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Chapter 959 I suggest you reconcile

The difference is between the 1.6 million combat power of the Chonglou Divine Artifact, the one million combat power for not refining the ancient dragon soul, and the tens of thousands of combat power in terms of cultivation, and the few tens of thousands of Tian Congyun Sword. Apart from that, their other attributes are almost the same as Wei Bin's! Their combat effectiveness is basically maintained between 3 million and 3.2 million, and what about the current number one on the list? They only have 2 million fighting strength, so what's the difference?

And what is the difference between the current number one on the list, or the top 68 on the list, and the core members of Nirvana?

To be honest, these 68 people are all players who have reached the limit of six. In terms of gems, they are the same as the core members of Nirvana. The core members of Nirvana are no longer players who have reached the limit of five. Just yesterday, Wei Bin just inlaid them with Collect the maximum six gems to prepare for the upcoming war! Therefore, in terms of gems, there is no gap between them and the core members of Nirvana!

How are they worse than the core members of Nirvana? If you want to know this gap, you must first know who they are! This group of people are all rebuilding players. They are other players who have reached the limit of 5 in Nirvana, as well as Juesha, Xue Muhua and Game Life players who have participated in rebuilding. Wei Bin once told Feng Zhongzhuifeng about the secrets and methods of rebuilding. , Aunt Wang and Luo Wuji, each of their gangs specially arranged some people to rebuild, but the degree of their rebuilding is different from that of the core members of Nirvana. During the rebuilding period, the core members of Nirvana wore trousers. Bin's Chonglou, and where are the other gang members? The equipment they had when they were rebuilding was obviously much worse than those of Nirvana. Therefore, their rebuilding was not perfect, and the attributes brought by the rebuild were not as good as those of Nirvana. They were worse than the core members of Nirvana. In terms of reconstruction! This is the big head!

Secondly, their sealing is not perfect, and their combat effectiveness is much lower than that of Nirvana!

Then there is the equipment. The core members of Nirvana all have nine-star equipment. The nine-star equipment not only has higher attributes than their seven- or eight-star equipment, but more importantly, all their equipment has been enhanced by Wei Bin’s Luban title. Each piece of equipment has higher attributes than their seven- or eight-star equipment. There are eight attributes on the equipment that are doubled. How many attributes are these? In addition, nine-star equipment also comes with skills. How much combat power is this skill worth? ??

Their combat power of one million is worse than this!

So, what is the difference between these dozens of people who have re-cultivated and Wang Xia Qiwuhai?

It’s just a matter of rebuilding! To be honest, apart from rebuilding, their attributes and attributes are about the same as those of the King's Shichibukai. Their combat power is around 1.1 million. This is the gap between them!

Now you know the difference in attributes between Wei Bin and the seven members of Wangxia Qiwuhai, right? The difference is in Chonglou, the ancient dragon soul that has been refined 10,000 times, and re-cultivated. These three are the big ones, followed by equipment, sealing, training and skills, etc.!

However, combat power is just a number after all. It can only describe the strength gap between two players whose combat power is very different. But if there are two people with similar combat power, even the one with lower combat power will not necessarily lose! Even if the combat power exceeds 100,000, or even 200,000, we will not necessarily lose!

the reason is simple!

First, a virtual fight!

Second, honorary combat effectiveness.

Third, hide combat power!

First, let’s talk about virtual warfare. What is virtual warfare? Virtual warfare refers to combat power that is real but not important! For example, your equipment only has one more strength than mine, and the other values ​​are exactly the same as mine, but you are from an internal strength sect. Although the strength attribute also increases your attributes and combat effectiveness, these attributes It is useless to you, that is to say, the combat effectiveness that strength adds to you is virtual combat. It does increase your combat effectiveness, but it does not help your actual combat effectiveness at all!

For another example, if strength and external attack are added to you, then the combat effectiveness brought by these two attributes is virtual combat. Virtual combat means that your combat effectiveness is indeed increased, but it does not change your strength at all. !

Second, honorary combat effectiveness. What is honorary combat effectiveness? Reputation combat power means equipment or babies. When their rank reaches a certain stage, they can have their own reputation. At this time, the system will give them some additional combat power. Wei Bin has benefited from this!

For example, Chonglou, in terms of attributes of Chonglou, it is definitely not twice as good as other seven-star and eight-star equipment at the current level, but what about its combat effectiveness? But it has reached seven or eight times, or even ten times? Why is there such a big gap? The skills of Chonglou itself are part of it, but they are by no means all of it. For example, if a level 70 eight-star equipment has a combat power rating of 10,000, then after all the attributes of Chonglou are equipped with skills, it will only cost 30,000 at most. It’s just combat effectiveness, but in reality? The combat rating of a heavy building is one hundred thousand!

Where does this 80,000 pieces of water come from? It comes from reputation, because Chonglou belongs to the artifact series after all. Even if his real value is not that high, just based on the reputation of this artifact, the system will give him some additional points. This is the reputation of combat power!

In the same way, nine-star equipment also has a reputation for combat power. In terms of attributes and skills, the combat power of a piece of nine-star equipment is only more than 20,000 at most. But in fact, its combat power starts at least 30,000. The combat power of 10,000 is Honorary combat power!

The ancient dragon soul's reputational combat power is even more insignificant. One million combat power all at once? Here, soul refining plays the role of honorary combat power!

To sum up, if all the honorary combat power is removed, then Wei Bin only has 4 million combat power at most!

However, the four million remaining combat power of Wei Bin are all real combat power, and there is absolutely no virtual battle, because Wei Bin is very careful about the methods and routes of creation. Virtual battle is a very scary thing, and it will affect Your judgment, for example, if you want to conquer a certain boss, the standard is to have a team of players with a minimum combat power of 2 million, but because you have 100,000 virtual battles, it may lead to failure!

Wei Bin attaches great importance to this, so his combat power is definitely full of real combat power! Unlike some people who really work hard to improve their combat effectiveness. All kinds of equipment, as long as they can improve their combat effectiveness, regardless of whether their attributes are useful or not, are all welcome, as long as they can increase their combat effectiveness!

Let’s talk about why many people like Xu Zhan in a while. You know, Xu Zhan is not useless, he also has a huge effect!

Let’s talk about the third point, hiding combat power!

What is hidden combat power? Hidden combat power is something other than Tianlong's combat power mechanism. Tianlong's combat power statistical mechanism does not count all combat power. Some combat power will not be counted. It will be used as your personal hidden combat power. So when you calculate your actual combat power, you have to add the combat power on your attribute panel to your hidden combat power!

So what kind of combat effectiveness is considered hidden combat effectiveness?

Create your own skills and magical powers!

The skills you create by yourself will not be counted by the system, such as Tranquility's self-created skill - Mystery Nine Yin Divine Claws!

But there are too few people who can create their own skills. Creating their own skills is not an easy task, and not just anyone can create it. Wei Bin has so many years of experience, doesn’t he also not have his own skills? If you want to create your own skills, you not only need strength, but also luck. Only when you reach a certain atmosphere and have incredible luck can you create your own skills! Thinking back then, wasn't it just because Tian Jing wanted to protect Wei Bin that he created this secret trick of his own, the Nine Yin Divine Claw, in desperation?

Then there are magical skills, because magical skills are skills that players should not have. Players can only obtain magical skills if they have unparalleled luck and experience. Naturally, this is not included in Tianlong's combat power statistical mechanism. It’s within!

Just like Wei Bin's baptism, expulsion, degradation halo and guardian angel!

With virtual war,


The existence of honorary combat power and hidden combat power has led to many examples of killing people with more combat power. For example, you have 200,000 in virtual combat, and I have 100,000 in hidden combat power. Even though you are 200,000 more than me, you are still not me. Your opponent, I can kill you with over 200,000 combat power!

In fact, strictly speaking, honorary combat power can be considered a part of a virtual battle, because that part of the reputational combat power does not bring attributes to the player at all, it is just an increase in combat power for the sake of the system. Isn’t this a virtual battle? ?

Let’s talk about the use of virtual battles. Why do many people like to pursue these useless virtual battles?

In fact, to say that virtual fighting is useless, we need to set a premise for it, and this premise is that virtual fighting is useless during the fight, but it is useful in some places, such as pretending to be critical!

You don’t know how much actual combat power I have. Anyway, my combat power on the ranking list is higher than yours, so I am better than you!

Loading batch is one of them! The most important thing is to challenge the arena!

As we all know, the hero pointers and true martial pointers of player skills come from the hero trials in the arena. Whenever the player passes the designated arena level, he can get a hero pointer or true martial pointer. Later, he can also get Heavy building shoulder!

So when challenging monsters in the arena, is it really the player's actual combat power that counts? wrong!

When you challenge the arena, what matters is not your actual combat power, but your combat power on the ranking list, which is your panel combat power. For example, if you want to clear the 100th floor of the arena, your panel combat power needs to be 1 million, then , you just can't pass the level even one word short of it! This is called combat power suppression. Your combat power must be higher than the combat power of the monsters on that layer before you can pass the level! And as long as your combat effectiveness is higher than the target's combat effectiveness, then even if your combat effectiveness is only slightly higher than his, it will be difficult for you to lose unless you stand still and let the opponent fight! As long as you fight back, you will definitely pass the level!

Don't tell me, a certain person can't even beat me, why can he pass a certain level of hero trial, but I can't? This is the mechanism of the hero trial in the challenge arena. Even though his virtual combat power is 1 million and his actual combat power is 900,000, and your actual combat power and virtual combat power are both 950,000, although he can't beat you, in the hero trial When it comes to practicing, he has an advantage over you, he can pass the level, but you can't!

This can understand why many people like to pursue virtual battles, right? Because they want to break through the higher-level arena. As long as they break through the higher-level arena, won't they be able to benefit from it?

What benefits are gained from it? In the first 100 levels, you can get the number of skill tips. The 100th level officially enters the world of martial arts to improve the friendliness of the protagonist NPC, and then get props such as resurrection stones from their hands! At the same time, you can also get a heavy floor shoulder on the 100th floor! From the 100th floor to the 490th floor, you can get a point of meridian points every ten floors. The meridian points can be used to improve the meridian skills. What are the meridian skills? Meridian skills are divided into two categories, one is to improve the control time of the skill, and the other is to reduce the control time!

For example

Each level of meditation can reduce the sealing and deceleration time by 5, up to a maximum reduction of 50.

Each level of Gang Body can reduce the duration of being put to sleep and paralysis by 5, up to a maximum reduction of 50.

Each level of Bright Eyesight can reduce the time spent being blinded and acupuncture sealed by 5, up to a maximum reduction of 50.

Each level of Gu Yuan can reduce the passive energy and immobilization time by 5, up to a maximum reduction of 50.

Each level of trance can increase the sealing and deceleration time of skill 5.

Each level of Soul Breaking can increase the sleep and paralysis time of skill 5.

Each level of sunshading can increase the blindness and hole sealing time of skill 5.

Each level of Broken Spirit can increase the dispersion and immobilization time of skill 5.

Each meridian point can improve the above-mentioned skills by one level!

Meridian skills, to put it bluntly, are the control time that players use to improve their skills, or to reduce the time they are controlled. Moreover, these skills are very targeted!

For example, if you have a mortal enemy who is a Wu-Tang Clan player, then you can upgrade the Gang Body skill, because the control skills of Wu-Dang Clan players are paralysis and coma. If your mortal enemy is a Xiaoyao Clan player, then you can upgrade the Solid Element skill. , because the control skills of Xiaoyao Pai are spreading power and immobilization. By upgrading the levels of these skills, you can resist the control time of your mortal enemy!

In the same way, you can also use it to upgrade the control skill time of your own sect. If you are a Wudang, then you must upgrade the Broken Soul. If you are a Tianlong, then you should upgrade the Trance skill, because Trance can extend your seal. Skill duration!

This is the wonderful use of meridian points. However, if you want to improve the level of these skills, you must first reach level 70, because the meridian system will be opened only at level 70!

These meridian points are undoubtedly a huge wealth. Isn't this also a benefit brought by challenging the arena?

Next, on the 500th floor, the player's Chonglou Jian will be awakened to True Chonglou Jian, which is also called awakened. Wei Bin will also awaken through this method when he awakens Chonglou Jian in the future.

In short, increasing the level of challenge arena can bring many benefits to players, which is why so many people pursue virtual battles!

In any case, Wei Bin's 5 million panel combat power has directly shocked everyone. Aren't you dissatisfied? Don’t you think you can run away even if I want to kill you? What now? Do you still think so?

Seeing Wei Bin's fighting power, Wang Xia Qiwuhai's face instantly turned as if he had eaten shit. He was disgusting, sad, and mixed with some fear!

How to fight this?

"Guild Leader Wei, everything today is just a misunderstanding. From now on, Nirvana will pass through your Yangguan Road, and our king, Qiwuhai, will cross our own single-plank bridge. The road will be facing the sky, and everyone will go to one side!" After a long silence, the boss finally said Opened his mouth.

Wei Bin has already taken the initiative to express his intention to reconcile, what else can he say? Now that Wei Bin is on the stronger side, he is on the weaker side. We are Dao Zu, and I am Yurou. Dao has already said that we will reconcile, but Yurou still wants to hit the knife on his own?

Wei Bin has a fighting strength of five million. If he continues to be his enemy, wouldn't he be asking for death?

After saying that, Wei Bin put down the sword in his hand!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xia Qiwuhai walked towards the direction of the teleportation array. However, just when they passed by Wei Bin, Wei Bin said, "You won't tell anyone what you just saw, right?"

The implication is, you should understand why I want to hide the arena rankings, right?

Hearing Wei Bin's words, the boss stopped.

"You won't tell anyone about the defeat of our king Shichibukai, will you?" the boss asked.

"Defeated? No! His Majesty Qiwuhai has never been defeated, not in the past, not today, and never in the future! Today, we just had a draw, right?" Wei Bin said with a smile.

Strictly speaking, there is no winner between them today, because they did not kill Wei Bin, and Wei Bin did not kill them together. From this point of view, they are indeed tied. However, if they let If both parties are fair, Wei Bin must have won!

"Haha, I don't know what you are talking about. We didn't see anything today. We just had a martial arts competition with the leader of the Wei Gang!" After saying that, the boss led the people of Wangxia Qiwuhai past Wei Bin and walked towards Teleportation array!

It can be said that both of them are

Get what you need!

Since Wei Bin has been hiding his combat power rankings on weekdays, it means that Wei Bin does not want his combat power to be exposed, and Wang Xia Qiwuhai naturally wants to keep it a secret for him!

In exchange, Wei Bin would not tell anyone about the defeat of King Shichibukai. After all, King Shichibukai has been undertaking various assassination missions. Their team is a very high-end assassination team, and it was even more so in the past. There was no defeat. If the news of their defeat spread today, it would definitely have a very bad impact on their reputation!

However, this scene, as well as Wei Bin's ranking first on the ranking list, were all seen by a little girl licking a lollipop in her mouth.

Soon, Wang Xia Qiwuhai came to Xiongba. Xiongba himself was in the direction of the teleportation array. It was just because of the pull of their battle just now that they were far away from Xiongba! ??

"Your Majesty Qibukai, what do you mean? Why don't you kill Wei Bin?" Xiongba asked seriously. He hired Wangxia Qiwuhai at a high price to assassinate Wei Bin. Now without killing Wei Bin, they will If Xiong Ba wants to leave, he has to give them an explanation no matter what!

"Haha, I will return your deposit to you intact, and I don't need you to compensate for my own blockade props. However, I can say the ugly things first. If you tell what happened today, then you will be proud of the world. Just wait to face the wrath of our king Qiwukai!" the boss said viciously.

Seeing the seriousness of the boss of the Shichibukai, Xiongba was shocked for a moment. He knew the strength of the Shichibukai very well, otherwise he would not have chosen to hire them. With the strength of the Shichibukai, With their strength, it couldn’t be easier to hunt down the main members of Aoshi, and they have no fixed abode. It is definitely not easy for Aoshi to encircle and suppress them. No big force would dare to offend a killer organization. of!

Why did Wei Bin take the initiative to make peace with Wangxia Qiwuhai when he had an absolute advantage? Is he afraid of Wang Xia Qiwuhai? No, he has never taken the King's Shichibukai seriously. However, he is not afraid of the King's Shichibukai. It does not mean that other people in Nirvana are not afraid of the King's Shichibukai. If he had just attacked the King's Shichibukai Killing him will openly destroy the reputation of Wang Shichibukai's undefeated record and make Wang Shichibukai lose face. Then it is likely to anger Wang Shichibukai. If Wang Shichibukai wants to take revenge on Nirvana, that method is too much. If there are more, they can completely bypass Wei Bin and attack other members of Nirvana. Looking at the entire Nirvana, even the core members of Nirvana have no chance of winning when faced with the encirclement and suppression of King Qiwuhai. Wei Bin I don’t want Nirvana to be constantly harassed by the King’s Shichibukai. Just imagine, even Wei Bin, who is not afraid of the King’s Shichibukai, would not dare to turn against the King’s Shichibukai, let alone Xiong Ba! If His Majesty Qibukai deliberately wants to cause trouble to Xiong Ba, then Xiong Ba really has no temper at all!

So even though he faced the threat from the Qibuhai under the king, Xiongba didn't say any harsh words!

"In addition, a friendly reminder, Wei Bin is not as fragile as you think. If possible, I suggest you reconcile with Wei Bin!" After saying that, the boss took back the formation restriction he just set and entered without looking back. The teleportation array!

Later, Wei Bin also followed. Before leaving, he threw a sentence to Xiongba: "Xiongba Gang Leader, if you have time, how about we go together to witness the destruction of your main city? Haha!"

"Destruction? Haha, Wei Bin, what will happen even if you leave today alive? Nirvana City is now in danger. Our proud army has already reached a position a hundred meters away from Nirvana City. I believe that in a few minutes, Nirvana City will be destroyed. The owner is about to change, haha! Now you can't even save Nirvana City, but you still have the intention to threaten me? Is it possible that you can still destroy our entire city with your own strength?" Xiongba sneered.

"Haha, believe it or not, if you still want to see your main city for the last time." After saying that, Wei Bin stepped into the teleportation array, and the teleportation target was none other than Aoshi's main city!

Just walking out of the teleportation array, the scene in front of me was really shocking!

There are a group of proud members. Looking around, there should be no less than ten thousand people. In addition to here, there are tens of thousands of people guarding every place near the City Lord's Mansion, near the Resurrection Temple, and at the city gate tower!

"Haha, it seems that Xiongba is really prepared!" Wei Bin expressed his disdain!

In order to sneak attack on Nirvana City and win the bet he made at the Red Alert Competition venue yesterday, Xiongba worked really hard!

Originally, in Xiongba's plan, he did want to attack Nirvana City, but the time was not today, but seven days later, but who knew that Wei Bin made a bet with him yesterday to see who could capture the other side first? In the main city of Nirvana, in order to avoid long nights and long dreams, Xiongba hurriedly took action the next day. Anyway, he had already made sufficient preparations. It didn't matter to him which day he would attack Nirvana City!

In order to successfully capture Nirvana City, Xiongba deliberately chose the early morning when the federal government would hold the first ever auction. In addition, Wei Bin had a free coupon in his hand, so he was 100% sure. Baihui went to participate in this auction. Wei Bin's combat effectiveness is very high. It would be great if Wei Bin could miss the defense battle of Nirvana City. By then, Wei Bin would face a dilemma. If he leaves, At the auction venue, he will lose the opportunity to auction items. In such an important auction, the auction items are absolutely priceless. If Wei Bin wants to return to Nirvana City, he is destined to lose the high value in this auction. thing! At the same time, missing the auction will also affect his mind, preventing him from displaying his true strength! And what if Wei Bin doesn't come back to help? Then he will spend the whole auction in fear!

In addition, no matter whether Wei Bin returns to Nirvana City to defend it or not, he will be killed by Wang Shichibukai. Death is a small thing, but being trapped here for an hour and not being able to resurrect is a big thing. After an hour, the day lilies are cold, Nirvana The city has changed hands a long time ago!

It can be said that no matter what choice Wei Bin makes, he will never be able to see Nirvana City for the last time!

This is part of the Xiongba plan!

Another part of Xiongba's plan is to transfer people from another gang city. A fourth-level gang city can increase the maximum number of gang members by 100,000, and Aoshi now has two gang cities, that is, It was said that the upper limit of Aoshi's gang members was 200,000 people. Xiongba directly transferred 100,000 troops from another gang city. 40,000 of them came to defend Aoshi's main city, and the other 60,000 cooperated with the local 100,000 troops. Thousands of people went to attack Nirvana City! This is Xiongba's arrangement. Although he is confident enough to take down Nirvana City, he has to be careful that Wei Bin will find him a replacement, because he is raiding Nirvana City. During his raid, Nirvana City must be There are not many Nirvana players. After all, they also need to upgrade, do tasks, and have their own things to do. They can't stay in Nirvana and hang up all the time, right? In other words, when he raided Nirvana City, there would be many players living outside Nirvana, and Xiongba used his connections in the Angel Chamber of Commerce to get a seal scroll. He used the teleportation array in Nirvana City to attack the tower. , the defense tower and the arrow tower were all sealed for an hour. Under this situation, those Nirvana players who cannot return to Nirvana City will most likely find Xiongba to change their homes. Anyway, I can't return to Nirvana City now, so it's better I'll just go and fight you to the death. It will all depend on who can demolish the house faster. Whoever demolishes the house faster will win this bet!

In order to prevent Wei Bin from switching houses like this, Xiongba will definitely take some precautions. He must leave some people to defend his main city. It doesn't need to be too many, as long as they can hold on until they win Nirvana City. , so Xiongba left 40,000 people to defend his hometown. If he didn't arrange for people to defend his hometown, if he was attacked by Nirvana, who would he have to talk to to explain the props and plans he had carefully prepared for so long?

The above is another link in the Xiongba plan! Next, is the third link in the Xiongba plan, which also makes him confident that he can capture Nirvana City.


The capital is-Yamamon!

During an accidental outing, Xiong Ba discovered the injured Yamata Beast, which surprised Xiong Ba. Hadn't the Yamata Beast been captured by Wei Bin? Why is it still alive? But when Xiongba saw the extremely weak aura of the Yamatamon, he suddenly thought that the Yamatamon is a snake-like creature with extremely strong vitality. Is it possible that before Wei Bin killed the Yamatamon, Did Yamatamon already escape from its shell? And it has to pay a certain price for the golden cicada to escape its shell, and the price he paid is the reason why it is so weak now!

In fact, this is indeed the case. Before the Bull Demon King exhausted the last trace of Yamatomon's blood, Yamatomon knew that it would be difficult to escape its bad luck today, so it used the special skills of the Yamato clan. , it combines all the abilities of its body into one point, gathers all the essence in the body into the snake's tail, and then cuts off its tail. After the Yamakimon's tail is broken, it turns into a small snake. In this way, no one notices In this case, he successfully escaped!

However, abandoning the main body will still severely damage its vitality. After escaping, Yamakimon can only hide for fear of being discovered by humans again, because it is very weak at this time and can be killed by any player with a limit of five or more. , Yamakimon must hide and recuperate, and then come out after recovering some strength!

At this time, Yamakimon was very miserable and aggrieved!

It turns out that it is the ancient demon god of the Japanese pirate country - Yamata no Orochi! However, he was killed by Susano'o in the background. When he was about to die, Yamata-no-Orochi used the method of golden cicada to escape from its shell, just like Yamatamon this time. Although its strength was not as good as before, it became extremely weak after escaping. , but at least its life was saved!

Afterwards, in order to restore his own strength, Yamata no Orochi adopted the method of reincarnation, incarnating thousands of clones to practice in the human world, and then regain his strength faster, and Yamata no Orochi is one of its clones!

Later, Yamatomon met a captain of the Japanese pirate clan. The colonel had a fruit in his hand. As long as Yamatomon got this fruit, its strength could improve a lot, but in return, it must Thirty years of service to the colonel will do the trick! In order to get this fruit, Yamatomon had no choice but to agree! After that, there was the incident of Yamatamon's invasion of Border City and the incident of Nirvana's liberation of Border City, and then there was the scene where Xiong Ba met Yamatamon!

And just when Xiongba was about to lead people to kill it, Yamatomon begged for mercy. Yamatomon was willing to serve Xiongba. In return, Xiongba wanted to help it regain its strength. Xiongba, who had seen Yamatomon's power, Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity, so Yaqimon became Xiongba's thug, and Xiongba began to run around to help Yaqimon regain its strength. Of course, Xiongba did this for himself, after all, in the future, Baqimon would Yamato is his thug. If he doesn't help Yamato regain its strength, how can Yamato help?

However, if Yamatamon wants to regain its strength, it needs to eat boys and girls, just like the Yamata no Orochi of the past. Where did the Yamata no Orochi turn over? Wasn't it because he loved to eat boys and girls that Susano-o killed him?

So, Xiongba began to send people to search for boys and girls everywhere. Of course, these boys and girls were all indigenous residents of the Tianlong world. They were just fictional characters. Naturally, Xiongba had no sympathy!

In this way, after killing thousands of boys and girls for Yamatomon, Yamatomon's strength finally recovered, returning to the strength it had when he was in the border city!

Xiong Ba knew that his chance had come!

You know, when we were just able to defeat the Yamatamon, 99 relied on the aura of exhaustion, and the aura of exhaustion can only take effect at the designated mission location after accepting the gang subjugation mission. The current Nirvana does not have exhaustion. Halo, he takes the lead to attack Yamatamon?

And Xiongba is not a fool. He knows that although Nirvana does not have the aura of exhaustion, there is a hero living in Nirvana city! As the second gang with heroes in the entire Middle-earth continent, Xiongba's Aoshi naturally knows how powerful heroes are. And Wei Bin can hire the Geomancer King, but Xiongba can't? Xiongba deliberately summoned the Geomancer King, then carefully studied its attributes and skills, and compared it with the strength of Yamatomon. To be honest, when he conquers Nirvana City, it all depends on Yamatomon and Yamatomon. The gap between the Geomancer King and when the Yamakimon's strength can recover to the point where it can crush the Geomancer King is the time for him to take action against Nirvana City!

When Yamatomon's strength returned to what it was in the border city, Yamatomon's strength was already three times that of the Geomancer King. Xiongba knew that the time had come! As long as the Geomancer King of Nirvana City is eliminated, Nirvana will undoubtedly be defeated. By then, no one in Nirvana will be able to resist the ravages of the Yamatamon!

This is indeed the case. Yamatamon is too powerful. With Yamagata's output, who can withstand its volley without dying? If players can rely on head-on strength to conquer Yamatamon, then it won't be Nirvana's turn to attack it. There are so many max-level players who have gone to attack Yamatamon, so what's the matter with Nirvana? But isn’t it difficult to use it if the limit reaches five players? If the Yamakimon fires down a volley, players who reach the limit of five will definitely die! The Baqi beast has rough skin and thick flesh. Based on the players at the current stage, it is estimated that only five players can break through its defense! However, the Yamatamon is a domineering thug, and it has an ally relationship with the proud Emei. Emei can increase the blood of the Yamatamon. With such a huge amount of blood, the Yamatamon can be matched with a few Qingxin Emei's blood has been restored by the universal good curse, can the Yamata beast still die? They get blood back based on a percentage!

The above is all Xiong Ba’s plan. It can be said that there are no loopholes in his plan. Basically, Nirvana City can be conquered!

And now, what Wei Bin is facing is part of Xiongba's plan. There are 40,000 people standing in front of Wei Bin! Can he destroy the proud main city among these 40,000 people?

However, the next scene shocked all the players in the entire Proud World City area!

"Everyone, please pay attention. In one minute, I will wash this city with blood. By then, everyone who is still in this city will not survive! Therefore, those who have nothing to do with Aoshi, please leave quickly to avoid hurting innocent people." !" Wei Bin directly used the speaker function of the system!

The system has a speaker function. If you shout through this speaker, all players in the entire city can hear and see what you say! However, there is a fee for the speaker function. After all, the system gives you such great convenience, so it is understandable to charge a fee!

The cost of this speaker is 1,000 gold per call!

That's right, you spent 10 million federal coins just to let the whole city know what you were talking about!

"Wash the city with blood? Just on your own? Hahahaha, you're laughing so hard!" At this moment, Xiongba behind Wei Bin laughed. To be honest, Wei Bin just asked Xiongba on the other side of the teleportation array When he came back to take one last look at his main city, he really shocked Xiong Ba. Seeing that Wei Bin looked extremely serious, Xiong Ba had to take it seriously, so he really returned to his main city!

Who would have thought that as soon as he returned to the city, he would see such a scene. Wei Bin was surrounded by tens of thousands of people, and then he uttered wild words about washing his city with blood? Did you go to the wrong set? This is not your Nirvana City, this is my city. To be honest, I will kill you directly. Even if you become famous, I will not be afraid. The guards here are all hired by me. Is it possible that they can arrest me? Can't? Now I am a knife-sitter and you are a fish-meat! Who gave you the courage to say that you wanted to bloodbath our main city? Liang Jingru? Are you confused because Nirvana City is about to be lost?

However, Wei Bin ignored Xiong Ba and continued to use the loudspeaker to repeat the same words as before!

"Haha, brothers, kill him! Let him see what a bloodbath is?" Xiong Ba ordered!

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