In the preview room of Genshin Impact 1.5 version.

Just by looking at the barrage, you can see that players love Eula!

Of course, whether this love is serious or not, I don’t know...

Soon, Eula on the screen took out her Songlai Great Sword, and everyone knew that this was going to be an attack display!

Unlike the attacks of other characters, Eula’s attack can only be described in one word!


It’s so elegant!

In addition to the word elegant, I can’t think of any words to describe this young lady Eula.

Even in battle, she always pays attention to her image and maintains the beauty of her body. Even when wielding a great sword, she must maintain her image!

In the character display, when she was fighting with the Ruins Heavy Machine, the greatsword behind Eula gradually stared and lit up.

Finally, when Eula flicked her hair, the lightsaber exploded!

The heavy blow to the Ruins caused high damage!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, and many people have begun to call her wife!

【Wife, wife, this is my wife, you are not allowed to snatch her from me, woooo, woooo, this is so beautiful, I am Miss Eula’s dog!】

【Wuuuu, this is my wife, you are not allowed to snatch her away, you big liar, wuuuu, how hateful!】

【You guys are so bad, why are you always thinking about my wife? It’s so infuriating, wuwuwuwu!】

【You are all thieves, she is my wife, why are you all trying to steal her from me?】

【Hehehe, I got even more excited when I saw you guys fighting for Eula to be your wife, hehe, I am Cao thief hehe!】

【What the hell? Brother, this is really perverted, six!】

【As expected of you, brother. As we all know, many years ago, Cao thief was a name, but now it is a spirit! 】

In the live broadcast room, a little figure of Eula appeared beside Zhongli. She said to the camera:"Hello, traveler from afar, the Knight of Favonius Eula sends you greetings!"

Seeing this, Ah Ben at the side smiled and said:"This handsome and capable young lady is our new character, Eula!"

"Welcome Eula's voice actor Ziyin! Come to our special program!"

Eula greeted everyone and said,"Hi, everyone, I am Ziyin, the Chinese voice actor of Eula, the captain of the guerrilla squad of the Knights of Favonius!"

"I’m very happy to be here at our Genshin Impact voice actor theater for the first time. At the same time, in this special program, I’d like to share with you information about version 1.5!"

"Then please take care of me!"

Then Ah Ben asked, I wonder what Ziyin felt when she saw the character of Eula?

Ziyin said to the camera:"The character of Eula is very cool, free and easy, and has a very elegant feeling."

"As for the stories that happened after I came into contact with her, I had other feelings, but let’s not talk about that for now!"

【? Good guy, you are a riddler again, what's the story? What's your feeling? Tell me?!】

【Damn it! When I get rich, I will definitely buy a cell phone that can hear all conversations. Damn it!】

【This is Mihoyo's classic operation. Riddler. As we all know, everyone in Mihoyo is like this.】

【Damn it, I can’t stand this 1.4 version for even a moment. I want to go see the story of my new wife!】

【I also want to check out my new wife’s story!】


In the live broadcast room, Ziyin said to everyone:"The character of Eula is still a little cute. She always likes to talk about revenge."

"Even when facing the knights she served, she would always shout,"Ah, I want revenge!""

"But she doesn't really hold a grudge, but she cares about you a little bit and wants to express this meaning."

When this was said, the audience in the live broadcast room all laughed.

It seems that their new wife is not only a cool queen, but also a cute queen!

This feels like dancing on all the players' XP, you know?...

Soon, Ziyin introduced Eula's elemental combat skills and elemental burst to everyone.

However, no one took Eula's elemental combat skills and elemental burst to heart. After all, facing such a character, even adding blood to the monster requires drawing! What they don't know is that in the near future, they will see the most explosive damage in the history of Genshin Impact!

After introducing Eula, Zhang San, ah, Yan Fei's figure appeared in the live broadcast room.

After Zhongli's introduction, everyone knew that Yan Fei was Liyue's legal adviser.

Because in this world, a lawyer has become popular in short videos recently, so some people have called him Liyue Zhang San in the barrage!

After introducing Yan Fei, the 1.5 version of the card pool appeared on the big screen.

When everyone saw Zhongli and Eula, they were all excited.

Sure enough, it was as everyone guessed. Since Zhongli is the host of this live broadcast room, he must replicate it in version 1.5.

【Yay, it’s the Emperor, the Emperor is going to be reproduced, the Wuhu Emperor is going to be reproduced!】

【And Eula, they are all beautiful. Damn it, my wallet is going to be gone again, because of Zhongli and Eula, my wallet is not safe!】

【Look at this, look at this, is this human work? What is this?】

【Two characters coming at once. Oh, my wallet really can't take it anymore. Can you move the Emperor back a little?】

【No, no, I have been waiting for the Emperor for a long time. If the Emperor is pushed back a little bit now, what should I do? We newbies who joined the game later are waiting for the Rock King Emperor!】

【What to do then? Let’s do this, let’s both go together. It’s okay, Eula and Zhongli, I’ll go move bricks!】


As usual, players complained in the live broadcast room that the characters released by Genshin Impact are too awesome!

They don't give people a chance to breathe.

Putting aside the strength of this character, how can you not draw this character whose appearance grows on the players' XP?

I can only say that it is really outrageous, or that Mihoyo and the others are too smart!

Soon, the video screen of the live broadcast room showed the introduction of new holy relics and weapons.

As soon as everyone saw this set of attribute entries, they knew that this one was Zhongli's exclusive holy relics, and the other set was Eula's exclusive holy relics and exclusive weapons!

Then, a new invitation event appeared on the big screen, and the second chapters of Noelle and Diona were both online!

But the most exciting thing is the legendary mission that will appear next!

One of them is one of the protagonists of this time, Eula, her chapter of waves!

What's more exciting is that the second chapter of the first legendary mission is finally going to be online.

And it's still a very popular character, Zhongli!

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