Game within game of online games

Chapter 975 Confused Xiao Wai

Therefore, with the quality and awareness of the eho team, they will never take it lightly just because there are only four people in Li Ge's team, because they know that the strength of the two of them is the same, even if they do have a numerical advantage, that advantage It’s not too big!

Of course, the above is just their wishful thinking. In fact, the situation of Brother Li's team is not what they imagined. They can reach the semi-finals with 50% thanks to Brother Li, and the contributions of the other three people. It's only 50 at most, and Linlin's performance is really bad. His contribution was at most 10, while Wei Bin and Chong Zi each accounted for 20. It wasn't Wei Bin and Chong Zicai, but Brother Li's level was really too high! There are very obvious gaps among them!

"eho seems to be waiting for us to select players, and then selects players for our lineup. What should we do?" Wei Bin asked.

In fact, they are not selecting people now. Their thoughts and eho are to see how eho chooses first, and then select people in a targeted manner. Those who choose people first will definitely have a disadvantage, and those who choose later will definitely have an advantage. It’s a no-brainer! Because once the lineup is determined, the play style is basically fixed. For example, if you choose heroes such as Prophet, Beast King, TK, etc. in the lineup, then there is only one tactic, and that is the Tuijia style. I won’t fight you head-on in the early stage, so I will push you as a team. Anyway, I have summons, auras, and the ability to push towers, so I can push you away. After I push down your outer tower, I will have In this case, this kind of promotion lineup not only has the ability to promote, but also has the ability to fight. Basically, at this time, half the battle is won!

And if you see this kind of lineup of the opponent, you will see it as a lineup. You already know the opponent's tactics. Isn't it easy to crack it?

This is the advantage of selecting a hero later. He can choose the lineup according to the opponent. From the lineup, they have already won half the battle!

Who wouldn’t take advantage of this advantage?

Of course, these people do not include Brother Li! ??

"Don't worry, if they want to target us, just let them target us. What if we let them choose later?" Brother Li said with a smile.

"Then what lineup should we choose?" Wei Bin asked.

"Don't worry, wait until the last twenty seconds before choosing!" Brother Li said.

"Don't you still want to wait for the opponent to choose first? Then you were bragging earlier?" Wei Bin was speechless. If you really don't mind the opponent choosing the lineup, then you can choose the hero now. Why do you have to wait? Choose when you have the last twenty seconds left? Don’t you just want the other party to choose first? After all, which team can last until the last twenty seconds? At most, when the countdown is forty seconds, the opponent will start to choose a hero, because the distance from home to the two talisman points on the top and bottom lanes takes about 35 seconds. In other words, if they want to eat talisman If so, you must choose the hero before the 40-second countdown, and then leave five seconds to buy the starting equipment. Next, spend another 35 seconds to get to the symbol point. It can be said that if If they want to win the first talisman, they have to choose their lineup with 40 seconds countdown at the latest!

Unless, they are determined to wait for themselves to choose first! They don't plan to get these two talismans, they just want to be able to choose a targeted lineup. After all, the lineup is much more important than the two talismans!

Of course, there is another way, which is to select a hero when the 20-second countdown is on, then use the town portal scroll to fly directly to the outer tower in the middle, and then run to the rune point. In this case, 15 seconds will be just right in the middle. The outer tower runs to the position of the symbol point, because the outer tower in the middle is much closer to the symbol point than the spring water is to the symbol point! However, a scroll to return to the city is worth one hundred yuan, and an initial talisman is also worth 100 yuan. In other words, even if they get this talisman, they only get 100 experience points. Because the talisman was worth a hundred yuan, which was only enough for them to repay their original cost, and they couldn't make much at all!

"Don't worry, they won't choose first. This is the semi-finals. A good lineup is definitely more valuable than two magic symbols!" Brother Li explained.

In the end, it really did not surprise Brother Li. When the countdown came to 40 seconds, eho did not choose a lineup. As long as the lineup was not selected at this time, it means that the eho team is definitely determined to choose!

When the countdown was 25 seconds, Brother Li spoke!

"I will choose Xiaoxiao, Linlin will choose Ice Girl, and Zongzhi will choose Earth-Shaking Divine Bull. As the leader of the gang, you can choose a captain, and we will accompany them in a group fight!" Brother Li said.

"What? You don't want to play Geomancer anymore? What kind of lineup do we have? There is no late stage, and there are no heroes who can push towers. With such a lineup, plus we are born with one less person, the opponent will definitely choose a defender. Their lineup, as long as the opponent defends, they will be able to rise in the late stage. No matter which late stage they rise, we are no match for them! Furthermore, we have used Geomancer and Ice Girl all the way. , the combination of God Bull and Fire Girl, this suddenly changed two heroes, and we have not adjusted it! I think it is better to continue to use that lineup! At least we have adjusted it, and we all know how to cooperate with each other. , and there are also Geomancers playing in the late stage, isn’t that pretty safe?” When Wei Bin heard this, he said, good guy, what kind of fairy lineup is this? This lineup is quite good at teamfighting, and everyone has control in their hands, but this lineup can't fight in the late stage! And we don’t have the ability to push towers. Once we are held back by the opponent, the opponent’s late-stage heroes will not be able to teach us how to behave!

"Don't worry, I'm in the late game! Choose people quickly. I'll go to the middle to get the bottom lane charm, and then go to the middle. The captain will go to the middle lane to get the top lane charm, and then go to the top lane. Ice Girl and Divine Bull will go directly to the bottom lane. Road, don't waste the scroll to return to the city!" Brother Li arranged it. This time, they were born on the Guards side again!

Seeing that Brother Li chose Xiaoxiao, Wei Bin didn't say anything else. He quickly chose the captain according to Brother Li's tactics, and then bought two sets of tree-eating scrolls, a scroll to return to the city and a few branches, and then hurriedly arrived at the middle tower. Time It's urgent. If you don't go, things will be delayed!

After Linlin chose the Ice Girl, she consciously bought a chick, then a set of eyes, a set of eating trees and a few branches, and hurried out the door!

Ice Girl must be a support, and support must buy chickens and eyes, especially eyes. For such a high-end team, it is definitely impossible without vision. Before Wei Bin's captain went out, Ice Girl used one of the eyes. It was handed to Wei Bin, because Wei Bin's captain was going to take the disadvantaged lane, and the disadvantaged lane of the Guards side was exactly the advantaged lane of the natural disaster side. Eho's late-stage heroes must take the advantaged lane, and they would definitely be better. There will be someone to protect him. In this one-on-two situation, if there is no vision of the opposite jungle area, then Wei Bin will definitely die! With the protection of his field of vision, Wei Bin's personal safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent!

And just after the four Li brothers chose the lineup, eho also made a move!

However, they did not choose a lineup with four guarantees and one to protect them in the later stage, as Wei Bin worried, they directly chose a lineup to promote the home! They are tk, ancient method, little y, mystery and paladin. It can be said that this is the ceiling of the lineup. First of all, tk has a group attack skill that releases a group of robots, and his ultimate move is refresh. It can refresh the cooldown time of all skills. Moreover, this ultimate move has no cooldown time. As long as you have mana, you can always release the skill. This refresh can not only refresh the cooldown time of skills, but also refresh the cooldown time of equipment. For tk, flying shoes are his standard equipment, which means that tk can release two waves of group attacks to clear out the minions, and then fly the shoes back home. After returning, refresh the cooling time of the flying shoes, and then fly out again. , then clear the troop line, and then fly home. What kind of troop clearing efficiency is this? Even if tk itself does not have the ability to push towers, it has strong ability to push lanes. Who can stop this ability to push lanes?

Let’s talk about ancient methods and little y


, Gufa is a natural tower-pushing hero. His Nether Blast can cause damage to players as well as buildings. In the entire Dota world, there are probably few people with stronger tower-pushing abilities than Gufa. , and Gu Fa’s intellectual growth is extremely high, he is not very short of mana! In addition, Gufa, the hero, also has a magic wand. As long as he puts down this magic wand, then in a large area around him, as long as the opponent's hero uses skills, he will suffer backlash, and he will suffer damage that is multiple of the skill's mana consumption. , up to twice as much!

Many people have had this experience, that is, a fire girl went to kill Gufa, but Gufa released the magic wand in advance, and then, after the fire girl came down with a set of skills, Gufa was not dead yet, but the fire girl took the lead. died! That's right, he was killed by the backlash from the ancient magic wand, because Fire Girl's skills were very mana-consuming, and as an intellectual hero, his blood volume was very low, and the backlash damage he received was too high. So much so that his small body simply couldn't bear it!

It can be said that the ancient method is very restrained against mages, because mages are heroes with high mana consumption and low health!

Next is Xiao Y. Xiao Y is a more versatile hero. Among the four skills, there are output and control, which are perfect. His first attack skill is a group attack, and his second skill is the same as Ryan. It is the Sheep Transformation Technique. The third skill is a single-target control skill. The control time of this control skill is extremely long. However, when controlled, Little Y cannot move like the opponent. Once Little Y moves, the control effect disappears immediately. !

The reason why Xiaoy appears in this lineup is that his biggest role is not these three skills, but his ultimate move! Xiao Y's ultimate move is to summon a group of snake sticks. The attack of each snake stick is not low. At least in the early and mid-term, no one dares to compete with this group of snake sticks. As long as Xiao Wai inserts it in front of the opponent's tower. Getting on the snake stick means that the defense tower belongs to Xiao Wai, and it will be difficult for the people on the opposite side to fight Xiao Wai and the others with the snake stick! It can be said that if nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Wai will be able to take down a defensive tower every time he inserts the snake stick. In other words, it only takes more than ten minutes for the six outer towers on the Guards side to be pulled out!

Then there is the mystery. The mystery is a master of pushing lanes and demolishing towers. The advantage of the mystery is only due to one of the skills of the mystery, which is the skill of summoning the small mystery. This skill can kill the target. At the same time, three small mysteries will appear on his body. The target can be his own creeps, the opponent's creeps, or wild monsters. This means that if the mystery wants to control the line, then he Just use it on your own full-blooded minions. With fewer of your own minions, the line of soldiers will naturally be pushed towards you. If Mystery wants to push the line, then give this skill to the opponent's minions. This way As a result, not only will one of the opponent's soldiers die instantly, but at the same time, three more small mysteries can be created to help the enemy's output. In addition, after attacking several times, these three small mysteries can be divided into two, and the three small mysteries can become The output of the six little mysteries is directly doubled. Moreover, since these are just some summons, there is no need to worry about death. Anyway, even if they are not killed by the opponent, after the duration is up, these little mysteries will Disappear by yourself!

In short, this skill is very powerful whether it is pushing the line or pushing the tower!

Finally, there’s the Paladin!

The hero Paladin is even more perverted. At level seven, the Paladin can control four wild monsters, and they are also big monsters! At the same time, wild monsters have skills, such as the White Wolf. The White Wolf has an aura that can increase its basic attack power by 30. With this aura, whether it is pushing the lane or pushing the tower, it will be faster!

For another example, some wild monsters also have group attack skills. If you control a few of these wild monsters, each of them will have one skill, and a wave of soldiers will be wiped out!

The most important thing is not these. The most important thing is that if the Paladin makes a mistake, then he can control the ancient wild monsters. The ancient wild monsters are a lot stronger, and they are also immune to magic. The tower is simply invincible!

Even such powerful five heroes were all captured by the Eho team of the natural disaster side. Next, there will definitely be a quick attack battle!

Compared with Wei Bin's conjecture, the opponent chooses a lineup with four guarantees and one, and uses four players to protect a late-stage rise. It seems that this fast attack flow is also very good, especially the Paladin. If he is allowed to come out Ah, that was a fatal blow to Brother Li's team on the Guards side, because Brother Li and his team had no physical output, and the ancient wild monsters were immune to magic. No matter how powerful Brother Li's skills were, it was of no avail. If they wanted To deal with the ancient wild monsters, you must rely on normal attacks, and they do not have physical output heroes, so it is difficult to clear the ancient wild monsters. If they cannot clear the ancient wild monsters, then the tower will definitely be lost sooner or later!

However, all this is just one of the development ideas, because if you want to make a profit quickly, you must have resources allocated to the Paladins. But throughout the ages, there are really few resources allocated to the Paladins, because the resources are allocated to the Paladins. Other heroes are obviously more cost-effective, such as TK, Xiao Wai, and the ancient method. The help that tilt brings to anyone is no more powerful than to the paladin!

In any case, the opponent's lineup and play style are too targeted at Brother Li's team. Of course, since they selected heroes a few seconds later than Brother Li and the others, they must be sure of the two magic symbols in the upper and lower lanes. I can’t eat it anymore!

After Brother Li's Xiaoxiao ate the bottom lane magic talisman, when he returned to the middle lane, the army line happened to catch up with him! And Captain Wei Bin, after eating the magic talisman, went straight to the wild area of ​​the natural disaster party to insert wards!

But at this time, Wei Bin was faced with a choice. Where should he insert his eyes?

He can choose to block the opponent's jungle area and pull the jungle position to the military line. At the same time, this ward position can also provide him with a certain field of vision. This is one of the ward positions. In the second ward position, he can insert it in a You can also gain your own field of vision, but you can't block the opponent's wild position!

Some people may want to ask, since they both have vision, but one of the wards can block the opponent's wild field at the same time, but the other ward cannot block the opponent's wild field, in comparison, the ward must be inserted in this position. You can seal off Ye's eye position. Isn't this a matter of killing two birds with one stone? Don’t you want it as a free gift?

Not necessarily!

At first glance, it seems like it is the best choice because it allows you to have a clear view and block out the wilderness at the same time! But in fact this is not the case! Exactly where to insert the eyes is very particular!

For example, if you put an eye in the position of the wild monster to seal the wild, then when the opponent realizes that you have blocked their jungle monster, the opponent will most likely buy a set of real eyes to destroy your eyes. It is eliminated. In this way, not only will you not be able to block the opponent's jungle, but you will also lose the vision of the jungle area. Since you can't see the situation in the opponent's jungle area, then if the opponent wants to capture you , then aren’t you in danger?

In other words, if you are afraid of being caught by the opponent, and if the opponent's ability to catch people is very strong, then you'd better not block the opponent's jungle, because although you have not blocked the opponent's jungle, at least your life is safe. Guaranteed!

Correspondingly, if the opponent's hero does not have any catching ability, then you can block the opponent's jungle. In this way, although your eyes will be blocked by the opponent, a set of real eyes requires 200 Yuan, you also wasted the other party's two hundred yuan! Anyway, you're not afraid of the other party coming to catch you, it doesn't matter whether you have a field of vision or not!

This is the basis for where to insert the eye! Obviously, for this game, the opponent has a certain ability to catch people, but heroes must also be divided. If a strong control like Xiao Wai takes the road, then Wei Bin will be very dangerous, and if it is an ancient tk and mystery

If the heroes are on the road, then Wei Bin doesn't have to worry about his personal safety, because these two heroes have no ability to catch people!

Therefore, after thinking about it, Wei Bin finally walked around the natural disaster side's wild area and finally chose to leave, waiting to determine where the opponent's branching path should be before deciding where to insert the ward!

At this time, two heroes on the opposite side appeared, namely Xiaoy and Chen. Seeing this, Wei Bin must have put his eyes on the unblocked area, because Xiaowai's control ability is very strong. Yes, it’s too easy to cooperate with other heroes to kill Wei Bin!

However, now that the opponent has discovered him, he must not be able to ward in front of the opponent's hero. Wouldn't that be looking down on him? Then shouldn't he be eliminated by the other party in an instant? Didn't that tell the other party openly that he was inserting his eyes here?

Therefore, Wei Bin ignored them and went to the military line honestly! There is no need to worry about inserting the ward anyway. Even if there are two heroes on the opposite side, it is impossible to kill him at level one!

But Wei Bin's move to the jungle instantly aroused the vigilance of the two heroes on the opposite side, because most of the people who came to their jungle at this time were here to ward, and then, the opposite side checked Taking a look at Wei Bin's equipment, they found that there was only one eye left on Wei Bin's body. The two natural disaster parties immediately realized that Wei Bin had already inserted the eye, because there were two eyes in one set, but now Wei Bin had There is only one eye left, and considering his current position, one eye must have been inserted! How did they know that the other eye was on Ice Girl, who had already inserted it at the talisman point of the bottom lane river. At this position, if the bottom lane hero of the natural disaster party went to catch Brother Li in the middle lane, then the guard Fang will find them!

Soon, Wei Bin was on the line with Xiao Wai and Chen on the top lane. In the middle lane, it was tk versus Xiao Xiao. On the bottom lane, it was the ancient disadvantage lane laner versus Ice Girl and Shen Niu. The remaining mystery was solved. Entering the wild area of ​​the natural disaster party!

Mystery was very fast in the jungle. In less than a minute, Mystery got 200 yuan. Under the reminder of the two natural disaster heroes on the road, Mystery bought a set of real eyes and transported them to Xiao Ji on the road. crooked!

Although Xiao Wai was with the Paladins, he took the initiative to play support and gave up all the resources to the Paladins. Obviously, the core of their lineup should be the Paladins, and they wanted the Paladins to quickly achieve a goal , and then control a few ancient wild monsters. It can be said that as long as the Paladin's A account comes out, they will be half hardened!

As an assistant, Xiao Wai naturally takes on the role of ward. Can't we let the eldest brother, the Paladin, do the warding? As for the mystery, he didn't find Wei Bin at the time, so he didn't know exactly where Wei Bin inserted his eyes. Furthermore, the mystery also requires junglers. This kind of drudgery should be left to the assistant Xiaowai. do it!

However, just when Xiaoji brought the real eye to Xiaowai, Wei Bin discovered it!

He subconsciously looked at Xiaowai's equipment and wanted to know what he was sending something with a chicken so early.

In the end, it was okay not to look at it. When Wei Bin looked at it, he almost slapped him with laughter! It turned out that Xiao Wai had transported a set of real eyes. Seeing this scene, Wei Bin understood instantly. Xiao Wai must have misunderstood. He must have discovered the eyes on his body. He was confused by the fact that he only had one eye. Misled, he must have thought that he had inserted an eye, so there was only one eye left. They must not have known that the other eye was actually on the ice girl! And the ice girl has already set her eyes in the bottom lane!

Now that he knows that Xiao Wai is here to set eyes, he must not go to the opponent's jungle area to insert wards. They just inserted real wards on the ground. Originally, their real eyes have been wasted, because their real eyes are not It would be a good idea to get rid of Wei Bin's prosthetic eye. Why don't you just give him a prosthetic eye and let him get rid of it? Isn't that a fool? Therefore, the artificial eye that Wei Bin has now can no longer be inserted in the natural disaster jungle area. At least until the opponent's real eye disappears, he cannot go to the natural disaster jungle area to insert an eye!

And what about Xiaowai? Since all five wild monsters in their wild area have spawned wild monsters, this is enough to show that the position where Wei Bin just planted the ward is not the wild ward! Excluding Feng Ye's ward position is equivalent to excluding half of the ward position. With Xiao Wai's awareness, Xiao Wai instantly guessed Wei Bin's possible ward position!

"An eye at the back of the tower? Haha!" After saying that, Xiao Wai inserted a real eye behind the outer tower, because he believed that Wei Bin inserted the eye behind the defense tower, and the position where Wei Bin inserted the eye was outside the defense tower. , so the anti-invisibility effect of the defense tower cannot detect Wei Bin's false eyes at all! Moreover, when Xiao Wai discovered Wei Bin just now, Wei Bin happened to be nearby, so he was sure that Wei Bin must have inserted this artificial eye behind the tower, because he knew that it was very dangerous for him to be on the disadvantaged road alone. Therefore, in order to save your life, you must insert a tower rear eye, because the tower rear eye can observe half of the natural disaster's field of vision. If the natural disaster party wants to go around to catch Wei Bin, then this tower rear eye can prevent a Road! And this is the path that natural disaster heroes will most likely take!


"I'm going? Didn't you insert your eyes here?" Xiao Wai seemed a little surprised. You didn't insert your eyes here, so what did you do here just now? Could it be that you are deliberately acting for me to mislead me? Did you make me think you inserted your eyes here to waste my real eye? This captain is so cunning!

Suddenly, Xiao Wai began to pay attention to Wei Bin's captain!

And since it is not behind the tower, it can only be in another place, which is near the intersection leading to the river in the natural disaster wilderness area. This position can also give Wei Bin a view to protect his safety!

So, Xiaowai inserted his second eye near here.

"What's going on? Why isn't there one here?" Xiao Wai was completely confused now. This is unscientific. If you want to create a field of vision that can protect yourself, you must give priority to inserting your eyes in these two positions. Is it possible? Wei Bin was inserted on the high platform of the river? But this high platform can only see the heroes near the river. If a hero comes to eat the talisman and catches him after eating the talisman, then this eye can protect him, but if the opponent does not go to the river, then this eye can still protect him. What is the use? This position is obviously not the best choice! The captain's eye position seems a bit unusual!

"Mystery, you buy another set of real eyes, I just couldn't get rid of the captain's fake eyes!" Now.

"Can I rely on you? Do you think I am a landlord?" Mystery complained.

A set of real eyes and a set of fake eyes have the same number, both in a set of two. You have inserted both real eyes, but you can't even find one of the other's fake eyes. Isn't that funny? The price of a set of real eyes is 200, and the price of a set of artificial eyes is 150, and one set of artificial eyes costs 75 yuan. I spent 200 yuan to buy you a set of real eyes. Are you wasting it like this?

But even though Riddle had some objections, when he had enough money, he still bought another set of real eyes for Xiao Wai, because Xiao Wai had been idle to collect wages and had no money to buy real eyes!

In fact, there is a question involved at this time, that is, whether Xiaowai should continue to seduce Wei Bin. You said that if he doesn't, the two hundred yuan just spent has been spent. If he doesn't take Wei Bin's eyes, If Bin's prosthetic eye is removed, wouldn't it be a waste of two hundred yuan? Moreover, Wei Bin's artificial eye is still there, and it can still protect Wei Bin to a certain extent. After all, this eye position can observe the situation of the river. After two minutes, the mystery will eat the talisman on the road. , if it is a double, then the three of them can kill Wei Bin. Of course, the premise is that Xiao Wai removes Wei Bin's eye. If this eye is not removed, then Wei Bin He's not a fool. Could he not see a mystery man who had eaten double the magic runes coming towards him?

Therefore, since you already know the opponent's eye position, you have to eliminate it. As long as


With a quick glance, it's possible to kill the captain. Even if he can't kill the captain, the captain's position will be timid and he won't even dare to step forward to replenish his troops, because Wei Bin doesn't have the vision of the natural disaster wild area. I don’t know what kind of monsters are hidden in the wild areas of natural disasters!

But what if we eliminate it? But the cost was a bit too high. In the end, four hundred yuan only cost someone 75 yuan. It was really a huge loss!

But the loss is a loss, and the work of arranging eyes must continue! Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wai inserted his eyes on one of the high platforms in the river. This high platform has the widest field of view, and it can also observe the situation in the natural disaster wild area, so Wei Bin must have inserted his eyes here!

"What? How is this possible? There isn't one here?" Xiao Wai was now even more confused. What is going on? If you didn't insert the three most useful eye positions, could it be that you inserted the eye on the high platform directly above the river talisman?

I think highly of you!

Thinking of this, Xiao Wai gained a new understanding of Wei Bin, that is, Wei Bin is not a master, but a loser!

Why do you say that?

Now Xiao Wai understands everything. Wei Bin must have inserted his eyes on the high platform directly above the talisman point in the river on the upper road. The eyes inserted there can also illuminate the talisman points. If someone goes to eat the talisman, it must be You can't hide from Wei Bin's eyes!

So, how do you explain why Wei Bin was discovered by Xiao Wai when he went to the natural disaster wilderness area? Very simple! Wei Bin must have planned to go behind the tower and insert a second eye, but what was the result? He was discovered by Xiao Wai. Since he was discovered, he must not continue to poke eyes. After all, no one is stupid. Wei Bin evacuated in a hurry because he was discovered!

"I've been thinking wrong all along. I thought you were a master and deliberately acted for me here. It turns out you're just a loser who only knows how to do regular tricks!" Xiaowai thought to himself.

The high platform directly above the river talisman is the most basic and conventional eye position. Basically, novices will choose to insert their eyes here when they first learn to insert eyes. However, as the level increases, many players do not I will insert eyes here again, because the eyes here are too easy to be drained. If you want your eyes to not be drained, you must insert the eyes in unusual eye positions, because those eye positions are not easy. Being excluded!

At first, Xiao Wai thought that Wei Bin was a master, so he prioritized inserting the real eye in the high-end eye position. However, after lowering the real eye several times, Xiao Wai actually did not rule out Wei Bin's fake eye. Eyes, it was not until the end that Xiao Wai realized that Wei Bin was just a loser and would only put his eyes in such common places!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wai came to the Talisman Point again and put his eyes on the high platform above the Talisman Point. But this time, Xiao Wai was completely confused!

"Why? Why isn't it here?" Xiao Wai was completely confused. It's not here yet? Where exactly are the captain's eyes inserted? Aren’t there just a few eye positions? Are there any other eye positions? Could it be that this captain is a peerless master and knows eye positions that I don’t know? But is this possible? How many years has Dota been a game? If there were other wards, wouldn’t they have been developed by the majority of players long ago?

Moreover, according to the calculation of time, Wei Bin could only insert his eyes in these four positions. Even if he wanted to insert his eyes in other places, he would not be able to make it in time. After all, Wei Bin's captain was still in the countdown. The hero I selected at 20 seconds, his fastest way to move is to go to the outer tower in the middle lane, and then eat the talisman on the top lane, and then run to the wild area of ​​​​the natural disaster, and then he was discovered by Xiao Wai Well, judging from time, the captain can only take this route. Even if he wants to take other routes, time does not allow it!

"Could it be that he put his eyes on the high platform next to Konoe Fang Yuan's ancient store? Isn't this eye position too stupid?" Xiao Wai thought to himself!

Theoretically speaking, this is the only position left, because this position can also illuminate the river symbol, and it is not far from the symbol. The captain can completely go up the road, and then go from the upper road to the river symbol in the process. They will pass through this high platform. At that time, the captain can easily insert his eyes here, and it will not affect his hurry at all. From a time perspective, there is no problem! However, this eye position is too unpopular. Only when the natural disaster side wants to attack the guards on the road, they will insert an eye at this position, because this eye position can illuminate part of the woods behind the guards square tower. of!

It is really rare for the guards to insert an eye in their own territory. This position is purely for observing the river. Other than that, it basically has no other function!

In desperation, Xiao Wai spoke again, "Mystery, can you buy another set of eyes?"

Mystery: "I bought a watch last year! The two sets of real eyes in your horse riding can't match one of the fake eyes? Are you too good at this? I originally spent 400 yuan to get rid of one of the other fake eyes." It’s already a big loss. After a long time of fussing, there is an even worse loss than this, that is, even though I spent four hundred yuan, I still couldn’t get rid of the other party’s fake eyes!”

This is a bit embarrassing!

Of course, the mystery is just a thought. We are all teammates, so it is impossible to say such a thing! Although Mystery was a little unhappy, when he got rich, he still bought a set of real eyes for Xiao Wai. All the four hundred yuan was spent, was there still two hundred yuan left? Besides, if the captain's high platform eye is not removed, he can still see the location of the talisman points in the river. In this way, no matter what talisman they eat, they can be spied on by the captain. With this eye, there is no doubt that Will it make it more difficult for them to catch the captain, or what if it's a double? Wouldn't that definitely take the captain's first blood? Compared to the income from first blood, what is a mere two hundred yuan? Therefore, this eye needs to be sorted out when it’s time!

However, when Xiao Wai inserted the real eye in this position again, he was surprised to find that there was no captain's eye here. Xiao Wai's mentality almost collapsed. I have five real eyes, so I can put all the eyes in your eyes. I have arranged all the places, but even so, I haven't found your eyes yet? The one you ride on is really a god!

At this time, Xiao Wai suddenly realized, could it be that the captain only had one eye and the other eye was in someone else?

This is embarrassing. Ta Ma's five true eyes couldn't eliminate the captain's eyes, just because the captain hasn't penetrated it at all?

Xiao Wai suddenly realized that they had just seen the captain in the wild area. In fact, the captain originally wanted to ward, but in the end he didn't ward because he bumped into them. After all, he couldn't ward in front of him!

Thinking of this, Xiao Wai almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. This was so irritating!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Wai, who was at level one, returned to the line. At this time, both the captain and the paladin were at level three! Since Wei Bin and the Paladin are at about the same level, there is not much difference in their last hits, and they are basically both full hits! After all, for masters, last hit is a basic skill that cannot be more basic!


In Brother Li's little battle against Tk, it can be said that the two heroes are evenly matched. Although Tk is the lane dominator in the early stage, Xiao Xiao is not afraid of it. Xiao Xiao's two consecutive attacks are also very impressive. of!

But there is one thing that Xiao Xiao still has an advantage over, and that is that Xiao Xiao’s attack power is very high, ten points higher than the opponent’s TK. Don’t underestimate these ten points of attack power. Brother Li directly compensates for all the positive and negative points. , perfectly suppressed TK. His small attack power is already high, plus he is a melee fighter, so melee last-hitting attacks are inherently more advantageous than long-range ones!

For example, the tk on the opposite side aims at a minion with residual health. His attack power is enough to kill the minion and get money. However, he is long-range, and his projectile has to fly for a while, and his The attack power is enough to kill this minion, but can't it be killed by a small attack power?

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