Shark platform, in Ziyin's live broadcast room.

Ziyin logged into the account Su Wei gave her and said to the camera:"Next, I will show you Eula's highest damage!"

Because Eula had just been launched, everyone didn't know how high Eula's damage was?

And Ziyin also said to the camera that this Eula nuclear explosion would be the highest nuclear explosion in the history of Genshin Impact!

Su Wei told her that in the next many versions, Eula would firmly sit on the position of the queen of nuclear explosions!

This time, he was directly preparing to pull Eula's nuclear explosion to a height that players would look up to!

【Is Eula so powerful? I think she may not be as good as Master Hu. But I just saw that Eula's ultimate has a high multiplier.】

【I'm not sure, but judging from what Ziyin said, it must be a lot, at least 700,000 or 800,000 yuan.】

【Hey, 700,000 or 800,000. Although I can’t reach that number, isn’t this the highest nuclear explosion in the history of Genshin Impact a bit exaggerated?】

【That is to say, Ganyu and Hutao next door both have very high damage, and I don’t think they will be the most powerful!】

【I guess he's just a little bit taller than Master Hu. We can just take a look at him. All we have to do is watch him from now on!】

【Okay, let’s watch quietly and let Ziyin perform Eula’s Big World Nuclear Explosion!】


Just when everyone was saying that Eula's nuclear explosion might not be so outrageous, they saw Ziyin put on her headphones.

The voices of Su Wei, Cai Yu and Liu Hao came from the headphones.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also very confused. Why did they have to wear headphones to chat with others when demonstrating a nuclear explosion?

But soon someone guessed that Ziyin's demonstration skills were not proficient enough and needed Dawei's on-site guidance!

This time, for Eula's big world nuclear explosion, they directly thought of three people joining the world to increase Eula's bonus!

In that case, the damage will be even higher!

Everyone will be amazed, and let Eula really sit on the throne of the queen of nuclear explosion!

No one can shake her position!

Then in the test server, Ziyin created a Dawei Hill with infinite blood volume according to Su Wei's prompts to demonstrate the damage!

In this previous life, Su Wei used the Ancient Rock Dragon Lizard when he saw the elemental damage, and Eula's damage demonstration was basically justice, that is, the monster of Inazuma.

But now there are no monsters of Inazuma, so this is the only way!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ziyin controlled Eula who had taken the medicine to move. At the beginning, she hung E and hit three times. The details jumped up and canceled the backswing!

When Dawei attacked, switched to Rosaria to use the big move, and Lisa's big move hung the mine to hit the superconductor!

Reduce the monster's physical resistance!

Then cut out Klee and threw two bouncing bombs!

At this point, Ziyin shouted to the camera:"Watch our operation below!"

Ziyin switched to Eula to open the elemental burst. At the same time, the three people above joined the world.

They were Diona brought by Su Wei, Lei Ze brought by Liu Hao, and the six-star fire god Bennett brought by Cai Yu!

Originally, Su Wei thought about exposing Kamisato Ayaka directly, but finally let it go.

It's better to put such a character later.

Finally, under the gaze of all the audience in the live broadcast room, Su Wei, Cai Yu and others, and Ziyin himself.

The flow of time seemed to slow down.

As Eula's flat attack, the big sword behind her gradually became solid!

The lightsaber was staring at it thoroughly, and was about to explode.

Eula in the game also said at this moment,"Jianbing, sever the deep hatred!"

Ziyin in the live broadcast room also said together:"Jianbing, sever the deep hatred!"

Mother and daughter were of one mind, and as the lightsaber exploded, a striking number appeared on the screen.


There was even a 58528 on top of it!

This time they dealt up to 8 million nuclear explosion damage!

Su Wei was in the company, looking at this number and nodded with satisfaction. This is the charm of the nuclear explosion queen!

At this time, in the Shark platform live broadcast room, Ziyin had not recovered yet. She stared blankly at the screen with empty eyes.

Although Su Wei told her that Eula was the nuclear explosion queen, the damage was very explosive!

In many subsequent versions, no one could surpass Eula!

This is the confidence from the nuclear explosion queen!

Although Ziyin herself had prepared herself mentally, she was still stunned when she saw the big number of more than 8 million.

Who would have imagined that Eula's damage could be so explosive?

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room had just recovered and were typing frantically in the barrage!

【I declare that Eula is the new queen of nuclear explosion, Hu Tao and Ganyu can go away!】

【I remember you. I still like your rebellious face just now. Why? Did you forget it just now?】

【What? What did you say? Hu Tao, please don't contact me anymore. I'm afraid that Eula will misunderstand me and hurt me 8 million!】

【Let alone eight million, even if I use Walnut E now, I can’t even get the fifty thousand left over from the eight million just now!】

【I finally understand why Ziyin said that Eula is the queen of nuclear explosions. With a damage of up to eight million, who can withstand it?】


At this time, the 8 million nuclear explosion damage number has spread all over the short video platforms outside, as well as various social platforms!

It has gone crazy!

Now everyone knows that Eula is the strongest person in large nuclear explosion numbers, no one else!

She is the new king!

The real nuclear explosion queen!

Seeing this, many players ran to Ziyin’s live broadcast room.

【Pull, pull, pull, my wife Ziyin wishes me to draw Eula, I will definitely draw this Eula!】

【I am a strength party. I originally thought that Eula was not very strong because she is the Eye of God with ice attribute, but her special weapon is physical damage. I thought it was Mihoyo's oil cake at first, and then���Now I find I was wrong!】

【To be honest, I've watched the video, and it takes drugs, plus the bonus of three people, and full life and full refinement to reach this level. But even without these, Eula's damage will definitely be terrifying!】

【I just saw that in this video, Bennett has six lives? Didn't many bloggers say that Bennett would be useless if he had six lives?】

【Alas, it's nothing. Now many characters rely on skills to deal damage. What are you afraid of? Just click it directly. People like Hu Tao will be ecstatic when they see you click it!】

【Click, click, go, go! 】

At this time in Mihoyo Company, Su Wei looked at the messages from players.

"The next version will be Klee Island. Time flies so fast!"

When he turned on his computer, Fengyuan Manye's figure appeared on his computer screen.

"I wonder if there is anyone in this world who would degrade Ye Tiandi to a piece of sugar?"

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