Seeing the boss run away, Ke'er frowned. She was originally full of joy, thinking that she could get ten super hot rewards, although she did not do anything in it.

But she was fooled. Not to mention such a large amount of money, even the small things in life made people feel very irritated.

Ke'er is in a bad mood now, but as a host.

She quickly adjusted her mentality. Such things are too common in live broadcasts!

Although she was fooled, the live broadcast still has to continue.

Although she is very sad, she can't cry.

At least she can't cry now....

Who can know the sadness behind the glamour?

""Okay, okay, maybe he just feels dissatisfied and leaves. Wait for me for a moment."

Putting the phone aside, Ke'er walked to Su Wei and thanked him!

Although she didn't receive a large amount of reward today, Su Wei helped her so much.

Basic courtesy is still necessary.

However, she originally wanted to give Su Wei a red envelope or something, but now she has no gifts, so she can only thank him verbally.

"It's okay, it's just singing."

Su Wei smiled and waved his hand. When he looked at Ke'er's face, he found that her eyes were filled with tears.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Wei asked,"I didn't sing a sad song, why are you crying?"

"Okay, stop crying, or you’ll turn into a little cat!"

After hearing what Su Wei said, Ke'er wiped her eyes and said,"The heating is turned up high, it's a bit hot...."

""It's OK, it's not hot!"

After the words fell, Su Wei saw tears in Ke'er's eyes again.

Seeing a girl crying, Su Wei frowned.

What's going on?

Is she so moved by her singing?

Or is it because the lyrics of"Feeling Like a Superstar" are so good that the girl cried!

Cai Yu and the Su sisters on the side were a little confused.

What's going on?...How can I cry while singing?

Su Wei's singing skills are so good that he made people cry?

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

Su Wei looked down and asked,"No way? Are you really crying?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a picture appeared in his mind, with two crows together, one representing Mihoyo and the other a player....

"It's okay, it's okay."

Ke'er turned her head away, trying not to let Su Wei see her face.

Seeing this, Su Wei thought to himself,"Is she really crying because of her singing?"

He didn't know what was going on. She was fine before she sang.

But she became like this after she sang....

He subconsciously thought that his singing voice had magic power, and he made the girl cry.

Su Wei quickly asked:"What's wrong? Tell me what happened, I will help you solve it!"

Su Wei's biggest weakness is that he doesn't know how to get along with girls.

One is that Ning Xi is too enthusiastic, but he gradually got used to it.

The other is this situation, crying for no reason, which is very confusing....

Originally, Su Wei thought that after saying this, she would stop crying and say what was wrong.

But Ke'er's tears burst out like a raging river.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Su Wei turned to Cai Yu and whispered,"Well, Cai Yu, you guys take care of her live broadcast room."

Cai Yu nodded, and played with Su Yun'er and the others in Ke'er's live broadcast room.

Anyway, live broadcasting is something that can bring traffic to other people's live broadcasts.

Especially for beauties like the Su sisters.....

Su Yuner and the others broadcast for Ke'er for a while, while Su Wei sat aside with Ke'er.

"What's wrong? Is it because I sang too inspiringly?"

Ke'er shook her head and told Su Wei about the grievances that had been in her heart for a long time.

After a long while, Su Wei sighed helplessly.

"So that's it..."

Every day she was under great pressure, she had to smile to her fans, and there were other pressures every day.

As a small anchor, she had to be careful in everything she did, and her monthly salary was very low.

There were many other things that were unknown to the public.

In addition, she originally wanted to make a breakthrough in outdoor live broadcasting today, and she thought a big boss had come.

Who knew that the boss was a fake?...

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

How happy I was when the boss showed up at the beginning, how sad I am now...

Hearing what Ke Er said, Su Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it wasn't because of me that I cried. It was because of the pressure accumulated over a long period of time that I broke down....

As long as he didn't make her cry, it would be fine.

What happened tonight was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Although at this time, Su Wei wanted to leave, after all, it had nothing to do with him.

And he sang a song for her tonight, which was already very good. It's not his fault that the boss ran away, right?

But seeing her crying like this, Su Wei frowned slightly.

The final decision....

"Ahem, let’s put it this way, I have a friend who’s an anchor!"

After hearing what Su Wei said, Ke’er raised her head and asked in confusion:"An anchor friend?"

She didn’t expect that a performance artist brother actually had an anchor friend

"Of course, he is very good."

Su Wei took out his mobile phone and made a call, saying:"Don't worry, my anchor friend can help you."

At this time, in the live broadcast room of Shark Platform Piao Teacher.

Piao Teacher was playing the copy of Ruo Tuo Dragon King. When he saw Su Wei's call, he immediately answered it.

"Wei? What's the matter?"

Adhering to the principle of not visiting without a reason, whenever Su Wei took the initiative to call him, he must have something important to say.

Su Wei said softly:"Well, Mr. Piao, you can open an account now and go to the live broadcast room of Ke'er, a 100,000-fan anchor, to get some super popularity. I will transfer the money to you later.��"

Teacher Piao was confused when he heard this.

Why does this sound so familiar?

Why does it sound a bit like when he was brushing for Coach Wang?

But since Su Wei said so, he must be helping.

"Oh, it's not a big deal, it's just a gift for rounds!"It

's just a little bit of super fire, the benefits Su Wei brought him have long exceeded this little bit of super fire money.

"Yes, that's it."

After a few simple words, Su Wei hung up the phone.

He looked down at Ke'er and said,"Don't worry, I've asked my anchor friend to come to your live broadcast room."

Hearing this, Ke'er immediately stood up and said,"I'm so sorry to trouble you!"

What was she doing tonight?

Why did she cry in front of outsiders?

Now that he has helped her so much and is concerned about her situation, he has asked his anchor friend to come to the live broadcast room....

It's really embarrassing....

Author's Note:

I almost forgot there was a book here...I forgot to review and play cards in Genshin Impact...

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