Game within game of online games

Chapter 790 There’s a lot to be done

"Guild Leader Wei, I believe every word you just said, because your Nirvana has proven this with actual actions. The fact that your level can be restored to the original level in just one or two days is enough proof! However, If I guess correctly, each person can only use this secret method a few times, right? If it can be used unlimitedly, then you Nirvana people don’t need to go out of the city to upgrade, you can just use the secret method to upgrade!" Chasing the Wind in the Wind said.

"Yes, my secret method does have a limit on the number of times it can be used, but it is not a few times, but each person can only use it once. After using it, he will be able to use one day as a year!" Wei Bin said.

"Only one day? Only one year? Leader Wei, even if we shorten the level gap between us and other players by one year, is there still a year and a half gap?" Feng Zhongzhongfeng asked.

"To be precise, it's less than a year, because we can only be online for 20 hours a day. Calculated based on the ratio, you can only have 3652024, which is only 304 days!" Wei Bin said lightly .

After listening to Wei Bin's words, Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhui Feng's hearts became heavy again. How should they make up for the remaining one and a half year gap? If the gap is only half a year, then maybe with hard work, they can barely catch up with the big army, but if it is a year and a half, then to be honest, they still can't catch up with the big army. One and a half years and two years Year and a half, for them, there is no essential difference!

At this moment, Feng Zhongzhuifeng suddenly realized a problem.

"Guild Leader Wei, if I remember correctly, when your core members of Nirvana were rebuilt, it had already been more than two years since the server was launched, and it was only three or four months ago. But after you rebuilt, you appeared again. When you are in the public eye, you are at the top of the rankings. Logically speaking, you should be one year behind other players. How did you smooth out this year's time?" Feng said. Zhong Zhuifeng asked, since the core members of Nirvana have a way to close the gap of that year, then it must not be a big problem to close the gap of one and a half years, right? And even if the gap in the remaining half a year cannot be smoothed out, they still admit it. After all, using half a year's level in exchange for the powerful attributes of rebuilding is definitely a sure profit!

"There is no other way, just use my secret method to upgrade. I will teleport you to a certain place. That place is exactly the same as ours in Middle-earth. There are also cliff caves and the 19th floor of ancient tombs. You can upgrade there! We The core members of Nirvana were rebuilt three months ago, and that’s where we made up the levels! You’re not too far behind us. If you start getting the rebuilt elixir now, the price/performance ratio is still very high!” Wei Bin explained.

"Guang Leader Wei, you are kidding. Even if there is such a place, we cannot achieve the results of the past two and a half years in 304 days!" Aunt Wang said in disbelief.

"Who says it's not possible? Actually think about it. On the surface, you are two and a half years behind others, but in reality? In fact, it is not that long. The two and a half years you are behind others is calculated based on the server launch date. Yes, it has been two and a half years since the server was launched. It does not mean that you are two and a half years behind others! Think about it carefully, what have you done in the past two and a half years? Although I don’t know your situation. Work and rest time, but I can be sure that you can only spend half of your time at most on monsters and upgrades. The rest of the time, you are either offline, or on dungeons, and then you are doing tasks, fighting, shopping, or doing some other things. Other things that have nothing to do with upgrading! It would be great if you could spend half the time actually upgrading! In other words, who can resist grinding monsters non-stop for 20 hours a day? That would be exhausting and suffocating? In other words, you are only one year and three months behind others! And where you are going, even if you have been offline for four hours, only four hours have passed there! In other words, , as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you can completely clear monsters as soon as you go online, and continue to do so for a year. In this way, you will only be a few months behind others!" Wei Bin explained.

"Then you are thinking about the efficiency of upgrading! When you usually farm monsters and upgrade, you will be more or less affected by some monster grabbing, right? Because the area for us to upgrade is only so big, and there are a lot of people. Others The area is occupied by other teams. Sometimes, after you have finished swiping the wild monsters in your area, you even need to wait for a few minutes before it can be refreshed again! But the place you are going to is different. There are only You people don't have to worry about grabbing monsters at all. As long as you have the ability, you can completely cover the entire ancient tomb. When you upgrade in such an environment, the gap between you and the large army will become smaller and smaller. When you come back, you will only be three or four months behind others! Of course, you have to work hard and be willing to endure hardships. If you continue to upgrade like before, it will be over!" Wei Bin explained.

After Wei Bin made this analysis, the two of them suddenly understood. Yes, in the past two and a half years, their speed in defeating monsters and upgrading was simply less than half. And if they went there and redoubled their efforts, they would not be able to turn around every day. What about stopping the upgrade? The gap has been shortened to one year and three months. This gap has narrowed too much. If they stay there for one year, that is the remaining three months gap! Counting the time they will spend to obtain the Rebuilding Pill in the future, in the end the gap between them and the main force will really only be a few months! This kind of cost is enough to force them to rebuild it!

"If you think about it this way, it seems that there is really much to be done!" Aunt Wang said with emotion.

"It must be something promising! In fact, there are still many places where you can squeeze out time. You two might as well think about it, how much time did you waste in the early stages of the game? In the early stage, you did a lot of tasks, right? You were doing a lot of tasks During this period, you couldn't get the mission monsters because there were so many players grabbing monsters, right? You wasted a lot of time on the strategy copy, right? At the beginning, you needed to explore new things and find out where to upgrade, but now? You have already been there. It’s clear to you, during this upgrade process, you don’t need to devote your energy to thinking about these things at all. You only need to keep one thought in your mind, and that is upgrade!” Wei Bin continued to add.

"Haha, Leader Wei, according to what you said, it seems that we can jump from level zero to the top of the rankings! Hahaha!" After hearing Wei Bin's words, Fengzhong Zhuifeng felt enlightened in an instant. , the previous troubles caused by level zero are all gone!

"Guild Leader Wei, there is one more thing I'm confused about, and that is the place you are about to send us to. What kind of place is it? Is it a copy? If such a place really exists, it should be a copy. An isolated place, right? Then what should we do with our supplies after we go there? Even if we fill our backpacks with supplies before we go there, these supplies will probably only last for one day at most. That’s it. Without supplies, how should we upgrade? It shouldn’t be like here where we can buy supplies when there are no more. There is no one to compete with us for wild monsters, which also means that no one will give us medicine! We need to bring Are you going in with a life team?" Aunt Wang asked.

"No need! I have a lot of containers in there, and the containers are all filled with supplies. You can just go and get the supplies you need. You don't have to worry about logistics!" Wei Bin said, patting his chest.

"Many containers? Are they filled with supplies? Gang Leader Wei, it seems you have been running that place for a long time, haha!" Aunt Wang was immediately relieved when she heard that there were endless free supplies inside! But in the blink of an eye, Wei Bin was able to do this in advance, which means that Wei Bin has already started operating there. All of his actions are planned. He first solves the problem of supplies inside, and then transports players there. upgrade!



"Haha, before the soldiers and horses are moved, food and grass go first. If there are no supplies, wouldn't the people who went inside to upgrade be in vain?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

In fact, the first group of people to enter the flow world was Avril. At that time, when Wei Bin arranged for Avril and a group of life players and life-type NPCs hired by Wei Bin to enter, he was already paving the way for future reconstruction plans. Avril and the others were in They practice herb picking and making medicine skills in the Flow World, but the medicines they create cannot be brought out of the Flow World because there are too many medicines and their backpacks are limited. How can they bring them out? Therefore, Avril rented many containers and stored them for future use by people who enter this fast-moving world! The storage and retrieval permissions belong to everyone, because the key to this speed world is in Wei Bin's hands. It is a gift left to him by his previous rebirth, Ruofeng. Unless Wei Bin's permission is obtained, otherwise, No one can enter this flow world at all, and anyone who gets Wei Bin's permission will naturally get Wei Bin's right to use medicines, so setting this setting that is desirable to everyone will only bring convenience to them, and will not What kind of unsafe trouble it causes!

In fact, the purpose of Wei Bin arranging for Avril and the others to go first with food and grass is not only to rebuild, but also to use these medicines if some people in Nirvana are significantly reduced in level due to an accident! In short, they will enter this fast-moving world sooner or later, so it is imperative to make arrangements for supplies in advance!

"If you calculate it this way, it's a lot more cost-effective. After rebuilding, each level can increase 50 free attribute points, which is nearly the attributes of a level 4 gem. Doesn't a level 4 ruby ​​only increase 60 points of physical strength? Taking a level 70 player as an example, the free attribute points added by a level 70 player are 3,500 points, which is equivalent to the attributes of nearly 60 level 4 gems. Taking the clothes, hats, shoulders, gloves, shoes, etc. that our players generally have, For the 12 pieces of equipment such as hidden weapons, weapons, rings, amulets, necklaces, wrist guards and seals, even if each piece of equipment is studded with four gems, the so-called maximum four players only need 48 It’s just a level 4 gem! In other words, when a rebuilding player reaches level 70, it is equivalent to getting more than one full set of four-level gems?! And what if it reaches level 120? That’s 6,000 points of freedom Attribute points are the attributes of 50 level five gems, which are the attributes of players who have reached the maximum level of five! Not just anyone can set the five-level gems. Even in the later stages of the game, players have all reached the maximum level. There are definitely very few players who can afford to set the maximum five gems! And a player, even an ordinary person, as long as he has undergone reconstruction, when he reaches level 120, he will also have the maximum limit. The strength of five players! This is a bit scary!" Aunt Wang sighed, what would it be like if all Xue Muhua's staff underwent reconstruction? At level 120, a group of players reaches the limit of five? Then you have to go to Middle-earth!

Of course, he just thought about it like this and had fun. He knew that this was impossible. After all, there were only a few people who could participate in reconstruction, and the vast majority of people still had no chance of reconstruction in this life!

"Guild Leader Wei, I still don't understand something. Even the core members of your Nirvana have gone through re-training. Now they have all reached more than sixty levels, which means they have all obtained more than 3,000 free attribute points. These 3,000 With more free attribute points, even if they are all added to physical strength, they will only have about 100,000 health points. Even if their health volume before the reconstruction is as high as 500,000, after the reconstruction, the maximum health limit is doubled, which is only one million. It’s just the upper limit of blood for the first time! But according to my observation, their upper limit of blood seems to be as high as more than three million. Is there any secret in this?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng pondered for a long time, he has been calculating the blood of the core members of Nirvana. quantity! !

"Haha, Mr. Feng's mental arithmetic ability is so strong, can you calculate this?" Wei Bin praised.

"What's so difficult about this? Previously, I wasn't sure whether the core members of your Nirvana had high dodge, high defense, or high blood limit, so you were able to withstand a volley from Yamakimon without dying. , now that it is certain that your blood limit is high, it will be easier to calculate! We have also fought against Yamatomon before, and we know Yamatomon’s attacks. As long as Yamatomon attacks the core members of your Nirvana A round of volleys can be calculated by calculating the percentage reduction caused to their health bars. At least we can get a rough upper limit of blood range!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng explained.

"You are right. I have already laid out the framework for the rebuilding. Next, you only need to increase your blood limit before the rebuilding. During the rebuilding, no matter what is attached to the equipment, The blood limit, or the blood limit brought by gems, skills, items, and medicines, can be doubled. In short, the system will not determine the source of your blood limit, it will only look at the number of your blood limit!" Wei Bin explained.

"Then it won't increase to more than three million, right? The equipment, gems, etc. you are wearing now can at most add three or four hundred thousand blood to you, right? It can't be more, right? These blood volumes are relative to 300 In terms of 10,000 HP, it’s not worth mentioning at all, right? Let’s calculate based on the fact that you have 3 million HP when you are naked. In other words, you need to reach 1.5 million HP before rebuilding. In this way, Come on, only after you rebuild can you double the blood limit to 3 million! I have inlaid the limit six gems, and my blood volume is only half a million. How can you, the core members of the limit five, reach 1.5 million? Blood volume? My equipment is not bad either!" Aunt Wang really can't figure this out!

"Wait a minute, Leader of the Guards, you just said that when rebuilding, whether it is the blood limit attached to the equipment or the blood limit brought by gems, skills, items, and medicines, they can be doubled. What you said I can understand the equipment, gems, skills, and medicines. I have seen all of these things, but what are the items you are talking about? Are there any items that can increase the blood limit?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng grabbed it skillfully. Understand the details in Wei Bin’s words!

"Haha! All my secrets are invisible in front of you, Mr. Feng! Mr. Feng, your insight is really extraordinary. I didn't expect that I would just say it casually, and you would capture the details!" Wei Bin praised.

"How dare I compete with you, Leader Wei!" Feng Zhongzhuifeng was so humble!

"Let me help Gang Leader Wang answer his doubts first! Who said that the equipment we are wearing now can only increase our blood limit by three to four hundred thousand?" Wei Bin pretended to be mysterious.

"More than three or four million? Leader of the Wei Gang, if my understanding is correct, most of your current blood limit of more than three million should come from rebuilding, right? How much can you add to your own equipment? Everyone's equipment There is not much difference between them. At most, you wear nine stars and I wear eight stars. How much blood difference can this make? Currently, a player with the best equipment and a maximum of five has only 400,000 blood at most. This is still their equipment. + The blood volume based on your own attributes. The three or four hundred thousand blood I just mentioned does not include your own attributes. It is just the attributes of your equipment. Even if the attributes of your equipment are better than those of those equipment The ultimate limit of the best is 5. The equipment on the player's body needs to be the best, so how much better can it be? The difference should not be big, right? That's why I said that your equipment can bring you three to four hundred thousand blood at most! Let me analyze it this way, where is it? Is there something wrong?" Aunt Wang asked, while Feng Zhongzhuifeng looked at Wei Bin with the same questioning expression.

Yes, the difference in equipment is very small. Even a nine-star equipment only has dozens of more attributes than a seven-star equipment.

, if these attributes are placed in normal times, they may be a large number, but when his reference is hundreds of thousands of blood, it is a bit negligible. Even if it is 30 points of full attributes, how much blood is it? 30 points of physical strength is just over a thousand health points, and a piece of equipment is only a difference of more than ten thousand health points. Therefore, the maximum health limit of the equipment customized by Aunt Wang for the core members of Nirvana is very scientific!

But, he ignored one thing!

"Gang leader Wang, this is not necessarily the case. If we only have these 11 pieces of equipment that all our players have, then the difference in attributes will indeed not be much! But in addition to these 11 general-purpose pieces of equipment, we also have one sealed piece. The seal can open a big gap between us!" After saying that, Wei Bin shared his seal with Aunt Wang and Feng Zhongzhuifeng!

"Isn't this too outrageous?" The two of them exclaimed.

The two of them looked at Wei Bin's seal attributes, and then looked at their own seal attributes. Isn't this gap too big?

Wei Bin's seal gave him an additional 50,000 blood limit and 3,150 stamina points! Calculated based on the upper blood limit of 30 points for one stamina, the upper blood limit is nearly 100,000. After adding the 50,000 granted seal, the upper blood limit is nearly 150,000!

On the other hand, their own seals are a bit pitiful. Their seals only increase the upper limit of blood by 20,000 and stamina by 1,000 points. If the seals on them are placed in their respective gangs, they will definitely be outstanding. The top seals, not to mention their own help, are extremely rare top seals in the entire Middle-earth continent. Their seals have always been something they are proud of. In their eyes, , in the entire Middle-earth continent, even if there are more excellent seals than theirs, they are definitely few, and they are not much better than their seals!

In their eyes, a top-grade seal, no matter how top-grade, is all that is done, right? Could there be a more excellent seal?

However, seeing Wei Bin's seal today, they completely woke up. There are not only more excellent seals in this world than themselves, but also many more excellent seals than theirs! One seal can surpass three of them! This gap is a bit too huge!

For a moment, a group of crows passed through their minds, and they were completely speechless!

In fact, what they don't know is that Wei Bin's seal also contains 350 points of fire resistance. These fire resistances come from a certain defensive orb that was sealed. These 350 fire resistance were later changed by Wei Bin. Because the properties of the orb can be replaced with Tianhuang crystals, before Wei Bin's reconstruction, Wei Bin's defensive orb was originally for physical strength. However, after the reconstruction, Wei Bin replaced it in order to improve his own resistance. It's just fire resistance. In other words, when Wei Bin was rebuilding, his physical strength was 1050 higher than the current seal!

"Guang Leader Wei, you have occupied so many large virtual cities, when will you sell one or two more to us?" Aunt Wang said. When he saw Wei Bin's seal, he immediately understood that Wei Bin's seal The top-notch attributes on Nirvana must be due to Nirvana’s large-scale virtual city!

Aunt Wang's Xue Muhua, due to the lack of military exploits, even the person with the highest number of military exploits cannot afford an orange-quality engraving, and the 50,000 blood limit on Wei Bin's seal is undoubtedly the attribute of an orange engraving ! And because Xue Muhua has occupied too few virtual cities, even if someone accumulates battle merit over time, it is not enough for them to exchange for an orange engraved one. For example, an orange engraved requires 8,000 battle merit, and Xue Muhua has spent the past few months, Adding up the military merits distributed every day is only 7,000. How can they buy it? Battle merit is each player’s virtual currency and cannot be traded!

"Yes, Leader Wei, if the virtual city is not for sale, you can also sell us some military exploits. Our gang's historical military exploits combined cannot buy an orange engraving!" Feng Zhongzhui Feng naturally saw this at a glance. What’s up with the 50,000 blood limit!

"Well, let's talk about this later, we seem to have gone off topic!" Wei Bin reminded.

"That's right! Chief Wei, you haven't explained how you raised the blood limit to 1.5 million during the rebuild?" Aunt Wang asked with a laugh.

"Also, what is the item that increases the blood limit? Can it increase the blood limit by a very high amount?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng added.

"In addition to the seal, there are the following things that can greatly increase the blood limit. The first is equipment. Don't get me wrong. The equipment I am talking about does not refer to eight-star or nine-star equipment. You also know these equipment. , one can’t add much health! The equipment I’m talking about refers to the level 60 Shaolin suit! As we all know, the level 60 martial arts suit can increase the blood limit by 20, although the level 60 martial arts suit is less than the level 60 eight-star equipment. Some attributes, but the increased blood limit of 20 definitely far exceeds the attribute gap of the equipment. If you have 1 million blood, then the level 60 Shaolin suit can increase your blood by 200,000. You should understand this concept, right? And why should you choose Shaolin suits? In fact, Xingxu's, Tianlong's, and Beggar's Clan suits are also fine, because only the suits of these sects can increase physical strength. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat! "Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, you are really smart. The sixty-level sect suit, haha, why didn't I think of that! Now that I think about it, the sixty-level sect suit is just for rebuilding, haha!" Wang The aunt laughed and said!

"You haven't experienced this, you haven't put yourself in their shoes and prepared for it. Of course you can't expect it. When you need to rebuild in the future, you will naturally consider it comprehensively!" Wei Bin explained.

"In addition to this level 60 sect suit, you can also start with gems. You can synthesize some level 9 rubies. Level 9 rubies are amazing. A level 9 ruby ​​can increase your physical strength by 1920 points. Now you How many of the five players in the group have 1,920 stamina points? Eight level nine rubies are 15,360 stamina points. If calculated based on one stamina point and 30 health points, that would be 460,000 health points. Now you know that 150 Where did the blood come from?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

"What? Level 9 gems? Are you crazy? Leader Wei, we can't even synthesize level 7 gems. You want us to synthesize level 9 gems? The price/performance ratio of level 7 gems is already pitifully low. Who would synthesize level 9 gems? Gemstones? Are they just for reconstruction?" Aunt Wang said in disbelief. Let alone the ninth-level gems, in his heart, the sixth-level gems were over. He didn't even want to set the seventh-level gems because the price/performance ratio was too low. The price-performance ratio of level seven gems is low, let alone level nine gems, because the attribute increasing curve of gems doubles as the gem level increases. What are the synthesis rules of gems? Three-in-one, four-in-one or five-in-one. For three-in-one, the success rate of synthesis is only 50, for four-in-one it is 75, and for five-in-one it is 100. Most people will choose five-in-one. Because the consequences of synthesis failure are too serious, this five-in-one gem is five low-level gems combined into one higher-level gem, but the attributes are only doubled. In other words, no matter how many levels of gems are synthesized, you will lose money. , however, this is not apparent when the level of gems is relatively low. For example, level 3 gems are synthesized into level 4 gems. Level 3 gems are worth 5060 gold, which means that a level 4 gem only costs about 300 gold. Which boss? Will you treat this money as money? It’s not too bad to synthesize level 4 gems into level 5 gems. They still don’t feel too bad for more than a thousand gold. However, from the time when level 5 gems were synthesized into level 6 gems, many big bosses began to feel distressed because of a level 6 gem. Worth 7500 gold, this is 7


5 million federal coins. In the eyes of the boss, this level 6 gem is already very expensive, and its price-performance ratio has reached their psychological limit!

In fact, in terms of cost-effectiveness, level 5 gems are already at their peak. Starting from level 6 gems, the price-performance ratio in their minds has begun to go downhill. They feel extremely distressed even when they synthesize level 6 gems, and how many of them are willing to do so? How about synthesizing level 7 gems? Not to mention them, even Wei Bin was a little reluctant to give up. Why was the gem on Wei Bin only level six? Because he was reluctant to synthesize level seven gems. The price/performance ratio was too low!

And they are reluctant to synthesize the seventh-level gems, so let them synthesize the ninth-level gems? A level nine gemstone is worth 9.3 billion federal coins, which is approaching 10 billion federal coins. Not everyone can afford this price! How much does it cost to have a maximum of six gems? It’s only 3.6 billion federal coins. In other words, the price of a level 9 ruby ​​is almost the same as the price of three players with a limit of six or more. Of the 12 pieces of player equipment, eight of them can be inlaid with rubies. , if it is eight level nine rubies, can it create 20 players with a limit of six? Even a fool knows how to choose, right? The help brought by 20 players with a maximum of six levels is definitely far more than the help brought by eight level nine rubies. Even if a player wearing eight level nine rubies has only five levels of other gems on him, If it is a super gem, then its strength cannot even beat two players with a limit of six or more. This is an extremely low cost performance!

"Guild Leader Wei, what you mean is that you only need to create eight level nine rubies, and then let everyone involved in the reconstruction use these eight level nine rubies in rotation? Is this what you do in Nirvana?" Feng Zhongzhui The wind soon calmed down!

"Yes, that's it. The price-performance ratio of these eight level nine rubies is extremely low. However, considering that they can be reused and can be handed over to a player for long-term use, I had no choice but to synthesize them!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei is so rich, he is even willing to synthesize ninth-level gems!" Aunt Wang admired, and for a while, Aunt Wang had a new understanding of Wei Bin's financial resources!

"Guild Leader Wei, you must have lost a lot of money by synthesizing ninth-level rubies. I have a way to help you recover some of your losses. Although it won't allow you to make back all your losses, it can be stopped in time. The damage is still okay!" Feng Zhong Zhui Feng said.

"Oh? Tell me about it?" When Wei Bin heard that he could recover some losses, he became interested immediately. To be honest, these eight ninth-level rubies have always been a pain in Wei Bin's heart. But it cost him more than seven million gold coins. Who has more than seven million gold coins?

"Wei gang leader Mi can lease your ninth-level rubies to us. We will pay you gold coins according to the number of uses. In this way, we will not only save the cost of synthesizing ninth-level rubies, but you can also recover some losses. This It’s simply the best of both worlds!” Fengzhong Zhuifeng said.

"Haha, that's a good idea, but why are you embarrassed? If it's something else that needs to be sold to you, I can take your money, but I've already synthesized these ninth-level rubies, so it's not If I sell it to you, how can I collect your money? We are allies!" Wei Bin said.

"Guild Leader Wei, this is different. If it's something else, it's fine if you lend it to us, but you synthesized it at a loss. If you don't accept our money, we won't feel sorry for it! Besides, you made it at a loss. He said that it would cost money to synthesize gems ourselves. Instead of letting the system make all the money, we should share it among the three of us!" Aunt Wang couldn't help but light up when she heard Feng Zhongzhuifeng's suggestion. , if they can, then they will save a lot of money!

"Yes, Gang Leader Wei, if you don't charge money, then we can't use your rubies in vain no matter what. Do you have the heart to watch the two of us spend a bunch of unjust money to synthesize eight cost-effective products like you?" A nine-level ruby ​​that is as low as the bottom?" Feng Zhongzhui Feng said helpfully.

"If this is the case, then do me a favor. I will never accept gold coins from you. If possible, I hope you can help me find some herbal seeds. It can be regarded as barter!" Wei Bin really couldn't resist the two of them, so he had no choice but to agree!

"Herbal seeds? Gang Leader Wei, what are herbal seeds?" Aunt Wang asked confused.

"Yes, do herbal medicines have seeds? Gang Leader Wei, where do you get herbal seeds? Is this thing valuable? I've never even heard of it. I might as well give you gold coins directly!" Fengzhong Zhuifeng also asked. His face was confused and at a loss!

"It seems that your gang doesn't have its own life team. Although you are a fighting gang, you still need a life team. Is it possible that you have to buy everything? You are really rich! The so-called herbal seeds are actually The seeds produced by herbs in the wild are just that simple." Wei Bin explained.

"We have never heard of the idea that herbs also have seeds?" Aunt Wang asked.

"In fact, not only you don't know, but most people don't know, because herbal seeds are formed within a minute or two after a herb grows from a young to an adult herb. The seed-setting period is really too short. Only Only those who are lucky can discover that herbal medicines also have seeds! And the herbal seeds I want are best at level 8 or above. My demand for level 7 seeds is relatively low because I already have some level 7 seeds. Herbal seeds, if you must have seventh-level herbal seeds, you need to check with our helper Avril to see which seeds we still lack!" Wei Bin explained, in fact, not only do they not know, but there are even ten Wei Bin, who has more than 20 years of game experience, doesn’t even know that because the sense of existence of herbal seeds is too low, herbal seeds will never interact with most players in their lifetime. Only a few lucky players will have the opportunity to meet them, and everyone who meets them will have the chance to meet them. Players who have obtained herbal seeds will not disclose them anyway. This is their opportunity to make a fortune! How many herbs can be produced from one first-generation seed? Maybe they would cut off their financial resources and leak the herbal seeds?

"Guild Leader Wei, I can think of a solution for level 7 herbal seeds, but for level 8 herbal seeds, it is estimated that not many people in the entire Middle-earth continent have upgraded their herbal picking skills to level 8, right?" Aunt Wang looked troubled.

"In the life team, we have a sure kill, but I have never heard of the existence of herbal seeds. Are herbal seeds valuable? Do they have any special effects?" Feng Zhongzhuifeng asked.

"Herbal seeds have no special function. They just allow players to grow their own herbs. They no longer have to go to the wild to compete with other players for herbs! As for the conditions for collecting herbal seeds, collecting herbal seeds has nothing to do with the level of herb collection. , even a player who has not learned to collect herbs can still collect herbal seeds, so you don’t have to worry about this! As for pricing, an eighth-level herbal seed can be worth the right to use a ninth-level ruby ​​for one person’s head. How about it? For seven-level herbal seeds, every two herbal seeds can be exchanged for one use right. One level nine herbal seed can be exchanged for two level nine ruby ​​rights. One tenth-level herbal seed can be exchanged for four nine-level ruby ​​rights. In this way Is that okay?" Wei Bin said.

The value of a herbal seed is actually not much. Take the seventh-level herb as an example. In the current market, the price of a seventh-level herb is 10 silver, and the first-generation seed of a seventh-level herb can produce a total of How many herbs are produced?

First of all, the seed itself can produce 1 herb + 2 seeds, and the two seeds produced can produce 2 herb + 4 seeds!

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