In the hotel in Hangzhou,

Su Wei took out a deck of playing cards and said to Su Yunqin,"Let's play poker!


Really, if Su Wei hadn't taken out a deck of playing cards, Su Yunqin might have really misunderstood

"Let me think about it. The game of Throwing Eggs and Fighting Landlord needs someone. I'll call and ask next door if they can come."

Su Wei took out his phone and called Cai Yu several times, but the numbers you dialed were all turned off. Please call again later!

His brows frowned slightly, and he murmured,"Damn, what are these two people doing?"

Are these two people repairing headlights or drain pipes?

I'm afraid that nine months later, Cai Yu will tell him that they built a small car, and then Su Wei will be speechless.

He looked up at Su Yunqin again and asked,"Can the kitten fish?"

"know a little"

"Well, let's play"cat fishing" until we go to bed at night!"

Su Wei took out the cards and said,"Don't cry if you lose!"

So the two of them started playing"cat fishing" in the room!

There was no conversation all night.....

The next morning, Su Wei woke up early on the sofa.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stretched.

He took out his phone and looked at the schedule, muttering,"Today is the first day of the Hangzhou Comic Exhibition, a total of three days."

"I've completed the task today!"

Today is not just the comic exhibition, today is the new version of Genshin Impact, plus the second test of Arknights!

There are so many things to do....

After washing up, Su Wei came to the restaurant alone to eat.

The main reason why he didn't call Cai Yu and the others was that it was convenient for one person to move around.

It was not very convenient for most people, mainly because Su Wei thought that the Su sisters were too eye-catching.

Even if he and Cai Yu only wore masks, it was estimated that few people would be able to recognize them.

After finishing the meal, he took a taxi to the destination.

When he arrived at the destination, Su Wei saw a huge crowd of people as soon as he got off the car. The number of people outside the venue alone was already a very scary number!

"Oh my goodness, there are so many people here!"

Su Wei couldn't help but sigh, it's so easy to make money in the second dimension...

Even he himself is in the business of two-dimensional games.

Soon, Su Wei followed the crowd to the venue.

Just now on the road, he was dumbfounded. There were several cosplayers outside the venue, wearing very bold clothes and posing there!

A group of people surrounded them and took pictures!

One thing Su Wei had to admire was that the weather outside was very cold.

They were able to wear such bold clothes in such cold weather, which can be said to be very courageous!

"My head is spinning. What are these things outside?..."

In his previous life, as an old ACG person, Su Wei, who was used to all kinds of large-scale comic exhibitions, really looked down on these small-scale cosplayers on the periphery.

When he came to the venue, his eyes quickly locked onto a small group.

If it was not unexpected, the one wearing the Yingmei cosplay costume was one of his targets this time, He Lihua!

She looks very good, and no matter what she cosplays, she looks like He Lihua!

With the bonus of Yingmei's clothes, it can be said that she is very scumbag, which makes people focus their attention on her.

Looking at He Lihua not far away, Su Wei murmured:"How can I take a photo with her?"

If I can't reveal my identity, I can only disguise myself as a fan.

It's not a disguise. In fact, Su Wei likes these cosplayers.

So it's normal for fans to take photos with cosplayers, right?

Soon, Su Wei also joined the team of fans. When he got there, he was dumbfounded.

They were all shooting with long guns and short guns, and it was difficult to get close to her!

Looking at the crowd around him, Su Wei couldn't help but sigh:"Is this the popular cosplayer? I can't even get close to him...."

He took out his phone and held it high, although it looked very strange to others.

But the comic exhibition was so big, who would notice him?

Finally, Su Wei's head was out of the picture, and He Lihua's figure was also in the picture!

Looking at the photo in his hand, Su Wei laughed and murmured:"The system didn't say that the two of us must get together to take a photo!"

【The small system is speechless, but you did not make any mistakes, and the task progress will increase by one!】

【There are nine targets left. When the tasks are completed, the host can get the ultimate prize provided by this system!】

"The ultimate grand prize? Sure, sure. I want to see what the ultimate grand prize is."It's really fast to take group photos in this way. Soon Su Wei has taken photos of many cosplayers in the same frame.

For example, there are ten bloggers such as Egg White, Snow Rabbit, Xiaobai, Xiong Qi, etc. The efficiency is very high and the photo quality is also very good! As for a group photo, as long as two people appear in the photo frame at the same time, isn't it a group photo?

It's like living together. You live on the blue planet and I live on the blue planet. Isn't this just the two of us living together?

There's nothing wrong with the same logic!

After finishing everything, Su Wei found a corner and squatted there.

He wanted to see what this ultimate grand prize was right now.

He put ten group photos on the screen in front of him that only he could see, and said,"Submit the task!"

【Ding! The host submitted ten photos with the cosplayer (low-quality version). Congratulations to the host for completing the task! 】

Looking at the small words on the screen, Su Wei murmured:"Poor quality...Inferior version? Are you serious?"

【You are not mistaken. The host used this method to complete the task in a tricky way, which really disappointed the small system!】

【The small system will reward the host based on the quality of the photos!】

"Okay, this is indeed my question this time, I want to see what the reward is?"

【Congratulations to the host for winning the ultimate prize provided by this system, one of three random game data! Plus the game promotion strength increased by 100%!】

【According to the system evaluation, the host can choose one of the three games: Silent Hill, Subnautica, and Titanfall! 】

Silent Hill?



Su Wei looked at the three options on the system screen and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

My goodness, you give these rewards at the level of the inferior version?

None of these three rewards are simple, right?

"No, did you give the wrong ones? You call these three inferior rewards?"Su Wei was surprised and said,"Can you show me a better reward?""

【Of course you can. Let me tell you that the next level up is a small system that gives you League of Legends data and organizes the World Championship for you!】

"Oh my god, the World Championship?"

Speaking of the League of Legends World Championship, Su Wei couldn't help but think of Genshin Impact.....

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