Magic City, Mihoyo Company

"Su Wei, you are so cruel!"

Cai Yu gave a thumbs up and said,"You have become capital now, you are exploiting me!"

"Exploit you?" Su Wei licked his lips and said,"This idea seems good, then I'll exploit you!"

Cai Yu took a deep breath and said,"Wait, I'll finish all the Seven Kingdoms for you today!"

How could he not know that Su Wei's daily workload was no less than theirs!

Especially Su Wei still had to create, he had to continue writing and innovating the following plot!

They had to make games based on the plot created by Su Wei, which was a bit more work than Su Wei and his team!

But this way, fewer brain cells would die!

After Cai Yu left, Su Wei sent him a message!

【Su Wei: The tickets have been bought. Pack your luggage and come with me the day after tomorrow!】

【Cai Yu: Great! I knew you loved me, Su Wei. Muahmuah!】

【Su Wei: Go, go, go, hurry up and finish your work in the next few days. You probably won’t be able to come back in a few days.】

【Cai Yu: Damn, motivation is here, my friends. This is motivation!】


Seeing that Cai Yu was motivated, Su Wei also nodded with a smile.

It's good to be motivated. With motivation, you can get twice the result with half the effort!......

The next day, Su Wei came to the company early.

He walked into the conference room, called Cai Yu, and said to several company backbones in the audience:"Cai Yu and I will go out in two days for our company's new business!"

The audience was talking about this new business!

It actually takes two founders to discuss it!

Such a heavyweight business?

It is estimated that Jiang Mulan had arrived at the UFO Club in Sakura Country yesterday!

This is not only Cai Yu's arrangement, but also Su Wei's intention to see if she has the ability to negotiate a good contract!

If so, it proves that the system is really accurate in judging people!

If not, this chess piece will most likely be abandoned!

Of course, Jiang Mulan has been in the company for a short time, and she was arranged to negotiate such an important contract!

Many people in the company don't understand.

But Cai Yu feels that everyone who Su Wei pays attention to, no matter who they are, even if they are like Mr. Shaoji.

Except for writing the plot of Honkai Impact 3, they can't do anything!

They are all talents!

Since Jiang Mulan can attract Su Wei's attention, she must have her own strengths!

It's just that Cai Yu hasn't seen this extraordinary quality yet!

So he wants to take this opportunity to see if this newcomer can handle this important contract!

If her ability is so strong when she just joined the job, then Su Wei's vision is not wrong!

This is indeed a talent that can be valued!

He will reuse her in the future, otherwise it will be sent!

Su Wei said to everyone:"While Cai Yu and I are away, all the big and small affairs of the company will be managed by Liu Hao!"

Liu Hao:? ? ?

But he still nodded, after all, he didn't know what Su Wei and Cai Yu were going to do?

Just treat it as a very important business!

But what Su Wei has to complete is just a system task!

After a simple handover of the task, Su Wei and Cai Yu walked out of the meeting room with satisfaction.

And Liu Hao began to get busy!

Cai Yu and Su Wei returned to the office together.

In the office, Cai Yu said to Su Wei:"Look at my dark circles. I worked for you all night yesterday. What can I say?"

"Well done, since the tasks have been completed in excess, we will leave tomorrow!"

Su Wei stroked his chin and murmured,"So what should we do today?"

Cai Yu suggested going out for a walk, or doing a little more work!

Speaking of work, Su Wei nodded repeatedly. He did have a very important thing to do!

"I want to do a survey of players!"

"Collect player opinions? Sure!"

Cai Yu said:"What a pity, why didn't we have such a good game company when we played games?"

"Are you bragging about your own performance?"

Su Wei said as he started to prepare a player survey.

After a while, it was posted on the social platform.

The survey options for the player survey were very simple!

How difficult is the game of Genshin Impact?

They are difficult, very difficult, easy, and very easy!

There are only four options!

But Su Wei knew that this survey would be talked about by players in the future, and this one, very easy, would be talked about by players for the rest of their lives!

In the previous life, as long as everyone saw the difficulty survey of Genshin Impact!

It must be very easy!

Anyway, there are Moon Mother and Lettuce Mother, no matter how you make it, you can do it with Mihuyou?

Just follow the old ladies and it's done!

No matter how difficult it is, it's very easy for me!

But in the Xumi version, Shadow Moon Moon and Lettuce, two old ladies, and many other old ladies are a little confused!

Many times, they can mistake apples for sunset fruits!

The kind that the hillbillies call abyss mages.

Cai Yu looked at the survey posted by Su Wei on the social platform and murmured,"Su Wei, your survey is meaningless?"

Su Wei shrugged and said helplessly:"There is no other way. I just want to see if everyone thinks Genshin Impact is difficult to play?"

Cai Yu smiled and said:"It must be very simple!"

Ye Chen nodded. He had expected this result a long time ago!

After all, the puzzle solving of the current version of Genshin Impact is indeed simple!

And those treasure chest masters made videos for them to find treasure chests. This must be super simple!

Wait for Inazuma Sumeru, and even more and more countries in the future!

Let the players in this world feel the pain!

On the social platform at this time, everyone also paid attention to the survey released by Su Wei!

Many people left messages

【How difficult is the game of Genshin Impact? It must be super easy. After all, it is really easy!】

【Just go online for ten minutes every day, and spend more time following the plot. It must be very simple!】

【Genshin Impact, there is no difficulty in the game, and there is zero threshold to get started, so it must be very simple!】

【Brothers, don’t hesitate, it’s very simple if you ask, and it’s also very simple if you don’t ask. It’s very simple and it’s done, my friends!】

【Don’t worry about those things, it’s very simple and it’s done, folks!】

【It is very simple. Even the Genshin Impact has zero threshold for difficulty. The only slightly difficult part has a guide. It is very simple!】


Most people chose very simple!

Su Wei laughed when he saw the data in the background.

There was no difficult or very difficult, 2% of the players chose simple!

And 98% of the players chose very simple!

This is not surprising at all!

Author's words:

I will resume updating today, please give some encouragement!

The little author is going crazy and eating dirt!

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