Shark platform, in Ziyin's live broadcast room.

Ziyin logged into Su Wei's account and said to everyone in the live broadcast room, this is the account of a heavyweight player!

Although it is not his own account. But being able to log in to this million raw stone account is also very difficult!

【One million raw stones, converted into Dragon Country currency, is exactly 100,000 yuan. What the hell? 100,000 yuan is really rich!】

【With full life and full essence, and one million original stones, this crocodile will have crocodile dreams when seeing it. Isn't it too scary?】

【What kind of rich guy is this? In order to make Ziyin's live broadcast room look good, he specially topped up 100,000 Dragon Country coins and put them on it. Could this be a suitor of Ziyin's wife?】

【Damn it, I just hate myself for not working hard enough. Others spent 100,000 Dragon Country coins to get a live broadcast effect for Ziyin’s wife. I can only say that’s awesome!】

【The gap between people is extremely huge. Alas, I didn’t expect that Ziyin’s wife would have such an outstanding suitor. Alas!】

【Alas, I gave up on Consonant and gave it to that big brother. I'm going to go see my wife Lingling. Alas...】


Ziyin looked at the comments in everyone's live broadcast room and shook her head helplessly. She said to everyone:"This account is not my suitor."

Then, Ziyin made an upward gesture and said softly to the camera:"The people above asked me to help draw it."

Many viewers in the live broadcast room did not react at the first time. What does the people above mean? Did the upstairs neighbor ask her to help draw it?

But soon, most of the viewers in the live broadcast room reacted.

What is the upstairs neighbor of Ziyin?

Where does Ziyin work?

Mihuyou Company! The people above Ziyin in Mihuyou Company must know everything.

There is probably no one else who can have such a fortune to charge the game except those three.

And among those three, only Dawei brother often interacts with the players!

【Masaka, is this Daweige's account? I see, on the consonant, with such a lot of money, and the one who interacts with the players indirectly, Daweige is probably the only one!】

【Wait, wait? Is there something wrong with you or me? Is Viagra on the consonant? What you said is weird, ahem, I got it wrong!】

【Why can't it be the consonant on the Viagra? (Laughing sideways)】

【Because Daweige is super brave, okay? He is a great drinker, super brave, super drinker, that’s Daweige!】

【Six, it's really six, nothing to say, I can only say it's awesome~】


Ziyin looked at these comments and just smiled.

The Internet is full of good and bad people, and she is no longer surprised by these things....

The number of people in the live broadcast room is constantly increasing. After all, the news of the million-yuan stone rich account spreads quickly, and everyone comes to the live broadcast room to take a look! They all want to see what the account in this live broadcast room looks like?

"Today we are going to learn some metaphysics. Let's help the boss draw weapons first!"

Ziyin began to help Su Wei draw weapons, but the unlucky thing was that she got five weapons crooked five times out of a total of five!

Very miserable, Ziyin looked at the crooked Wind Eagle Sword and fell into deep thought.

The whole person laughed a lot, as if possessed by little n.

Soon, it cost a lot to upgrade the weapon to elite level 5. At this time, there was no ripple in the barrage. After all, this was not very unlucky, but it was not very lucky either!

It was completely the level of a normal player!

Feeling that there was nothing to say, Ziyin continued to draw cards for Dawei on the card drawing interface, and soon the first gold card came out on the 60th draw!

""Here it comes, don't tilt it, don't tilt it, don't tilt it!"

Ziyin looked at the computer screen and prayed,"Please don't tilt it!"

But God did not favor her, and soon Qiqi appeared on her computer screen.

"Ahhh, it's crooked! Boss, I'm sorry, boss!"

【Hahahaha, my name is Eula, and I’m a zombie, hahahaha!】

【Ziyin, you really don't have any surprises for us. It's neither very European nor very African. There's really no effect on the show at all!】

【Wuuuu, Ziyin is the portrayal of us ordinary players, how hateful!】

【Oh, it’s okay, Ziyin, we still love you!】


Su Wei from Mihoyo was also watching the live broadcast. He took out his phone and sent a few messages to Ziyin.

【Su Wei: Double gold is 3,000 yuan, triple gold is 10,000 yuan, come on! 】

Ziyin immediately edited a message and replied when he received the message.

【Ziyin: Brother Dawei, you are here to make fun of me. I am just an ordinary person. Forget triple or double gold. It’s good enough if I am not crooked!】

【Su Wei: Don't be stupid, I believe in you, keep going!

Soon, Ziyin started to draw for Su Wei again. If nothing unexpected happened, there would be no surprise.

When Ziyin drew the 70th time, he finally drew the first Eula, which can be said to be an ordinary person among ordinary people!

"Ah, so annoying!"

Ziyin continued to draw cards for Su Wei, but the more she drew, the more she felt something was wrong. Every ten-draw had a Bennett.

There were even two Bennetts, three Bennetts.

The players in the live broadcast room must have been greedy.

【I'm lost. Why are there so many Bennetts? I'm so envious!】

【With so many Bennetts, Ziyin and the Bennett voice actors must have a very good relationship!】

【Hahahaha, it’s Bennett again. I’m so happy!】


The live broadcast room was full of Bennetts. Unlucky warning!

Was this a hint that Ziyin was too unlucky? After a lot of effort, a gold came out. Click, click, click, finally, the Mond Justice appeared. Ziyin said helplessly,"Ex-husband, why are you here?"

The live broadcast room was full of haha ...

"Hmm? Ah? Boss? What did you say?"

Ziyin's mouth slightly raised, obviously a little happy, she got 3,000 yuan easily!

The barrage in the live broadcast room didn't even change from crooked, ahahahaha mockery.

The shadow of double yellow appeared on the screen, and when everyone saw the double yellow, they were all stunned. The screen was full of question marks, and there were words like"What the hell?""I don't understand?" These words?

But think about it, Ziyin had been crooked so many times before, and had won so many prizes, having a double yellow can be considered a consolation!

Many viewers felt relieved when they thought of this!

"Perfect, let me take a picture!"

"Hey hey hey hey!"

Ziyin even patted her belly happily in the live broadcast room!

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