Gamers Are Fierce

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Secret room

Once you have an idea, practice it immediately,

Wang Congshan took out the cardinal’s cube and expanded it,

Due to the limited spiritual power, the factory after the cardinal’s cube was unfolded seemed to be a few times smaller than before.

I saw a dark green square safe attached to the factory assembly line.

Hundreds of miniature cutting lathes began to swallow the eight corners of the safe.

Hey, hey.

The fire is flickering, the noise is harsh,

The metal paint on the surface of the safe is constantly peeling off, revealing the solid metal core inside.

But this swallowing efficiency is still pitifully slow.

It didn't take long for Wang Congshan's face to be pale as paper, and Li Ang immediately asked her to stop.


Wang Congshan took a deep breath and said softly: "The Cardinal Rubik's Cube seems unwilling to swallow the safe.

Assimilation efficiency is many times slower than swallowing other objects in the real world, and it consumes much higher spiritual power. "

"Don't want to swallow it?"

Li Ang frowned slightly. He had also watched Wang Congshan explore the limits of the cardinal’s cube before.

Whether it’s a living thing or a dead thing, mundane matter or extraordinary element,

The cardinal demon never refuses to come,

And the higher the quality of the matter, the more active the cardinal's cube to devour it.

When it comes to items such as rotten meat and unnutritive mud, the cardinal’s Cube’s desire to swallow will be greatly reduced, and there is even a suspicion of “passive sabotage”.

"Collect the Cardinal Rubik's Cube, it seems that you have to find the corresponding code."

Li Ang asked Wang Congshan to put away the Rubik's Cube,

Since the safe was too heavy to be transported, the two temporarily placed the safe in the corridor and continued to explore other places.

They found that the kitchen faucet would not come out of water-it is probably the same as closing the washroom, not letting two people

I took two sharp kitchen knives as spare weapons,

After entering the backyard through the small kitchen door, he found an abnormality in the garden.

The color of a piece of land is obviously different from other ground, and the color of the soil is lighter.

The two pushed aside the soil and found a wooden trapdoor.

The trapdoor is one meter square, and there is a metal lock at the switch.

Through the light of the house, through the wood gap of the trap door, you can see what seems to be a sloping stone step below the trap door, not knowing where it leads.

The limit of preventing people from seeing the face, hidden shoe cabinets with ghosts, crying TV sets, high-level code locks in ordinary houses, trapdoors hidden in the garden...

Since the trapdoor cannot be destroyed or picked,

Li Ang and Wang Congshan had no choice but to think about the current clues, return to the house, board the second floor, and continue the next step of exploration.

The area of ​​the second floor is much smaller than the first floor, with only two rooms.

One is the bedroom where the children live, and the other is the workshop and study room.

In the children’s room, there are two desks with lamps, and a bookcase with comic books and elementary school textbooks.

There are two sets of mattresses and two stacks of clothes in the compartment. The clothes are basically the same size——

The two children of Fujimura’s family in the photo are similar in age and height. It is estimated that their parents placed the clothes of the two children in different compartments.

Li Ang and Wang Congshan searched the room and learned the names of the two children through the name tags on the back of their clothes.

They are named Yangyi and Ryosuke.

The workplace is much more special.

There is a large bookshelf on the right wall of the room,

On the left wall, there are dozens of energy masks hanging,

This mask commonly used in Noh is carved from cypress, light and thin, and slightly smaller than a human face.

Masks on the wall include men and women, animals, demons, and monks.

Dozens of masks were hung on the wall, with empty eyes looking down at the two players who broke into the room, and the corners of their mouths were grinning.

Wang Congshan squeezed the pistol in a somewhat uncomfortable way. She didn’t know much about the craftsmanship of Hishima Noh noodles.

However, the workmanship of these masks is really exquisite.

The surface is smooth and clean,

The pigment is close to human skin,

Looking at it from a distance is true or false, giving people a sense of discomfort to be peeped at.

In the corner of the room, there is a desk with a cushion on the desk. There are lamps, wood, carving knives, and drawing paper. Looking at these energy surfaces, they should all be carved on this desk.

Wang Congshan turned her head and didn't look at the creepy Noh noodles, and said, "Is the male owner of the Fujimura family a Noh noodle maker?"

"It should be."

Li Ang approached the desk and glanced at it. Everything on the desk was normal.

But why, this room has a strange feeling...

Li Ang frowned and looked at the room carefully. As if he had noticed something, he leaned forward to the bookcase by the wall and fumbled for the books on it.

Wang Congshan asked: "What's wrong?"

"The distance is wrong."

Li Ang said concisely, abandoning the bookcase, returning to the corridor, starting from the children's bedroom, and pacing back and forth in the corridor.

Wang Congshan blinked, still puzzled at first, but soon understood Li Ang's intentions.

Observing from the outside of the house, the structure of the second floor is basically a regular rectangle.

The office and the children’s bedroom are separated by a corridor, with a window at the end of the corridor.

This means that the size of the office and the children’s bedroom are basically the same.

But the dimly lit office is obviously much cramped and cramped than the children's bedroom.

"The depth of that large bookcase is obviously not enough to supplement the missing area. In other words, there is a hidden secret room in the room."

Li Ang used his footsteps to roughly estimate the location of the hidden secret room, which should be behind the bookcase.

After confirming this, he returned to the studio and continued his search.

He and Wang Congshan moved all the books on the bookcase. They did not realize that the bookcase would change after moving a certain book.

So he and Wang Congshan removed all the books on the bookcase and knocked on the shelf partitions, and there was still no change.

"The room is so big in total. If it's a secret room, it's definitely impossible to set the mechanism too far, nor to put the mechanism in the children's bedroom..."

Wang Congshan frowned slightly, and turned her gaze to the wall with energy faces, "Could it be that the mechanism is on these energy faces?"


Li Ang's eyes lit up, brought a stool, let Wang Congshan support him, stood on the stool, went to take those masks, and found that the back of these masks had grooves similar to tenon and tenon structure.

Some energy surfaces can be removed from the wall, while others are fixed to wooden pegs.

The energy face that was taken off accounted for exactly half of the total number of masks.

"If the noodles are rearranged according to the types of noodles, such as Weng, female, male, ghost and god, etc..."

Li Ang pondered, rearranging and combining these energy surfaces and scraping them on the wooden pegs.

After repeated attempts a few times, I only heard a click, and all the noodles returned to their positions.

And the bookcase behind the two also made a creaking movement.

The left side of the bookcase slid backward, revealing a narrower secret room.

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