Su Wei said to Ke'er,"I will sing a song for everyone!"

Ke'er's eyes lit up when she heard that. She didn't expect that after talking to Cai Yu for so long, Su Wei actually agreed!

Seeing this, Cai Yu next to him immediately pulled Su Wei aside and asked,"What's going on? Didn't we say to keep a low profile?"

"Low-key? No, no, no, I think it's good this way!"

Cai Yu smacked his lips and muttered,"The question is, can you sing? Are you really going to sing the Two Tigers Alphabet Song?"

Su Wei nodded and smiled,"Of course, didn't I say that at the beginning? I was an idol trainee for two and a half years!"

"As an idol trainee who has practiced for two and a half years, I must have my own songs!"

Cai Yu frowned and asked in surprise,"Ah?""

Two and a half years of idol trainee?

And my own songs?

Damn, what did Su Wei do before?

He painted for two and a half years, and then he was an idol trainee for two and a half years. Since he was in the womb, the total time is not even as long as his two and a half years, right?

Ke'er, who was standing by, heard Su Wei's words and her eyes lit up!

Then she asked,"Two and a half years of idol trainee? And my own songs?"

Could it be that he had discovered a real treasure this time?

Su Wei nodded and smiled,"Yes, I was an idol trainee for two and a half years, and I have my own songs. Is there any problem?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room burst into laughter when they heard this!

【Performance art brother, you have been an idol trainee for the past two and a half years, is it possible that you were just dreaming?】

【Performance art brother, Ke'er just wants you to sing a song, there is really no need to package yourself like this. Do you really think of yourself as a singer?】

【Another two and a half years? Do you think you are my brother Kun?】

【This performance artist is so funny. He was panting when he was told he was fat. It actually happened.】

【But to be honest, this performance artist's voice is pretty nice, and it seems a little familiar....I seem to have heard it somewhere....】

【Indeed, the voice sounded familiar, but there were so many familiar voices, it was normal!】


At this time, Ke'er saw that the number of people in her live broadcast room was much higher than that in the peak period! She was secretly happy in her heart. This time, thanks to the performance art brother, not only did she have ten super fires, but even the popularity of the live broadcast room was much higher!

With a smile on her face, she said to Su Wei:"Then little brother, can you perform your original song for us now?"

As she said that, she also encouraged Su Wei!

Cai Yu walked up and asked,"Wei, can you do it?"

Su Wei gave a thumbs up and smiled,"With the power of Brother Kun, victory is inevitable!"

His current identity is an idol trainee who has practiced for two and a half years. With the power of Brother Zhiyin, how could it be impossible?

How can a man say that he can't do it?

The guests eating around all cast their eyes over!

Even middle-aged and elderly people like to watch the fun and eat melons!!!

Su Wei coughed twice and said to everyone:"Well, let me bring you an original song,"Feeling Like a Superstar》!"

As he spoke, he was praying in his heart!

Mao, forgive me!

There is no trace of you in this world, please lend me your will and works to complete the task first!

Just now the system told him to be a superstar, so he thought of the song"Feeling like a Superstar", which was great!

However, the people around him were surprised!

Ke Er and the Su sisters on the side all widened their eyes, original song!

《Feel like a superstar"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also in a mess. Wow, this is a real big brother!

Feel like a superstar?

Originally, they thought Ke Er had said a few words. It was outrageous enough that this person thought he was an idol trainee!

Now he actually thinks of himself as a superstar?

Even Cai Yu on the side asked softly:"Brother, are you serious?"

Su Wei whispered:"If I hadn't dedicated myself to the Dragon Country game industry, I would at least be a superstar now!"

Oh my god!...

Cai Yu looked disdainful, what a superstar!

At this time, more and more people were coming to Ke'er's live broadcast room!

The heat was rising, and this performance artist declared that he was a superstar!

In the eyes of outsiders, it was like a mentally ill person saying that he was a superstar!

Su Wei coughed twice and said,"It looks good and easy to learn!"

If there was a guitar at this time, the effect would definitely be better!

But, even if there was a guitar here, Su Wei couldn't play it!

Cai Yu came to Su Wei and whispered,"Su Wei, I still remind you, be a little careful, don't sing too much and expose your identity!"

Su Wei nodded slightly!

He still knew this. Although he had to complete the emergency task, he also had to pay attention to the main line!

Even if Cai Yu didn't say it, he wouldn't forget it!

Cai Yu beside him also sat next to Su Yuner wisely, while Su Yunqin was still sitting aside.

Holding a cup of tea in his hand, he looked at what was happening with an indifferent expression!

Su Wei said to Ke'er:"Come on, give me the phone, I can do it!"

Ke'er nodded, handed the phone to Su Wei, and said:"Be gentle..."

Now that my phone is broken, it's expensive to repair it!

Su Wei nodded and said,"I know, don't worry, I'm a professional in live streaming!"

I followed Teacher Piao to live stream several times, and I also did two live streams myself.

So there shouldn't be any problems with professionals, right?...

Ke'er's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Su Wei saw the emotion in her eyes and said,"How about this, you can be a mobile phone holder for me, just stand there and take pictures of me!" As soon as these words came out, not only Ke'er, but even the fans in Ke'er's live broadcast room were stunned!

They wanted to get close to the female anchor, but he asked Ke'er to be a mobile phone holder?


As Ke'er arrived, she made an OK gesture to Su Wei!

Su Wei sat on the chair and saw the gesture and also made an OK gesture!

Then he nodded his head, which might be a little strange in the eyes of outsiders!

But in Su Wei's mind, a melody sounded. There was no accompaniment, so let the small system make one!

So Su Wei, who behaved strangely in the eyes of outsiders, had his own considerations!

Maybe this can also be regarded as a different kind of performance art!

Soon, Su Wei's slightly magnetic voice sounded.

"Sometimes I feel like a superstar"

"Everybody loves me, I'm rich and famous"

"So every time life makes me want to die"

"Tell yourself that superstars are just playing the role of commoners."

As soon as the four lines of lyrics came out, Ke'er, who had some basic knowledge, had a golden glow on her face not far away!

Did I find the treasure?

Author's words:

I'm sorry, I know I've strayed from the topic.

But I feel that urban writing, with some bits and pieces of urban life, is quite normal.

I will quickly end this plot and return to the main story, don't worry! I will give you two chapters in two days. I have an exam in a few days and I'm preparing for it now!

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