In Teacher Piao's live broadcast room, a fan told him to look at Dawei's computer screen. Teacher Piao saw this comment and saw the Kaedehara Manye wallpaper on Su Wei's computer through his screen!

Because Su Wei loved Kaedehara Manye in his previous life, he learned these things and made a wallpaper.

But this time, Su Wei's face was no longer smiling.

Obviously, the smile on his face instantly disappeared.

He forgot that in this world, Kaedehara Manye has not appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The fans in Teacher Piao's live broadcast room have now seen this character who has never appeared before!

【This anime character is a little handsome, isn't he? Is this a character from a Chinese anime?】

【Chinese comics? Stop kidding, this person can't be a character from our Chinese comics. How can our Chinese comics be like this?】

【Who is this person? Is he a character from an anime in Sakura Country?】

【Teacher Piao, go ask, maybe it's a new character that will be released in Genshin Impact? Go ask your brothers!】

【What is Teacher Piao doing? He is looking at Dawei's computer!】


At this time, Su Wei was getting more and more nervous. The exposure of Kaedehara Manye was a small matter. It would come out anyway!

The most important things were still in his computer, the study materials he had collected for many years!

But when he thought about putting them in the previous school file classification, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Who would go to school files for no reason?

Those were boring!

Just when Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Teacher Piao shouting:

"Hey, hey, hey, brothers, look what I found?"

Su Wei suddenly became nervous when he heard this. Could it be that...

If nothing unexpected happened, then something unexpected happened.

Teacher Piao said to the camera,"I found the folder from Dawei's previous school!"

Then, Teacher Piao turned around and asked,"Dawei, do you mind if I show you around?"

Su Wei took a deep breath when he heard that. How could someone be so bored as to look at his previous school folder?

Shouldn't normal game players focus on the wallpaper of Maple Leaf?

How could they notice the file?

"Teacher Piao, just look, there's nothing anyway!"

Su Wei said calmly with a smile on his face.

The more this situation is, the more calm you have to be. If you are not calm and nervous, it is easy for people to see the clues.

Maybe Teacher Piao will not turn over two pages later!

Teacher Piao nodded when he heard this. Since Su Wei agreed, he would not be polite!

Of course, if he doesn't agree, he won't force it. After all, this is someone else's privacy, and it is normal for others not to show it.

Teacher Piao flipped through the folder and murmured,"Brothers, take a look, there are so many photos of certificates in this, all kinds of big awards!"

Seeing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room all took a breath of cold air!

Wow, so many certificates?

He is worthy of being the top student among the top students. He will soon become the founder of Mihoyo after graduation!

This is an unparalleled existence in the student days!

Suddenly, Teacher Piao screamed,"Oh, what is this? Look, look, what did I find?"

Hearing this, Su Wei on the side felt his heart tightened.


He found his study materials?

That's a secret among secrets!

This is the highest secret of Mihoyo. If it is exposed, something bad will happen!

In Teacher Piao's live broadcast room, Teacher Piao turned the camera to Su Wei's computer.

On Su Wei's computer was Su Wei in his youth!

At that time, he was dark and thin, and still small. Compared with his peers, he was really a little small.

Seeing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room all said that Brother Dawei was so green at that time!

But think about it, who wasn't green when they were young?

Su Wei saw that only his childhood photos were exposed, so it didn't matter!

But soon, Teacher Piao exclaimed again

"Look, look, this thing is incredible!"

Su Wei's heart was tightened again!

Could it be?

"This is a fan art of Jizi's swimsuit. There is also the signature of the artist at the bottom. His name is Daweige...."

As he said that, even Cai Yu cast his eyes towards Su Wei and shouted,"Great, you have the ability to hide and swallow with your buddies, right?"

Su Wei blushed when he heard this, and coughed twice,"Ahem, I drew it when I was bored, small problem, small problem!"

This fan art of Teacher Ji Zi was indeed drawn by him when he was bored.

The system had given him painting proficiency before, and it would be a waste if he didn't make good use of it!

Not only did he draw swimsuit Ji Zi, but also other characters in swimsuits, such as Kiana, Yingmei and other characters, but these are all in his own computer, for his own appreciation. He doesn't have that skill!

Seeing this, Teacher Piao sighed helplessly and said,"I treat Brother Dawei as a brother. He has good things but still hides them, which is so sad!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room also said that Brother Dawei was really too unkind.

With this skill, he still gave us this?

How many buddies are there? That's it?

But what everyone wondered was why the fan art was in the school folder?

Their intuition told them that this folder was definitely not simple!

After flipping through it casually for a few times, Teacher Piao was ready to exit. There was nothing else new.

Just as he was about to exit the folder, he saw four eye-catching words!

Study materials!!!

The man's intuition told him that there must be something extraordinary in it!

Seeing this, the water friends in the live broadcast room became excited.

School materials in the man's computer?

That is definitely not something serious!

【Teacher Piao, please open it and see what’s inside?】

【Could it be the teachers in Sakura Country? The teachers in Sakura Country are very good at teaching!】

【Damn it, why can't it be made in China? When will China rise?】

【Maybe this study material from Daweige is just ordinary study material.��】

【Impossible, absolutely impossible! There is no serious learning material in the man’s computer, it must be something indecent!】

【Teacher Piao, please think twice before you act. If you do this, your live broadcast room will be blocked!】

【Yes, yes, Teacher Piao, think about your own live broadcast room and don’t open it randomly!】

【Hurry up, hurry up, Teacher Piao, we want to see what kind of study materials are in Brother Dawei's computer! 】Teacher

Piao took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Su Wei, and said:"Brother Dawei, we are all good brothers, tell us if there is anything in it that cannot be played?"

Author's words:

Sorry, I watched the game late last night, so it's a bit late! I will resume updating next month. This month, the group stage is too exciting, and I have something else to do, so I'm really sorry!

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