Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 46: Disaster

Just now, the big earthquake was torn apart and cracks were clustered. Li Ang had to take out [Heart Ape] sticks and use the special effects of Heart Ape to stabilize the surrounding earthquake disaster.

Heart Ape Stick comes with a negative buff that reduces its sanity by 300 points. It is not impossible for ordinary people to go crazy directly.

Even Li Ang, holding it for a long time, would feel a little upset without using psionic energy.

But what Li Ang said was bad, not because he took out his heart to solve the current situation.

It refers to the partial play mode.

The script tasks of the killing game can basically be divided into three types according to the restriction conditions.

The first is that there are no restrictions, and players can freely play their own strength.

The second, full-play mode, where the player is replaced with a certain character in the script task, all attributes, skills, and equipment items are sealed, which is common in some puzzle-solving script tasks.

The third type is incomplete play. All aspects of the player's strength have been severely weakened, and they are also subject to restrictions.

Inferring from conventional logic, the more restrictions the more difficult,

The complete play mode of the puzzle type should be the most difficult.

A comprehensive test of players’ wisdom, skills, knowledge, and meticulousness, etc., even if all aspects are done perfectly, sometimes they have to rely on a little bit of luck to barely pass the level.

However, incomplete play is not necessarily simpler than complete play—allowing players to use weak extraordinary powers is instead a strong hint.

Tell the player that in the script task, there are dangers and difficulties that cannot be solved by conventional humans, and they are also perilous.

Li Ang slowly let out a sigh of breath and asked Wang Congshan: "In your perspective, what do I look like now?"


Wang Congshan frowned and looked at Li Ang up and down, "Wearing a white shirt and black trousers, your face is still your own.

what's happenin? "

"Now we are in the acting mode, which may replace the male and female protagonists in the script world."

Li Ang said, taking out the pockets on both sides of his pants.

From the left pocket, I turned out a gray canvas wallet and a bunch of bicycle keys with Naruto stickers.

From the right pocket, I turned out two cut-out newspapers, a harmonica that was packed in a box and looked old.

In the shirt pocket, there is a palm-sized tear-off note pad and a mechanical pencil.

He opened the wallet, which contained several yen notes, coins and bank cards, in addition to a student ID wrapped in a transparent plastic wrap.

The student ID has a white background, showing that its owner is named Tetsuya Ogasawara. He is enrolled in Enui High School and enrolled in April, 2011. The date of birth is October 11, 2014.

The photo of the character on the left side of the student ID is a teenager wearing a black Hijima High School uniform.

For some reason, his face is very blurry, and he cannot see the specific appearance.

"This time is the Hishima background..."

Li Ang rubbed his eyebrows, and said with a headache: "It was the beginning of the earthquake when I came up. It is the initial teleportation site in the wilderness of the underworld, and I have to go to a remote village.

I don't believe it if there is no supernatural incident in the style of Hishima.

Hey, why can't I have some easy and cheerful tasks that happen on the high school campus, full of ignorant youth, and heart-pounding tasks. "

Wang Congshan vomited: "With the style of the killing game, even the background of the Hishima High School campus of boys and girls will be transformed into a battle royale and death game.

By the way, the character I play also has a wallet in his pocket. "

She took out a pink canvas wallet of the same style from her pocket, which also contained Japanese yen notes and coins, and student ID cards.

The shape and color of the student ID are exactly the same as those of Li Ang. Its owner is Ayaka Ogasawara, who studied at Yanyi High School.

Enrolled in April, Heisei 31, and the date of birth was the same as Tetsu Ogasawara, which was also October 11, Heisei.

"Ogasawara Tetsuya, Ogasawara Ayaka..."

Li Ang said, "The two were born in the same year, the same month, and the same day. They may be twin brothers and sisters or siblings.

Heisei 31 is the year of 2019 in the real world.

It is a pity that the coins in the two wallets are only the latest in Heisei 31, and the exact time is still uncertain. "

He flipped through Ogasawara Ayaka's student ID card, and the photo on the student ID card was the same as Ogasawara Tetsu. It was blurry and looked like the paint had melted.

Wang Congshan thought for a while and asked: "This is because the system deliberately didn't show us the looks of the characters we played, because this involves the final answer.

Or does it mean that Ayaka Ogasawara and Tetsuya Ogasawara encountered a supernatural event and were entangled in an abnormal state, causing the photo to become like this?

It's just like shooting with a camera, and sometimes the ghosts are captured. "

"It's not certain yet."

Li Ang shook his head, returned the student ID to Wang Congshan, and told her to put it in her purse and put it away, "It is possible that these two people have been entangled spiritually. It is possible that these two have been'dead', and we are now in a ghost state.

There is too little intelligence to make inferences. "

He flipped through several other items. The bicycle key was useless, and there was no transportation around.

The harmonica in the box is made of metal, and the color is black and gold.

Although it looks a bit old, it is properly maintained and there are no scratches. It can be seen that its owner is quite caring.

Two cut out newspapers are folded into a square shape, and when they are spread out,

The year when one of the newspapers was found was Heisei 21, which is 2009 in the real world.

The newspaper clipping is titled, Folklorist Missing.

[Toyo University professor and famous folklore scholar Masayuki Ogasawara accidentally disappeared while investigating local folklore in Okamori County. The rescue team sent helicopters and search and rescue teams to search Yuanshan for fifteen days, only to find the watch left by Mr. Ogasawara. 】

The picture is a metal watch placed on a huge bluestone The dial is broken and the hands stay at 3:21 in the morning.

Toyo University, folklore scholar, Gangsen County, Yuanshan, missing, watch.

Li Ang quickly caught these keywords in his mind and smacked his lips.

There is a rule that must be followed for all horror and supernatural decryption script tasks, and that is to stay away from folklore.

As a folklorist, NPCs usually have a lot of knowledge about mysterious rituals and weird taboos, and they act as story promoters, narrators, and masters.

The closer to weird and weird research, the higher the risk of death.

"In Heisei 21, the folklore scholar Ogasawara disappeared near Yuanshan. Judging from his name, he should be the father of the Ogasawara Tetsuya and Ayaka Ogasawara."

Li Ang paused, patted his palms, and concluded: "I understand,

This should be a script task of where Dad has gone. "

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