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Chapter 567 Big Family Secrets

"Take our Yao Yue Holy Land as an example! In fact, the top management of our Yao Yue Holy Land is a large consortium, or a large family. Since it is a family, it will be divided into direct line and collateral line, direct line and collateral line. How to define it depends on the generation in which the family rose. For example, in the generation of the grandfather, then the direct descendants of the grandfather who rose are the direct descendants, the descendants of the grandfather's brothers and sisters, and even the descendants of the grandfather's brothers and sisters. The descendants of relatives who are only slightly related to each other are collectively called collateral lines. After the direct line rises, the collateral line will naturally benefit from it and use the resources and connections of the direct line to strengthen its own power. Over time, although the collateral line is dependent The resources of the direct line have been developed, but it has to be admitted that the collateral line also has its own resources and connections. As time goes by, the voice of the collateral line will naturally become more powerful than when it relied heavily on the direct line at the beginning. ! This is the current situation of the vast majority of families. In these families, after all, the collateral lines depend on the direct line for development. Whether it is out of gratitude, not wanting to fall out, or for any other reason, as long as it is not If the requirements are very excessive, the collateral clan will respect the decision of the direct clan! But this does not mean that they have no power to oppose the decision of the direct clan! It’s just that they don’t want to! After all, peace is the most important thing, and a falling out will not benefit anyone! This is me The basis for the people below to protest the decision of Ye Ting Feng Yu's gang leader just mentioned. This time, the decision made by Ye Ting Feng Yu gang leader was opposed by most of the side clans. This is a benefit. Who is willing to hand over the benefits in their hands to others? What? Ye Ting Feng Yu's gang leader really made this decision after withstanding too much pressure, so I hope all brothers can believe my words and believe in Ye Ting Feng Yu's gang leader!" the messenger explained.

"You said just now that being in Nirvana means being in the midst of blessings and not knowing the blessings. Can you please elaborate on how exactly it is that you are in the midst of blessings and not knowing the blessings? I want to know, in the eyes of outsiders like you, in our Nirvana What advantage does it have to mix among big forces like you?" Wei Bin asked. Although he had already made a rough guess, he still needed to hear it from the envoy himself. There are some words that no matter Wei Bin What Bin said is so fancy that the people below may not be able to listen to it, but if it comes from an outsider, it will be very convincing! This messenger will definitely tell you something that makes Nirvana stronger than other forces. Wei Bin can use his words to build the gang and improve the sense of belonging of these core members to Nirvana!

It's like a friend telling you to quit smoking.


In this way, if someone says that smoking is bad and it will cause any disease, you will not take it seriously. But if a doctor says this, it will be more powerful, and at least it will strengthen your determination to quit smoking!

"In the final analysis, it is still a problem of the system! Take for example several big gangs that are relatively active in Middle-earth and are not friendly to Nirvana, such as Ao Shi, Meng Hui Luoyang, and Daxia Longque. They are all family gangs. , the gang leader is a young man from the direct lineage, and behind them represents the oldest figure in the direct lineage. On the surface, they are the ones who make the decision on many things, but in fact, if it is really a big deal, then they also need to consult their elders. ! Their elders are usually the helmsmen of the family! In fact, most of the officials such as deputy gang leaders, hall leaders, and work envoys in the gangs are young people from the collateral clan, and behind them they represent the elders of the collateral clan. Number one! Even the leader, deputy leader, and even team leader of the main force below are many collateral relatives. This is like a family business. From top to bottom, everyone who has power and wealth Officials, big and small, and affiliated families must give priority to their own people. Who is willing to hand over such a position to a stranger? Having said this, I believe everyone will understand. Family businesses may have some problems when dealing with ordinary companies and ordinary gangs. An overwhelming advantage, but if you encounter an opponent of the same level, especially an opponent like Nirvana, it will be difficult to use your fists! Take the siege of five gangs such as Aoshi, Ten Years, and Jianyu Kyushu a few months ago Take the battle of Nirvana as an example. Ao Shi's reputation is so great, and the strength of his gang is also amazing. Why did they lose? There are many reasons. The beholder has different opinions and the wise have wisdom. From your perspective, you can see the reasons for Ao Shi's failure. , but from my perspective, I see another reason, which is the shortcomings of family businesses. They rely on nepotism. Although they will appoint and select some capable people, they are far from nirvana! They The leader of the Hundred-Man Regiment must not have much ability himself. His ability is not enough to command a Hundred-Man Regiment, but he is a collateral relative and can hold the position of leader. A group of people who have no ability to stay in this position. To command the battle? Wouldn’t that be half the result with half the effort? How can one be invincible if he is proud of his position? This family system has one advantage

, that is loyalty. For example, the leader of the Hundred People Group, although he does not have the ability to command a hundred people, he sincerely wants this gang to be good. After all, it is their family business, and they will not do anything detrimental to It's all about gangs, and he won't rebel and become an undercover agent for other forces! Their loyalty is indeed enough to maintain the status quo of the gang! However, the shortcomings of the family system are also obvious, that is, it is difficult to expand territory. With such a group of people whose abilities cannot keep up with their responsibilities control the power, how can the gang develop and grow? Compared with the family system, Nirvana’s system is very good! Taking the Battle of the Five Gangs as an example, Nirvana officials at all levels from bottom to top are selected level by level. Although there may be some who rely on connections to get to the top, they are in the minority after all, and it is human nature. There is a huge difference in the large-scale nepotism in the family system. Nirvana is for those who are capable, so of course they are stronger when it comes to fighting! The reason why I say that you are very lucky and I am very envious is because Gang Leader Wei is a fair person. What he values ​​​​is your ability, not who has a good relationship with him. Gang Leader Wei also has many relatives around him. Even if they are not considered direct relatives, their closeness is almost the same as that of direct relatives, right? But what's the result? Leader Wei didn't arrange for even one relative to sit next to you. What does this mean? This shows that no matter how close the relationship with the leader of the Wei Gang is, no matter how direct or collateral, as long as this person is incompetent, the leader of the Wei Gang will not bring him up! This is the lucky thing for you brothers. If you move to other major forces, your positions may not necessarily be higher than now, because most high-ranking positions are occupied by collateral or direct relatives, and there is no place for you at all. ! Even if you are transferred at the same level and you gain the same status in Nirvana, or even surpass your status in Nirvana, it is just an appearance. In fact, it is an overt promotion and a covert demotion. On the surface, you have been promoted, and you are more accepted by the new gang leader. However, in fact, since all the major officials around you are from the family, you will still be hindered by others in everything you do. No matter how wise your decision is, you are just an outsider, and it is far worse than being in Nirvana. Have more say! All this is due to the fact that Gang Leader Wei is a self-made man, so he must tap talents in the entrepreneurial stage! "The messenger paused and continued.

When the messenger said this, everyone present became even more silent. His words had completely penetrated into their hearts.


I can see that one mountain is higher than the other, and every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite. A mountain higher than the one you are on may not be suitable for you, nor may it be able to accommodate you! The current environment in Nirvana is really good, and I have Wei Bin's trust, so what else can I be dissatisfied with? For a time, everyone's sense of belonging to Nirvana reached an unprecedented peak!

"Brothers, Leader Wei, I have said a lot today. Are there things that should be said and things that should not be said? In the final analysis, I just want you to believe my words and trust the sincerity of Leader Ye Ting Feng Yu who wants to reconcile!" The messenger! Making the final summary.

"Okay, I believe in you, and I also believe in Ye Ting Feng Yu's gang leader. You should go back and tell Ye Ting Feng Yu gang leader that Nirvana is willing to reconcile with him. One more friend is better than one more enemy. I will guard this great gift from Ye Ting Feng Yu's gang leader. Someone will take it! I hope to have deeper cooperation with Yaoyue Holy Land in the future and work together to create brilliance!" Wei Bin said.

"Haha, that's great. In this case, let's say goodbye. I will definitely convey the words of Gang Leader Wei to Gang Leader Ye Ting Feng Yu!" The envoy was relieved. This envoy trip was perfect for him. It's done!

"Gang leader, do you trust him so much?" After the messenger left, Feng Yun Wuji looked at Wei Bin.

"What do you think of this?" Wei Bin asked.

"The evidence he said to support Ye Ting Feng Yu's sincerity should all be true, and the series of words he said about the system should also be true. Ye Ting Feng Yu's insistence on reconciliation despite all opinions, and the involvement of the deputy gang It should be true that it is only used to suppress the behavior of other forces! But, does the result of combining so many real things like this must be true? Not necessarily! In my opinion, Ye Ting Feng Yu’s A series of operations does not rule out the possibility that he sincerely reconciles, but is there still a possibility that he deliberately made a gesture of wanting to reconcile to numb us and make us think that he is sincere? want to reconcile, then the combat power we invest in this battlefield will be greatly reduced, and they can take the opportunity to keep their large virtual city! Maybe what Tianxie did was done by Ye Ye's instructions from Feng Yu, or was Tianxie's own fault? Claim, we have no way of verifying this!" Feng Yun Wuji analyzed.

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