Mihoyo's new game has been spread.

The number of online viewers in Su Wei's personal live broadcast room is also increasing, and it has reached a very scary number.

Soon, the results of the lottery came out, and the audiences who won the lottery did not show off in the live broadcast room, but directly chatted with Su Wei.

Those who got the test qualification of Arknights have already shown off in the live broadcast room.

After all, this is not just a test qualification, it is also traffic, and it is money!

As long as you have the test qualification now, after Su Wei sends the game to them, they will be the first to play Arknights.

With the popularity of Arknights now, if they make a video.

Even if it is a screenshot of their own winning the internal test qualification of Arknights, I am afraid they can get a lot of playback.

If you make a video seriously, the money you get is a dimensionality reduction attack compared to full life and full essence!

It can be said that Su Wei is giving people fish in disguise. It is better to teach people how to fish!

At this time, Mihoyo's new game has once again become a hot search on major social platforms.

Those outside the circle are dumbfounded. What on earth does Mihoyo do every day?

Even their brother's popularity is not as high as Mihoyo. Many popular stars have to stand aside when they see Mihoyo.

"Okay, okay, let's connect, I'll only connect three people!"Su Wei saw that it was almost done and said,"One each for Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3, and Arknights!"

Everyone expressed their understanding after hearing this. After all, Dawei was so busy that he couldn't just take out a game!

His time was still very precious!

Soon, the first person to connect arrived, a lucky audience member

【Audience: Excuse me, Brother Dawei, will you answer whatever I ask?】

【Su Wei: Of course, as long as it’s about Genshin Impact, you can ask any questions, whether it’s your opinions, changes, or card pool issues!】

【Audience: Well, I want to ask, is the next new character ready? If it is ready, what kind of person is she?

Because Su Wei clearly stated that the next version will be a replica of the character, so there will be no new characters.

Everyone is still very much looking forward to the new characters.

【Su Wei: Well, it’s done. The female character is a positive, sunny and healthy girl!】

【Audience: Dawei, you are not talking about the positive, sunny and healthy style in Honkai Impact 3, right? 】

Now players are a little scared when they hear these eight words. Mihoyo in Honkai Impact 3 also said positive, sunny and healthy!

But in the end it was nothing....

Soon, the audience chatted with Su Wei briefly for a few more sentences, and then hung up.

But when choosing a connection partner for Honkai Impact 3, Su Wei received a call from Teacher Piao.

He apologized to everyone in the live broadcast room,"Can I connect directly with Teacher Piao?"

Most of the audience said yes, after all, as a representative of Honkai Impact 3 players, Teacher Piao would definitely ask the answers they wanted to know the most!

【Teacher Piao: Excuse me, will Himeko of Infinite Tower be resurrected in the subsequent plot of Honkai Impact 3? 】

Su Wei was stunned when he heard this!

Good guy, now he doesn't even exchange a few simple greetings. He got straight to the point right away. Are you so anxious to know whether Himeko can be resurrected?

【Su Wei: I’m sorry, Mr. Piao, I can’t answer this question for you. I’m not the screenwriter of Honkai Impact 3rd, so I don’t know whether Jiko will be resurrected in the future!】

【Teacher Piao: I see. There was a rumor before that you, Dawei, were the screenwriter of Honkai Impact 3rd. It turns out that you are not the screenwriter....】

【Su Wei: But I can assure you that Jizi will appear later! 】

Su Wei patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the screenwriter of Honkai Impact 3 has been replaced. Otherwise , he really doesn’t know how to answer now.

Teacher Piao has helped him so much, and it will definitely hurt his heart to tell him directly that Teacher Jizi will not be resurrected.

He knows how much Teacher Piao likes the character of Wuliangta Jizi.

But if he is ambiguous or even lies to Teacher Piao, Su Wei will definitely feel bad.

After asking questions about Jizi, Teacher Piao asked a few simple questions about the card pool lottery and pairing ideas!

Su Wei answered all of these one by one!

Finally, we come to the third one, the heavyweight player Arknights!

It can be said that Arknights is the biggest protagonist tonight!

Soon, a lucky audience member successfully connected, and I have to say that this audience is really lucky.

Not only did he connect, but he was also a friend who had just won the internal test qualification.

【Audience: Brother Dawei, I'm so excited. I'm really lucky tonight!】

【Su Wei: Yeah, don’t get excited. Is there any problem?】

【Audience: That's right, Dawei. I want to know what those of us who get the internal beta qualification will play? Will we play the public beta version directly on your computer?】

【Su Wei: Well, I will give it to you as a beta version. Of course, I can say here that if you find a bug in the game, you can get full life and finesse or cash it in, it’s up to you!】

【Audience: Okay, okay, Brother Dawei, I will start to find fault with it!】

【Su Wei: Sure, sure, I welcome it. If you can really pick it out, I'll be happy to pay you! 】

As I said, compared to the loss of bugs in the game, sometimes this full life and full essence is really nothing....

Finally, the two chatted about some daily issues and ended the connection. After the connection ended, Su Wei also went offline!

There were too many things to do tonight, and it was really a headache to live broadcast three games at the same time!

After the live broadcast, he opened his WeChat and saw that in the small group with only the three of them, the messages had been added 99 times!

【Cai Yu: He’s off the air, pull him in for me quickly, I want to ask him some questions!】

【Liu Hao: @Su Wei, come out quickly, we know you are diving, come out quickly!】

【Su Wei:?】

【Cai Yu: Okay, now you’re out, tell me the truth. Is this game real or fake? If it is real, when did you make it secretly without telling us?】

【Liu Hao: Come on, tell the truth!】

【Su Wei: It’s been a long time. I had a prototype at that time. I had a lot of ideas when we were in college. I wrote them down and then worked on them slowly in my spare time! 】

College again?

But Cai Yu and Liu Hao still accepted this statement

【Cai Yu: How many ideas did you have when you were in college? It's really outrageous!】

【Liu Hao: Exactly. If this were a novel, I would have suspected that you were a reincarnated person. I recently read a novel called"Game Production: From Genshin Impact to Global Popularity!" The protagonist in the novel is like this. After being reincarnated, he relied on the system and his past life memories to rise to the top!】

【Su Wei: Hahaha, those are all novels. How could I be the hero of a novel? We are just ordinary people!】

【Cai Yu: Come on, stop being so Versailles. If you are an ordinary person, then what are we? 】

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