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Chapter 198 Qinglu City

"In addition to permanently awakening your Zhenzhongloujia general, I give you the right to establish a gang city in Xixia in the name of the Xixia Kingdom! Now you have become a local force in Xixia. You know, you have become a local force in Xixia. After that, you will have the right to establish business lines and trade with us, and you can also purchase warship equipment from us. These warship equipment will greatly enhance the strength of your warships!" Princess Qinglu did not hold Wei Bin responsible for recruiting Thomas. The matter is just a trivial matter. Her purpose is to eliminate the threat of Thomas's pirate group to Xixia. It makes no difference to her whether it is to exterminate or appease!

Warship Turbine: Increases the ship's speed by 10. 500 gold, limited to purchase 50 sets per week

Warship Armor: Increases the durability of the ship by 100,000. 500 gold, limited to 50 sets per week

Warship Gun Mount: Increases the range of gunfire by 0.1 nautical miles. 500 gold, limited to purchase 50 sets per week

Although the weekly purchase limit is only 50 sets, Wei Bin is satisfied given the extent to which it strengthens the fleet. It is impossible for other forces to have these equipment! Wei Bin directly ordered 50 sets of each, spending a total of 75,000 gold. Half of the 200,000 gold Wang Shuai gave him will soon be spent!

What is the concept of increasing the speed by 10? If you can't beat me, you can run away! If you can beat it, you can prevent the opponent from running away!

As for the durability, needless to say, the durability of the three-masted sailboat is 600,000, which directly increases the durability by 16. Who knows!

The gun mount is even more amazing! Others' shooting range is 0.5 nautical miles, and yours is 0.6. It takes 30 seconds for a ship with a speed of 12 to sail 0.1 nautical miles, which means that our side can fire three rounds of guns first! You can even pull and fight with the speed advantage! When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we advance. It's just that the technical requirements are relatively high and require constant practice!

In any case, Wei Bin made a lot of money during this trip to the mysterious sea! ??

Under the guidance of Princess Qinglu, Wei Bin established a second gang station not far from the port of Xixia Kingdom. Wei Bin named it Qinglu City to show friendship.

"What? What does this mean?" After the gang station was built, Wei Bin actually discovered the third-level city lord's mansion. How is this possible? No matter where it is, as long as it is newly established, it is a first-level city lord's mansion. It's not like Wei Bin has never established a second gang station before!

"Don't be surprised. Our maritime country is different from your mainland country. We are sparsely populated, and our policies will naturally be different from your mainland countries! Anyone who establishes a gang station in our maritime country


Damn it, the level of the City Lord's Mansion will be the same as your highest level City Lord's Mansion by default! However, in a short period of time, you actually have a third-level city lord's mansion, which really makes me impressed! "Princess Qinglu's words immediately resolved Wei Bin's doubts.

"So that's it! That's great. We originally planned to mobilize 20,000 people from Baishi City to develop, but now we can recruit 50,000 people directly here!" Wei Bin thought to himself, and according to common sense, build a new gang station The upper limit of gang members can be increased to 5,000, because the upper limit of the first-level city lord's mansion is 5,000, and the station in the Maritime Kingdom can directly increase the members of its highest-level city lord's mansion, which means that Nirvana's member capacity is now up to 100,000! This is the treatment of a fourth-level gang! Is this development speed incredible?

In fact, it won't go to heaven. The gang missions in the sea country are very difficult to complete. The improvement of technology points is not as fast as on the land. Half the speed on the land is good! Unless he gives up the development of the maritime country and withdraws all his personnel to White Rock City, this will indeed ensure the rapid accumulation of technology points, but it will lose resources at sea. This must be more than worth the gain! When it comes to doing business, Maritime Kingdom has a unique advantage, because there are almost no land monsters in Maritime Kingdom, so doing business is naturally smooth!

Another advantage of establishing a gang station in Xixia is the issue of cross-border transmission fees. It costs 100 gold to teleport from other countries to Xixia, but if a Nirvana member teleports from Nirvana City to Qinglu City, it only costs one gold. That’s fine, because this is an internal teleportation. In fact, the teleportation fee for any two transnational gang stations is one gold. That is to say, the teleportation fee is based on the gang station, not the teleportation fee standard of the maritime country. This is a good thing for Nirvana members. It is undoubtedly a huge savings! As for those forces that do not have a gang station in Xixia, they can only spend a hundred gold to teleport over. Want to take a two-day boat to Xixia? Don't be stupid, do you have a route? I accidentally fed the fish!

System: Players unveil the new expansion pack Age of Discovery, which rewards the player with 300 reputation points for their city, 100 technology points for their kingdom, and 30 free attribute points.

"What the hell? The Age of Discovery?" The forum began to riot again. Navigation has just appeared in the public eye, and it will definitely cause a storm.

The subsequent battles recorded one after another at the port of Xixia Kingdom

The video was posted online, causing an uproar...

Under the leadership of Wei Bin, 300 warships and several transport ships returned to Baishi City along the route!

Most of these warships have suffered great trauma, and the durability of many has dropped to about 30. It would cost 60,000 gold to repair it at the shipyard at the Xixia port. How could Wei Bin be willing to do it? Go back to Baishi City to enjoy the treatment of an earl! In the end, the repair cost only cost 42,000 gold, saving more than 10,000 gold!

Wei Bin also had another purpose in sending these ships back to Baishi City, which was to familiarize them with this route. You must know that this route is the closest and safest route to the port of Xixia Kingdom. Basically, when transporting goods in the future, , just need to send a few schooners to escort it!

In addition, there are several routes connecting Baishi City and Xixia Kingdom, but the latest route takes a week, and Wei Bin's route only takes two days. The difference is huge! Not only is the distance far, but the level of the sea monster is also slightly higher. Each transportation must be escorted by more than ten three-masted sailing-level warships, but who has so many ships to waste on escort? Isn’t it good to use development resources?

In the end, Wei Bin started his own plan to dominate the sea. The fleet was officially named the "Twilight Fleet", with Luffy as the captain and Thomas as the deputy captain. After inspections in previous battles, Wei Bin discovered that Luffy was indeed talented in naval warfare. , coupled with the long-term cooperation, it is perfect to arrange for such a trusted person to serve as the captain of the fleet!

Under Wei Bin's instruction, the Twilight Fleet opened up to the outside world in the name of an adventure group and severed all ties with Nirvana. All the previous crew members were emptied, and new crew members were recruited locally in the Xixia Kingdom. In the future, except for Luffy and Thomas, the entire Players within the Twilight Fleet will only think that they are members of the Twilight Adventure Group, and the Twilight Fleet will serve as an invisible force to protect Nirvana! If power is displayed in the open, it will be targeted. If it is hidden in the dark, it will be a sharp sword that can kill people at any time!

Three days later.

"How are you doing, Leader Wei?" Old Man Tianji sent a message.

"How are you, Master Tianji?" Wei Bin returned.

"I heard that Nirvana built Qinglu City, the second gang station in the Xixia Kingdom. It's really gratifying!" Nowadays, it is no secret that Qinglu City belongs to Nirvana. After all, such a large city is built not far from the port. , everyone can see,


Moreover, the flag flying above the city lord's mansion is obviously the same as the flag of Nirvana City, and the flags of multiple gang stations of the same gang are the same! However, the flag of the fleet is not necessarily the same. The fleet has nothing to do with the gang itself, so people can recognize Qinglu City, but not the Dusk Fleet.

"Master Tianji is so busy today? I'm doing Da Piao here. I'm fine!" Wei Bin is indeed doing Da Piao. The six of them are already familiar with the road and don't regard Da Piao as Da Piao anymore! Nirvana now has 14 sets of jasper suits, and two teams have the ability to conquer the big drift. As the number of people increases, the drops of jasper suits will gradually increase, and more people will be able to participate in the big drift. Come on, a virtuous cycle.

"Such a coincidence? Let me keep the story short! There is a deal, I wonder if Gang Leader Wei is interested in it?"

"All ears!" Wei Bin was chopping monsters in his hand, thinking that he has been waiting for you for a long time!

"The strategy for the first battle against Piaomiao Peak and the strategy for challenging Piaomiao Peak, Tianji Pavilion will exclusively buy it, and please ask the leader of the Wei Gang to make a price!"

As the leading troops of the major forces gradually rose to level 40, the new dungeon Piaomiao Peak gradually came into people's sight. According to the introduction of the dungeon, the major forces learned that this dungeon will drop the skills, attributes, grades, etc. of rewashed concealed weapons. props, they didn’t have a team to win such an important copy, how could they not be in a hurry?

They knew that Nirvana had won the first kill on Piaomiao Peak, but Wei Bin refused to make any progress and refused to sell strategies. They had no choice but to find Tianji Pavilion. After all, Tianji Pavilion had had many strategies with Nirvana before. With the cooperation of Tianji Pavilion, Tianji Pavilion happened to be in the bottleneck of Piaomiao Peak and couldn't extricate itself. If you had to develop your own strategy, it would be impossible to penetrate Piaomiao Peak in less than ten days and a half. Old Tianji saw that a rich man came to him. , and quickly contacted Wei Bin.

"The strategy for challenging Piaomiao Peak is not for sale. Even if it is sold, you still won't be able to get through it. Dapiao has hardware requirements! But we can talk about Xiaopiao's strategy! First of all, you need to know what Xiaopiao drops and how much he drops. , what is the probability, so that you will understand the value of my strategy!" After saying that, Wei Bin took out the list he had prepared. As for Da Piao's strategy, he could not sell it to Tianji Pavilion because of the interests involved. too big.

Shen Yi Shi 72

Forgetting Stone 72

Low-level gem synthesis talisman 36

Hundred-Quenched Divine Jade 72

Gem carved talisman 12

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