who was cooking and his daughter sitting at the table looked up and looked at him in surprise.

His wife came out of the kitchen, wiped her hands, took off the uncle's coat, and asked,"Why did you come back so early today?"

"Is it because there is no business outside?"

As she said this, the wife's face obviously turned pale, but she still forced a smile on her face.

"It's better to come back early to rest. There are not many people in the city during the New Year."

The next second, the driver took off the bag tightly wrapped around his waist, then took out the bulging red envelope and shook it towards his wife!

"Ding ding ding!"

"What is this?"

The wife took the red envelope and saw the red bills inside. She covered her mouth in surprise.

Her husband was just a taxi driver. How could he suddenly have so much money?

Could it be that...

The wife's face changed instantly, and she cried a little:"Jiang Jun, you can't do anything stupid!"

The driver of Jiang Jun said to his wife:"No, listen to me...."

Jiang Jun told his wife about how he had dragged himself to a young man and how the young man had left a big red envelope for him!

This sounds ridiculous, but it is possible in the city of Magic City.

"What you mean is that there is a rich second-generation young man riding in your car and leaving you such a large sum of money?"

"Yes, our family has met a noble person!"

The wife gave Jiang Jun a kiss, turned and walked towards the kitchen, and said,"We are going to cook a good meal tonight!"

Seeing his wife went to the kitchen, Jiang Jun also planned to chat with his daughter.

He knocked on his daughter's room and said,"Mulan, I'm Dad, can you come in?"

Jiang Mulan got up and opened the door for her father, saying,"Dad, come in!"

Jiang Jun came to his daughter's room and saw the desk full of various materials, as well as the dense small words on the computer!

Although he always talks about his undergraduate graduation, he has to admit that the undergraduates nowadays and the undergraduates in his era are not at the same level at all.

"Mulan, have you decided where you are going to work after graduation?"

After hearing what her father said, Jiang Mulan thought for a while and said,"Actually, I have already been booked by a company while I am in school!"

"It’s the Mihoyo company in Shanghai that has great benefits and high salaries!"

As she spoke, she found a photo of Su Wei and showed it to her father, saying,"Dad, look, this person is the founder of Mihoyo, Brother Dawei!"

"Not only that, he is also the founder of Mihoyo Company!"

"After I join Mihoyo, I must work hard to become his right-hand man!"

Jiang Jun looked at Su Wei on the computer and always felt that this man looked similar to the young man he met today.

This was a photo taken during the live preview of version 1.3. At that time, Su Wei was forced by Cai Yu and others to put on makeup, and added all kinds of filters, so there is still some difference between him and the real Su Wei!

Jiang Jun also told Jiang Mulan what happened today!

Jiang Mulan's eyes lit up when she heard it. This was really a coincidence. It seemed that the person who helped her father was from Mihoyo.

I wonder if I will meet the person who helped my father go home for the New Year when I join Mihoyo in the future?

At this time, Su Wei sneezed in Mihoyo!

He rubbed his nose and murmured,"Did you catch a cold from kicking off the quilt last night?..."

An employee nearby kindly handed over a cup of hot water and said,"Brother Dawei, it's cold outside now, so be sure to put on more clothes!"’

"If you collapse from the cold, the backbone of our company will be gone!"

Su Wei took the water cup and said,"Thank you!"

Whether for himself or for the company, Su Wei must protect his body now!

The body is the capital for making money!

Su Wei called the rest of the people in Mihuyou Company to work together, and announced to the outside world that this was to prevent people from slacking off, and it would be easier to manage everyone together!

In fact, to put it bluntly, he felt that working alone was deserted and there was no enthusiasm at all.

He wanted to gather everyone together to make it more lively.

Although he usually works alone, there are always noises outside, and he likes this feeling.

If there is something important, Su Wei will use a clear mind, so there is no need to worry at all!

Soon, it was time for a break.

In the cafeteria, Su Wei gathered everyone in a circle and ordered takeout that was still open.

Everyone ate the takeout and talked and laughed, it was so lively

"Brother Dawei, can you tell us the story behind Genshin Impact?"

"Yes, yes, Brother Dawei, you must have already thought of it, but you just didn’t tell us!"

"Brother Dawei, can you show us the next new character?"


Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Su Wei coughed twice.

It was impossible to tell them the plot behind the original god, but he told them two things.

One is that he will represent Mihuyou Company to participate in the Dragon Country Annual Game Selection!

As soon as this was said, everyone cheered. This is really good news!

After all, the Dragon Country Annual Game Selection is a big event at the national level. For these game companies, it is the country's recognition of them!

It is also a great honor.

And another thing, Su Wei and them revealed a little bit about the company's plans for next year!

The company plans to make a new game, and Su Wei also asked them if they want to transfer departments.

But everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and no one said that they wanted to change departments. They all said that their current department is very good, everyone gets along well, and the game is also great!

Su Wei nodded and said no more.

As long as they don't beg me to get them to the Arknights department at that time, the characters in the Arknights are not bad!

Author's words:

Ahem, anyone with a name is definitely an important person, ahem, those who understand will understand!

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