On the way to Hangzhou, Su Wei listened to Cai Yu's words and fell into deep thought!

If he had to say which of the Su sisters was suitable as a partner, he would definitely recommend Su Yun'er to Cai Yu!

After all, such a generous girl is very suitable for Cai Yu's personality!

Su Wei patted him on the shoulder and said softly:"Cai Yu, if you really like it, I can only support you!"

As a student of Teacher Yang Yang, Su Yun'er really wanted to get married!

Not for a beautiful thing...

As a brother, we can only support him silently. When the time comes, Su Wei will cover all the gifts and other things!...

""If you get married and miss work!" Su Wei clenched his fists and put on a dangerous smile on his face. He whispered:"If you miss work, you'll be damned!"

Su Wei doesn't care about love affairs. They are just brothers!

If brothers really like each other, they can only support each other!

But putting aside this relationship, they are both the founders of Mihoyo Company!

The company will be in trouble if either of them leaves, at least it will not be able to recover in a short time!

If work is really delayed because of love affairs, Su Wei's fist as big as a casserole will fall on Cai Yu's head!

Cai Yu coughed twice when he heard this and said,"Ahem, I'd better work for a few more years!"

Even he didn't know what would happen in the future if they really got married?

No one can tell!

So he decided to postpone the love affair for a few years!

Let's see after a few years. Maybe there will be more talents in the company, and he may be able to work behind the scenes by then! Just when

Cai Yu was thinking about it, Su Wei whispered

"Cai Yu, do you think there is anyone in the company who can replace you?"

Replace myself?

Cai Yu was a little confused when he heard this!

What does it mean to replace myself?

"What do you mean?"

"Let me ask you, what if you start training a successor now?"Su Wei smiled and said,"Spend a few years training a successor, and after a few years, you can be a hands-off boss, take the money and go on a honeymoon with your wife!"

"Do you think it's good?"

Mihoyo Company, the turnover of the original card pool alone is huge!

Cai Yu can get a lot of money. The wealth accumulated over the years is enough for him to live a luxurious life for the rest of his life!

"You mean, let me train a successor?"

Cai Yu stroked his chin and nodded, it seems that this is not bad!

Wasn't Honkai Impact 3 originally planned by Su Wei?

He did everything from the game plot to everything, but since Teacher Shaoji came.

In the early days, Su Wei still took a look at Teacher Shaoji's work, but he didn't come anymore!

The plot of Honkai Impact 3 was directly handed over to Teacher Shaoji, and he just became a hands-off boss!

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be really good!

Thinking about it, Cai Yu sighed and said,"But I don't have your eyes that can discover beauty!"

Eyes that discover beauty are Su Wei's eyes!

In Cai Yu's eyes, Su Wei's eyes are eyes of wisdom!

No matter who it is, as long as he is favored by them, they must be talents!

He doesn't have this eye of wisdom. If he finds a rotten wood, as the saying goes, a rotten wood cannot be carved!

What if that piece of rotten wood doesn't listen to him?

Or if he can't carve it out after several years of carving, wouldn't Cai Yu's mentality explode?

"Are you stupid? Isn't the ready-made one in the company?"

Su Wei said to him. The ready-made one he mentioned was naturally Jiang Mulan!

Cai Yu's duties, in addition to supervising the original god department, are also responsible for diplomacy!

Now in terms of diplomacy, Cai Yu has given the matter of dealing with the UFO social network to Jiang Mulan. If she can really do it!

She is really a talent!

Worthy of Cai Yu's training! This is the last thing

Su Wei can do to help his brother!

Cai Yu asked softly:"Are you talking about Jiang Mulan you found some time ago?"

He recalled that since Jiang Mulan joined the company, she seemed to be really working hard! She did everything! She never chose or refused others, as long as the task was given to her! Then she would do it perfectly for people! It seems to be really good, the most important thing is


If he really builds a good relationship with Jiang Mulan, then the Nun Miejue in the cafeteria will be easy to talk to! Since more and more people in the company are dissatisfied and order takeout, Su Wei is for everyone's physical and mental health, and also for himself!

Tell everyone directly that Nun Miejue is the biggest in the cafeteria!

Even if he comes, it's useless!

So, the one in the cafeteria is called Nun Miejue by everyone in the company!

No matter who you are, who are you?

Even if Jiang Jun and Jiang Mulan go to eat, they will definitely not be soft-handed, eat as much as they should!

It should be light, and it should be like this?

In ancient times, this would definitely be a good official who is honest and upright, and does not bend the law for personal gain!

Su Wei patted Cai Yu on the shoulder and said,"Cai Yu, train Jiang Mulan well, you are right to listen to me!"

This is a growing talent given by the system!

Talents who can reach S level in the future, how can such people be bad?

Su Wei also wants to train him personally, but his job is to write the original god plot, draw comics and make animations, and think about new games.

The major is not suitable!

He is very good at negotiating with outsiders. You can't abandon his strengths and choose to cultivate his weaknesses, right?

Negotiating with outsiders has been the responsibility of Cai Yu since the establishment of the Genshin Impact project!

"But Cai Yu, don't kidnap Jiang Mulan for me!"

Su Wei thought of the introduction given by the system and had no self-judgment.

If he takes her with him and trains her in the future, the usual release is inevitable. If these things cause Jiang Mulan to become dependent on this boy, or even have feelings for him!

That would be a problem!

On second thought, Su Wei remembered that her information also showed that she was very career-oriented!

A woman with a strong career-oriented personality should not be like this, right?...Should���Career and success come first!

Just like he puts career first, career and success are more important than love!

"You are not allowed to tell Jiang Mulan anything except work matters!" Su Wei said to Cai Yu,"Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences!"

"Okay, okay, I can't wait to train her!"

Cai Yu curled his lips and said,"That Jiang Mulan is just like Nun Miejue, with a cold face all day long. She is nowhere near as charming as Yoona....."

"Okay, okay, if that big shot in the cafeteria hears this, you won’t even be able to eat meat in the future!"

Except for the cafeteria, Su Wei and Cai Yu have a lot of say in other places in the company!

But in the cafeteria, Nun Miejue is the boss!

However, Su Wei had to admit that since Nun Miejue came to the cafeteria, everyone has indeed changed a lot!

Many employees used to have acne on their faces, but now they are much clearer!

A large part of this is related to diet!

Author's words:

It's so annoying, full classes every day, and I don't get out of class until five o'clock to come back and write for you, I'm crying!

And let me reiterate, there is no female lead at the moment!

Su Wei just wants to make games now. Unless the real Dawei gets married, I, Su Wei, will not get married!

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