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Chapter 769 Instant Kill

In other words, herbs can be grown here. This is the role of herbal seeds. Players can grow their own herbs. In this way, the yield of herbal fields will be high. Players can grow their own products and others cannot snatch and destroy them. Moreover, the yield of a piece of herbal medicine land is 100 plants per day. As long as you can grab the land, can the yield not be high? Even if the players in the entire Middle-earth continent are added together, the person who ranks first in collecting only 60 or 70 plants every day, and as long as you collect the seeds of the herb and grab a piece of land, your herb can produce 100 per day. Planted!

This is the advantage of growing your own herbs. Of course, before using the soil to grow herbs, you need to cultivate the seeds first, because each herb can only produce two seeds during the seed-bearing period, and you can collect herb seeds in the wild. At that time, you will definitely only collect two. You cannot spend a lot of time collecting a large number of the same kind of seeds. In that case, the efficiency will be too low. You can cultivate the seeds yourself anyway, so why not cultivate them yourself?

The method of cultivating seeds is actually very simple. You only need to plant the seeds collected from the wild, and then wait quietly for the seeds to take root and germinate. After the seed-bearing period, the player can then plant the two newly grown seeds. Remove the seeds. In this way, the number of seeds changes from the original two to four, and two herbs are harvested!

On the second day, the four seeds doubled again to eight, on the third day it became 16, on the fourth day it became 32, on the fifth day it became 64, on the sixth day it became 128, also That is to say, starting from the seventh day, players can plant 100 herbs at one time, which means they can produce 100 herbs per day!

However, seeds cannot be divided indefinitely. A pure seed can only be reproduced ten times. In other words, one seed can eventually be reproduced into 1024 seeds. There is a reproduction limit setting, which is exactly what is needed. Seed rarity guaranteed! If seeds can reproduce indefinitely, then maybe seeds were relatively rare a few days ago, but soon, seeds will become commonplace!

Note, what is mentioned here is a pure seed, which can be multiplied into up to 1024 seeds, but this does not mean that every seed can be multiplied into 1024 seeds!

Why do you say that? Because the energy and elements contained in seeds are limited, the purest seeds, that is, the seeds collected from wild herbs, can eventually be multiplied into 1024 seeds. Pure seeds are also called For the first generation seeds!

The two seeds bred from the first-generation seeds can only reproduce into 512 seeds each. The two seeds can each reproduce 512 seeds, which together are exactly 1024 of the first-generation seeds! This generation of seeds is called second-generation seeds, and it is obvious that third-generation seeds can only breed 256 seeds. The total number of seeds produced by four third-generation seeds is exactly 1024 of the first-generation seeds! The last generation of seeds is the worst, which is the 10th generation of seeds. They themselves are one of the 1024 seeds. They themselves do not have the ability to reproduce. In other words, the reproduction career of a seed has ended with them. Got it!

Therefore, as time goes by, some industries for buying and selling seeds will appear on the market, but this industry is like treasure appraisal, and few people really understand it!

For example, the market price of a level 7 purebred seed is 1 million federal coins. At this time, people who want to buy seeds should be cautious, because from the first generation seeds to the last generation seeds, the difference in appearance is Trivial! If you are not discerning, you may really be deceived. For example, if someone marks the price of a first-generation seed on a last-generation seed that has no reproductive ability, they will say that this is a first-generation seed. Do you want to buy it?

Or, at an auction, a seed whose generation is unknown is being auctioned. If you don’t know your eyesight, you won’t dare to bid because you can’t tell the generation of the seed. If you miss it, At first glance, it was obviously a last-generation seed, but in the end it was photographed for the price of a fifth-generation, fourth-generation or even third-generation seed. Wouldn’t that be a huge loss? And if you have good eyesight, you can tell at a glance that this is a first-generation seed.


But others can't understand it, and in the end you won it for the price of second-generation seeds or even third-generation seeds. That's a bloody profit!

The value of a first-generation seed is indeed more than a hundred gold, so when a player collecting seeds in the wild is threatened by others, you have to give them money, because if you don’t give them money, they will immediately take it away. The herbs that are about to go to seed are destroyed, and in the end you have no seeds to take!

This shows how valuable a seed is and how rare it is! And what about Avril Lavigne? She has already quietly collected the seeds of most of the seventh-level herbs. If she cooperates with Shennongjia, she will never have to worry about these seventh-level herbs in the future! Because of the special internal environment of Shennongjia, as long as the seeds are planted, they can grow unlimited herbs, and the grown herbs can also produce seeds! Unlike the outside world, each seed has a reproductive capacity of only ten generations at most, and after ten generations it will be completely useless!

In the inner space of Shennongjia, you only need one seed to grow a large area of ​​herbs. Because the space in Shennongjia is very special, the growth cycle of herbs is extremely short. The growth cycle of level seven herbs is only one minute, that is, It is said that a large number of seventh-level herbal seeds can be cultivated in less than an hour, and the yield of this herbal medicine is very high!

At present, Wei Bin has obtained Shennongjia. What he lacks next is the seeds of various herbal medicines. Avril has already taken care of most of the seventh-level herbal cultivation. The next task is to capture the eighth-level herbal seeds. Otherwise, , it would be a bit of a tragedy if you only have the divine weapon Shennongjia but no seeds in your hands!

"Well, now that we have the Shennongjia artifact in our hands, the next task is to collect various herbal seeds. This is an arduous task with a long way to go! But you can rest assured to do it , no matter how much money we spend to purchase seeds, we will not lose money in the end!" Wei Bin said.

Collecting the seeds of level 78, 90 herbs is definitely not something that can be done overnight, because there are so many types of herbs! In the process of collecting seeds in the future, Avril does not necessarily have to collect them personally. He can let his players and NPCs collect them, or even purchase them with gold coins, because Shennongjia can mass-produce herbs unlimitedly!

Take seventh-level herbal medicine as an example. In the current market, the price of a seventh-level herbal medicine is 10 silver. How many herbs can be produced from a first-generation seed of a seventh-level herbal medicine? First of all, the seed itself can produce 1 herb + 2 seeds, and the two seeds produced can produce 2 herb + 4 seeds. In other words, one first-generation seed can eventually produce 1+ 2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+10242047 herbs, and based on the price of 10 silver for a seventh-level herb, a first-generation seed can produce 204 gold worth of herbs from beginning to end. Herbal medicine, this is why a level 7 first-generation seed is worth more than a hundred gold, because the cultivation process of the seed and the process of planting the herbal medicine need to be taken into account. These two processes require a lot of effort, so the price of the seed is definitely It is lower than the value of the final produced herbs!

It takes ten days for a first-generation seed to generate a profit of 204 gold, but what about in Shennongjia? The growth cycle of seventh-level herbs is one minute. That is to say, it only takes 34 hours to produce 2047 herbs, which can generate 204 gold income. This efficiency is 7 times that of planting outside. If it is used to make money, wouldn't it be earned with blood?

Therefore, no matter how much it costs to purchase seeds or how many gold coins it costs, for those who own Shennongjia, it is all earned with blood. What they pay can be earned back in just one or two days, and it can be earned permanently. Sex gets this seed!

For example, the price of a certain seed has been raised to 1,000 gold, and Wei Bin only needs to plant it to God

In the farm frame, you can produce unlimited quantities of herbs, and you can also mass-produce seeds. As long as Wei Bin is in trouble, there is no problem in selling seeds in batches. Of course, it is impossible for him to do this kind of thing of killing chickens to obtain eggs. He has the magic tool Shennongjia, which can produce herbal medicines in large quantities. If he sells the seeds to others, he will indeed receive money now, but there will be more herbal medicines on the market. This is definitely not what Wei Bin wants to see. Well, for Wei Bin, the fewer herbs on the market, the more advantageous it would be for him!

Therefore, even if Wei Bin feeds these herbal seeds to dogs, he will not sell these seeds! Because selling seeds is completely asking for trouble!

After finishing the matter in Shennongjia, Wei Bin came to the palace of the Stone Forest Kingdom.

"Go away, go away, go away. Can you enter here at will?" Wei Bin had just arrived at the door of the Stone Forest King's palace when he saw guards expelling a group of players!

"Why aren't you letting me in? I'm a baron from the Stone Forest Kingdom. I'm not an ordinary person. Can't I just enter the palace as long as I have a title or have enough reputation to exchange for a title?" The player reasoned with the guard.

It has been more than two years since the server was launched, and there are no new players. Basically everyone knows all the basic common sense, such as the scene in front of you. If this scene was placed two years ago, it would definitely be a different scene. For example, the player wanted to enter the city's kingdom, but the guards of the city palace refused to let him in. He argued with the guards for a long time but still did not go in because he did not know that the city's palace was not accessible to ordinary people, only those with titles. You can enter only if your reputation is enough to exchange for a title, because you need to go to the palace to exchange for a title! Or, there is a special certificate that allows you to enter the palace, just like when Wei Bin entered the palace for the first time, he entered the city lord's palace with the recommendation letter of the village chief.

But now, such ignorant scenes from two years ago are no longer visible. Almost everyone knows the conditions for entering the palace, but the player in front of him was still stopped by the guards.

"Yes, the baron can indeed enter the palace, and you are indeed the baron of our Stone Forest Kingdom. However, we are currently in a period of war. No one is allowed to enter the palace without special credentials, even if they have a title!" the guard explained. road.

"Why? Why don't you let me in? Why don't you even let the baron in? I have something very important to do when I go in. If it delays my affairs, will you be responsible?" He said proudly, obviously, he is used to being arrogant and domineering based on his title, and today he doesn't take these guards seriously anymore!

"Why? This is an order from the king of our Stone Forest Kingdom. Boy, don't cause trouble. I suggest you leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" the guard said with a serious expression.

"You're welcome? I'm the baron of the Stone Forest Kingdom. How dare you, a small guard, be rude to me? The other guards would kneel down when they saw me. How dare you talk to me so arrogantly? Talk, I think you are tired of living!" The player said extremely arrogantly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the guard immediately pulled out a blade and slashed it towards the player's neck. Then, the blade was inserted back into the scabbard. The whole process added up. Just one second!

After waiting until the guard's blade was inserted back into his scabbard, the player's head suddenly slipped from his neck and fell hard to the ground!

And the players around him who, like him, came to the palace gate to do business and were rejected subconsciously took a few steps back. Didn't they, the guards killed people? And the person who was killed was a person with a title? Are you afraid you are crazy? Dare to kill even the baron?

This is just like in the past, Wei Bin killed a county magistrate or magistrate. They were also officials of the imperial court. Are you going to kill him just because you said he would? Is there any royal law? Are there any laws?

However, my knife is really too fast.


Kill him, there is no room for negotiation! Therefore, although these players thought that the guard had gone too far, they still took a few steps back in fear!

At this moment, Wei Bin stepped forward.

"What's going on?" Wei Bin asked, pointing to the headless player lying on the ground.

"It turns out to be Sir Viscount. I am reporting to Sir Viscount. The captain has given orders. Our border city of Stone Forest Kingdom has been occupied by the Yamaki Beast of the Japanese pirate clan. Our land has been invaded by aliens, and the flames of war are very likely to burn into our hearts. Lu, in order to ensure the safety of the king, no one is allowed to enter the palace before the border city is recovered!" When the guard saw that Wei Bin was coming, he hurriedly explained that Wei Bin is the viscount of the Stone Forest Kingdom, and the viscount is bigger than The baron is one level older, so the guards are naturally very polite!

"In other words, as long as the lost territory is recovered, the palace can be unblocked, right?" Wei Bin asked.

"Back to Lord Viscount, this is theoretically the case. However, I have to wait for the order from our captain!" The guard said very politely.

"That's easy! I just killed the Yamatamon, and the border city has been liberated. Now, I'm going to the palace to return to my life. I hope this eldest brother can go in and report!" Wei Bin said very politely.

"What? The border city was liberated?" The guard's eyes widened. He was very clear about the strength of the Yamatamon. In the past month, how many players had gone there, and all of them were annihilated there. Not a single one was there. Today, a month later, the border city was actually liberated?

"Exactly!" Wei Bin said with certainty.

"Okay, I'll go in and report right now. Sir Viscount, please wait a moment!" Seeing Wei Bin's expression as if something was wrong, the guard chose to believe Wei Bin's words.

"No need, I have just received the battle report from the front line. The Border City has indeed been recaptured by us, and our troops have also entered the Border City. The Border City has returned to our hands as before and has become He has become our bridgehead against the Japanese pirates! Let him in!" At this moment, a voice came from the direction behind the guard.

"Captain! Is the border city really liberated?" the guard said in disbelief.

"Haha, the man in front of you is the hero who liberated the border city. If you don't invite him in quickly, how can you shut out the hero of our Stone Forest Kingdom?" the captain of the guard scolded.

"It turns out you are a hero. Hero, please come in. I will take you to see the King!" the guard said respectfully.

In this way, Wei Bin was brought into the palace.

"What the hell, what is going on? Why is he allowed in but we are not allowed in? Why does he have privileges? Is it because he is a viscount and we are barons?" Seeing Wei Bin enter the palace, he was scared away just now The group of players gathered around again. Because they were far away, they didn't hear Wei Bin's conversation.

"Viscount? No, even the Viscount can't just enter if he wants to. He is the hero of our Stone Forest Kingdom and a major contributor to the liberation of the border city. Now I don't need to explain why he can enter, right? Okay, you guys There's no need to talk nonsense, I guess you can enter the palace in a while!" the guard said.

"Is he Wei Bin?"

"It's very possible. Besides Wei Bin, who else liberated the border city?"

“Damn, you’re so strong, you already have this privilege!”

Inside the palace.

"Junior has met the King!" Wei Bin bowed his hands and said very politely.

"Haha! No need to be polite. You are a great hero of our Stone Forest Kingdom. There are only you and me here today, so there is no need for so many etiquettes!" The kingdom is also very polite. A rare talent like Wei Bin, even if Even if he is a king, he must be treated with courtesy!

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