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Chapter 861 The Tombkeeper Patriarch gives way

Even if only a few people in the entire Middle-earth continent know this news, once Arthas learns about it and leads an army to invade Middle-earth again, how will Middle-earth resist? While sleeping, it is definitely not suitable to be disturbed. If it interferes with the human race's powerful practice, who knows what the consequences will be?

As the Great Elder just said, setting a ban on Wei Bin requires supreme magic power. Looking at the entire Middle-earth continent, there are only four human races with this ability, but the four of them They are all in a deep sleep and should not be disturbed, so who is going to set this ban on Wei Bin? You can't disturb a certain human race power for the sake of Wei Bin, right? Wei Bin’s level is not qualified either!

"I know what you mean, so I think"

The Great Elder took out the Patriarch's Mark of the Gravekeeper Clan that Wei Bin had just handed over. The implication was already obvious. This Patriarch's Mark has the ability to monitor its owner. If this Patriarch's Mark is returned to Wei Bin, he will continue to let the Patriarch's Mark be used. If Wei Bin serves as the leader of the tomb guard clan, there is no need to set any special restrictions on Wei Bin. This clan leader's mark will serve as the restriction!

"Great Elder, we didn't do anything today, so this meeting was in vain?" the third elder said, seemingly not very satisfied with the great elder's decision!

You know, this is equivalent to today's meeting being in vain. Before Wei Bin came, he had the mark of the patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan. Before he came, he was the patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan. But what happens after today's meeting? Wei Bin is still the same as before, still holding the position of head of the tombkeeper clan. Doesn't this mean that their work is in vain?

"Third Elder, how can we say that our work has been in vain? Our gains today are already quite big, and returning the patriarch's mark to Wei Bin is just a temporary measure for us. What's more, we really want to question Wei Bin. However, this does not mean that Wei Bin is the murderer and a member of the dark creature! Otherwise, we will only return the patriarch's mark to Wei Bin. However, the function of the patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan will be temporarily suspended. Let Wei Bin go first. The Tomb Keeper clan is still continued by the Titan who has been temporarily serving for eight hundred years. Wei Bin plays the role of Tiger. Although he has the mark of the Tomb Keeper clan leader, he has no management in his hands. How about the actual power of the Tomb Keeper clan?" The Great Elder said, this is already the best way he can think of to restrict Wei Bin!


r\u003e  "Great Elder, you must not do it. In the past eight hundred years, although I have managed the Tomb Keeper clan for eight hundred years without the mark of the clan leader on my body, there is nothing that can be done about it. Ah, at that time, the old patriarch Taigo had been imprisoned in Mount Olympus. He could not come back, and the patriarch's mark could not come back. I could only manage it on his behalf! Moreover, at that time, four elders and four elders appointed me as the acting patriarch. Appointed jointly by a great leader of the human race, I also took on the position of acting clan leader! But it is different now. The mark of the clan leader has returned now. The old clan leader Tai Ge has passed on the mark of the clan leader to Wei Bin and will be the tombkeeper. The position of the clan leader was passed to Wei Bin, and when the old clan leader Tai Ge passed away, he had ordered us to respect Wei Bin as the new clan leader. In this case, I, and our entire clan, We cannot go against the wishes of old Patriarch Tigo! He has already sacrificed his life for our human race, and we cannot go against his wishes again! Among the four elders, how can there be an authentic patriarch around who would not take up the position of team leader and let him The reason why I continue to serve as the temporary leader of the clan is that even if I want to, the clansmen are not willing to do so! Great Elder, your decision will definitely put me in an unkind and unjust situation. What will the clansmen think of me? I'm afraid. There will be many people who think that I am the one who got in the way. I have served as the acting clan leader for eight hundred years. I am greedy for the clan leader's rights and refuse to return the position of clan leader to Wei Bin! Therefore, please ask the Great Elder to take back his orders and find another plan. There is no other way!" After the great elder finished speaking his thoughts, the other three elders had not yet expressed their opinions, but Titan was the first to become unable to sit still!

In the end, if it is carried out as the great elder said, then how will his Titan gain a foothold in the Tomb Keeper clan in the future? You know, he has served as the acting patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan for eight hundred years. If he has not held the position before, forget it. Maybe he will follow the wishes of the great elder today, but he just did it. The eight-hundred-year-old acting clan leader, if he really came as the great elder said, then in the eyes of outsiders, is he suspected of being obstructive, not wanting to give up the power in his hands, and unwilling to hand over the position of clan leader? ? That must be true, and it is very true. If he is really greedy for the patriarch's rights, he will admit it, but he doesn't think so. Since Tai five months ago,

When Ge just announced that he was not the candidate for the next clan leader, he never thought about letting go, because he knew that the position of the clan leader did not belong to him at all. A loyal person, how could he ever have the thought of clinging to the position of patriarch?

"Titan, you must be responsible. You cannot put your own interests first in many things. Although some people will be dissatisfied if you continue to manage the Tomb Keeper clan, this is also for the sake of the overall situation. As for what we are doing, if we have other ways, we will not embarrass you like this. For the life and death of our human race, you still have to make some sacrifices. Didn't you just say it, your Tiger? The old patriarch, for the sake of the human race, he is willing to sacrifice his own life. Now he doesn’t ask you to sacrifice your life. He just allows you to continue to be the acting patriarch of the tombkeeper clan. You must follow the example of old patriarch Tai Ge. !” The Great Elder is doing Titan’s ideological work!

"Great Elder, according to what you said, do you agree that Old Patriarch Tiger really sacrificed his life for the benefit of the human race? Do you now think that Old Patriarch Tiger is innocent? Great Elder, If I can clear the grievances of the old patriarch Tai Ge, then what's the harm in my sacrifice?" Tai Tan was keenly aware of the loopholes in the great elder's words!

In order for me to take over this job, your great elder did not hesitate to sacrifice Old Patriarch Tai Ge. Well, don’t you want me to follow Old Patriarch Tai Ge as an example? Does the implication mean that you recognize that Old Patriarch Tiger sacrificed his life for the human race? If you really agree, then I will reluctantly continue to serve as the acting patriarch of the Tomb Keeper clan. As long as I can restore the innocence of the old patriarch Tai Ge, then everything can be discussed! In other words, if you really recognize the innocence of old patriarch Tai Ge, then Tai Ge is innocent, so wouldn't Wei Bin be even less suspicious? You must know that the only source of suspicion on Wei Bin is Tago. It was Tago who passed on the patriarch's mark to Wei Bin, which caused unnecessary trouble to Wei Bin. If there is no problem with Tago, then Wei Bin Naturally, he is clean. Since Wei Bin is clean, what reason do they have for letting him, Tai Tan, be the acting clan leader? That must be done by Wei Bin!

"Titan, you are really bad at learning. You can't play this kind of word game with me.


! "The great elder said.

"Great Elder, I think that I am not capable of leading the Tomb Keeper clan. Therefore, in order to allow the Tomb Keeper clan to return to the burial ground to guard the bones as soon as possible, and in order that the Tomb Keeper clan can work with peace of mind in the future, I sincerely request you to lead the Tomb Keeper clan." The position of the head of the Tomb Keeper clan has been passed down to Senior Titan! Senior Titan has many years of management experience and knows the situation of the bone burial ground very well. All of this is far beyond what I, who just received the inheritance, can compare with. Great Elder and Senior Titan, please Don't worry, I will personally come forward and explain to all the tribesmen. I will let them know that the decision I made was made willingly. I also thought about the overall plan of the human race. I am afraid that because of my lack of ability, I believe that the tribesmen will understand that it has delayed the important events of the human race!" At this moment, Wei Bin spoke!

You know, in fact, since Wei Bin got the clan leader's mark, he no longer wanted to be the clan leader. Why? Because this Patriarch's Mark has a monitoring function, he will monitor everything about Wei Bin and everything he does will be visible to the successors of this Patriarch's Mark in the future. Unless he becomes the Patriarch for life, some of his secrets will be revealed. , sooner or later it will be exposed to others!

As for what the secret is

In a few days, Wei Bin will be able to reach level 70, and in about three months, he will be able to reach level 75. At that time, he will go to Void Misty Peak to look for the information left by Ruofeng Got it! Obviously, this information can only be known by him alone, but what if he possesses this patriarch's mark? That's different. The monitoring function of the patriarch's mark is mandatory. It doesn't mean that he can turn it off if he wants to. Having such a mark on his body is not a safe thing after all! Once what he sees and hears is recorded, there will be a possibility that the information will be revealed in the future and outsiders will see it!

When there is a conflict between seeking benefits through the position of the leader of the Tomb Keeper clan and exploring the mystery of his own rebirth with Wei Bin, he will definitely choose the latter. He has already solved the mystery of his own rebirth. Put the fans first, and put other things on the back burner! Therefore, if the existence of this patriarch's mark affects him to explore the mystery of his rebirth, then he will give away this patriarch's mark without hesitation, which is what happened just now!

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