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Chapter 965 The Invincible Geomancer King

After saying that, the body of the Geomancer King turned its head and turned its gaze to Wei Bin. I don’t know what it was thinking in its heart. Maybe it was grateful for Wei Bin’s trust.

"Ho! Wei Bin, stop talking nonsense, do you want to defeat me just because of this crippled dog head? Haha, you should first ask him if he can still stand firm! Wei Bin! Today, I not only want to kill him with my own hands If I kill you, I will kill all your brothers with my own hands, and I will take away your Nirvana City with my own hands to repay the hatred in my heart!" Before Xiongba could speak, Yamakimon spoke first!

It felt deep contempt from Wei Bin's eyes and words! It's like he can kill himself twice if he can kill himself once! The last time, the reason why the Yamatamon was defeated was because Wei Bin had the help of the Halo of Heart. This was the main reason. Secondly, the Yamata was careless at that time. It underestimated the enemy, so it lost Jingzhou because of its carelessness. To be honest, if It didn't underestimate the enemy at that time, and it had no problem trying to escape! But today is different. Yaqi Beast has learned its lesson. The most important thing is that Wei Bin has the Halo of Endless Heart today. Why should Wei Bin, who has the Halo of Endless Heart, defeat it again? Just rely on the dying Geomancer King in front of you? hehe!

"Wei Bin, did you hear this? Stop bluffing. If you know what's going on, I advise you to hand over the City Lord Token directly. In this way, I can consider letting you Nirvana players go. Otherwise, haha, You should know what will happen!" Xiongba threatened.

"Haha! Xiongba, I would like to advise you, take this eight-headed bug beside you and leave here, so as not to lose your wife and lose your troops! If you don't listen to the advice, you will definitely regret it in the future!" Wei Bin counterattacked road.

"What? How dare you call me a worm? I am the reincarnation of the Yamata no Orochi, Wei Bin. Today I will make you die without a burial place!" The Yamata beast roared angrily, and then the eight heads came together. Fired a huge energy bomb towards Wei Bin!

Yamakimon, what he hates most in his life is that others call him a bug, but he is a snake! How can bugs be compared to snakes? Calling it a bug is a huge insult!

However, facing these eight projectiles from the Yamakimon, Wei Bin did not dodge, but shouldered them forcefully! Because he knew that this was just a prelude to the war, not that Yamatamon really wanted to kill him!

"Since we can't reach an agreement, then we can only see the real deal on the battlefield!" Wei Bin said disdainfully.

"Hahaha! As the weaker side, you actually have the nerve to say such words that are true on the battlefield. Wei Bin, I really don't know where you got the courage!" Xiong Ba laughed.

"Okay, you will know where I got the courage soon. However, before that, I still want to say a few words. Everyone in Aoshi, listen. Your gang leader Xiongba made a bet with me yesterday. I believe you Everyone should know what the content of the bet is, that is, whoever loses the main city first will disband the gang. Right now, I have destroyed Ao Shi's main city, but what about Xiong Ba? Instead of disbanding the gang immediately, he also Are you trying to seize our Nirvana City? Are people like Xiang Xiongba the gang leader who sacrificed their lives for? Are you the same as him because he doesn't know shame? That's it, everyone can decide for themselves! "Wei Bin yelled.

That's right, Wei Bin is trying to persuade the proud players to quit. Wei Bin wants to make them feel ashamed, and wants their shame to prompt them to quit the gang! At the same time, these words he said were also meant for passers-by. You must know that such a large-scale battle, involving the participation of Yamatomon and the Geomancer King at the same time, would definitely be unprecedented even in the entire Middle-earth continent. The first time it happened, many war reporters and anchors had sneaked into the city and were hiding in certain corners to broadcast every scene here. What Wei Bin had to do was not only to persuade the proud players to retreat, but also to Yes, he wants people all over the world to see Xiong Ba’s face, and let people all over the world know that Xiong Ba is a person who doesn’t keep his word!

"Haha, Wei Bin, please stop being so sweet. Yesterday we did make a bet. Whoever's main city is destroyed first will dissolve his gang city. However, we did not explain the reason for disbanding the gang at that time. The specific time, is it within one minute, or within ten minutes? Or within an hour? Or within a day? I, Xiongba, am a man of his word. Since I agreed to the bet with you, then I will I will definitely fulfill my promise, but after I finish fighting this war, I can’t just disband the gang in the middle of the war, right? If so, can I be worthy of my dead brothers? Don’t worry, I will Please rest assured that I, Xiong Ba, will do what I say. As long as this war is over, no matter the outcome, I will disband Aoshi immediately!" Xiong Ba said with great confidence. It seems that for him, disbanding Aoshi is not a big deal. The same!

Xiong Ba's words were actually meant for the audience. How dare he bear a reputation that does not accept credit? You know, at that time he was boasting in front of the whole world. If he really didn't fulfill it, If you make a promise, then you are not breaking your promise to others, but you are breaking your promise to the world!

"Haha, Xiongba, if you want to be eloquent, you are the best! How dare I try to do anything in front of you? Haha!" Wei Bin was speechless at Xiongba's shamelessness.

"Xiong Ba! What do you really think of everyone in the world? You are playing this kind of word game. It is useless to talk too much. People who understand will naturally understand. People who don't want to understand, no matter how much I say, they still don't understand! Come on! , start the war!" After saying that, Wei Bin raised the sword in his hand!

"Haha! If you want to fight, then fight. I want to see what other cards you have!" Xiongba said proudly.

"I have already said that I have no other trump card. My only trump card is the Geomancer King. The Geomancer King is the hero of our Nirvana City. Do you know what a hero means? I think you I will never understand in my life that a hero is a person who protects the people he wants to protect even if he sacrifices himself! And the Geomancer King is the hero of our entire Nirvana City!" Wei Bin shouted loudly.

As soon as Wei Bin finished speaking, the body of the Geomancer King once again turned its attention to Wei Bin. This time, its eyes were both determined and brave. There was also a kind of gratitude in both of them. It had this kind of look last time. when it is, or when it is determined to die

Immediately afterwards, the Geomancer King turned his head back and looked at Yamatamon. The three clones were also ready to attack at any time. Even the clone that couldn't even stand still. He braced himself up, straightened his back, and exuded the aura of death all over his body. It was obvious that the Geomancer King was ready to fight to the death. He was going to burn his life to launch the final blow! Just for Wei Bin's recognition and trust, and to maintain the honor of the title of hero!

"Haha, you dare to make mistakes when you don't have a trump card, let's see how you win! Yamatamon, come on! Kill the Geomancer King for me!" Xiong Ba ordered.

"Remember what you promised me," Yamakimon finally confirmed before stepping forward.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I lead my people to attack the Japanese pirates, and I will take the fruits you want from them!" Xiongba said.

In fact, Xiong Ba and Yaqimon rely on a deal to maintain their alliance. That is, Xiongba helps Yaqimon regain its strength and helps it get the fruit it wants from the Japanese pirate clan. Take it from the colonel, and in return, the Yamatamon must obey Xiongba's orders, just like the Yamatamon obeyed the colonel's orders back then!

Hearing Xiongba's confirmation, Yamatomon turned around.

"Haha, Wei Bin, accept death!" Yamakimon roared angrily!

And when he heard the roar of the Yamatamon, the Geomancer King also prepared an attack stance, ready to protect Wei Bin next to him at any time!

"Don't be anxious, Geomancer King! You're just dealing with a mere insect, so why be so anxious!" Wei Bin said leisurely.

Hearing Wei Bin's words, Yamatomon became even more angry! Are you still talking nonsense when you are about to die?

As the Geomancer King, he was also extremely surprised. He was obviously no match for the Yamatamon. Why did Wei Bin say this?

"I have a set of holy clothes here. Come and try it on. Does it fit?" After saying that, Wei Bin picked up the bag he got from the Red Alert Competition venue yesterday.


I took out the universal hero suit I arrived!

"Haha, Wei Bin, I've known for a long time that you have such a set of equipment in your hand, but do you think the Geomancer King will be the opponent of Yamatamon when he puts on this set of equipment?" Xiongba said nonchalantly. , he knew very well that the strength of Yamakimon was three times that of the Geomancer King, so what if the Geomancer King wore this set of equipment? After wearing it, Yamatomon is still 15 times stronger than the Geomancer King. In terms of strength, the Geomancer King is still no match for Yamatomon! What's more, the current Geomancer King is already scarred. As far as the actual situation is concerned, Yamakimon's strength is even twice as strong as the Geomancer King! Want to make a comeback with just a set of hero equipment? What are you dreaming about? Why did Xiongba still dare to attack Nirvana City even though he knew that Wei Bin had a set of hero equipment yesterday? Isn't it because he knows the strength gap between the Geomancer King and Yamakimon? Even if the Geomancer King wore this equipment in its heyday, it would still be no match for Yamatamon!

"Haha, you will naturally understand after putting it on whether it is the opponent of Yamakimon or not!" Wei Bin said.

Then this set of heroic equipment instantly blessed the Geomancer King's whole body. Due to the special relationship between the Geomancer King's avatar and the main body, any attributes and equipment between them are shared. Therefore, the local Geomancer King's body wears When wearing this set of hero equipment, the other three clones were also covered in armor. Each piece of armor was tightly combined with each other without any gaps. Under the coverage of the entire set of armor, Geomancer Except for the eyes, no part of the king's body is exposed to the outside. You don't need to try it to know that his defense ability is very powerful!

And after the local fortune teller king put on this set of heroic equipment, his whole person was instantly refreshed and full of vitality. He felt endless power on his body. This kind of power was not felt even at his peak. Pass! After putting on this set of equipment, even its physical strength has been restored to some extent. Although it has not recovered yet, it is no longer serious. Even the dying clone has recovered half of its strength. Needless to say, this set of equipment is really powerful!

"This" Geomancer King looked at this set of equipment in surprise. However, the surprise was not over yet. Just when it was adapting to this endless power, it suddenly separated from its body again. It has three clones, that is to say, it now has a total of seven bodies together with the clones and the main body, and the strength of each body is exactly the same!

"This" Geomancer King was surprised again. This set of equipment has great benefits for it!

Hero Universal Set

Blood limit doubled

Attack doubled

Hit doubled

Dodge doubled

Know twice as much

Knowing defense doubled

Resistance doubled

Skill effect doubled

Wearing such a set of equipment that doubles his attributes, wouldn't the gain be huge? Couldn't it be full of power?

Just after the Geomancer King put on such a set of equipment, why was his strength greatly restored? Because its upper blood limit has increased. Although the attribute of the upper blood limit is not highlighted when the Geomancer King fights Yamakimon, the attribute of the upper blood limit is only relative to the player, but it gives the Geomancer King all the benefits. The strength it brings is indeed real, but it is not called the blood limit, it is called vitality. If the vitality is doubled, then its strength will naturally improve!

For example, the Geomancer King's vitality was 100 at first, and the vitality of the dying Geomancer King had dropped to 10. But when it put on this set of heroic equipment, its maximum vitality suddenly doubled. , doubled to 200, so at the same time, how much has its current vitality increased? 20? wrong! It has been increased to 110, because the 100 additional vitality when the vitality is doubled is real. With 110 vitality, the Geomancer King's current vitality has exceeded its previous vitality before wearing this set of equipment. vitality? The improvement of vitality means the recovery of injuries, because the injury itself is the external manifestation of vitality, and the two are actually the same thing! In other words, even the weakest clone of the current Geomancer King has surpassed its heyday before it put on the suit, let alone the other clones!

The reason why it was said earlier that King Dibu's injury has only improved, not healed, is because this injury is relative to its existing vitality. Its current upper limit of vitality is 200, and for these vitalities, it is only 110. For the Geomancer King who is around 130 or 140 years old, naturally he cannot be said to be cured, but can only be said to have improved!

As for the Geomancer King, he suddenly has three more intact clones with a vitality of 200. This is actually the last attribute of this suit, doubling the skill effect!

The skill effect is doubled, so that all four skills of the Geomancer King have been strengthened. The net's range and casting distance are doubled, the control time is doubled, the damage and range of deception are also doubled, and the damage and range of passive skills are doubled. The deceleration effect is also doubled, and the most important thing is the three clones that appear in front of you! The number of clones summoned by the ultimate move is also doubled!

Under normal circumstances, the Geomancer King can summon three clones, but when doubled, there will be six clones! Including the true body, there are a total of seven Geomancer Kings!

I saw the Geomancer King roaring fiercely towards the sky, as if he was showing his power to Yamakimon and Xiongba. After all, after wearing this set of equipment, the Geomancer King is really too strong!

Seeing that the Geomancer King had three more clones of the Geomancer King, Yamakimon and Xiongba couldn't help but pay attention to it. Obviously, the Geomancer King's strength had indeed improved a lot, and the Geomancer King's momentum had also increased. Everything is different. Where is the dying look from just now?

"Haha, I see! However, Wei Bin, you should understand that the gap between the Geomancer King and the Yamatamon is definitely not the gap in the number of clones, so today, you will still fail!" Xiongba thought for a while. He said, but his momentum was obviously not as good as before!

Although the Geomancer King seems to be stronger than before, this is to be expected. Although the Geomancer King has become stronger, it is still no match for Yamakimon. This is a sure thing. matter! And why is Xiongba no longer as confident as before? Because the Geomancer King had three more clones, this was beyond Xiong Ba's imagination. He thought that after putting on this set of equipment, the Geomancer King would only improve in strength. How could he have imagined that Geomancer King Not only did the king's attributes improve, but he also had three more clones. Obviously, if these three clones are also included, the strength of the Yamatamon will not reach 15 times that of the Geomancer King. Counting If the geomancer is injured, the Yamakimon's strength will not be twice as strong as the geomancer king! Even taking into account the Geomancer King's injuries, Yamakimon's strength at this time is only 15 times that of the Geomancer King at most! Although there is a gap, it is not as big as Xiongba imagined before!

"Haha! Will I fail? You will know right away whether I will fail or not!" Wei Bin said disdainfully. After saying that, he asked Tian Jing to integrate a prop called the Awakening Crystal into the core of the city in the city lord's palace. Inside.

And the next second, the Geomancer King roared violently again!

This roar was earth-shattering. This roar directly scared away the creatures near Nirvana City. These creatures rushed to escape, as if an extremely ferocious creature was born here. If they don't escape now, they will soon in the future. Maybe by the time you want to escape, it's already too late! After all, this momentum is really too terrifying!

Not only the creatures around Nirvana City, but even the always proud Yamatamon subconsciously took a step back after hearing this roar, with a solemn look on his face.

Know what you are thinking!

After a burst of roaring, the Geomancer King suddenly became silent! At the same time, two more clones of the Geomancer King appeared on the spot. At this time, there were already nine Geomancer Kings on the battlefield!

Just like that, the Geomancer King remained silent, without saying a word, and even his expression never changed. It just looked at Yamatamon in silence, as if looking at a dead creature.

At this time, the Geomancer King gave people the impression that he was cold and heartless.

The Geomancer King was silent, and Wei Bin, Yamatamon and Xiongba were also silent, because although Xiongba didn't know what Wei Bin had done or how much the Geomancer King had improved just now, he He could feel that the entire Geomancer King's aura was different. Its aura had even surpassed that of Yamatamon. He didn't know what to do at this time. He didn't know if Yamatamon could still defeat it. Geomancer King

And Yamakimon has been estimating the strength of the Geomancer King. The strength of a boss cannot be seen from the appearance alone. Even if it is judged from the momentum, it can only be judged one or two, and it is impossible to be precise at all. To estimate the opponent's strength, the Yamakimon in front of it was caught in such thinking. It could clearly feel that the momentum of the Geomancer King at this time had exceeded its own. As for its strength, it was difficult to say. Therefore, facing the greatly increased strength of the Geomancer King, even Yamatamon became silent!

"Fuck, that's awesome!"

"The Geomancer King is invincible!"

"The Geomancer King is invincible!"

"The Geomancer King is invincible!"

I don't know who it was that suddenly took the lead in shouting such a sentence. The momentum of the Geomancer King is right in front of you. Who can't feel it?

For a moment, the entire Nirvana was boiling. They knew that Nirvana City was defended and Nirvana won!

Wei Bin really has a lot of trump cards. As long as Wei Bin is here, Nirvana City can't lose anything!

Returning to the Awakening Crystal that Wei Bin let Tian Jing blend into, this Awakening Crystal was bought by a ticket dealer at an auction for 610,000 gold. Later, Wei Bin spent 400,000 gold. Bought it from this ticket seller, the effect is to double the hero's attributes and increase the level of the ultimate move by one level!

Doubling the hero's attributes is understandable. It has the same effect as the suit that Wei Bin just put on the Geomancer King. So, what does it mean to increase the level of the ultimate move by one level?

Raising the level of the ultimate move by one level actually strengthens the effect of the ultimate move. Compared with that suit, this awakening crystal can only strengthen the hero's ultimate move, but cannot strengthen several other small skills. Moreover, Even if the ultimate move is strengthened, its increase is not as large as the increase brought by this suit!

For the Geomancer King, upgrading the level of his ultimate move can only add an additional clone, but the enhanced skills of this set are different. The set of skills doubles the effect of the Geomancer King's skills. The doubling is from three clones to six, but the awakening crystal can only increase by one. This is the gap between the two!

At that time, Wei Bin spent 400,000 gold to get this Awakening Crystal. Now through attribute comparison, it is not difficult to deduce that the price of this set of hero equipment must be more than 400,000 gold. After all, it is more expensive than the Awakening Crystal. Stone is more powerful! If we had to put a price on it, its value would be hundreds of thousands of gold!

And this was just given to Wei Bin by the federal government as a reward for the person who made the most bets. This number sounds like a lot at first glance, but in fact, compared to Wei Bin's losses, it really doesn't even count as interest. , Wei Bin lost 100 million gold, but this set of hero equipment is worth hundreds of thousands of gold at most. The difference is clear at a glance. Therefore, those who envy Wei Bin actually do not need to envy Wei Bin at all, because Wei Bin got this set Hero equipment is just superficial brilliance, what about strength? Wei Bin is so embarrassed that he doesn’t even recognize his own mother!

Back on the battlefield, since the Geomancer King's ultimate move has changed from being able to summon three clones to summoning four clones, after adding the hero equipment, it will naturally become eight clones, including the main body. There are nine Geomancer Kings. It can be said that the number of Geomancer Kings is more than the heads of Yamatomon. Didn't Yamatomon bully the minority just now? Isn't it possible to easily build its own defense system and attack system by virtue of its many brains? So what’s next?

"Wei Bin has such a god-level item and can still hide it until now. Doesn't this really mean that he is not worried that Nirvana City will be lost if he can't come back?" said a passerby player.

"Haha, as a trump card, naturally you have to wait until the most critical and most critical time to use it. Otherwise, how can you call it a trump card? If he uses it on others and lets people know his trump card, it will still be useful. Really? The offensive side will only launch an attack when they have a countermeasure! I think Wei Bin is right to do this!"

"Wei Bin is really too low-key. He is not only low-key, but also very confident. You asked a good question just now. Isn't Wei Bin afraid that if he can't enter Nirvana City, Nirvana City will be lost?" Will Bin worry about this problem? He won't, because he is confident. He believes that he can come back. He believes that with his own strength, he can definitely pass through the layers of proud walls and return to the City Lord's Mansion. Hey, How domineering is this?"

Many anchors and passerby players are talking about Wei Bin and the current situation on the battlefield!

And just such a sentence was actually heard by Xiong Ba!

"That's right, how did Wei Bin get in? We have sealed the teleportation array in Nirvana City, and our people have also surrounded every prop that can enter Nirvana City. How did Wei Bin get in? Xiongba asked loudly. It can be said that the current battlefield situation is no longer dominated by Ao Shi. The current situation can be said to be complicated and confusing. No one knows how much the Geomancer King's strength has improved. All of this was caused by Wei Bin's return. So, how did Wei Bin get in from the water-tight iron barrel they surrounded? Regarding this point, Xiongba must have an explanation. He must know where his mistake came from and who let Wei Bin enter the city!

"Gang leader, Wei Bin entered the city by himself, and no one let him in!" said a player.

"What? Wei Bin entered the city by himself? How is this possible? There are hundreds of thousands of us, how could Wei Bin enter? Even if he could enter, it would definitely take a lot of time. How could he and Do you want me to enter this Nirvana City together? Are some of you slacking off?" Xiong Ba asked.

It stands to reason that Wei Bin sent Xiongba to the underworld at that time, and Xiongba relied on his majesty and rushed to see Po Meng for soup and returned to the world as soon as he entered the underworld. Then, he directly came to the nearest Nirvana City through the teleportation array. into the player's gang city, and then rode his mount to Nirvana City! It can be said that he did not waste even a second along the way!

Even Wei Bin was like him. When he came out of the underworld, Wei Bin was teleported to the gang city closest to Nirvana City at the same time. Even Wei Bin didn't waste a moment, and the two of them rode their mounts together. We arrived at Nirvana City, but Xiongba was a proud man, and Aoshi would take the initiative to make way for him to pass, but what about Wei Bin? Wei Bin is hostile. How could the people in Aoshi let him into the city? There will definitely be a big battle during this period. With so many players in Aoshi, even if Wei Bin has enough strength to break into the city, he can't. It will take five or six minutes, right? How could it be possible that as soon as he started speaking, Wei Bin started talking behind him? Isn't this the Nirvana City that Wei Bin and he entered at the same time?

How can this be? Doesn't it take time for Wei Bin to break through the level? Unless someone lets Wei Bin into the city, just like a proud man lets Xiong Ba into the city! Otherwise, Wei Bin would not have been able to enter the city so quickly!

Go back a few minutes.

After Wei Bin destroyed the proud main city, he immediately used the locator he had prepared in advance. Wei Bin deliberately positioned the locator


At the city gate of the city closest to Nirvana City, that is to say, Wei Bin was triggered from the city gate and ran towards Nirvana City!

And what about Xiongba? He teleported to the city's teleportation array, and then started on his way using the teleportation array. It would take three minutes to get from the teleportation array to the city gate, right? Here, this tyrant is actually three minutes behind Wei Bin!

Wei Bin's mount and Xiong Ba's mount are both mounts that increase the movement speed by 100. In other words, the time it takes for them to get from the city gate to Nirvana City is the same!

Next, when Wei Bin arrived at Nirvana City, he was indeed blocked by the world-proud players. However, the combat effectiveness of this group of players was too low. They were just ordinary players of the world. They did not even have three-level gems inlaid. How to resist Wei Bin's attack?

However, in order to save time, Wei Bin still adopted the fastest method to enter the city!

Wei Bin decisively activated God's Descending. You must know that in the state of God's Descending, Wei Bin's attack has a splash effect of 100, and the target being splashed can ignore its defense. This is definitely Wei Bin's fastest progress. The city's law is over!

Among the group of people who were ignored by Wei Bin for defense, Wei Bin's internal power attack was as high as 160,000, and his attribute damage was as high as 100,000. A casual hit could cause 260,000 damage, but Wei Bin's understanding was so high, every hit was a knowing one. A casual hit with more than half a million blood, to deal with this group of players, wouldn't it just kill them all with just one hit?

The descent of the gods, which lasted only ten seconds, allowed Wei Bin to break a third of the way into the city!

Next, after the duration of the gods descending to earth ended, Wei Bin made another baptismal move, clearing the area for twenty meters. Wei Bin advanced ten meters without any hindrance. Then, under the violent massacre, Wei Bin advanced again. A certain distance, Wei Bin had already advanced two-thirds of the way. It can be said that Wei Bin was not hindered at all in this two-thirds distance. He was held back by the proud man, which was completely In the last third of the journey!

By the time he reached two-thirds of the way, Wei Bin no longer had any splash damage from the gods descending to earth and changing flowers and trees. If he wanted to move forward, he could only chop him off one by one!

but! People in Ao Shi are not fools. Ao Shi also has a command. Seeing that Wei Bin's actions were not greatly hindered, Ao Shi's command immediately issued an order to use a human wall to resist Wei Bin! They knew that with their strength, it was too difficult to kill Wei Bin, so Aoshi's commander simply gave up the output and directly asked Aoshi players to use a human wall to surround Wei Bin!

You know, in the game Tianlong, people have a collision volume. If there is someone standing in front of you, you just can't pass, just like in the real world!

And what if Wei Bin is surrounded by people? Then Wei Bin's progress will naturally be more difficult! Under the command of Commander Aoshi, every time Wei Bin killed a person in front of him, the Aoshi player behind him would immediately fill in. The purpose of the player who filled in was not to kill Wei Bin, but to kill Wei Bin. Use your body to create this collision volume, allowing Wei Bin to move forward without any space. At the same time, throw out the control skills in his hand. His role is not output. The output is the matter of other remote sects. Their task is to use their own Use your body to block Wei Bin's progress, and at the same time control Wei Bin as much as possible, giving others time to deal with it. If you can kill Wei Bin, it would be the best!

You know, if Wei Bin wants to move forward, he must kill the person in front of him, and even if he can kill the person in front of him instantly, it will take at least 0.5 seconds, right? One person can delay Wei Bin for 05 seconds, but what about ten people? What about a hundred people? It only takes a hundred people to delay Wei Bin for nearly a minute. At this time, time is precious. Every minute that Wei Bin is delayed, the probability of Aoshi's final victory can be increased by one point. Aoshi has hundreds of thousands of players. , what they don’t lack most now is people!

In this way, at first, Aoshi's tactics did indeed hinder Wei Bin to a certain extent. However, soon, Wei Bin began to ignore this style of play and regarded the obstacles that this style of play had on him. The effect is reduced to a minimum!

So how did Wei Bin crack this tactic? All of this stems from Wei Bin’s Ancient Dragon Soul and Zhiqing Diao!

It has to be said that Wei Bin's Ancient Dragon Soul and Zhiqing Diao are so awesome, their output is not even inferior to Wei Bin's! Let’s take a look at Wei Bin’s Ancient Dragon Soul first!

The Ancient Dragon Soul Awakens the Heaven-defying Super Divine Beast 33 Bloodlines 11 Soul Refining 10111

Level 80 growth rate: perfect understanding 15 spirituality 10

HP 1000210

Internal attack 440396

External defense 69980

Internal defense 72251

Hit 88918

Dodge 29314

Understanding 130

Knowing Defense 117

Reiki qualification 58053 (comprehension bonus +60) + spirituality bonus 31

Physical qualification 47059+31

Dingli Qualification 46656+31

Shenfa qualification 46815+31

Super Combo: 25 chance to attack the target 2 times in a row. Precious beasts with brave personalities have the highest chance of being released.

Super Slowness: Increase the blood limit of rare beasts by 100!

Super Counterattack: Passive skill, when attacked, there is a 40% chance to counterattack the opponent with a normal attack, while being immune to the current attack.

Super Soul: Passive skill, internal attack increases by 30.

Super See Through: Allows the owner to see through the invisibility state whose invisibility level is 2 levels higher than the owner's level.

Super bloodthirsty: Puts the owner and himself into a bloodthirsty state, increases the attack by 200 for the owner, and increases the attack by 100 for the owner, lasting 10 seconds, with a cooling time of 60 seconds.

Xuan Lei Kill: Causes 3 damage to the master's Xuan attribute to 12 targets within ten meters of the pointing position. This skill inherits the master's Xuan resistance reduction when calculating. The casting distance is 20 meters and the cooling time is one hour.

When the Splash Precious Beast attacks, it has a 30 chance to splash to 10 units within 5 meters of the target.

What is this? Is this still the ancient dragon soul? Is this still an attribute a baby should have?

And such huge attributes appeared in Wei Bin's ancient dragon soul! To know. This is the ancient dragon soul that Wei Bin has refined more than 10,000 times. Refining the soul alone cost Wei Bin one million gold coins. This is 10 billion federal coins. If there is no improvement, the money will really be lost. It's time to feed the dog!

Can an ancient dragon soul of this level be described as invincible? That is absolutely inevitable!

One million health points. Which player has one million health points? With a defense of 60,000 to 70,000 internal and external skills, who can break through the defense of the Ancient Dragon Soul except players who have turned on advanced bloodthirsty or super bloodthirsty? Even now in the era of attribute attacks, the dodge of the Ancient Dragon Soul's 30,000 is higher than Wei Bin's dodge. Even players with a limit of five or more, let's take a look at the dodge of this Ancient Dragon Soul before talking about it. With 29,000 dodges, how many people can hit? Its dodge is higher than that of Wei Bin who is riding a horse. Nowadays players can't even hit Wei Bin, so how can they hit the ancient dragon soul?

How many hits can a level 70 player reach 5? At best, it's only more than 30,000, and the dodge of this ancient dragon soul is almost reaching 30,000. It can be said that even a level 70 player with a limit of five or more will have a hard time hitting Wei Bin's ancient dragon soul. ! Because based on the settlement mechanism of hit and dodge, when your hit is three times the target's dodge, you can guarantee a hit rate of nearly 100, and when your hit is twice the target's dodge, you only have a hit rate of about 80 When your hit rate is the same as the target's dodge, you can only guarantee a hit rate of 50!

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