Game within game of online games

Chapter 160 You deserve to be intercepted!

Under Wei Bin's arrangement, the Nirvana members deliberately avoided members of the other seven gangs and specifically killed them according to the rules of the world. Because of the existence of the gang, killing them would not increase their murderous intent!

"Gang leader, our main group has been wiped out!" The leader of Zhulu Tianxia reported to the gang leader Jian Xianzi.

"What? Do you dare to say it again?" The captain's report made Sword Fairy tremble. She couldn't believe what she heard. This was the elite among the elites in the world, and they had many famous names. The main force of a hundred people was wiped out in one go. How could he not feel bad about losing 20,000 to 30,000 gold? He is not Wei Bin. He is backed by the huge Nirvana City and earns nearly 20,000 gold every day.

"This is the gang leader. Originally, I gave the order to move closer to the allies after receiving your notice. But the deputy leader, he has always looked down on Nirvana and instigated the main group not to carry out the order. Only then was he caught by Nirvana's people. Given the opportunity, everyone in the group can testify! I even suspect that the deputy leader is 007 sent by Nirvana. This is not the first time Nirvana has arranged for 007!" Since the first territorial battle, The Return of the King was completely defeated by Nirvana , Nirvana only arranged one person in the empty battlefield of Return of the King. If not for this, why would 007 Wei Bin arrange it like this? Therefore, Nirvana's arrangement for 007 in The Return of the King spread immediately, but the 007 has not been discovered yet!

"Haha, I didn't expect that something like this would happen to our gang. Tell him to leave the gang on his own!" Sword Fairy was so angry that he was itching his teeth. If it were just the words of the leader of the main force, maybe he would still It's very sophisticated, but since the leader said that other people can also testify, it must be true.

"Reporting to the leader, our players in Treasure Cave were attacked by Nirvana, and we suffered heavy losses!"

"Reporting to the gang leader, our players in Dunhuang were also attacked by Nirvana!"

"Report to the gang leader..."

Almost at the same time, news spread everywhere that Zhulu Tianxia had been sniped. Battle reports were sent from almost every map, all of which suffered heavy losses!

"I didn't expect that they would dare to go out of the city to fight back despite the pressure from the Eight Gangs Alliance. What are the other gangs doing? Why don't they see their people taking action!" Sword Fairy almost fainted. Where is the promised Eight Gangs Alliance? Why is there no one organized to snipe Nirvana people?

In fact, he was just a black man under the lamp, because he was targeted, and his unbalanced mentality was amplified by the losses in front of him. In fact, Nirvana's personnel losses were not small.


, several waves of people were killed by the personalities of other seven gangs after cleaning up the people in Zhulu Tianxia, ​​but he didn't know it.

Besides, so what if the Seventh Gang avenged them? It was agreed beforehand that you would be responsible for any losses incurred in battle!

"Gang leader, what should we do now?" the leader asked.

"It won't work if we don't leave the city. If we dare not leave the city even if the eight gangs fight against each other, then we are not far away from disbanding. But we can't be the first ones anymore. You give an order to let all gang members leave the city, and they must If you want to sign up with other gangs, be sure not to be alone. You don’t need to kill many Nirvana people this time when you go out of the city. Just save your life and don’t die! Let these gangs be the main force!" Although the Sword Fairy was furious, she still I kept some sense and made a wiser decision.

Next, people from Zhulu Tianxia began to leave the city one after another to look for people from other gangs. Little did he know that Feng Yun Wuji had already set up ambushes in various major maps, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Cliff Cave.

After Wei Bin and his party killed the people from Zhulu Tianxia, ​​they did not rush to find trouble with the other gangs. After all, they did not have an advantage in numbers. Instead, they hid behind the hill not far from the entrance of Moya Cave.

Not long after, the main group of 100 people from Zhulu Tianxia led 2,000 people to Moya Cave and moved closer to the other gangs.

When the two thousand people passed by the hill and half of them had crossed the hill, Wei Bin led a thousand people to kill them and divided them into two parts. Due to the hurry, their team The difference in appearance was so extreme that even people on the same team did not stand together, which invisibly gave Nirvana an opportunity to take advantage of it.

After the members of Nirvana suffered the previous siege, they were holding their breath in their hearts. They finally had the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. Who wouldn't use all their strength?

On the other hand, in the Zhulu Tianxia party, everyone died almost once, and no effective counterattack was ever organized. In addition, the gang leader gave an order to move closer to other gangs. I no longer had the will to fight. I kept fighting, but found that I couldn't win. , the thousand people who had passed through the hill in front actually left half of the troops behind and started to move toward the others.

Who wants to die if they run away in the direction of the Seven Gangs? Moreover, the gang leader said that the core of their battle this time is to save their lives and let other gang members take the lead. Their escape is not considered deserters, but they are executing the gang leader's orders!

As a result, before they had run far, another thousand men and horses came out of the hills ahead, led by the insect in the eyes of Qian, and charged at their front troops. When had they ever seen such a formation? Are you playing the art of war here? With interceptions in front and pursuers behind, there was no time left to fight, so he ran even more happily. This directly resulted in Nirvana's one-sided massacre!

When the follow-up troops saw that the front troops had abandoned them, they all cursed! Who are these people? Obviously we can make dumplings by attacking Nirvana from both front and back, why should we run? It's okay now. I was intercepted and killed by the person in front of me. I deserved it!

This is the mentality of most people in the follow-up troops, and everyone applauds!

But applause is one thing, it can't solve their dilemma! I don’t know who said: “Let’s evacuate the cliff cave quickly, or we will die here if we don’t leave!”

Immediately, the first one was followed by the second, and the follow-up troops began to flee towards the entrance of the cliff cave.

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the cliff cave and arriving at Yannan territory, Feng Yun Wuji had already led people to block the outside of the cave.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time, brothers, the time for our revenge has come! Give it to me! All the losses in today's battle will be borne by the gang!" Feng Yun Wuji gave the order, and a thousand men and horses rushed in like wild horses freed from stiffness. Enemy group.

And the people in Zhulu Tianxia looked at it and said, "Damn it, how did they know we were going to retreat?"

Nirvana wouldn't give them much chance to think. All kinds of projectiles hit them together. Hundreds of players in the first row instantly fell to the ground. Seeing that they were invincible, the others were waiting for work. They fled in a hurry, even in formation. None, how to fight?

It was impossible to go back to Moya Cave. With the idea of ​​​​running one by one, Zhulu Tianxia began to break out swarmly. After all, if you don't break out, you will die. If you break out, you may not be the one who dies. Various life-saving measures were used together.

Fengyun Wuji saw this.

"All Xiaoyao formations! Other sects give priority to controlling skills. Be sure to leave everyone behind. No one can escape.


! "Feng Yun Wuji ordered!"

For a time, inside and outside Moya Cave, there was a frenzy of pursuit of Zhulu Tianxia.

Ten minutes later, except for a hundred or so players who escaped, everyone in Zhulu Tianxia including the main group was wiped out! Nirvana lost no more than a hundred people.

At this time, members of the seven gangs in the Cliff Cave also rushed over. Under the leadership of Wei Bin, the Nirvana players in the Cliff Cave began to move closer to the entrance of the cave. With the main group of Mansan Gems built by him as a defense line, at the entrance of the cave The position was against several other gangs. The geographical location near the entrance of the cave was narrow, and dozens of people could barely pass side by side. Outside the entrance of the cave, Feng Yun Wuji led people to raid the formation, blocking the players who came to support, and for a time, a lasting position was formed. war.

With the opening of currency exchange, prices in Tianlong skyrocketed. In the past six days, Wei Bin earned nearly 20,000 gold coins every day. However, he didn't keep any of them. Most of them were used to buy gemstones and talismans. Inlaid Talisman, after six days, dozens more all-three players were created. So far, Nirvana has 260 all-three players, who are the mainstay of Nirvana and the backbone of Nirvana.

"Guild Leader Wei, do you need support from Game Life?" Luo Wuji sent a message. After all, they and Nirvana are an offensive and defensive alliance.

"Nirvana and the Eight Gangs have a personal grudge. There is no need to directly participate in the battle in Game Life for the time being, but I hope you can help us plunder the formation!" At Wei Bin's request, Luo Wuji began to gather people to lead to Baishi in Yannan. There was a formation at the gate of the city.

Wei Bin did not lead his men to retreat this time. On the one hand, he felt that by taking advantage of the geographical advantage, they might not lose, not to mention that there were people in the game behind to raid the formation for them.

Secondly, a gang that has not experienced the baptism of war is destined to not last long. It is like a paper tiger, with nothing but appearances. It is better to upgrade quickly while the current level is low. Even if it dies twice, it is better than going through the war again in the future when the level is high.

Third, he wanted to prove to the world that Nirvana did not just rely on cutting-edge combat power and trickery to win the battle for the Luoyang territory. Nirvana's overall strength was not weak!

In the end, if they really win this battle, it will bring them such great morale, great prestige and fame. Players in the entire White Rock City, especially those famous adventure groups, will not have to swarm in and reduce the number of players. Head into the gang?

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